The Office Handbook 5.0 Investment & Financing Keys Spain 2020 - Deloitte

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Financial Advisory Real Estate The Office Handbook 5.0 Investment & Financing Keys Spain 2020 February 2020 Executive Summary 1 of 17 @ 2020 Deloitte Financial Advisory

“ “ Spain's growth was affected by the activity of the global economy. The country grew at a lower pace than 2018 reaching 2% growth and outperforming the European average. This was reflected in a modest employment growth and a loss in business confidence index. Barcelona is consolidated worldwide as an European IT hub, it is getting robust lease indicators. Vacancy rate keeps decreasing, standing at 5.2% which is considered technically full occupancy, while take-up has reached one of the highest figures. These facts have led to a record of investment volume, standing at 1,700m. “ “ “ “ Most of the European cities are experiencing an upward trend in terms of lease and investment indicators. The expansionary monetary policy has helped to push yields to minimum levels, excluding UK affected by the Brexit. Despite the lack of attractive product sale, investment volume is aligned with the past two years, without taking into consideration corporate deals. It is expected a slight moderation in the investment volume during 2020. Active Financing Market in terms of number of transactions. Financial terms and conditions range remain stable, with sponsors gaining negotiation power. for 2 of 17 Take-up increased by 16% YoY var. due to the presence in the market of unusual large deals. Vacancy rate remains on a downward trend, this has increased prelet levels. There is still room for rental growth in grade A buildings located in consolidated micromarkets. Technology evolution is changing our lifestyle with a direct impact on workplace. Artificial Intelligent will reorganized the space requirements, in this way flexible spaces are gaining momentum. What is next: Amenities and wellness initiatives are key for attract and retain talent, and improve the efficiency of the employees. @ 2020 Deloitte Financial Advisory

“ The Spanish economy has been growing at a faster rate than the European average for five years reaching 2% growth in 2019. The global economy is going through a period of uncertainty with the China-USA trade war and Brexit s consequences as main concerns. Unemployment rate decreased to 13.8% in 2019. Figures are still above the European levels standing at 6.3% on average. 3 of 17 @ 2020 Deloitte Financial Advisory

Spanish Economic Fundamentals: GDP GDP YoY Variation (%) 13 14 15 4% 16 17 18 19 20F 21F 22F 23F 1.6% 1.6% 1.5% 1.5% 3.6% 3.2% 3.0% 2.6% 2.0% 2% 1.4% “ The slow down of the global economic is already affecting Spain's growth. The country grew at lower pace than 2018 reaching 2% growth. - (2%) -1.7% Germany Italy Germany France GDP Volume 2017-2019 2.7% CAGR 1,100 1,050 Source: IMF, BdE 105 1,226 1,202 1,162 1,114 1,078 1,032 1,020 1,031 900 1,064 950 1,073 Drivers 110 100 1,069 Economic 115 1,000 1,110 Main 2018 2019 112 114 120 2017 108 2008 2016 103 104 2007 2015 2009 2010 100 2011 100 99 100 99 2014 2012 96 2013 96 95 1,076 1 GDP Evol. (Base 2007) 1,200 Euro Area-19 United Kingdom Spain, Madrid & Catalonia GDP growth Spanish GDP YoY Variation 1,150 In a context of European slowdown economy, Spain remains Forecast 95 90 4 of 17 Madrid 5% Catalonia Spain as one of the leading economies. 4% The lower GDP growth was 3% due to a decrease in -1% private consumption, partially offset by increase in exports -2% that reduced the trade 2% 1% 0% balance deficit @ 2020 Deloitte Financial Advisory

“ Barcelona outperform the European average vacancy rate, while Madrid s level is slightly above the average due to obsolesce of part of the stock. Rents will increase in both cities although will remain far for hubs such as: London, Paris or Frankfurt. 5 of 17 ” @ 2020 Deloitte Financial Advisory

European Office CBD Rent and Cap. Values Snapshot CBD Rents ( /sqm/month) European Rent ( /sqm/mth) and Capital Values ( /sqm) CBD Rent & Capital Values in main European cities 80 111 60 Capital Value ( /sqm) 40,000 71 70 “ Madrid’s office rent is above Average Prime Rent & Cap.Value 33.7 ( /sqm/mth) 10,479 ( /sqm) 66 30,000 50 40 35 27 30 20,000 Average rent 13,000 20 R ent ( /sqm/month) Zurich Warsaw Vilnius Vienna Tallin Stockholm Sofia Riga Prague Paris Oslo Moscow Milan Madrid London Lisbon Helsinki Frankfurt Berlin Munich Dublin Budapest Brussels Barcelona - Athens 0 Copenhaguen KPIs: Europe and Spain 9,300 Amsterdam 2 10,000 10 BCN s office rent is below. London is still the city with the 59 56 European average ( 33.7 sqm/mth). office rent, while highest capital value, although has decreased by 12% last year. Affordable rents and infrastructures have boost Frankfurt as one of the main benefited hubs by the Brexit. Ca pi ta l Va lues ( /sqm) Source: Deloitte 6 of 17 @ 2020 Deloitte Financial Advisory

“ Madrid is experiencing a buoyant market momentum. Take-up is reaching the maximum level of the last decade, while vacancy remains on a downward trend. These facts are pushing rental price up, in Grade A buildings within consolidate office submarkets 7 of 17 @ 2020 Deloitte Financial Advisory

Key Performance Indicators Madrid MADRID 2019 Madrid Office reached excellent lease indicators. Take-up increased by 16% in 2019, this is the highest level since 2007. Due to the high demand, vacancy rate decreased 437 bps from 2014 to 2019. Vacancy Rate CBD Rent ( /sqm) Take-up (sqm) 3 Lease KPIs in Madrid 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 13.4% 11.8% 11.4% 10.2% 9.5% 9.0% 24.5 26.5 29.0 30.5 33.0 35.0 420,000 573,000 496,000 553,000 502,000 582,000 TOTAL STOCK 13,143,700 sqm VACANT STOCK 19.75/sqm/month Investment volume 2019 in Madrid Macro Economic New Offer 2019 Context Overview (sqm %) 1,183,000 sqm 9.0% Source: Deloitte 8 of 17 @ 2020 Deloitte Financial Advisory

“ Limited supply and robust demand. Excellent lease market fundamentals and investment volume that increased by c.60% in 2019. Highlighting 22@ as a worldwide well-known office hub for international innovation profile companies, reaching 94% of prelet in the new developments. 9 of 17 @ 2020 Deloitte Financial Advisory

Key Performance Indicators Barcelona BARCELONA 2019 Vacancy Rate CBD Rent ( /sqm) Take-up (sqm) Lease KPIs in BCN 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 14.3% 11.5% 10.0% 7.9% 6.1% 5.2% 15.0 16.5 21.0 22.5 25.0 27.0 217,000 420,600 315,000 337,000 385,000 395,000 TOTAL STOCK 12,942,997sqm 6,235,500 sqm VACANT STOCK 1,320,287 326,000 sqm sqm – 5.2% 17/sqm/month 2/month 30.5/m Investment volume 2019 Macro Economic New Supply 2019 Context Overview Source: Deloitte 10 of 17 @ 2020 Deloitte Financial Advisory Demand 4 2014 Supply Barcelona Office Market is in a buoyant market momentum. Excluding 2015, take-up has achieved the highest level since 2005 this has led the vacancy rate to decrease by 902 bps (2014-2019).

“ Worldwide Commercial Real Estate investment volume has increased by 5% the CRE investment volume has decreased by 27% during 2019. In Spain, during the same period. This decrease is due to the lack of Corporate deals. On the other hand, 2018 was an unusual year in terms of investment volume 11 of 17 ” @ 2020 Deloitte Financial Advisory

European Office Investment: Volume European and Spanish Office Investment & Financing Share. France 20% Germany 25% Denmark 1,3% United Kingdom 18% Austria 1,3% Belgium 1,5% Spain 6% Russia 2,2% Norway 2,3% Country 5 Investment & Financing Drivers Finland Poland 2,5% 3,6% Ireland 3,1% Total Investment Office (%) Volume ( m) over total Sweden 4,6% Italy 4,3% Netherlands 4,4% “ Spain is the fourth country with the highest office investment volume in Europe, amounting to 8,009m. That total amounts belongs to sales transactions, refinancing and corporate deals. 61% 30.451 France 38.207 64% 24.521 United Kingdom 41.653 54% 22.325 Spain 13.267 60% 8.009(*) Sweden 10.646 53% 5.661 Netherlands 12.290 44% 5.391 Italy 11.892 44% 5.253 Poland 6.610 67% 4.445 Ireland 5.584 68% 3.789 Finland 5.017 61% 3.043 Norway 4.833 59% 2.840 10,000 – 20,000 Russia 4.742 57% 2.682 5,000 – 10,000 Belgium 2.668 70% 1.879 2,000 – 5,000 Austria 3.225 50% 1.600 2.506 62% 213.143 57% 62% 50.002 TOTAL 59% Office Investment Volume ( m) per country (Sales transactions, Refinancing and Corporate trans.) Germany Denmark 61% 68% 54% 44% 67% 61% 70% Office Investment Volume ( m) 64% 20000 53% 44% 50% 60% 1,000 – 2,000 1.550 1,000 123.440 (*) Office Source: Real Capital Analytics 12 of 17 (*)Sales investment over total Commercial Real Estate investment in each country. transactions, Refinancing and Corporate trans. @ 2020 Deloitte Financial Advisory

Office Investment Volume in Spain Commercial Real Estate investment volume has decreased by 27% over the last year, due to the lack of corporate deals. Despite this decline, office investment remains stable and has lead the investment market. Total Investment volume by Asset Class ( m) 16.000 15.118 Total ( m) Hotels 14.000 Logistic 12.000 11.845 Retail High Street Retail Shopping Centre 10.000 5 Investment & Financing Drivers 12.398 4.850 2.145 10.861 930 660 3.090 11.099 2.702 Offices 8.587 932 596 8.000 6.000 2.242 674 1.524 1.263 1.894 1.452 3.769 1.630 679 2.765 4.470 4.000 750 150 1.467 2.000 -27% 3.189 576 279 591 687 1.460 1.056 2.087 519 88 571 365 544 2010 2011 2012 644 - 3.151 607 120 751 867 807 2.297 2013 2014 2.499 1.803 654 1.546 3.168 5.313 4.895 2.520 4.527 4.597 2018 2019 2.295 2015 2016 2017 2% Source: Deloitte 13 of 17 @ 2020 Deloitte Financial Advisory

Financing Market Senior Debt – Yielding Assets Higher LTVs and Balloons at the Sponsor’s requirement 5 Investment & Financing Drivers Main Conditions 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 50-100bps 50-100bps 125-175bps 125-175bps Framework Credit Access Constraints Upfront Fee 75-150bps 50-100bps 50-100bps Spread 150-200bps 125-200bps 125-175bps LTV 30%-50% 30%-55% 40-55% 40-60% 45-65% Balloon 60%-100% 60%-100% 60%-100% 60%-100% 80%-100% Financing Upturn Source: Deloitte 14 of 17 @ 2020 Deloitte Financial Advisory

“ Technology evolution is changing our lifestyle with a direct impact on workplace. Artificial Intelligent is reorganizing the space needs, in this way flexible spaces are gaining momentum. Amenities and wellness initiatives are key for attract and retain talent and improve the efficiency of the employees. 15 of 17 @ 2020 Deloitte Financial Advisory

Managing people instead of managing assets 6 Market Incoming Trends Lease contract Providing space towards providing services for the benefit of tenants and employees to improve customer experience and to enhance employees’ work-life. Initiatives with a clear objective: reinforcing end-user loyalty. V Mobility Tenant Lease contract Tenant “ Landlord Labour contract Lease contract Landlord Relationship among landlord and tenant is changing Caring about the end-user Sustainability I II Building must provide not just service, if not experiences IV Flexibility Wellness III Employees Digitalisation Source: Deloitte 16 of 17 @ 2020 Deloitte Financial Advisory

V. Sustainability Well Certification “ From landlord to both tenant and employee Green strategies Sustainable certification Urban community energy Urban farm Responsible consumption 6 II A sustainable building must be energy efficient and able to optimise the energy it uses. Indoor air quality Led lighting IV Nourishment Thermal comfort Natural light and views Sustainable buildings use less energy and less materials. They are also healthier and have more comfortable spaces for occupants. Employees are starting to demand working in “green” offices. Market Incoming Trends Source: Deloitte 17 of 17 @ 2020 Deloitte Financial Advisory

Alberto Valls, MRICS José María Espejo Tamara Rodriguez Tarrio Luis González Martino, MRICS Managing Partner Financial Advisory ‖ Real Assets Partner Financial Advisory ‖ Real Estate Director Financial Advisory ‖ Real Estate Senior Manager Financial Advisory ‖ Real Estate Lorena Juriol Senior Manager Financial Advisory ‖ Real Estate Francisco Astorga Senior Manager Financial Advisory ‖ Real Estate Ignacio Herrero Assistant Manager Financial Advisory ‖ Real Estate Agustín Manzano Assistant Manager Financial Advisory ‖ Real Estate Carlos de Heredia The Office Property Handbook 5.0 Investment & Financing Keys Spain 2020 Associate Financial Advisory ‖ Real Estate Rodrigo Magán Associate Financial Advisory ‖ Real Estate #TheOfficePropertyHandbook5.0 18 of 17 @ 2020 Deloitte Financial Advisory

European Office CBD Rent and Cap. Values Snapshot CBD Rents ( /sqm/month) and Capital Values ( /sqm) Capital Value ( /sqm ) Rent ( / /mth) Madrid's office rent is above European average ( 33.7 sqm/mth). office rent, while BCN s office rent is below. London is still the city with the highest capital value, although has decreased

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Le genou de Lucy. Odile Jacob. 1999. Coppens Y. Pré-textes. L’homme préhistorique en morceaux. Eds Odile Jacob. 2011. Costentin J., Delaveau P. Café, thé, chocolat, les bons effets sur le cerveau et pour le corps. Editions Odile Jacob. 2010. 3 Crawford M., Marsh D. The driving force : food in human evolution and the future.