Contractor Young & Rubicam Aka Burson-Marsteller On Regarding Ginnie .

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Description of document: Copies of each report and presentation provided to the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) by contractor Young & Rubicam aka Burson-Marsteller on contract GS23F0130MIHUDCOOPC238630PCT0001 regarding Ginnie Mae, 2011-2014 Request date: 29-March-2014 Released date: 02-January-2015 Posted date: 13-April-2015 Source of document: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Freedom of Information Act Office 451 7th Street, SW, Room 10139 Washington, DC 20410-3000 Fax: (202) 619-8365 HUD Freedom of Information Act Public Access Website The web site (“the site”) is noncommercial and free to the public. The site and materials made available on the site, such as this file, are for reference only. The web site and its principals have made every effort to make this information as complete and as accurate as possible, however, there may be mistakes and omissions, both typographical and in content. The web site and its principals shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any person or entity with respect to any loss or damage caused, or alleged to have been caused, directly or indirectly, by the information provided on the web site or in this file. The public records published on the site were obtained from government agencies using proper legal channels. Each document is identified as to the source. Any concerns about the contents of the site should be directed to the agency originating the document in question. is not responsible for the contents of documents published on the website.

U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT WASHINGTON, DC 20410-3000 OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATION JAN - 2 2015 RE: Freedom of Information Act Request FOIA Control No.: 14-FI-HQ-01141 This letter is in response to your request dated March 29, 2014, pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), 5 U.S.C. § 552. Specifically, you asked for a copy of each report and presentation from January 1, 2011, to the present provided to the Department of Housing and Urban Development by contractor Young & Rubicam aka Burson-Marsteller. You specifically cited the contract that was designated GS23F0130MIHUDCOOPC238630PCT0001. When responding to a FOIA request, HUD searches for responsive documents existing up tc; the date that the request is received in the Department's FOIA Branch. Your request was received on April 2, 2014. Your request is granted in part. Enclosed are copies of documents responsive to your request. I am withholding financial information and the names of key personnel pursuant to Exemption 4 of the FOIA. Exemption 4 of the FOIA protects trade secrets and commercial or financial information obtained from a person that is privileged or confidential. I am also withholding the names of key personnel pursuant to Exemption 6 of the FOIA. Exemption 6 of the FOIA protects information that would constitute an unwarranted invasion of personal privacy. The . interest of the general public in reviewing these portions of government documents does not outweigh the individual's right to privacy. I am the official responsible for this determination based on information provided by the Department's Government National Mortgage Association. You may appeal this determination within 30 days from the date of this letter. If you decide to appeal, your appeal should include copies of your original request and this response, as well as a discussion of the reasons supporting the appeal. With regard to Exemption 6, your appeal should address the nature of the overriding public interest in disclosure that outweighs the personal privacy interest protected by i the exemption. The envelope should be plainly marked to indicate that it contains a FOIA appeal and be addressed to: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Attention: F01A Appeals OGC, Ethics and Appeals Law Division 1250 Maryland Avenue, SW, Suite 200 Washington, DC 20024 Telephone: (202) 708-3815

2 For your information, your FOIA request, including your identity and any information made available, is releasable to the public under subsequent FOIA requests. In responding to these requests, the Department does not release personal information, such as home address, telephone, or Social Security number, all of which are protected from disclosure under FOIA Exemption 6. If you have any questions regarding your request, you may contact Eugene McGirt at (202) 402-4315. Thank you for your interest in the Department's programs and policies. Dolores W. Cole Director for FOIA and Executive Correspondence Office of the Executive Secretariat Enclosures

C· T 21ll.S30.0400 202.530.4500 .tm.tom August 10, 2011 Terry Carr Director, Communications and External Relations Govemment National Mortgage Assoc!atlon PotDmac Center South 550 12th Street, SW, Third Floor Washlngtlm, DC 20024 Dear Terry, Attached please flnd an Invoice from Burson-Marsteller for professtonal services and out-of-pocket with our work on behalf or Ginnie Mae from July 1", 2011 through July 31 ", 2011 . costs cmodated The July Invoice tDtals 50,321.08 In professional services and out-of-pocket CDSts, and breakS down as follows: 40, 769.61 for Media Relations and Oips Services 9,551.47 for Third Party Outreach and Valldatfon Addltlonally, the contracting billing totals are as follows: Oelminibfe (l.e. T k Ord CUH,. II . ContT- Obli Q.IH 0001 "'ooc.oo '1 IN 0002 1. 952.00 0.IN 0003A 5627.30 OJN 00038 1'"'020.lS Q.IH 0004A 85.148.25 QJNQ0048 S-"41.56 Cllll 0005A 121.72 .tKJ a.JN 0006A 69 735.30 Q.IH ""'"'" 4R 788."" CUN 0008 9 000.00 Cofllracllng 11111-T-h S996537.36 eu. u .1c:e ' Amt for U'lls mmna Period -tD- '"'"'"' a., I ltemalnl unncau I Obllptlon . . o46 MO.DO 15'1952.(IQ '40 769.61 -IC 769.61 . 294 857."" 120 020.15 85 148.25 5 541.56 9 551.47 9 551."7 . . . 11'173." 69.735.30 48 788.00 9000.00 cso J21.o8 .n 21.oa ·-216.211 summaa at Act!ylt1e1; July f. 2Q11 lt!rpyqh JyN 31. 2011 Attlvltles performed by Burson-Marsteller during the period of July 7"' through July 31" indude aa:x unt management with HCC lntemationat; dmftlng Cllps Servtces Vendor SUbscripttons memo; processing trade . CI subsoiptton vendor contracts; forwarding relevant articles about Ginnie Mae; developing the Quarterly Nll!Tlbers document; drafting the Stump Speech outline; drafting content for secretary oonovan; drafting content for HUD Happenings and In House newsletters; developed All Staff meeting materials. updating MIC and VA Guaranty Congressional Hill Staffer presentations; drafting content for August Brleflng Book; revising and distributing the Executive Q&A for July stakeholder letter; and ongoing strategle counsel.

r . Media Relations and Clips Services Participated in conference calls with Ginnie Mae communications team Distributed dally media monitoring reports to Ginnie Mae staff · Conducted Ctftfcal Mention media monitoring; weekly reports included 1n Friday dally media monltotf . ng Draftli!d Vendor Subsaiptlons memo; subm toTerry Carr/Gina Screen on 7/18/11 and 7/21/11 GForwa ed the Money M8nagement Letter artlde, 'Ginnie Mae Seeits Sales Adviser as Global lnvesb Base rows; submitted to Teny carr/Gina Screen on 7/21/11. Forwarded the HolJS/ng WI article, 'Ginnie Mae to Mar1 et Hospftal Securities·" submitted to Terry Carr/Gina Screen on 7/22/11. ' Finan contracts with trade subsaipt!on vendors on 7/27/11. Developed Quarterly Numbets document; SUbmltted ID Teriy Carr/Gina Screen on 7/26/11. Third Party Outreadl and Validation Drafted Stump Speech outline; submitted to Terry Om/Gina Screen on 7/18/11. Researched media attendance at COre Logic Summit 2011; submitted to Terry Carr/Gina SCreen on 7/18/11. Drafted talking points for Secretary Donovan; submitted to Terry Carr/Gina Screen on 7/18/11. July stakeholder Letter: o Revised Executive Q&A for July Stakeholder Letter; submitted to Terry Carr/Gina Scn:en on 7/18/11 and 7/28/11. o Distributed Stakeholder letter to distribution Ust on 7/29/11. All Staff Meeting: o Coordinated logistics for a vfdeograpl'll!r durtng the week of 7/18/11. o Revised Pl'tlject Development Team presentation; submitted to Terry Carr/Gina SCreen on 7/19/11. o Revised Terry Carr's presentation; submitted to Terry Carr/Gina Screen on 7/18/11, 7/19/11 and 7/20/U. o Printed and delivered agendas; submitted to Terry Carr/Gina Screen on 7/20/11. Revised MIC and VA Guaranty Congressional HUI Staffer presentation; submitted to Teny carr/Gina Scn!en on 7/21/11 and 7/22JU. Folwarded previous In House and HUD Happenings drafts; submitted to Terry Carr/Gina Screen on 7/22/11. Drafted submission for In House monthly newsletter on the Global Investors Program; submitted to Teny carr/Glna Screen on 7/26/11. Drafted submission for HUO HappenifP(ISweekly newsletter on the ASf 2011 ccnfenance; submitted to Terry carr/Glna Screen on 7/27/11. August Briefing Book: o Forwarded Table of Contents from the Febnlary 2011 Briefing Book; submitted to Terry C8rr/Gfna Screen on 7/28/11. o Researdled relevant ccverage; submitted to Terry Carr/Gina Saeen on 7/29/11. o Revised written August Speech for Ted Tozer; submitted to Terry CBrr/Gina Screen on 7/28/11 and 7/29/11. Drafted oral August Speech for Ted Tozer; submitted to Terry Carr/Gina Screen on 7/31/11. 0 On behalf of the Burson-Marsteller team, It's always 11 pleesure working with you. Please contact me at 202-530-'1628 If you haVe any questions or require addlttonel lnforrnatlOn reganling ltlls lnvofc:e.

' 0. ' Burson· Marsteller l Invoice No. 192552 I TERRY CARR GOVERNMENT NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION POTOMAC CENTER SOUTH 550 12TH STREET, SW THIRDFlOOR WASHINGTON DC 20024 Engagement No: UHUD6359B 'DueDate:ONEP·11 I Invoice Date: 10·AUG·11 l.ettef of Engegement: UHUD6359B , '' I Description: Base Perioc:t BILLING PERIOD: July 2011 · UHUD Contract C-OP023a63 I ; I ' I ' INVo!CE SUMMARY PROFESSIONAL SERVICES INVOICE TOTAL DUE REMITTANCE INSTRUCTIONS By Check-ilTo: Addresa lnqulr1"9 To: Beneildary Sank: WachOvta &ank Bumon-Marttetlet PO Box 101880 .A.ta. GA30392·1860 JAS0NL080 111overmon1Avenue. N.W, tener ASA I r;. v Sutto 1100 Wuhltlgton, OC 20QOS.SS44 1 .202.530.0400 PLEASE INCLUDE OU INVOICE NO. IN THE 0ESCA1PTt0N FIELD OF THE WIRE TRANSFER. As a WPP PlC company, woare committed to conducttng bu&l!lets In scoordance Vtifh WPP' a Code of BualnCA Cond\tet lhG' Code of Business CondU'Ct "8t'I be jccessed on-line at l I I I I 550,321.08 lNOUlRV IN TR\JCTIONS Swift Code: PNBPUS33 i I 50.321.08 lly Wire Transler Rem" To: ·1'Rout;;;g,\ h'l:?\:·M8"11 I AMOUNT I

1, I I I .,' - . ':".;-,, Invoice j No. 192552 i TERRY CARR GOVERNMENT NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION POTOMAC CENTER SOUTH 550 12 STREET, SW THIRD FLOOR WASHINGTON DC 20024 0. Date: 09-SEP-11 Invoice Date: 10·AUG·11 Page: 1 Of 2 Engagement No: UHU06359B ,, Letter of Engagement: UHUD83598 I Desc:rlptlon: Base Per1od BILLING PERIOD: July 2011 UHUO Contract C-OP023863 IN\IO!CE DETAIL AMOU.NI J 1 I 1!3:MEDIA BE\,ATIQNSI CLIPS E!IYICEB e PROFEBBIONAL SERVICES (b)(4),(b)(6) t!Il MANAGING DIRECTOR ASSOCIATE ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR MANAGER DIRECTOR DIRECTOR INTERN MANAGER llllllllll 6.00 11.25 14.25 1.00 1.00 68.5() 1.00 27.75 1.00 ) BAm 340.28 137.83 137.83 271.36 2,041.68 1,550.61 Ii 1,884.09 ·I 271.3& 228.28 228.28 271.36 73.22 18.045.44 271.36 2,031.87 228.29 228.29 211.38 ' l'· (0.11) CLIENT SERVICE ASSISTANT SENIOR AS SOCIATE DIRECTOR 30.00 64.50 73.22 2,196.64 180.91 271.36 ,, TOT AL· PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 11,668.73 211.36 40,769.61 TOTAL DUE 03-MEDIA RELATIONS/ CLIPS SERVICES 40,7119.81 .,i 1.00 REMtlTANCE INSTRUCTIONS INQUIRY iNSmUCTIONS :1' " By Wire Tremiler Remn To: By Cl\eck Remit To: Addn 9s Inquiries To: Se a'V eurson·MarAteftet PO Box 101880 Allenta. GA30392·1680 JASON LOBO Bank: W ovio. Bank I Aocoun1 tgme· 8u!'!dl'l·Marateller .,.,,,, (b)(4) ABARo Swift Code: PNBPU 33 1110 Ve'"" "I Avenue. N.W. Suite 1100 ij W ohlngtOn. DC 20005·3 44 1.202.630.0400 PLEASE IMCLUOE OUR INVOICE NO. IN THE DESCRIPTION F1ELD OF THE WIRE TRANSFal. ' As a WPP PLC company. we are committed tocondUCClng bustnftSS1n ac:c0rdance wltl\ WPP'& Code at Buslnes:s conduct. Tho Code of euslnc Conduct c:an be accessed on-line at I :r . '

0 . Burson·Marsteller Invoice No. 192552 !I TERRY CARR GOVERNMENT NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION POTOMAC CENTER SOUTH 550 12TH STREET. SW THIRD FLOOR WASHINGTON DC 20024 Dua Date: 09·SEP-11 Invoice Date: 10·AUG· 11 Page: 2of 2 Engagement No: UHU06359B Llllter ot Engagement: I,'I 11 :1 ",, UHUDl359B " . ij AMOUNT INVOICE DETAIL CONTD IQl18ll (b)(4),(b)(6) ASSOCIATE ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR INTERN CLIENT SERVICE ASSISTANT' SENIOR ASSOCIATE 6.00 0.25 25.25 2.00 0.2!5 8.75 TOTAL· PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ab. ·I llAIE 137.83 137.83 271.36 73.22 73.22 180.91 ' 826.911 -34.46 6,851.84 148.44 18.31 1,582.97 11,461.01 8,481.01 TOTAL DUE· OS-THIRD PARTY OUTREACH AND VALIDATION LABOR WILLIAMS, MISTY II ' ii gs 1. IAKEHOLDEB LETTER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ! u.IHIBQ PABlY OUTAfACH AND yat JQAIION LAIOA PROFESSIONAL SERVICES I. II I!ILE SENIOR ASSOCIATE !I 0.50 180.91 90.46 90.48 TOTAL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 90.48 TOTAL DUE .QS.l·STAKEHOLDal LETTER INVOICE TOTAL DU ,, Ii il "., SS0.321 M i\ ';I :1 1·'I 1\ '! ",, J

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P4gt! t 0. i:tun Dat 1 ( ; . , . Ull.'OlCE: tJNOlCS o.unrr, l9JSS2 TE, 10-AIJG·ll OS Oi:?r OF KOUS INC ' URBAN CKVEt.Offi!E)fT UHUMl!ot PROJEC'l'1 TASK IULLING Ttn. OJ.\ 0),l CLlDIT Ol.1 Ol .1 0) .\. 0).\ Ol. l 01.1 01.1 0).1 01.1 Ol.l 0).1 0').1 ASSlS'tAHT Ct.l!J/T 52RV10 ASSlS"t.\NT Ct.l!MT S!HlvtCE ASStSTAm' CLIE!lf' CL[EWf CLIENT CLtl?MT SSRVlCE SBRVlCS SIRVlc:E SUVlC'lt O.t!JIT Sa&vtc:a et.Hairr SBRVldt ASSlSTART ASSI Mn' ASSISTANT ASSI kSSlST.\JIT ASStST.lUn''fl::)R DiltttTOll DIRCC'Jm CUl:ECTOR DIR R 0).1. Dll !X""Oll DiiliCOOR - saae hclod NAMV. sn.vrcv. 0) .1 Ol.l ·················-··-·· (b)(4).(b)(6J DA.ft ··-·---···· 19-.1UJ.·t1 1-9-.nn.-11 lO·JUI.-11 22-JU'l,·1 '1 2S-JUL-\l 27·.JVL·ll 28·.lUt.· ll 29-.nst. 11 ll-JlJL-11 Oll·J'UL.-11 11-.nn.-11 12-.nn.-11 13--.nn. 11 14 J\ll.o·1l 1s-.nn.-11 18 .JUL-ll 1 s -.n.11 - i 1 20-JUL lt 21-.n.n.- l l 22·.nrt.·1 l 25-JUL.11 26-.JUL·ll 21 .JUI. l l 0).l Ol. l DlREc:roa DIREC't'QR. DlR!CTOJ\ DlREC"tOR Ol.l on ECrOll O).\ Ol.1 DIUCTOR DIREC'l'Oll Ol.l DIUC'TOR 2 - ·ll Ol.l Dt!U!CTO OJ.\ Ol.l Ol.1 INTStlll 29·.rul.-11 1 .;,ui,-11 lS·J'Ul.·ll 01.1 Ol.L Ol, l Ol.L Ol.1 01.1 0).1 01.1 Ol.l 0).1 . 0).1 OJ .1 OS .," ., ') , lM\IOICS Matl'f RSl'OllT l of " lO·AU:·ll ll:4S:l0 . ,.,. "'""" ,,.,. "'""" 20.nn.-11 :12·.wt.·ll 21 ·JVlr·ll SEllIOR A.SSOCUTE S!1110il. ASSOCIATE S KIOR l\SS()CL\'tt SEttlOJ. A.SSOCtATE SltllIQlt ASSOCIATE SJ?NlOI: IATI'. SDUOll MSQCIATI S Yl01 ASSIOCfA'rlt smucm ASSOClATI ASSOC1 "t11 ASSOCIAft ASSOCtATS ASSOCIATE Ci.ol'2t't' SERVICI USISTAHT 01iu:croa oumt"ro« DlRCc:rol. 14·.roL ll lS·JUl.·11 11·.JU\. 1 l 1 -.nn.-11 22-JUL-11 24-.JUL·ll 25-.rut.· l 1 21·JV1.·ll 21·W1U.·11 20-.:rm.-11 25-J\lt.-11 21·.JUL·U. 2'f .,JTJt.· 11 11-JUL-11 11-.JUL-11 12·.:J'UL· l 1 tl·JUL ll . .,. nrnMD Nm mrrtm r"1"PNAL NOTES TAG UP Ofl "8DJA llCfll1'0Rilta1 RU.On«:i THROtxiK JfD. 'UXJ AU. STAl'F lmlTtNC A.T GM: Ht11'U1 PREF rot: Jdl'TtNG lf'EUl.T CAU Wrm QI 1'Dlf f'OalSlOO Otl UFCOMlNO ll't·tcOU MDIA 1')111TOtU11.Q S.INtSlOMS, lliCAC' lrlO'fU, DAS11904a.D 0 CALL l"m cnnna MA& AMO KCOl 1 RECAP NO'l1CS llCAP 1171'1':S, srrt'lHG UP MEBTlNG FOa BltAlllS'l'ORM ON ? . Jd:BTIWG SST U\'; T.U.1"3 lOIT.S. DUR.ING MiOIA. 8AA1NSTQJQI fl.ICAP MOTU l"ROll f'RtDAY tJITBltNA.t. PAiltSTOIM aiGAH INRASt'RUCTUU DSVl:u:u vrs wrm TSAM TIJJr NEW llMPI. . UP AC'C."QCJln ADl'll!ClST1tA'flC*; 1TM M?ftJNGS; aa UP NXtJfMr A.OllUMl.S'nATIOll1 TUIC flf tt1.a:5: RE RAJQl.C W AeCtllJln' ADMitfIS'l"MTtON; MEBTINGSr RE RMC'UO UP ACttlUn" AOM1JIISTu.TtCM1 lCltTI.S1 aa MJIPUIC UP ACa tltT' A.CtlUfl TlOlt; 1'SM MUTINCS: U ACtomtr llrnt 'TUH; BILLING 5n UP: CALL t ACCOUlll' Pt.ANtll.-: WJnt T&UI; 811,.t.IlfO SB'T IJP; CALLS WI M'.'COUNl' PLMlflJIG TEAM; BfLLlllC SET UP1 CALLS WI ACCOU'lf? PLMtttlG tUTK TP.AMt 81Ll.t11G SRT UP: (ALLS Wt ACCOl.Rft PLA*tll'; WITH T'U.tf1 BlLLUIG SET UP; CALLS lfl TEllJI left?MCS NfD ACCOUMT t.uou s.n tJ ; CONVfmSAT TBAM llll'JlNGS AtlO A.Caxnti' Pt.1'NtHNQ srrr UP1 SA'l' 'TUM Alft:I ACOX!fn' Pl.AKNlHC SET 1"1 T TU.M JGlETlll!'iS »ID ACCOOMT P INC SB'f UP; CCllN'IRSAT TEAM Mll.i'Tl ANZ ACCOUft1' PUMIING SET UP1 a.vl:'SNI' na Off' llSIT'1MC AND aBSBUCH Otl CJ:IQUI " lIClnYP' /ME&TlYG WITH Ct.lnn' (jM 8'TMI' ""1'1M:O WUU.'I CLillMT CA?.1. wrm SOii/COPY SPIECH r1us b&Vlt.OP Mm10P. f'OR CLJDT MJ!'ITllfJ; UITEIUlltI. M12T{'NC Clll'i:R!dt CLtmtT RB ftmo UVIP/KDIT ltECAP 1t01'2S I.ICAP NO'?U J:SV'tat Wrnt JLC90; IN?'E'nAL TJtM MS!TtffG OMl'f 7/ lt UMJHDU: DSA.n. TO reAAlt lolSTIIC llc.L DSLIV CALL ITH cr.smrr: alAJT .AGS:JIDA1 COOll lllAT'C WITH 7'C.U S'TIUrrll1tC .nTUfC Wrnt GlNIU& MQ A.Mt llCOI ffCDI BtlDG 'f' Dllrt Oi 9a;)P! OP 'MOU:; D1S(tlS lOI Wint snK'tiGJC lmn'U«J AT GtNIU8 IME1 PR&P roa Ml'ttIM 1 P ar::vtn uc.u NOTSS A'n"DDSI) ALL·S'fAl'P MBl'TtNG to MfD 0AArtm MUD KAPPEMIJGS. DIAFJ'ED lR MOUSE. EDrrrtt Kl.ID AAPPEHtNOS CODU:XllC: llISl S\l*IT JlESiWlot/COQ. REVlft Of PAST STAUHOLtlER OVI'lllACR A VID Qt PAS1' STUWCl.lll'll Ol1'l'1IACff 9 Yt&V Of 'PAST !i1'7Jt8MOt.cA OtnW.IACll RI: ICiDIA AT"nlet'lA MID Pt.NIS: DISC:U MD Pl.ANS1 l ISCU AllD Pl.MS: DTSCU B[LUfC JtlllO MT' l.00 'J).2:t t.25 7).21 ll .22 11.22 13.22 11.22 13.21 13.22 ll.22 2:'11.16 ;1T1.ll!i 2Tl .l, , , 40 271. l ' 114.0I J.oo "' l.SQ '2.oo 1.15 3.2S 1.50 2.00 2.50 J.oo 2.00 l .1s 1.50 1.50 l.2S 2.25 2.50 1.50 .is 271. J' 211.l' 211. ) ' 111.3, 211, l ' 211.16 1 .22 ,l.Sl 2\t.,, S-4 2 109.t:J 144.44 121.14 2J'll.91 lO!J.8J 5"2. 12 ,.,9.40 542.12 1.017.,0 '49.T6 0'1.Q4 271.l4i 2'11.l' 2T\,)4i lJt.20 510.S.' 618.40 40'1.04 203.52 542.'J2 211. l ' llS.68 2.00 ).00 LOO 7J.2';1 14, . 1.00 .so 1. 75 .'S 1.00 l.00 4,00 1.SQ l.00 2.04 4.00 1.SO :J.15 l.25 t.50 ·" ·" ."' . 211.l' 271. 15 1),22 lJS .51 128 .14 13.22 TJ.22 219.66 ?J.22 54.92 180. ' l lfO,,l 1ao.,1 723.14 lt0.,1 llD.91 7l.J2 lC1.82 190.,1 ,0.46 2Tl,J'J 542. ?) J6l.12: '1.2J.44 :171.]7 110.91 110. 91 110. 1 117.1) ll"J. l:J 172.2, 137.IJ 206.75 1)' 'JJ.:12 211.), 211.lC a1t.J"C .,." )4,46 lit. ll 201.52 ,'f,14 llS. 61

v 0. Page lt\lrt Dato: \925 2 ct.teNT1 OfltJt)6lS99 9alilO Potiod 10-AUG- ll PROJRC'l': AtLL1NG TITLE -------- --······--········ os os os 05 o os OS os os 05 o OS OS.1- . i(bjf4J,(b)(6) DIRtc'TOR DlRB:CTOa DIRRCTOR DlR. C1'0R '"""' ISV1 '11 14·.JUL·ll i5-JUL-ll 18-JUL ll l!·JUL-ll onuicro D1RBC1'01l DJR CT0R PIR!lC'roR l lltttt DIRECTOR ,,,,. MD BDrtlmG OF VAJttOUS i'OllRRWUI? tni:RSIDl'tAT D1TtWO Of" VAJlIOUS Pm&UFOfNT P'AltSlfNTAT MD wrrrm OF VARIOUS fl()Mfti'OtN'T PRESIZN'l'AT. MfD ED11'IJQ OP- VARIOUS PO'lfBllFOtNI' PltrtSBHTA'l" NfD E'OfTlm Of' VAR lO'US POllEltPOltn' PIUtSBN'TAT 1 -HOUS'B, KUO ttAP5JESnro5, TB:StlNOl'lf 1\EYtSIONS A»D PR l:N-HOUR. MUD }f.UPBNTNGS· 'BSTUEJn REVISIONS MD PR Ui-KOUSI, HUD l(AP1'i%11l'G , TllS'fllCCN't lEVIStONS AND PR IN·HOUSS. KUD lfAPPElfllfGS. TESTJJllOlft REVISlOMS AffD PR JN-KOUS!. KUD KAPPD'JNOS, TSSTIMONt R ISIOMS AND PR COMPitd CLIPS 01' CSK, rHA. AND D!:Olt'IGME "'1\RICET ARTICt. l'J·JUt.-ll ASSOClATS ASSQC1AT ASSOC'JA'TB ASSOCIATlit ASSOClAT2 PAST STAUH01.Dlll Ot.mlEllClt NW pt.MS I DISCU UVISIO!ll REVISION RKV1Slo:" REVlS-lOl'l REVISION 21·JUL·11 14·JIJL·ll 2 ·.:ruL· l 1 20-.JUL·ll 2'T·JUL· ll 2.&·JU1.-ll 29 JUl.·ll 29·JUt.·ll 1e·JUL· 1 l OtRSC'TOtt or UVIP' 01" PAST STACmOLDER ountEAOI AND {'LAMS; DlSC\J '20 . JU'L·ll D.(R'lCT'Olt S'ENIOR SENIOll SP'I01l S1tN10R SSNJOl .,,.,,,,.,, . --- ·- -- . -- . ---·. ------ ------------- --- ---- IO·JUf.·11 2S-JUl.· ll 26·-.TUL·ll CQORDIMATB VI FOR .u.L STAl'P ffU't'UlG lRVtSIOJlS TO TCAD. 9 AL\. SfAf'P pa Wf'ATlON1 EJimlllD l'RSP FOR At.1. STAFF MEZTilfC PRtNT NJENDAS, REVIS 1' R.KVISI MUD Hi\flP'ERlNGS STAUlCOLDBA Li'n'P- uvrsw G1lNfD . . BILLBD AM UNl' 2'1l.l6 67.&4 2.00 .211.J6 J. o 21\.3, .2'11.l' 542. 72 94t.'16 ).25 l.25 l. 2 "' 1. SC . 2- 0 2.SO 2.00 ,, .e 271.36 271.36 211.ll 271.)5 401.04 407.04 5'18.40 :i·u .ls 542. n1 G,'18.40 "l tlfL4 t t0.4.5 491.50 814 .1. 180.91 211. l ' ?l.22 . o 110.91 180.91 180.!l 180-91 .so l80.9l 268.25 911.92" Sll.92 ll,.20 211.36 211.J& 2.75 4.SO \.00 268.lS 11lTAI. PRORSSlONAL SRRVICES 'jl0.46 ·--·····--------'50,321.oa . -- ··· 50,321.08 n:rnu.: . . - -. \ . 4 oC 4 10·AIXO·ll \):4S l0 U. ; DSPT OP aoustMG " U!l;IWJ o8VlitoPt16N'T OS .' lNVOlC'E AAC1WP RSPOllT INVOlCB: tJNOlC'& OATS: TAS G A -- · :. . , , ,.,.,,. ·- . -. ,. -.:-· .:a -. · -----

\; Burson ·Marsteller IUrHn. .,. T 'XD .SJD.O'IOO 1100 \ltrmont Awriue, H.W. f 207.SJ0. 4500 'WWti:'l(:t:):t, " ' " ll!)O DC XOOS ' September 12, 2011 Tenycarr Dlredllr, Communications and External Relations Government National Mortgiige Association Potcmac Center South 550 12th Street, SW, Third Floor Washington, DC 20024 ., Dear Terry, Attached please find an lnvok:e from Burson-Marsteller for professional services and out-of-pocket with our work on behalf of Ginnie Mae from August 1", 2011 through August 31", 2011. costs associated : The August lnvoloe totals 310,619.'IO in professional seivlces and out-of-pocket costs, and breaks down as follows: 36,510.33 for Marketing Materials Services 242,029.33 for Media Relations and Clps Services o lndudes 183,793 for IMF Publications and Source Media subsalptlons. 6,117.62 for Conference, Event, and Outreach Support 21,765.99 for Third Party Outreach and Validation e 206.75 for Leglslatlve Tracking 3,989.38 for Web Page Support . Additionally, the contracting billing totals are as follows: .:.:.'R,\01'" '- "'.'i - · -- · . J - CUN 0001 CllNOOOZ CllN 0003 CUN 0004 CUN 0005 CllN0006 CllN0007 CUN 0008 46,000.00 154,951.96 455,647.45 90,689.81 121,724.80 69,735.30 48,788.57 9.000.00 36,510.33 242,029.33 6,117.62 21 765.99 206.75 3,989.38 Contnctl,. Billing Totols 996,537.89 310,619.40 - '] · - 36,510.33 282,798.94 6.117.62 31,317.46 206.75 3,989.38 46,000.00 118,441.63 172,848.51 8-4,572.19 90,407.34 69,528.55 44,799.19 9,000.00 160,940.48 635,597.41 . ! ! j I . Summaiy Of ActtylUes; August 1. 2011 throuqh August 31. 2011 Activities performed by Burson-Marsteller during the period of August 1" through August 31" lndude account management with Hal Intematlonal; developing rebrandlng and website plans; mnductlng Ginnie Mae internal stakeholder lnteNlews; develOping monthly Issuance and R.PB reports; drafting executive blOs, n?Vlslng Quarterly Numbers document; pitching and coordinating the loglsticS for the New York Media Tour; researching TBW oiverage and drafting Acknowledgment Agreement release; developing Bl-weekly Media Impressions snapshot and report; developing mnference ads and Internal posters; developing and updating Zellman AssOCiates, Ginnie Mae 101 Multlfamily, RHS National Policy, Storage and OIG presentations; securing and coordinating loglstk:s for the Annual Report Photography project; develOplng Ginnie Mae Notes and News templates; draftlng Brand Refresh Rationale memos; drafting content for HUD Happenings and In House newsletters; revising and distributing the ' ·1

Ratfonale memos; drafting cxmtent for HUD Happenings and In House newsletters; revising and distributing the Executive Q&A for August stakeholder letter; researctitng and developing summaries for GSE congressional bills· conducting the website content audit and ongoing strategic counsel. ' , j Marta!tlng Materials semces Rebrandtn9alid website Acttvttles: · o Del.eloped 6 month work plan and budget; submitted to Teny carr/Gtna Screen on 8/12/11 8/17/11 and 8/22/11. ' o Stakeholder Interviews: Developed strategy; submitted to Terry carr/Gina Screen on 8/4/11. Developed Interviewee list; submitted to Terry Carr/Gina Screen on 8/12/11. Conducted 16 lnterviewS; submitted summary reports to Terry Carr/Gina Screen during the weeks of 8/15/11, 8/22/11 and 8/29/11. Researdled contacts for the Top 20 Issuers during the week of 8/22/11. Media Relations and Clips services Partldpated In conference calls with Ginnie Mae communications team. Olstrfbub!d weekly calendar Ill Ginnie Mae communication team. Distributed daily media monltDrlng reports Ill Ginnie Mae staff. conducted Crltlcal Mention mecfia monltllrtng; weekly reports included In Friday dally media monitoring reports. Developed monthly tssuance and RPB summary for July; submitted Ill Terry Cerr/Glna Screen on 8/1/11 and 8/12/11. Provided subscription list for dally dlps; submitted Ill Teny Carr/Gina Screen on 8/1

Attached please flnd an Invoice from Burson-Marsteller for professtonal services and out-of-pocket with our work on behalf or Ginnie Mae from July 1", 2011 through July 31", 2011. costs cmodated The July In professional services and out-of-pocket CDSts, and breakS down as follows: 40, 769.61 for Media Relations and Oips Services for Third

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Argilla Almond&David Arrivederci&ragazzi Malle&L. Artemis&Fowl ColferD. Ascoltail&mio&cuore Pitzorno&B. ASSASSINATION Sgardoli&G. Auschwitzero&il&numero&220545 AveyD. di&mare Salgari&E. Avventurain&Egitto Pederiali&G. Avventure&di&storie AA.&VV. Baby&sitter&blues Murail&Marie]Aude Bambini&di&farina FineAnna

The program, which was designed to push sales of Goodyear Aquatred tires, was targeted at sales associates and managers at 900 company-owned stores and service centers, which were divided into two equal groups of nearly identical performance. For every 12 tires they sold, one group received cash rewards and the other received

aka dba Rancho Country Club Realty aka Virginia C Bentowski aka Virginia Claire Bentkowski aka Virginia Harder Bentkowski 81 Cortez Ave, Rancho Viejo, TX, 78575, 2015-01-27, 01/23/15, CHAPTER 7 15-10024-B-13-Virginia Lopez aka Virginia Lopez Garcia aka Virginia Garcia Lopez 101

College"Physics" Student"Solutions"Manual" Chapter"6" " 50" " 728 rev s 728 rpm 1 min 60 s 2 rad 1 rev 76.2 rad s 1 rev 2 rad , π ω π " 6.2 CENTRIPETAL ACCELERATION 18." Verify&that ntrifuge&is&about 0.50&km/s,∧&Earth&in&its& orbit is&about p;linear&speed&of&a .

30 Telefónica Movistar Movistar Activa Renovación Telecomunicaciones Eficacia Publicitaria Ad Hoc Young & Rubicam 31 Danone Danissimo Postre lácteo Alimentación Eficacia Publicitaria Vinizius Young & Rubicam 32 Pescanova Alimentación Pescasanos y Los Mejores Cortes Pescado Natural Congelado

theJazz&Band”∧&answer& musical&questions.&Click&on&Band .

MISRA-C – A Quick History MISRA-C:1998 (aka MISRA-C1) -“Guidelines for the use of the C language in vehicle based software”-Compatible with ISO/IEC 9899:1990 (aka C90) MISRA-C:2004 (aka MISRA-C2) -“Guidelines for the use of the C language in critical systems”-Remains compatible with ISO/IEC 9899:1990 (aka C90) MISRA C:2012 (aka MISRA-C3) -“Guid