Vol. 36 No. 7 - Tall

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FIRST CLASS MAILBoston Beanstalks Tall ClubP.O. Box 610185Newton, MA 02461If undeliverable please return to:July 2018Vol. 36 No. 7Imagine getting even ONE tall ‘un into the likes of thisEuropean rental car. (See story on page 11.)

July 2018BEANSTALKS TALL CLUB (BBTC) SOCIAL CALENDARTHE BOSTON BEANSTALKS TALL CLUB is a social organization for adult women 5'10"and above, and men 6'2" and above. Our members live, work and host events in MA, ME,NH, RI & VT. Visit our website at www.hubtall.org or call 617-HUB-TALL for more information.Deadline for the August Newsletter: Friday, July 20thNOTE CHANGE OF DAY FOR BBTC BUSINESS MEETINGS FOR JUNE, JULY & AUGUSTTall Clubs International 2018 Convention Newark, NJSUNDAYMONDAY1TUESDAY2WEDNESDAY34July 2-July 9THURSDAYFRIDAY5SATURDAY67RiverbendBar & GrillNEWTON6:00 PM8910111217181913142021BusinessMeetingPanera BreadNEEDHAM15One More TimeDeluxe StationDinerNEWTON CTR1:00 PM2216Dinner &a MovieNightHuffmans'NEWTON6:30-9:3023242526BEAN POD DEADLINE27ScholarshipFundraiser28John B., HostNOON to ?TEWSKBURY293031FROM THE EDITOR: FOR THE UP-TO-DATE EVENTS, CHECK: https://www.meetup.com/tall-15/,OR WATCH YOUR E-MAIL FOR LATE-BREAKING EVENTS.2THE BEAN PODJULY 2018JULY 2018THE BEAN POD3

BEANSTALKS TALL CLUB (BBTC) SOCIAL CALENDARAugust 2018THE BOSTON BEANSTALKS TALL CLUB is a social organization for adult women 5'10"and above, and men 6'2" and above. Our members live, work and host events in MA, ME,NH, RI & VT. Visit our website at www.hubtall.org or call 617-HUB-TALL for more information.Deadline for the September Newsletter: Monday, August 20thNOTE CHANGE OF DAY FOR BBTC BUSINESS MEETINGS FOR JUNE, JULY & AUGUSTSUNDAYMONDAYTUESDAYWEDNESDAY1WEEKENDPLANNING MTGPanera BreadNEEDHAMTHURSDAY2SATURDAY34RiverbendBar & GrillNEWTON6:00 PM7:00 PM5FRIDAY6BusinessMeetingPanera BreadNEEDHAM7891213141516171920212223242829306:30 PM10Dinner &Game NightHuffmans'NEWTON6:30-9:30 PM1118PotenticalCookoutDETAILS TBA25Bean Pod Deadline26One More TimeDeluxe StationDinerNEWTON CTR1:00 PM27FROM THE EDITOR: For your convenience & planning, we include the succeeding month's calendar in the current 'Pod.PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS CALENDAR IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE AND/OR MAY BE INCOMPLETE. FOR THE UP-TO-DATEEVENTS, CHECK: https://www.meetup.com/tall-15/events/, OR WATCH YOUR E-MAIL FOR LATE-BREAKING EVENTS.4THE BEAN PODJULY 2018JULY 2018THE BEAN POD5

Information CentralOfficers Delegates Dignitarieswww.HubTall.orgwww.HubTall.orgThe Boston Beanstalks Tall Club Board Members, as of 9/17/2017PresidentMarie Austin781-321-7103 president@hubtall.orgVice PresidentJoan Bjornson 508-679-1027 vicepresident@hubtall.orgSecretaryJohn Bewick978-289-0683 secretary@hubtall.orgTreasurerSusan Huffman 617-527-8849 treasurer@hubtall.orgTCI DelegateMarie Austin781-321-7103 delegate@hubtall.orgAlt. TCI Delegate Craig Scherman 781-826-4065 database@hubtall.orgSocial DirectorOPENsocial@hubtall.orgEditorJeanne Smith508-316-3735 617-HUBTALL membership@hubtall.orgWebmasterWayne Sposato 508-316-3735 webmaster@hubtall.orgDatabaseCraig Scherman 781-826-4065 database@hubtall.orgScholarshipKathy Lewis781-724-4928 scholarship@hubtall.orgClub RegistrarSusan Huffman 617-527-8849 registrar@hubtall.orgDelegates and LiaisonsTCI DelegateMarie AustinNEATO Delegate Jeanne SmithMarfan LiaisonJon BjornsonTravel Coordinator OPEN781-321-7103508-316-3735508-679-10276To schedule your social eventcontact one of the BBTCOfficers listed on the adjoiningpage.For Bean Pod Contributions (Ads, Letters, Photos & Articles)1) Please observe the deadline listed on the calendar page for the current month.2) If possible, please submit your contributions electronically tobeanpod@hubtall.org3) Please send photos as jpgs or tifs and flyers with graphics as pdffiles. A “text only” file can be sent as email or Word document.4) Contributions submitted on paper MUST be typed.5) Letters to the editor are welcome, and will be published on a spaceavailable basis in the order received.6) We look forward to your submissions!Royalty and DignitariesMiss Tall International 2017Miss Tall Boston 20102017 Lifetime Achievement Award, Woman2017 Lifetime Achievement Award, ManTCI FounderBBTC FounderTCI Executive Board (effective 9/1/2017)PresidentCarolyn GoldsteinExecutive VPShalimar VavraVP-MembershipSharon SpeerFinance OfficerBarry UmbsSecretaryMary KershnerEditorMegan LukansMiss TI CoordinatorErica HandAlt. Exec OfficerPatty HuggettTreasurerBob HuggettAlt. TreasurerLinda btall.orgMembershipInformationChanges:Boston Beanstalks Tall ClubP.O. Box 610185Newton, MA 02461database@hubtall.orgLindsay MaySusan MacInnis FlynnPatty HuggettCharles GoldsteinKae Sumner EinfeldtMira cast.netTHE BEAN PODJULY 2018All other Club BusinessPhotos other than forpublication should be sent to: and TCI Club material:Craig Scherman, BBTC Historianc/o Boston Beanstalks Tall ClubP.O. Box 610185Newton, MA 02461Boston Beanstalks Tall ClubP.O. Box 610185Newton, MA 02461 Members must be at least 21 years of age. Women must measure at least 5’10” in height. Men must be a minimum of 6’2” tall. Height measurement is in stocking feet.The Bean Pod is a monthly publication of the Boston Beanstalks Tall Club. Copyright 2018 by the BostonBeanstalks Tall Club. All rights reserved. Permission to reprint is hereby granted to Tall Clubs International,any of its member clubs or recognized start-up clubs, unless otherwise noted.Advertising rates: 50 per month per full 5½” by 8½” page, 25 per half page, 12.50 per quarter page. Members’ personal ads are free and will be printed on a space available basis. Nonmember subscriptions, availableonly to out-of-town TCI members, are 25 per year.JULY 2018THE BEAN POD7

Message from Our Presidentby Marie Austin, BBTC PresidentDatabase OverviewJuly 2018June 29, 2018Hi All,By Craig SchermanJuly 2018Birthdays:Karen GrocciaJuly 09Lee-Ann C. LarsonJuly 15George McQuilkenJuly 25Elaine M. SenayJuly 26Kristen GallagherJuly 27As I write this I’m doing laundry before packing to go to Convention. I’ll bespending 4th of July week with over 200 tall friends in NY/NJ. Sorry more ofyou aren’t taking advantage of this Tall Club benefit. It’s great to get to socialize with tall folks from all over the US and Canada. We’ll probably have a fewEuropeans visiting as well.memberships RENEWED:Next month my President’s Message will be part convention travel log andpart TCI Delegate’s Report.NEW MEMBERs: None.Mark your calendars -- the Beanstalks are having a Tall Club weekend the firstweekend in November (see flyer on the last page of this newsletter). We’ll begoing to Portland, Maine, and Tall Club members from around the US andCanada will come visit us. If you’d like to help, please let John Bewick or meknow. In particular, we need people to lead and/or drive for the carpoolsheading out to the various activities on Saturday.FORMER MEMBERs WHO REJOINED:Smith; Wayne Sposato.George Carrig; Kristen Gallagher.Carolyn Goldstein; Hilary Hackbart; Peter Kirslis; JeanneMEMBERs Needing to be measured: None.Boston Beanstalks Membership Statistics(as of 6/22/2018Reminder: As I said last month, July is BBTC Membership renewal time for allof us. Please see last month’s President’s Message or the website for membership fee details, www.hubtall.org/join.Marie AustinBBTC PresidentMembers in Good Standing48Males:Females:2127Individual Members:Couples Memberships:Couples Members:36612Defaulted0All BBTC membership dues were payable and due on June 30,2018. Please send your payment by check to the BBTC mailingaddress or on line, http://www.hubtall.org/payment.Exquisite stained glass in a Barcelona churchPhoto courtesy Jon & Joan B.8THE BEAN PODJULY 2018JULY 2018THE BEAN POD9

“Height of Travel”BBTC Secretary’s ReportsKayBewickHelberg 2/7/2011ByByJohn6/11/2018Meeting held at Panera Bread, Needham.Attending: Marie Austin; Susan Huffman Craig Scherman; Jeanne Smith; Wayne Sposato; and John Bewick.Called to order 7:00 pm.by Anna Notherwon(a friend of the Beanstalks)The world can be a very small place – but it sure doesn’t cater to those of us who are tall!My adventurous spouse and I just returned from a long-planned adventure in Europe, and,while we know there are tall folks there, you’d never know it from the lifestyles and accommodations there.Airline challenge #1 – extra leg room? No can do! Even when promised. New airplanedesigns have added another dozen or so rows to an already small space. No handicapped seating despite assurances, and good luck finding anywhere to park your knees.not to mention your feet! Ona seven-hour flight, this canbe disastrous. Just try to walkoff when you finally land!President: Elections for club officers are coming.Treasurer: Written statement of account balances was given.Secretary: May minutes were accepted as published.Weekend: The weekend will be in Portland, ME on November 2-4, 2018.New Business:* A mass email to the members reminding them that dues are due at the end of Juneneeds to be sent. Jeanne Smith will email Jan Huffman a message to be sent out in theemail.* Susan Huffman made a motion that Marie Austin to be the TCI delegate. The motionwas seconded and approved unanimously.* Susan Huffman made a motion that Marie Austin vote her conscience at the TCI delegates meeting. The motion was seconded and approved unanimously.Hotels weren’t too bad,although my spouse hit hishead at least a dozen timeson the door frame. Beds werefortunately king-sized but notCalifornia King, so a little short.Staff were friendly and tried tohelp (as they looked up to usin awe0!Meeting adjourned at 8:21 pm.THE HEIGHT OF TRAVEL (continued from page 11)a dozen times by strangers, but one couple stood behind my scooter holding on androcking it from the back, on a perfectly calm sea. I finally grabbed an arm behind me andsaid in a loud clear voice, “DO YOU MIND?” They looked surprised and finally backedoff. Never before, such bad manners!We saw ruins in Pompeii that date back to 79 B.C. Makes you feel young, huh? Low ceilings and extremely narrow streets. In Barcelona we took a photo of my spouse touching both sides of the street at once! Wonderful Italian leather shoes, but do not ask foranything above the European size 36. Never mind clothing!People were very friendly – language was not particularly a barrier as we learned to say‘thank you’ in Portuguese, Italian, Spanish, and French. We appreciated our eye-openingreturn to Boston’s Logan Airport. Now to catch up on the six-hour time change!10THE BEAN PODTTFN,AnnaJULY 2018Tour vehicles now that wasfun!! The largest car we sawwas maybe a Toyota Prius,the smaller version. The normwas Le Car, baby Fiats, andbrands I have never heard of.I even saw a one-seater car,like a motorcycle with a roof.Surely great on gas, but justPhoto courtesy Jon & Joan B.try to get into one! The Rome tour guide literally dropped us off and suggested we walka mile or take a taxi to the Trevi Fountain and other sites of interest from the bus park, asthough one of us could even fit into a taxi! No way, signora!! The tour bus was also verytight – You mean I have to share my bench seat? What!!It may be European manners, but I have never experienced such rude folks as our fellowcruisers. I would never touch someone else, especially in a wheelchair, but the first nightalone, parked in the wheelchair section of the theater, I was not only touched more thanJULY 2018THE BEAN POD11

JOB DESCRIPTIONS FOR BBTC OFFICERSSee nominations form on page 14 of this newsletter.FROM THE BBTC CLUB DOCUMENT, “JOB DESCRIPTIONS,” available at http://hubtall.org/about/docs Job Descriptions.shtml#topELECTED JOB DESCRIPTIONSPresident. Duties include:1. Calling and presiding over Executive Board (hereafter referred to as “Board”) Meetings.2. Calling and presiding over Membership Meetings.3. Appointing all committees, subject to Board approval.4. Serving as ex-officio member on all committees.5. Having one year’s experience as a Board member before assuming the position ofPresident.6. Making sure that duties of other offices are fulfilled.Vice President. Duties include:1. Being responsible for making all arrangements pertaining to the dances, includingpayment of all expenses.2. Temporary or permanent take-over of presidential duties when the president is notable to fulfill those responsibilities.3. Responsibility for fund-raising activities.Secretary. Duties include:1. Taking minutes at each Board and Membership Meeting.2. Typing up minutes in detailed format and sending a copy to each Board member.3. Typing up a summary of Board minutes to submit to the Newsletter Editor forinclusion in the monthly newsletter.4. Providing copies of minutes to interested members at the next Board and/or Membership Meeting.5. Maintaining copies of minutes in an appropriate file that will be made available ateach Board Meeting.6. Maintaining a current resolutions list to be updated on a monthly basis.7. Maintaining an updated BBTC Bylaws document.8. The Policies and Resolutions document shall be maintained by the Secretary asa handbook reference, reflecting only current policy (as determined by acts of theBoard and/or Membership). Policies which have been repealed or supersededshould be deleted. Similar or overlapping policies should be combined to minimizeverbosity and confusion.Treasurer. Duties include:1. Maintaining all Club bank accounts in a Board-approved bank.2. Writing checks for all routine operating expenses without prior Board approval.3. Writing checks for non-routine expenses with Board approval.4. Planning a yearly budget based on past spending documentation.5. Receiving and distributing all moneys pertaining to club business.6. Maintaining a regular and accurate account of all Club receipts and disbursements(not just the checkbook) and submitting a monthly report to the Board.7. Submitting periodic summary reports for various club events (e.g. dances, weekends, etc.) to the Board.8. On request from the Board, presenting books and accounts for audit at the endof the fiscal year by a qualified individual or firm that will be appointed by theBoard.9. Providing the incoming Treasurer with appropriate documents and signature cardsfor a smooth turnover of checking account privileges.10. Submitting proper documentation to the IRS to maintain a tax-free status.11. Filing the annual corporate report with the Secretary of the Commonwealth ofMassachusetts by the due date.12. Submitting periodic treasurer’s reports for publication in The Bean Pod.TCI Delegate.1. The delegate should be a Member of BBTC for one year, be a Member in goodstanding, someone who knows the changes that will be presented, be able toattend the annual TCI Delegates Meeting, and be able attend the June BBTCMembers’ meeting. Responsibilities of the delegate include a written report forpresentation to the Board, and subsequent publication in the newsletter uponreturn in a timely fashion.2. The delegate will provide the editor with the minutes of the TCI ExecutiveBoard.All Board Members. Duties include:1. Attendance at all Board Meetings.2. Attendance at all Members Meetings.3. Familiarity with and adherence to all of the BBTC Bylaws and the Policies &Resolutions.4. Submission of monthly reports on activities to the Board.5. Promotion of the Club to members and non-members alike.6. Maintenance of current membership status while on the board.7. Itemization of reimbursable bills to be given to the Treasurer in a timely fashion.8. Preparation of a proposed annual budget for their particular job.9. Turning over all permanent records to the Club Historian and all supplies andsamples to the incoming Board member at the end of the term of office.12THE BEAN PODJULY 2018JULY 2018THE BEAN POD13

HAPPENINGSFriday,Jan. 5, 2018Time: 6:00 PMFriday,FOR BBTC OFFICERSJan.NOMINATIONS5, 2018Time: 6:00 PMJuly 11, 2018Hi, All Talls & Associate Members:After a very memorable trip to Spain and Italy, I am just now getting theballot for the Beanstalks’ officers together. We want to get your input!The following people listed below have agreed to serve as yourBeanstalks’ officers through June 30, 2019. You are welcome to writein a candidate of your choice, but we cannot elect anyone who has notconsented to serve in that office.OfficePresident*Vice PresidentSecretaryTreasurerDelegate toConvention**Alternate**Delegate toConventionNomineeMarie Austin (incumbent)Joan Bjornson (incumbent)John Bewick (incumbent)Susan Huffman (incumbent)Marie Austin (incumbent)Friday,July 6, 2018Time: 6:00 PMMeet &GreetRiverbendYour WRITE-INCarolyn Goldstein (incumbent)* Please note that any candidate for president must have previously served for atleast one year on the board.** The listed nominee attended the 2018 TCI Convention. We will need to choosenew delegates for the 2019 Convention in the late spring of 2019.You can send your nominations in the form of an e-mail to me, Jon Bjornson atbjornsonj@yahoo.com, no later than Saturday, August 4, 2018. If you wish tosend your ballot via postal mail, please have the above form postmarked no laterthan Saturday, August 18, 2018, mailing it to:Hosts: John B. &Gordon D.Newton Marriott2345 Comm. Ave(Route 30)NEWTON617-HUB-TALLCost: your drinks &appetizersJoin your Beanstalk friends for an eveningof libations, conversations, great food, anda relaxed mood. Our gracious hosts thismonth are John B. & Gordon D. Minglewith friends old and new in the TGIFcrowd.And for all you new and prospective members, DON’T BE SHY! You can’t miss us!Just look for the group that stands aboveall the rest. Our wonderful members aresure to make you feel welcome.Drinks average 7.50 each. Appetizerscan be purchased at the bar. Many stayfor the optional dinner at 8:00.DIRECTIONS:Take 128 to exit 24 (Rt. 30). At the endof the ramp, go right. The Marriott is justahead on the left. The Riverbend Bar andGrill is to the right when you go in the mainJon Bjornson150 North Main Street, #502Fall River, MA 02720Results of the 2018 election will be published in the September 2018 Bean Pod.Many thanks,Jon BjornsonBBTC Election Chairman14THE BEAN PODJULY 2018JULY 2018THE BEAN POD15

Monday,July 9, 2018Time: 6:30 PMBusinessMeeting& DinnerPanera Bread120 Highland Ave.Needham, MA(781) 453-4005Host: Marie AustinCost for meeting:your participationCost for dinner: 8 to 12NOTE change of day for the businessmeetings for June, July, & August.Our monthly BBTC business meeting is opento all current and prospective members.Come and join us to be an essential and active participant in the Club. We need volunteers to serve as Historian and as our Social& Membership chairpersons.DIRECTIONS:Driving from Interstate 95/Route 128: TakeExit 19B (marked Highland Ave). Go to thefirst traffic light. A Staples store is on the leftside of the intersection, and Panera is onthe right. Make a right turn at the light, anduse the free parking lot on the left behind therestaurant.MBTA: Take the D train of the Green Line toNewton Highlands. Walk up to Walnut Streetand cross to the corner of Walnut and LincolnStreets. There is a bus stop there for the #59bus to Needham.Take the 6:13 bus to the corner of Oak andNeedham Streets. Then walk west on Needham Street to Panera Bread at the next trafficlight.Sunday, July 15 2018Time: 1:00 to 2:00 PMMeet & Greet. One MoreTimeTuesday, Feb. 16thTime: 6:15 PM DinnerMovieStarts 7:30PMHostess:MarieAustinCosts:DinnerOptional 12- 20;cell 781.820.6589 -- Call or textMarieMovieon her 10cell if you havetrouble finding us.Cost: 15.00 to 20.00Location:Deluxe Station Diner70 Union StreetNewton It’s Sunday brunch! You’ll enjoythis place, and it’s convenient,located in Newton Center in theold train station building, right atthe Newton Center T stop on theRiverside Green Line. The Dinerhas the right balance of ambianceand good food/drinks, reasonablypriced, all with a comfortable feel .If the Beanstalks are a small group,we sit at the bar. If there are moreof us we grab a table.Several large municipal parkinglots are nearby. The meteredspaces are free after 6:00 p.m.Directions:From the Mass. Pike (westbound or eastbound): Follow the signs to NewtonCenter & Centre St. Follow Centre St south approximately 3 miles into NewtonCenter. Take a left onto Langley Rd, & park in the parking lot on your rightor anywhere on Langley Rd. (There are many other different options to parkaround Newton Center.)From Route 9: Take the Newton Center/Centre Street Exit. Follow Centre Stuntil you reach Langley Rd, on your right one block beyond Beacon St. Takea right onto Langley Rd, & park in the parking lot on your right or on LangleyRd or on Beacon St.By MBTA -- Via Green Line: Take the D (Riverside) branch of the Green Lineto the Newton Center stop. When you come up the stairs from the train tracks,go into the restaurant entrance in the front of the depot.Via bus: Take #52 from Watertown Square.16THE BEAN PODJULY 2018JULY 2018THE BEAN POD17

Friday,July 20, 20186:30 to 9:30 PMDinner-and-aMovie NightHosts: Susan & JanHuffmanCost: A dish to share &BYOBLocation: 27 IndianaTerraceNewton Upper FallsRSVP: 617.527.8849or via MeetupOur traditional BIMONTHLYevent has a great format andlocation! Join fellow Beanstalksfor an economical eveningfeaturing good conversation,variety of food and an excellentmovie in the Huffmans’ home.The Huffmans have a library ofDVD films, but you are welcometo bring your own favorites.During dessert we’ll vote on thecurrent or classic film to watchon Jan & Susan’s big screen TV.Saturday, July 28, 2018,Time: Noon to wheneverJohn Bewick’sBodacious BBQ(to benefit theTuesday, Feb. 16thscholarship fund)Time: 6:15 PM DinnerMovie Starts 7:30 PMHost:JohnOptionalBewick 12- 20;Costs:DinnerRSVP: nolater 10thanMovieFriday, 7/27978-289-0683Cost: 20/adultChildren are free!(Do bring your own chair.)Location:1240 Shawshank StreetTewksbury, MAHere is your chance to have a goodtime with other Beanstalks and tosupport the Robert Austion ScholarshipFund. The party will be merrier if youjoin the fun!John is supplying both food and drink.All you need to do is bring your ownchair & 20. All proceeds go to theScholarship Fund.Please respond by July 27 so John canplan how much food to buy.See you there!Directions:Take I-93 North to the Dascomb Road exit.Go left at the end of the exit ramp. Goleft at the second light onto ShawsheenStreet, by the “Welcome to Tewskbury”sign. John’s house is 1.1 miles downShawsheen Street on the right, at thecorner of Shawsheen Street and TrumanRoad. Call John’s number if you needhelp finding the house.Directions:From the West: Rt. 128 (I-95) to exit 19A (Newton Highlands). Turnleft at the 2nd traffic signal onto Oak Street. Go past one traffic light(at Chestnut Street) and take the next left onto Indiana Terrace. Thehouse is the 5th on the right, the 2nd two-decker.From the East: Rt. 9 to Elliot Street in Newton . (There is a CVS andSunoco gas station on the left.) Turn left onto Elliot, go several blocks,and turn left at the first stop sign onto Oak Street. Go two blocks andturn right onto Indiana Terrace. The house is the 5th on the right, the2nd two-decker.18THE BEAN PODJULY 2018JULY 2018THE BEAN POD19

(Tall) innocents abroad(Editor: My apologies to Mark Twain as well as to Jon & Joan. Seestory on page 11. More pictures on cover and pages 8 & 11.In case of emergency, find theclosest chocolate shop.(This one was in the GothicQuarter of Barcelona.).No matter how tiny everything elsewas, the drinks were sized just right.Joan discovers Columbus.No need to walkacross the street fora cup of sugar -- it’s ajust a little stretch.All photos on pages 20-21courtesy of Jon & Joan B.Walk right in . on yourknees.No trip to Europe would be complete without all thosecathedrals! This is one in Palma, Spain.20THE BEAN PODJULY 2018JULY 2018THE BEAN POD21

The Tall Club Of Milwaukee Invites You ToMore Tall ‘uns out & aboutOktoberfest InMilwaukeeSeptember 7‐9,2018This is our first Milwaukee Gathering.It is formatted differently than a traditional Tall Club Weekend.Beanstalk Jen B. with tall friendsat Convention.Photo courtesy - Marie A.Jeanne S. presents ZoeCollins, with the 2018Austin Scholarship.Photo courtesy Maré StudiosRiverside, RIWe have selected the La Quinta Inn & Suites in Glendale Wisconsin as our Gathering hotel. Theyhave offered us a rate of 115.00 per night plus tax including a continental breakfast. Therooms are all large two room suites. Book your rooms early at 414‐962‐6767 to assure you canget a room at this rate. Let them know you are with the Tall Club of Milwaukee room block. Thehotel is conveniently located near the Bavarian Bierhaus and the Bayshore Mall. You can driveto the hotel with free parking or if you fly into Mitchel International Airport in Milwaukee youwill be picked up and shuttled to the hotel by locals. Friday evening will start with a short walkto dinner at a nearby restaurant and then drinks plus conversation at a local bar. There will notbe a formal Afterhours, but we will be able to congregate at the hotel later in the evening. It isBYOB. On Saturday we will have tours to the Harley Davidson Museum, shopping in Cedarburgand the Potawatomi Casino as optional daytrips plus we can refer you to lots of otherMilwaukee tourist attractions on your own. On Saturday night we will walk to the BavarianBierhaus for an evening of old world Gemütlichkeit at Oktoberfest. The Milwaukee, Madisonand Chicago Clubs have been enjoying this event for many years. The admission is 5.00. Beprepared for lots of German food and drink at your expense while you enjoy German bands andentertainment until the cows come home. There won’t be a formal Afterhours but a BYOB areawill be available again at the hotel.Miss TI 2018, Sheryl Lutz, Portland, OR22THE BEAN PODJULY 2018JULY 2018THE BEAN POD23

A Weekend at theCopacabana!Join us for a trip back to the 1940’sSeptember 27– 30, 2018Plaza Hotel & Casino in Downtown Las Vegas Thursday - Tentative optional dinner and show (details to follow) Friday night Copa Room Costume/Dance Party - Merengue the night away inyour best Brazilian/Cuban themed attire. Cash bar Saturday evening Havana Nights Dinner and Ball, semi-formal, cash bar Many optional activities - golf, poker tournament, sightseeing tours, Lunch with aLocal, hiking, scavenger hunt, shopping .Poolside hospitality suite open all weekend!Weekend Package: 110 if post marked by August 1st 125 if postmarked after August 1st or at the doorNonrefundable deposit of 50 holds price. Make check payable to the Las Vegas Tall ClubENTERED IN DRAWING FOR FREE WEEKEND IF PAID IN FULL ANDPOSTMARKED BY AUGUST 1ST.Thursday – Saturday hotel rooms are 112 per night (includes 20 resort fee and 13%tax). Rate 2 days prior is 68 and two days after is 68, including all fees & taxes.Rooms must be booked by August 25th, 2018. Call 1-800-634-6575 or book onlineat www.plazahotelcasino.com. Reserve under group code SPLVT18.Direct questions to Brian Comeno at bcomeno@embarqmail.com or 702-808-9004Mail registration to: John Morath, 4616 Denali Way, North Las Vegas, NV 89032Direct registration questions to tclveditor@cox.netName: Email:Club: Phone:Golf (approx cost 60) Yes No24THE BEAN PODJULY 2018JULY 2018THE BEAN POD25

RETURN TO: Boston Beanstalks Tall ClubP.O. Box 610185Newton, MA 02461 30 Single membership 50 Married coupleB.B.T.C. MEMBERSHIP APPLICATIONThe Boston Beanstalks Invite All to“The Moose Is Loose” WEEKEND!November 2-4, 2018Ramada Inn 155 Riverside StreetPortland, ME 04103Please enclose a check payable to THE BOSTON BEANSTALKS TALL CLUB for annualdues. This application is accepted upon your meeting the club height requirements of5’10” for women and 6’2” for men. You must be officially measured (in your stocking feet)by a board member within four months of receipt of this application or your membershipwill be forfeited. You must be a minimum of 21 years of age.Name: Date:Bullwinkle and his much smarter friend Rocky invite allTALL ANIMALS to join them to outwit Boris Badenov &Natasha Fatale. This weekend includes the following:Address:City: State: Zip:Height: Sex: Birthday:Occupation: Where:tttttFriday night after-hours (theme - Maine celebrities)Saturday breakfastSaturday dinner & danceSaturday night after-hours (theme - The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle)Sunday breakfastPlease pay your minimum (non-refundable) deposit of 50 by Friday, October 5, 2018, to lock inthe early-flying-squirrel price of 150. Everyone else pays 165. (Partial package prices will be published later.)Home Phone: ( ) Work Phone: ( )Please make your own reservations at the Ramada Inn by calling 207-774-5861. Be sure to mentionBOSTON BEANSTALKS for the 92 9%tax/night/room rate, good through 10/12/2018. Room optionsare one king-size bed or two full beds.Cell Phone: ( )E-mail Address:I do not want my address and phone available to my fellowBeanstalks in the membership directory published semi-annually.How did you hear about the Boston Beanstalks Tall Club?Potential Bullwinkle adventures for Saturday during the day are: ferry rides in Casco Bay; PortlandHead lighthouse at Fort Williams Park; the Maine Narrow Gauge Railroad Co. & Museum; shopping at LL Bean & nearby outlets in Freeport, ME; lobster lunch at a great local restaurant.To register, e-mail registrar@hubtall.org. Send your check to BBTC, PO B

Finance Officer Barry Umbs xxtallbarry@aol.com Secretary Mary Kershner tllskr@yahoo.com Editor Megan Lukans pdxmegan@yahoo.com Miss TI Coordinator Erica Hand QueenErica2015@gmail.com Alt. Exec Officer Patty Huggett pjh2637@yahoo.com Treasurer Bob Huggett Sactallbob@gmail.com

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Of these stacks, 207 are 500 to 699 feet tall, 63 are 700 to 999 feet tall, and the remaining 14 are 1,000 feet tall or higher. About one-third of these stacks are concentrated in 5 states along the Ohio River Valley. While about half of tall stacks began operating more than 30 years ago, there has been an increase in the number of tall stacks that

Should tall buildings be treated like other buildings? Tall buildings are occupied by hundreds if not thousands of people The consequence of failure of tall buildings is much more severe than an ordinary building Codes provide a “one size fits all” approach to seismic design. Tall buildings as small class of specialized

Tri-Tall Fescue Mixture 50# 35% Falcon IV Tall Fescue 35% Shenandoah II Tall Fescue 30% Rendition Tall Fescue. . Tall Fescues Barvado per # BarRobusto per # Barlexas II per # Barrington per # Barrington II (limited) per # Water Saver Pro per # Turf Saver RTF per # Turf Annual Rye

A Tall Ship Guide - Online Version CLASSIC SAILING 44 (0) 1326 53 1234 - www.classic-sailing.co.uk Tall Ship Guide and Logbook - Full Book only 7.99 including postage. References 'Debbie and Adam have compiled an excellent handbook.' Hugh O'Neill, Tall Ship Captain "I think this tall ships publication is brilliant."

the Tall Buildings Initiative (TBI) research program in 2006. As part of the TBI program, a case study project on tall buildings was conducted under Task 12 of the program, and the final report, entitled Case Studies of the Seismic Performance of Tall Buildings Designed by Alternative Means [3], was subsequently released.

CTBUH –Definition of timber buildings The council for tall buildings and urban habitat had their international conference in Sydney in October 2017. A proposal was put forward to categorize different construction approaches to tall timber buildings. A single-material tall building is defined as one where