7/21/2014 Smart Grid And CPS Testbed Update Smart Grid Federal Advisory Committee Meeting June 3, 2014 Paul Boynton boynton@nist.gov Al Hefner allen.hefner@nist.gov Smart Grid and Cyber-Physical Systems Office National Institute of Standards and Technology U.S. Department of Commerce Smart Grid and Cyber‐Physical Systems Testbeds Layout CPS Testbed Smart Grid Testbed A047‐053 A045 Workspace Server Room A031‐A029 A027 A019 A017 A015 A013 A023‐A025 A021 Smart Microgrid Control and Intelligent Device Smart Storage Networking and Smart Sensors Smart Meters Communication A. Hefner N. Golmie Stairwell Cyber Security V. Pillitteri Smart μ‐grid Interconnect Inverter/PCS A. Hefner K. Lee T. Nelson Note: Precision timing lab (PI Ya‐Shian Li‐Baboud) will remain in Bldg 222, with fiber optic connection to other labs. Future expansion Outside Testbeds Outside Testbeds Under renovation Phase 1 NIST SCADA Lab Future expansion Phase 2 NIST Net Zero House Other NIST Testbeds and Laboratories K. Stoufer 2 1
7/21/2014 Smart Grid and CPS Testbeds Smart Grid Testbed Phase Smart Grid Technology Integration – Smart grid testbed “user facility” organized around microgrid concept – Modular and flexible, working on several projects at once – Testbed Phase 1 focus on microgrids, smart inverters/PCS – Testbed Phase 2 project areas include: Sensors, Smart Meters, Timing, Network and Communications, Cybersecurity – Phase 2 construction will begin FY2015, expected to be operational by 4Q – Interactions with different parts of the testbed, with other NIST testbeds and laboratories, and testbeds external to NIST Cyber-Physical Systems Testbed – Cross-cutting over architectural layers—computational /simulation /analytics – Workshop to be held early next year to help finalize research goals. – Construction will begin FY2015 – Interconnected to SG testbed, other NIST testbeds and laboratories, and testbeds external to NIST Smart Grid Testbed Workshop Key Findings Coordination and awareness among testbeds and central understanding of priorities for R&D are significantly lacking. Significant measurement, characterization, performance, and other challenges remain that will benefit greatly from testbed analysis and demonstration. A range of testbed scenarios are needed, including – targeted testbeds for unique problems – modular/composable testbeds – interconnected testbeds – across domains, with multiple interconnected smart grid technologies, and those that connect the different capabilities of R&D laboratories or organizations. There is a compelling need for the creation of an accessible inventory of testbed entities and capabilities across the nation 2
7/21/2014 Smart Grid Testbed Workshop Key Findings Priorities for developing/expanding testbeds include: – Hardware and device development and integration – Testing of data security and compatibility of Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) and Home Area Network (HAN) devices – Support systems for viable renewable power sources, including storage, demand response, communications, and infrastructure. – Integration of renewables across multiple smart grid domains, including distribution, demand responses, markets, and validated in federated testbeds – Data analytics for actionable information from large volumes of utility data and a wide range of datasets – Architectures for federation of interconnected testbeds, including frameworks for applications and interoperability – Multi-level control architectures needed to support changes in conventional grid control paradigms Smart Grid Testbed, Phase1 NIST Smart Grid Federal Advisory Committee June 3, 2014 Al Hefner Leader Power Conditioning Systems for Renewables, Storage and Microgrids hefner@nist.gov Physical Measurements Laboratory, National Institute of Standards and Technology U.S. Department of Commerce 3
7/21/2014 High Penetration of Distributed Energy Resources PCS Power Communication Renewable/Clean Energy PCS Smart Grid Plug‐in Vehicle to Grid PCS Energy Storage Power Conditioning Systems (PCS) convert to/from 60 Hz AC for interconnection of renewable energy, electric storage, and PEVs “Smart Grid Interconnection Standards” required for devices to be utility-controlled operational asset and enable high penetration: Dispatchable real and reactive power Acceptable ramp-rates to mitigate renewable intermittency Accommodate faults without cascading/common-mode events Voltage regulation and utility-controlled islanding http://www.nist.gov/pml/high megawatt/2008 workshop.cfm PCS Architectures for PEV Fleet as Grid Storage PCS Power Smart Grid Renewable/Clean Energy PCS PCS Communication Energy Storage PCS PCS Plugin Vehicle Fleet e-jumpstarts-electric-vehicle-program 4
7/21/2014 Single Large Inverter with DC Circuits to PEV Fleet Power PCS Communication Renewable/Clean Energy Charging Station (Multiple Vehicles) DC Circuits or DC Bus DC‐DC Smart Grid DC‐AC PCS Energy Storage Storage Asset Management DC‐DC DC‐DC Plugin Vehicle Fleet http://www.nist.gov/pml/high megawatt/jun2011 workshop.cfm DC Microgrid: DC‐AC with DC Circuits Smart Grid DC‐AC 24 V DC Loads Microgrid Controller 380 V DC Loads DC Circuits / DC Bus Renewable/Clean Energy Energy Storage Device Asset Management DC‐DC DC‐DC DC‐DC Plugin Vehicle Fleet 5
7/21/2014 Flow Control Microgrid: AC‐AC with AC Circuits AC‐AC or Multiport DC Options AC Loads & Generators Smart Grid Microgrid Controller AC circuits Renewable/Clean Energy Energy Storage PCS PCS Device Asset Management PCS PCS PCS Plugin Vehicle Fleet Synchronous AC Microgrid: Disconnect and Local EMS Disconnect Switch Microgrid Controller AC Loads & Generators Smart Grid AC circuits Renewable/Clean Energy Energy Storage PCS PCS Device Asset Management PCS PCS PCS Plugin Vehicle Fleet 6
7/21/2014 PAP 7: Smart Grid ES‐DER Standards Task 0: Scoping Document Prioritized timeline for ES‐DER standards Task 1: Use Cases, *EPRI Smart Inverter Define requirements for different scenarios Task 2: IEEE 1547.4 for island applications and IEEE 1547.6 for secondary networks Task 3: Unified interconnection method with multifunctional operational interface for range ofa) storage and generation/storage. b)IEEE 1547.8 (a) Operational interface (b) Storage without gen c) (c) PV with storage d (d) Wind with storage e) (e) PEV as storage Info exchanges PAPs MIC Task 5: Test, Safe and Reliable Implementation UL Implementation 1741, NEC‐NFPA70, SAE, CSA and IEC Task 4: DER Object Models and Mappings IEC 61850‐7‐420, ‐90‐7: Expanded to include Multifunctional ES‐DER operational interface Harmonized with CIM & MultiSpeak Map to MMS, DNP3, web services, & SEP 2 Microgrid PAP – Proposed Tasks Task 0: Scoping Document Define microgrid standards needs Task 1: Use Cases: Functional Interactive EPRI DERMS Define requirements for different scenarios Task 2: Microgrid Interconnection standard for grid‐ interaction Task 3: Unified microgrid‐EMS controller standard Functionality Interoperability Info exchanges Other Task 5: Smart Microgrid Controller SGIP Information Models IEC 61850‐7‐x: CIM, MultiSpeak Task 4: Regulatory Framework IEEE 1547.8, 1547a, 1547‐REV a) State b) Federal c) NARUC Requirements Task 6: Microgrid Controller and Interconnection Equipment Test Interconnection; Info exchange; Safety; System Impact 7
7/21/2014 Testing of Microgrid System Design with Controller for DOE Program Activities on Microgrids (Dan Ton) Preliminary test plan for technical feasibility and economic performance of the system design/controller, due with each application submission Test plan to cover test methodology and scenarios, and technique for data gathering and analysis (FOA evaluation criterion) Full and detailed test plan for submission for DOE review, due 9 months after the start of an award Review by DOE Technical Advisory Group (TAG) to ensure consistency in testing and analyzing performance of microgrid design/controller Six months of testing and data analysis, per the DOE‐approved test plan Final technical report including test data and analysis of test results, due 90 days after expiration of the award Will work jointly with NIST in reviewing and implementing final test plans to consistently test all microgrid system designs and controller functions from FOA projects n.pdf NIST Smart Grid Interoperability Testbed SGIP Smart Grid Interoperability NIST Measurement Science DOE/DOD Labs, Test & Certification ESI, EMS, Microgrid & Storage functions IT Networks, Cyber Security, Sensors & Smart Meter NIST Power Electronics Technologies Grid-Interactive DER functions & Energy appliances 8
7/21/2014 Phase 1 Construction: Smart Microgrid, Smart Inverter/PCS Labs A021 A023 A025 A027 Communication Network Cables Smart Storage (Battery) Lab Smart Microgrid Control and Intelligent Device Integration Lab Smart Microgrid Interconnection, Inverter/PCS Lab Electrical Network Cables 9
Smart Grid and Cyber-Physical Systems Office National Institute of Standards and Technology U.S. Department of Commerce Smart Grid And CPS Testbed Update Smart Grid Federal Advisory Committee Meeting June 3, 2014. 2. Smart Grid and Cyber ‐ Physical Systems Testbeds Layout. Smart Microgrid Control Smart andRoom Intelligent Device Smart Storage .
Product Viscosity in Centipoise Water 1 cps Milk 3 cps SAE 10 Motor Oil 85 - 140 cps Castor Oil 1,000 cps Karo Syrup 5,000 cps Honey 10,000 cps Chocolate Syrup 25,000 cps 275 Ketchup 50,000 cps Sour Cream 100,000 cps Shortening 1,200,000 cps . Epoxy and Urethane compounds can be heated to reduce viscosity however there are other .
emissions reduction from smart grid deployment 28 14. Smart grid product providers 33 List of Tables 1. Characteristics of smart grids 7 2. Workshop contributions to the Smart Grids Roadmap 8 3. Smart grid technologies 19 4. Maturity levels and development trends of smart grid technologies 20 5. Select national smart grid deployment efforts 21 6.
Therefore, DSM in smart grid is more extensive than the traditional power grid. 1) To achieve a good interaction between the grid and the user The main characteristics and the goal of building the smart grid is to realize the "intelligent interactive",DSM in Smart Grid is no longer a simple power management, the power grid enterprises
Defining the Pathway to the California Smart Grid of 2020 PIER Funded RD&D Activities: Micro-Grid demonstrations of Smart Grid technologies White Paper on defining the Smart Grid standards, codes and protocols White Paper on the Smart Grid technologies that will accelerate the
problematic grid component. The smart grid will bring new features into the power grid such as renewable-based generation, demand-response, wide area protection, smart metering, etc. The core of the smart grid is an intelligent communication system that links all compo-nents together in an efficient and secure manner. Smart grid
1 Review of Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) in Smart Grid Investments 1 1.1 Context 1 1.1.1 When is a grid smart? 1 1.1.2 Functional categories of smart grids 2 1.1.3 What is a PPP? 5 1.1.4 Opportunities for using PPPs in smart grid development 5 1.2 Recent Trends in Smart Grid Projects 6 1.2.1 Enhancing transmission and distribution grid
CPS SCA Series Grid-tied PV Inverter CPS SCA20KTL-DO-R/US-480 and SCA25KTL-DO-R/US-480 Installation and O
Anatomy is the study of the structure of living things. b. Physiology is the science of the functioning of living organisms and their component parts. SELF-ASSESSMENT EXERCISE 2 i. Factors that determine divisions in anatomy are: a. Degree of structural detail under consideration 5. HEM 604 BASIC ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY OF HUMAN BODY b. Specific processes c. Medical application ii. The analysis .