Instructions INSTRUCTIONS August 16, 2021 6th-8th Grade Teams Electives, AIG, Support Staff, and Exceptional Children 4:00-6:00 PM 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Click on the presentation link next to the teachers name to view a presentation that will provide you with valuable information. Each member of the faculty/staff has a presentation for you to view. Click on the Open House link for your child’s team, which is located in the yellow area of each slide. GoogleMeets will be held every 30 minutes beginning at 4:00 pm. If you enter the meeting after the start time, please remain for the beginning of the next session to hear the information you may have missed. Scroll down and visit all your elective/resource teachers by clicking on their open house links. Do not forget to visit the support staff. Thank You and Enjoy
Schedule for Open House August 16, 2021 4-6 pm Face to Face Tour 6th Grade A-F 4:00-4:20 pm G-L 4:30-4:50 pm M-R 5:00-5:20 pm S-Z 5:30-6:00 pm Please exit the building at the designated time so that we can prepare to meet for our next group of parents. Virtual Open House 6th, 7th & 8th Electives, AIG, EC, Support Staff Session 1: 4:00 PM Session 2: 4:30 PM Session 3: 5:00 PM Session 4: 5:30 PM If you enter a session after it has begun, please remain for the next session to hear the information you may have missed. FACE MASK ARE REQUIRED PARENT SIGN-IN
ADMINISTRATION WELCOME TO BLUEJAY NATION Connie King Assistant Principal Cornelius Felder Principal
IRELAND DRIVE MIDDLE SCHOOL PRESENTATION RESOURCES Daily Schedule IDMS Schedule CCS Calendar 21-22 Traditional Calendar Ireland Drive Middle School’s Information Student Agenda and CCS Code of Conduct: School phone lines operate from 7 am to 3:00 pm Monday through Friday . Follow us on Twitter @IDMSBlueJays CCS Code of Conduct
The Huskies 6th Grade Teacher’s Name Subject Presentation Link Ms. Florentine Math Florentine Welcome Link Mrs. Washington ELA Washington Orientation Link Ms. Atkins Science Presentation Link--Atkins Mrs. Hummel Social Studies Hummel Welcome Link OPEN HOUSE LINK Teacher’s Email
THE GATORS 7th Grade Teacher’s Name Subject Presentation Link Ms. Pierson Math Mrs. Pierson Bio Ms. Ademolu ELA Ms. Gaines Science Teacher’s Email d/1TpAW-I4KzJGg-nRIKQtM0qVqENrH181rR BLHjOXFxeM/edit?usp sharing Mrs. Espinoza OPEN HOUSE LINK: Social Studies Presentation Link: Espinoza Gators Open House Link OR Join by video system at: OR Join by phone: 1-408-418-9388 United States Toll: Access code: 120 350 8111
THE TARHEELS 8th Grade Teacher’s Name Subject Class Link Ms. Stigger Math Ms. Stigger Presentation Ms. Jackson ELA Ms. Jenkins Science Mr. Bradford Social Studies Teacher’s Email Open House Link - Ms Jenkins Webex Link to speak with Tar Heel teachers. Open House Link - Mr Bradford
THE DOLPHINS Exceptional Children (EC) Teacher’s Name Positions Class Link Ms. Davis Teacher quettadavis Teacher’s Email n/d/1-dgS1ryuZVK wR5CkQ8rHluS ZW7w074-nTO-LSP7gEg/edit?usp sharing Ms. Swinnie Teacher Assistant Ms. Ferrol Teacher Assistant Ms. Rivera OPEN HOUSE LINK Teacher Ms. Rivera’s Welcome Slide Show Google Slides
THE ELECTIVES CTE/PE/MUSIC/SPANISH/ART/Enrichment Teacher’s Name Subjects Ms. Goode Spanish Class Link Open House Link Teacher’s Email Presentation Link S wv5x-YGBudLW5QYBn0z-GdCAb6CiOoRc/edit?usp sha ring Video Link Mr. Tate PE/Health Ms. Hodges CTE njLBPIkufs3auU0-wnEjEW8bnf/edit#slide id.p1 Open House Link: m4f6e076c4c 42afcfe07ac9df12509397 Presentation Link: 2021-2022 CTE Presentation
THE ELECTIVES CTE/PE/MUSIC/SPANISH/ART/Enrichment Teacher’s Name Subjects Ms. Powell Art Class Link Open house Link to WebEX: Teacher’s Email Link to presentation Ms. Powell's Presentation Ms. Perkins Enrichment TBA Orchestra Ms. Hall Band/Chorus Math Enrichment/Advanced Math Webex Link & Presentation
SUPPORT STAFF Name Role Class Link Teacher’s Email TBA EC Case Manager Ms. Baldwin ELA Resource/Co-Op WebEx Meeting: Baldwin Weblink Presentation Link Ms. Shipway Math Resource/Co-Op Shipway Weblink Shipway Presentation Link Ms. Royal Math Enrichment Mrs. Royal - Open house link
SUPPORT STAFF Name Role Class Link Ms. Gilchrist AIG Gilchrist Presentation Teacher’s Email MEETING LINK Ms. Sy ESL Ms. Collins-DiPaolo Social Worker Ms. Pilgrim School Counselor Ms. Crouch SST Apprentice Ms. Sy Presentation Immunization Requirements
SUPPORT STAFF (Cont’d) Name Ms. Mattocks Mr. Carter/Mrs. Thorne Role Media Coordinator ISS Class Link Media Class Link Teacher’s Email Lide, Leticia Ms. Saunders Computer Lab Assistant Class login Assistant Receptionist Email for class login assistant
SUPPORT STAFF (Cont’D) Name Role Ms. Banks Data Manager Presentation Link Teacher’s Email Parent Portal Enrollment Ms. Legg Cafeteria Manager Ms. Gray Discipline Clerk Medication Clerk School Cash Online Student Code of Conduct Medication Policy and Form If you have any questions I am just 1 click away. (Webex) Click to ask Mrs. Gray questions Mrs. Tarrant Bookkeeper School Cash Online
Student Tips for Getting Started and Staying Focused Stay connected with your teacher. Check Canvas and your CCS email regularly for updates on your classes. Teachers offer online office hours - take advantage of them to connect, provide feedback, and ask questions about the course material. Get your study space set up and make it special- you will be spending a lot of time there! Here are some tips on creating an ideal study space for online learning. Get connected with your friends and classmates. Organize some study sessions or schedule a virtual brunch through Facetime or Google Hangouts to catch up. We need to stay connected to stay positive and motivated. Do whatever you do to manage stress. Let go of what you can't control and focus on the positive people and experiences in your life right now. Also, try to laugh! Plan your time and set goals. Use the success resources available to you such as: a weekly planner hourly planner time management grid
Parent Tips During remote learning, parents will play a part in ensuring their child is receiving optimal learning experiences. There are a variety of ways to be involved: Familiarize yourself and your child with the Virtual Classroom: Parents are encouraged to access and navigate through their child’s virtual classroom. They will log on through Canvas. This will allow the opportunity to access daily live and prerecorded teacher instruction, teacher support, announcements, class schedules, and grades. All interactions will take place using the virtual classroom . Communicate technology needs: If you need assistance please contact your child’s teacher or school administrator, so that they can help your child quickly resolve any issue to continue learning or you may call the technical support helpline at:
Parent Tips (Cont’d) Know and follow the learning schedule: It is important that your child has a daily routine and knows his/her schedule. The remote set up consists of both: Synchronous learning where all students learn at a set time with scheduled live instruction and learning times. Asynchronous learning is also available and allows flexibility while still allowing students to master learning objectives at their own pace. During the asynchronous times, students may revisit teacher recorded direct instruction, use modules, and complete work during flexible times. Monitor your student to ensure that he or she is working on schoolwork or attending live lessons Stay informed. Parents will be provided with multiple ways to ensure they are informed weekly of their child’s learning. Communications from both your child’s school as well as the county will be sent regularly via email, Parentlink calls, Canvas, etc. Ways to Help your child establish good work habits: Good workspace Daily learning routines Breaks Student independence, let students take ownership of their learning Set times to turn in assignments, meet and check-in with teachers Task lists Learning buddies, teacher help
Parent Tips (Cont’d) Be an active role in your child’s Virtual Learning: Parents are not expected to take the place of their students’ school teachers. Instead, parents should play a support role. Review your student’s work before it is submitted and make suggestions for improvement (if applicable). Set Clear Expectations: It is important to set expectations that are clear and consistent for the continued success of your child. Parents should have a set time to assist with their students’ learning and schedule other activities they know their children will be able to do independently. Wher setting expectations, consider the following: Consider scheduling “office hours” when you’re available for school-related questions. Keeping your child engaged and thinking critically. Asking questions to reflect on daily learning Reminding students to stay on task Encourage students to ask for help from a work buddy or teacher when they are unsure about what to do Beginning and End Day Check-ins: Set the tone to begin learning and end by reflecting on what was learned. Do not complete work for your student
Ms. Stigger Math Ms. Stigger Presentation Ms. Jackson ELA Ms. Jenkins Science Open House Link - Ms Jenkins Webex Link to speak with Tar Heel teachers. Mr. Bradford Social Studies Open House Link - Mr Bradford OPEN HOUSE LINK THE TARHEELS
3. CCS (Extraordinary Pension) Rules. 4. CCS (Joining Time) Rules, 1979 5. CCS (Leave) Rules, 1972 6. CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972 7. CCS(CCA) Rules, 1965 8. CCS(Leave Travel Concession) Rules, 1988 9. Central Government Employees Group Insurance Scheme, 1989 10. Central Government Health Scheme, 1954 11. Central Services (Medical Attendance .
CCS Debug perspective is used for execution and debugging of code on the customer EVM. To switch to the CCS Debug perspective, click on Window Perspective Open Perspective CCS Debug (See Figure 2). Figure 1.3.1: Changing the CCS Perspective The current perspective can be seen in the upper right corner of the CCS window, as shown in
The executive summary of CCS Front End Engineering & Design Report has been translated from English into Japanese for convenience. The Global CCS Institute does not warrant the accuracy, authenticity or completeness of any content translated in the Japanese version of the Report CCS American Electric Power Mountaineer CCS 1
Ce Nd Eu Tb Ho Tm Lu . Figure 7: Field of plagioclase and pyroxene composition of clasts in 67075. . ,43 ,47 ,98 TS ,41 ,42 ,48 C Meyer 2006 . Tatsumoto Silver . U ppm Th ppm K2O % Rb ppm Sr ppm Nd ppm Sm ppm technique Premo 89 0.00618 0.0156 idms Nyquist et al. 1976 0.499 158 idms . 0.593 . 145 idms Wanke 75 0.0052 0.014 0.67 127 0.16 RNAA .
Head of Visual Arts Visual Arts Visual Arts Head of PE Department Physical Education Physical Education Performing Arts & Clubs Org. Librarian Lab Technician ozge .
MPLAB X CCS C Compiler Tutorial How to install the CCS C Compiler inside MPLAB X Before the CCS C Compiler can be used inside MPLAB X, the CCS C MPLAB X Plug-in must be installed. This process can be done inside MPLAB X. 1. Launch MPLAB X. 2. From the MPLAB X menu, select Tools - Plugins 3.
» CCS guidelines: The CCS Guidelines (this document) provide step-by-step guidance on how to implement the main aspects of the CCS Program Model. The CCS Guidelines is the "how-to" guide for instructing health and psychosocial field staff responding to chil-dren who have experienced sexual abuse. The CCS Guidelines include multiple tools for
IELTS Academic Writing Task 2 Activity – teacher’s notes Description An activity to introduce Academic Writing task 2, involving task analysis, idea generation, essay planning and language activation. Students are then asked to write an essay and to analyse two sample scripts. Time required: 130 minutes (90–100 minutes for procedure 1-12. Follow up text analysis another 30–40 mins .