User Guide Version 5 - BT Business

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User Guide Version 5.0

Page 2 of 8 FrontPage Manager 5.0 Summary Contents 1 INTRODUCTION . 3 1.1 2 NAVIGATION . 3 FRONTPAGE MANAGER . 4 2.1 INSTALL . 4 2.1.1 Installing on domains with access control files . 5 2.1.2 Installing on domains without access control files . 5 2.2 UNINSTALL. 6 2.3 PASSWORD . 6 2.4 UNLOCK . 7 2.5 RESULTS . 7 FrontPage Manager 5.0 Page 2 of 8

Page 3 of 8 1 FrontPage Manager 5.0 Introduction FrontPage Manager allows you to install and remove front page extensions, as well as change the FrontPage administrator's password. TO LAUNCH FRONTPAGE MANAGER: Click on the FrontPage Manager icon. The application opens in a new window. 1.1 Navigation The main menu is located on the top-right corner of FrontPage Manager. Main Menu: links you to the main page within FrontPage Manager Install: allows you to install FrontPage extensions Uninstall: allows you to uninstall FrontPage extensions Password: allows you to change FrontPage administrator's password Unlock: allows you to unlock FrontPage extensions Results: allows you to view results of last FrontPage Manager action Support: opens online help files for FrontPage Manager in a new window Feedback: allows you to send feedback concerning FrontPage Manager FrontPage Manager 5.0 Page 3 of 8

Page 4 of 8 2 FrontPage Manager 5.0 FrontPage Manager FrontPage Manager allows you to install FrontPage extensions. These extensions are required for the use of Microsoft FrontPage, which can be used to develop your website. FrontPage Manager should be used if you wish to install, uninstall, unlock your extensions or change the password. 2.1 Install TO INSTALL FRONTPAGE MANAGER: 1. Click Install. 2. Click Next. Note: Installing the FrontPage will Disable FTP access to your website. The applications disabled are: Ad Manager, Plug-in scripts, File Manager, Website Security and Database Manager. 3. Create a password. Note: This user name and password will be used by your FrontPage Client to authorize author permissions to your web site. 4. Enter a password into the new password field. 5. Click Next. FrontPage Manager 5.0 Page 4 of 8

Page 5 of 8 2.1.1 FrontPage Manager 5.0 Installing on domains with access control files When attempting to install the FrontPage extensions on a domain with access control files (Access control files allow you to password protect a directory on your website. They can be created and edited via the Website Security function of WebsiteOS. Access control files are .htaccess files that contain webserver directives that control access to specific areas of a domain.), FrontPage Manager finds these files and performs the following operations in order to complete the installation: 1. Renames the access control file to a temporary name. Note: Renaming the control access file will OPEN access to the directory associated with it, until install is complete. 2. An attempt to Turn FrontPage ON (install) is done again. If there are more access files, the second one is found and will be renamed temporarily. This will continue until there are no more access files and the FrontPage extensions are installed. 3. Returns the access control file(s) to its original name. This will re-SECURE access to this directory. If the installation process is interrupted or cancelled for any reason before the last step is complete, one or more access control files will become orphaned. This means that they will not return to their original name. As a result, directories associated with those access files will no longer be secure and can be accessed without any restriction. In this case, the next time you access FrontPage Manager, you will be notified and prompted to either rename the orphaned access control file to its original name or delete it. The latter will result in an open access to the associated directory. 2.1.2 Installing on domains without access control files Installing FrontPage will disabled following extensions: Ad Manager, File Manager, Plug-in Scripts & Security menu options. FTP access to your web site. You will only be able to transfer web pages to your site using the FrontPage "publish" facility. If you perform an installation for a domain that has FrontPage extensions already installed, the FrontPage Manager will upgrade the existing extensions. FrontPage Manager 5.0 Page 5 of 8

Page 6 of 8 FrontPage Manager 5.0 2.2 Uninstall TO UNINSTALL FRONTPAGE MANAGER: 1. Click Uninstall. A list of directories and files related to the extensions which will be deleted displays. 2. Click Next. 2.3 Password TO CHANGE PASSWORD: 1. Click Password. 2. Enter new password. 3. Click Next. FrontPage Manager 5.0 Page 6 of 8

Page 7 of 8 FrontPage Manager 5.0 2.4 Unlock Certain situations such as an unexpected disconnection or multiple users trying to connect to a FrontPage web simultaneously can prevent you from logging into your account. When this occurs, two files are modified (frontpg.lck and service.lck) and access to the web is denied. TO UNLOCK FRONTPAGE EXTENSIONS: 1. Click Unlock. 2. Click Next. 2.5 Results In this section you will be able to view the results of your operations. FrontPage Manager 5.0 Page 7 of 8

Page 8 of 8 FrontPage Manager 5.0 DOCUMENT END FrontPage Manager 5.0 Page 8 of 8

If you perform an installation for a domain that has FrontPage extensions already installed, the FrontPage Manager will upgrade the existing extensions. Page 6 of 8 FrontPage Manager 5.0 FrontPage Manager 5.0 Page 6 of 8 2.2 Uninstall TO UNINSTALL FRONTPAGE MANAGER: 1. Click .

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