Congratulations 2013 National Medal Winners! - Scholastic

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Congratulations 2013 National Medal Winners! State/ Country AK AL AL City Fairbanks Birimingham Birmingham School Name West Valley High School The Altamont School Alabama School of Fine Arts Last Name Webb Sorscher Buckingaham First Name Sarah Lincoln Kendall AL Birmingham Alabama School of Fine Arts Crist Amanda 12 GOLD MEDAL Poetry AL AL AL AL AL AL AL Birmingham Birmingham Birmingham Birmingham Florence Hartselle Helena Alabama School of Fine Arts The Altamont School The Altamont School The Altamont School Florence High School Decatur High School Alabama School of Fine Arts Crist Brock Pless Johnson Kachelman Caldwell Moeller Amanda Joe'l Lucy Zach Sara Jonathan Rachel 12 8 8 8 12 12 12 Writing Portfolio Photography Photography Photography Dramatic Script Drawing Art Portfolio AL Hoover Spain Park High School DeCamillis Annabelle SILVER MEDAL SILVER MEDAL SILVER MEDAL SILVER MEDAL SILVER MEDAL SILVER MEDAL SILVER MEDAL SILVER MEDAL with 12 Distinction AL AL AL AL AL AR AR Madison Madison Mobile Montgomery Montgomery Little Rock Little Rock Bob Jones High School Bob Jones High School Home School St. James School St. James School Little Rock Central High School Little Rock Central High School Bojang Morgan Sherrod Kent Kent Light Zhang Namena Holly Ginny Emily Emily Allison Alexander 11 12 12 8 8 11 11 SILVER MEDAL SILVER MEDAL SILVER MEDAL GOLD MEDAL SILVER MEDAL GOLD MEDAL GOLD MEDAL Drawing Dramatic Script Short Story Printmaking Mixed Media Poetry Poetry AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ Flagstaff Fountain Hills Fountain Hills Gilbert Phoenix Northland Preparatory Academy BASIS Scottsdale Fountain Hills Middle School Athlos Traditional Academy Phoenix Country Day School Spotts Mcdaniel Buettner Woodward-shaw Shongov Savannah Stirling Marie Emily Pauline 11 8 8 7 12 SILVER MEDAL SILVER MEDAL SILVER MEDAL GOLD MEDAL SILVER MEDAL Poetry Science Fiction/Fantasy Digital Art Photography Flash Fiction AZ AZ AZ Phoenix Scottsdale Scottsdale Phoenix Country Day School Desert Canyon Middle School Write from the Heart Shongov Mookadam Nam Pauline Aamena Connor 12 SILVER MEDAL 8 SILVER MEDAL 11 SILVER MEDAL AZ AZ Scottsdale Sedona BASIS Scottsdale Verde Valley School Lee Yin Haley Ziren 11 MEDAL 12 SILVER MEDAL AZ Tucson BASIS Oro Valley Martinez Gloria 8 GOLD MEDAL Grade 12 8 10 Awards GOLD MEDAL GOLD MEDAL GOLD MEDAL Work Category Digital Art Flash Fiction Painting Art Portfolio Writing Portfolio Poetry Short Story AMERICAN VOICES Poetry Painting Science Fiction/Fantasy CA Altadena Westridge School Quezada-Freda Mikhaila AMERICAN VISIONS 12 MEDAL, SILVER MEDAL CA Altadena Westridge School Quezada-Freda Mikhaila 12 GOLD MEDAL Mixed Media CA Altadena Westridge School Quezada-Freda Mikhaila 12 SILVER MEDAL Photography Sculpture Work Title Cupboard Conclusion Bleach A Set Of Stitches In Time, Saint Laz of Tomatoes Split Ends: An Autobiography Birmingham Morning Maori New York City, Florida The Broken White Line Inflection Male Burden Rococo Renovation The Magic Of The Moment The Box Lady Family Tree Reflect Upon It Off The Map Travelers The Seer, Becoming Me, The Soldier and the Executioner, Hush The Griffin Shattered Hope Standing By Chasing Desert Rain Yew And I: Trapped In A Wooden Box Of Mine Orange The Death Tax Something Like Hope, Expanding, Ship Knots Self-portrait Don't Be Afraid Of The Dark Tangle Map Humboldt County Weather Map Gender Identity Presently

Congratulations 2013 National Medal Winners! State/ Country CA CA CA City Ceres, Ca Encino Folsom School Name Central Valley High School Harvard-Westlake School Folsom High School Last Name Villalon Dybuncio Granillo First Name Brawlio Bea Crystal CA Fountain Valley Fountain Valley High School Tran CA Hesperia Encore Junior/Senior High School for the Performing and Visual Arts Kassimatis CA CA Idyllwild Irvine CA Los Angeles CA Los Angeles CA Los Angeles CA CA Los Angeles Los Angeles CA Los Angeles CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA Grade 12 12 11 Work Category Mixed Media Ceramics & Glass Drawing Nikki Awards SILVER MEDAL SILVER MEDAL SILVER MEDAL AMERICAN VISIONS 11 MEDAL Film & Animation Work Title King City Ice Lee Jung Hwan Musings On The Universe Travis 10 GOLD MEDAL Photography Frozen Sand Crush Short Story Digital Art Pencils Sharp As Knives Deep Forest Drawing Dead Fish Idyllwild Arts Academy Northwood High School Crossroads School for Arts and Sciences L.A. County High School for the Arts L.A. County High School for the Arts L.A. County High School for the Arts La Salle High School Ham Zhang Luis Andrea 10 SILVER MEDAL 10 GOLD MEDAL Gewirtz Connor 8 GOLD MEDAL Mercier Cole 12 GOLD MEDAL Digital Art My Master's Crackers Mercier Cole 12 SILVER MEDAL Art Portfolio Branded Birdnoy Zezza Delazeri Lucia Stephanie 12 SILVER MEDAL 12 SILVER MEDAL Art Portfolio Comic Art Delazeri Stephanie 12 SILVER MEDAL Art Portfolio Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Mill Valley Mission Viejo Mission Viejo Monterey Newark Newbury Park La Salle High School Los Angeles Center for Enriched Studies Marlborough School Marlborough School Tamalpais High School Taipei American School Taipei American School Santa Catalina Lower School Newark Memorial High School Westlake High School Crepuscule Video What Annoys Me Most Things That Annoy People George Kai Adiel Marley Madeline Madeline Gianna Cristian Monica 11 12 11 9 11 11 8 12 11 GOLD MEDAL GOLD MEDAL SILVER MEDAL GOLD MEDAL SILVER MEDAL SILVER MEDAL SILVER MEDAL SILVER MEDAL SILVER MEDAL Personal Essay/Memoir Digital Art Jewelry Flash Fiction Photography Photography Digital Art Photography Drawing Sea Turtles Paper Steampunk Eyepatch Jump The Shark Mind Blown Blown Where Are The People School Daddy CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA Oakland Palo Alto Piedmont Redlands Redondo Beach Rialto San Diego San Diego School of the Madeleine Palo Alto High School Piedmont High School Redlands Senior High School Rolling Hills Preparatory Jurupa Hills High School Canyon Crest Academy Canyon Crest Academy Qiao Blatt Harris Townsend Hsia Hsia Nale Olivares Shi Furtado Quesenberry Hammerson Crown KIM Barbosa Alfaro Baru Guo Zara Daniel Lena JIEUN Rafaella Cassandra Nachiketa Stephanie 8 9 12 11 11 12 12 11 GOLD MEDAL SILVER MEDAL SILVER MEDAL SILVER MEDAL GOLD MEDAL SILVER MEDAL SILVER MEDAL SILVER MEDAL Ceramics & Glass Photography Painting Drawing Photography Digital Art Writing Portfolio Poetry CA CA CA San Diego San Francisco San Francisco Innovations Academy Lowell High School Ruth Asawa School of the Arts Little-sana Su Leong Maya Qing Qing Taylor 8 GOLD MEDAL 11 SILVER MEDAL 11 GOLD MEDAL Mapping My Past Smoky Volcano Olivia Neighborhood Egg Canvas Seeing The Truth American Idyll Occupational Hazards Abyss- A Memoir By Maya Little-sana Little Lion Earnestly Personal Essay/Memoir Drawing Comic Art

Congratulations 2013 National Medal Winners! State/ Country CA City San Geronimo School Name Marin Academy Last Name Wilton First Name Hannah Work Category Drawing Work Title Ruby Castilleja School Knowles Hannah CA San Jose San Juan Capstrano 10 GOLD MEDAL Short Story Paper Cranes For Japan St. Margaret's Episcopal School Lasting Liam 11 SILVER MEDAL Ceramics & Glass Navarro Barron Goldman Mayrock Carolina Jordan Aija 11 MEDAL 11 GOLD MEDAL 11 SILVER MEDAL Poetry Short Story Poetry Interlochen Arts Academy Saratoga High School The Harker School The Harker School L.A. County High School for the Arts Westridge School The Buckley School Chadwick School Watson Gu Ke Patnaik Katherine Jacqueline Kevin Isha 12 12 9 12 SILVER SILVER SILVER SILVER Art Portfolio Personal Essay/Memoir Digital Art Photography Olive Branch Berkeley Moon, Spiral Bound, Yearned Monotony. Supporting Life Fate's Blood He had a very quiet demeanor Discovering Waldo iCreature Sista, Sista CA CA CA San Lorenzo San Mateo Santa Barbara San Leandro High School San Mateo High School The Anacapa School CA CA CA CA Santa Clarita Saratoga Saratoga Saratoga CA CA CA CA South Pasadena South Pasadena Studio City Torrance Arena Salseda Baillie Robertson Rachel Julia Paloma Emily 12 10 10 11 SILVER MEDAL GOLD MEDAL SILVER MEDAL GOLD MEDAL CA Torrance Robertson Emily 11 SILVER MEDAL Poetry Torrance Torrance Aurora Aurora Aurora Chadwick School Edward J. Richardson Middle School Rolling Hills Preparatory Cherry Creek High School Rangeview High School Smoky Hill High School CA CA CO CO CO Chung Lee Zheng Zubiate Choi Jiwon Vivian Christopher Christina John 7 12 10 12 12 Painting Art Portfolio Poetry Ceramics & Glass Art Portfolio CO Boulder Boulder High School FitzGerrell Kate 12 SILVER MEDAL Art Portfolio CO Boulder Boulder High School Ghaffari Mitra 12 SILVER MEDAL Photography CO CO CO CO Boulder Boulder Boulder Centennial Boulder High School Boulder High School Peak To Peak Charter School Cherokee Trail High School Nissan Veneziano Grunwald Clark Miriam Madeleine Ursula Aspen 11 10 12 12 Poetry Drawing Short Story Poetry Memory Notorious Beautiful Ancient Jasper Max and Planck Floral Deconstruction Moodboard Endlessly Fighting To Stay Balanced Savta, I Don't Know, It's Okay, Bitch, Pinned Observations Windigo Cherry Stems CA Grade Awards 11 GOLD MEDAL AMERICAN VOICES MEDAL MEDAL MEDAL MEDAL SILVER MEDAL SILVER MEDAL SILVER MEDAL GOLD MEDAL SILVER MEDAL SILVER MEDAL SILVER MEDAL SILVER MEDAL GOLD MEDAL Ceramics & Glass Flash Fiction Ceramics & Glass Short Story Vessels Cristo Redentor Hummingbird The Same Story A Poem I Wish I Had Written CO CO Colorado Springs Colorado Springs Cheyenne Mountain High School Pine Creek High School Paige Aragon Zech Kevin 11 SILVER MEDAL 12 GOLD MEDAL Poetry Drawing Stained Glass Windows, Conditioned, Transcendence, Slipping to a Void, Ghost Town Suburban Astronaut CO Crested Butte Crested Butte Community School Wrisley Leah 12 SILVER MEDAL Writing Portfolio The Bead Ring

Congratulations 2013 National Medal Winners! State/ Country CO CO City Denver Denver School Name Denver School of the Arts Denver School of the Arts Last Name Aldworth Miles First Name Maggie Honor Grade Awards 12 SILVER MEDAL 8 GOLD MEDAL 10 12 12 10 Work Category Film & Animation Film & Animation Work Title Hidden Sunny Poetry Jewelry Art Portfolio Drawing To Go From Here, Dichotomy, How to Rise, Burning, Alexithymic (And Other Words That Should Be) Your Hand In Mine Sun Chip Cruncher Feeling Sheepish CO CO CO CO Englewood Englewood Erie Fort Collins Denver School of the Arts Kent Denver School Peak To Peak Charter School Fossil Ridge High School Gonzales Allen Rodenburg Stroh Gabriela Carolyn Riley Daniel CO CO CO Fort Collins Greenwood Vlg Highlands Ranch Rocky Mountain High School Kent Denver School Thunderridge High School Clements Carleton Daughtrey Cameron Brynne Carter SILVER MEDAL GOLD MEDAL SILVER MEDAL SILVER MEDAL AMERICAN VISIONS 12 MEDAL 10 SILVER MEDAL 11 GOLD MEDAL CO CO Lafayette Littleton Home School Lakewood High School Zavorotny Pumphrey Dariya Shelby 8 GOLD MEDAL 12 GOLD MEDAL Dramatic Script Flash Fiction CO CO CO Littleton Lone Tree Louisville Lakewood High School Highlands Ranch High School Monarch High School Pumphrey Shimmin Falkner Shelby Andy Julia 12 SILVER MEDAL 11 SILVER MEDAL 10 GOLD MEDAL Short Story Design Flash Fiction Mixed Media Photography Sculpture CT CT CT CT Cheshire Danbury Darien Darien Milton Academy Danbury High School Artistic Minds Greens Farms Academy Esty Deleon Lee Moley Jonathan Alexis Sean Joanna 12 12 12 11 CT CT CT Darien Deep River Fairfield Middlesex Middle School Valley Regional High School Roger Ludlowe Middle School Stimpson Morris Murphy Johnathan Carlin Katherine 8 GOLD MEDAL 12 SILVER MEDAL 8 SILVER MEDAL Persuasive Writing Art Portfolio Ceramics & Glass CT CT CT CT CT CT Greenwich Greenwich Greenwich Guilford Lakeville Lisbon Greenwich Academy Greenwich High School Hackley School Guilford High School The Hotchkiss School Norwich Free Academy Mule Fram-Schwartz Swei Castro Glass Marshall Alyssa Noah Ariana Natalia Samantha Hannah 9 12 7 12 10 12 Short Story Art Portfolio Painting Sculpture Painting Printmaking SILVER MEDAL GOLD MEDAL SILVER MEDAL GOLD MEDAL SILVER MEDAL SILVER MEDAL SILVER MEDAL GOLD MEDAL SILVER MEDAL GOLD MEDAL Poetry Drawing Painting Flash Fiction Societal Reflection Sojourn Urban Warrior The Last Photograph Of Charles Dodgson My Lovely Doll The Body Of Edwin Winchester Modarch Publication Ink Stains On The Removal Of The Bald Eagle From The Endangered Species List, Indian Frost, Communion Altar, Lovecraft Never Went to the Desert, A Headline on My Doorstep: "iPads Enter Stores, Hearts" Wallflower The Door Friday Gun Control - A Call To Action Wall 1 Bubbles Two The Marigold: In The Style Of Poe Perched Fly Neigh Rose Sovereign Curious Chickens

Congratulations 2013 National Medal Winners! State/ Country CT City Manchester School Name Home School CT Middlebury Natalia CT New Haven Pomperaug Regional High School Riedel ACES Educational Center for the Arts O'Brien-Udry CT New Haven Westover School CT CT New Haven Newtown CT CT CT CT CT CT Last Name Falkowski First Name Emily Grade Awards 12 GOLD MEDAL Work Category Short Story Work Title Emergency Baptism 12 Distinction Art Portfolio Number Thirteen Victoria Street Sophia 11 GOLD MEDAL Flash Fiction Boeth Riley 12 GOLD MEDAL Poetry Wilbur Cross High School Newtown High School Dillon Foy Sophia Meagan 12 GOLD MEDAL 11 SILVER MEDAL Flash Fiction Ceramics & Glass Norwich Rockville Integrated Day Charter School Rockville High School Rak Nutt Caleb Rachael 8 SILVER MEDAL 12 GOLD MEDAL Poetry Flash Fiction Perspectives On A Dead Dog Berry Picking, Slash And Burn, Departure, A Last Apology When Sharona Had All The Time In The World The Red Pitcher Lowell Stormin' Town Silk Road Caravan The Bounty The Coming of the End Julia Sothbury Stamford Stamford Stamford Pomperaug Regional High School Convent of the Sacred Heart Greens Farms Academy Greens Farms Academy Silverstein Henrie LaBerge LaBerge Emma Nora Peter Peter 12 12 12 12 Ceramics & Glass Persuasive Writing Poetry Writing Portfolio Emma's Udongo Wordplay Summer Slices Desires, Stalled Poetry Humor He His Powers Abuseth (or What Shakespeare Would Have Written Had He Been Going Through A Nasty Argument With His Wife While Writing In Iambic Pentameter) Hipster Glasses SILVER MEDAL with SILVER MEDAL GOLD MEDAL GOLD MEDAL SILVER MEDAL CT CT Stamford Stamford Horace Mann School Horace Mann School Bodurtha Bodurtha Valerie Valerie 11 GOLD MEDAL 11 GOLD MEDAL CT Tolland Tolland High School Fontaine Bailey 12 MEDAL Sculpture CT CT CT CT DC DC Vernon Vernon Wallingford West Simsbury Washington Washington Gerhard Gerhard Wong Vogellus Page Watt Hannah Hannah Sabrina Melissa Gillian Arabella 12 12 9 7 9 12 Poetry Poetry Personal Essay/Memoir Sculpture Short Story Ceramics & Glass DC Washington Rockville High School Rockville High School Choate Rosemary Hall Henry James Memorial School Georgetown Day School Holton-Arms School Woodrow Wilson Senior High School Lainoff Lillie 12 GOLD MEDAL DC DC DE Washington Washington, Dc Greenville Woodrow Wilson Senior High School Maret School The Tatnall School Shapiro Adams del Rosario Eva Alex J.J. 9 MEDAL 11 SILVER MEDAL 12 GOLD MEDAL AMERICAN VISIONS GOLD MEDAL SILVER MEDAL GOLD MEDAL GOLD MEDAL GOLD MEDAL SILVER MEDAL Personal Essay/Memoir BEST IN GRADE, GOLD Short Story Drawing Design Suspended Spring Cleaning, Mark's Collections The Trade, San Jose Racism Hurts Carl The Fantasy Fish Photographs Oriental Vessel The Elevator On The Other Hand, Lonely Is An Overused Word Self Portrait A Lyric a Day

Congratulations 2013 National Medal Winners! State/ Country City School Name Last Name First Name DE DE DE Hockessin Hockessin Newark Cab Calloway School of the Arts HB Dupont Middle School Cab Calloway School of the Arts Arnold Lamey Williams Aubrey Elyse Nicole DE Newark P.S. duPont Middle School Sedlacek Francesca 7 SILVER MEDAL Poetry DE Wilmington P.S. duPont Middle School Biener Hannah 8 SILVER MEDAL DE Wilmington P.S. duPont Middle School Garner Elise Grade Awards AMERICAN VOICES 11 MEDAL 7 SILVER MEDAL 8 SILVER MEDAL 8 SILVER MEDAL DE DE DE DE Wilmington Wilmington Wilmington Wilmington The Tatnall School The Tatnall School The Tatnall School Write from the Heart Osegbu Wagner Xu Swafford Munachi Grace Bichen Courtney 11 12 11 12 DE FL FL FL Wilmington Boca Raton Boca Raton Boca Raton Write from the Heart Alexander W. Dreyfoos School Alexander W. Dreyfoos School Atlantic High School Swafford Ragland Ragland Lee Courtney Hannah Hannah Crystal 12 12 12 11 AMERICAN VISIONS MEDAL SILVER MEDAL SILVER MEDAL GOLD MEDAL SILVER MEDAL with Distinction SILVER MEDAL SILVER MEDAL GOLD MEDAL Work Category Work Title Short Story Ceramics & Glass Painting Poetry The Kiss Leaf Pot Iris In Spring Judgement Day, After the Rain, Temptation, Dawn Rain, Perpetual, Realization, Leaf Poetry I Was Given The Moon, Streak Of Heaven, Coffee Night, Tunnel Vision, Intermission Photography Drawing Drawing Short Story Writing Portfolio Flash Fiction Short Story Digital Art Time Warp Kitchen Light Tom Aleppo "Three things that end by falling" AIDS: A Love Story Unseen It Eats At You FL Boca Raton West Boca Raton High School Silberling Amanda 11 GOLD MEDAL Poetry FL Boynton Beach Alexander W. Dreyfoos School Bravata Tessa 11 SILVER MEDAL Poetry FL FL Boynton Beach Boynton Beach Hooper Nguyen Amber Alec 9 SILVER MEDAL 11 SILVER MEDAL Drawing Digital Art FL Boynton Beach Alexander W. Dreyfoos School Alexander W. Dreyfoos School American Heritage School Boca/Delray Prologue (To a Chair);Rome, 476;China, 1433;West Beirut, 1982;Epilogue (Here, Now) Child Of Battle, Mason Jar Hands And Feet Frayed Rope Linear Landscape Anzalone Anthony Photography Washing Day FL FL FL Cantonment Davie Davie Pensacola High School American Heritage School American Heritage School Simon Metz Metz Rhiana Stephanie Stephanie 12 SILVER MEDAL 12 SILVER MEDAL 12 SILVER MEDAL Personal Essay/Memoir Photography Art Portfolio How I Was A Robot, And How I Am Not Anymore Reflection Lifetime FL FL Delray Beach Doral Alexander W. Dreyfoos School New World School of the Arts Fay Santana Katelyn Armando 12 Distinction 12 GOLD MEDAL Art Portfolio Dramatic Script Duality Poor, Poor Eleanor 9 SILVER MEDAL SILVER MEDAL with

Congratulations 2013 National Medal Winners! State/ Country City FL FL FL School Name Last Name First Name Grade Fernandian Beach Greenacres Bak Middle School of the Arts Gulfport Bay Point Middle School Wright Smith Mullins Leah Matthew Samantha 12 Distinction 8 GOLD MEDAL 8 SILVER MEDAL FL FL FL FL Hollywood Hypoluxo Hypoluxo Hypoluxo Shechtman Cardenas Cardenas Cardenas Peri Tatiana Tatiana Tatiana 8 12 12 12 FL Jacksonville Arthur Dillon FL Jacksonville Carpenter FL Jacksonville FL Jacksonville University School of Nova South Alexander W. Dreyfoos School Alexander W. Dreyfoos School Alexander W. Dreyfoos School Douglas Anderson School of the Arts Douglas Anderson School of the Arts Douglas Anderson School of the Arts Douglas Anderson School of the Arts Douglas Anderson School of the Arts Douglas Anderson School of the Arts Douglas Anderson School of the Arts Lavilla School of the Arts San Jose Catholic Grade School Awards Work Category Writing Portfolio Mixed Media Flash Fiction Work Title Speaking With Legs, From a Fisherman To a Maiden, Hiding, The Bat Room The Mysterious House Digital Art Drawing Photography Art Portfolio Lights Will Guide You Thoughts Undertones Plastic 12 GOLD MEDAL Drawing Birthday King Kaitlin 12 GOLD MEDAL Digital Art Corporations Kaplan Alex 10 GOLD MEDAL Flash Fiction Hands Mercado Kiersten 10 SILVER MEDAL Printmaking La Pedrazoli Samantha AMERICAN VISIONS 12 MEDAL Painting The American Dream Prescott Jessica 10 GOLD MEDAL Short Story Souls in Eden Windsor Senn Newell Madeline Jayna Chloe 12 SILVER MEDAL 8 GOLD MEDAL 7 SILVER MEDAL Writing Portfolio Painting Short Story Eat Your Words Locks A Free Bird Medders Anzil Leneveu Ridgway Russo Kaitlin Vanessa Sophie Ethan Kacey 8 12 12 8 8 SILVER MEDAL GOLD MEDAL GOLD MEDAL SILVER MEDAL GOLD MEDAL Painting Sculpture Science Fiction/Fantasy Painting Digital Art What Is It To Be A Bike? Woof & Hoof Flight Of The Heron Balcony Tongue Tied Louzada Goldenberg Goldenberg Waddle Garnett Eriksen Luma Taylor Taylor Marisa Reid Mary-Kate 11 12 12 12 11 12 GOLD MEDAL GOLD MEDAL SILVER MEDAL GOLD MEDAL SILVER MEDAL SILVER MEDAL Fashion Painting Art Portfolio Film & Animation Photography Art Portfolio Nameless Flesh Wine The Man Cave Untitled 1 Fragile Self-Portrait (Plant) Heavenridge Pham Figarola Justine Thanh-Thao Kristen 10 SILVER MEDAL 10 GOLD MEDAL 12 SILVER MEDAL Photography Printmaking Art Portfolio Dreaming Of Childhood Self Portrait - Color Shine Through SILVER MEDAL with FL Jacksonville FL Jacksonville FL FL FL Jacksonville Jacksonville Jacksonville FL FL FL FL FL Jaxsonville Jensen Beach Jupiter Jupiter Jupiter Florida FL FL FL FL FL FL Key Biscayne Lake Worth Lake Worth Lake Worth Lake Worth Lantana Lavilla School of the Arts Jensen Beach High School Alexander W. Dreyfoos School St. Mark's Episcopal School Bak Middle School of the Arts Design & Architecture Senior High School Alexander W. Dreyfoos School Alexander W. Dreyfoos School Alexander W. Dreyfoos School G-Star School of the Arts Alexander W. Dreyfoos School FL FL FL Largo Loxahatchee Miami Seminole High School Alexander W. Dreyfoos School Coral Reef Senior High School AMERICAN VISIONS MEDAL GOLD MEDAL GOLD MEDAL SILVER MEDAL

Congratulations 2013 National Medal Winners! State/ Country City FL Miami FL Miami FL Miami FL Miami School Name Design & Architecture Senior High School Design & Architecture Senior High School Design & Architecture Senior High School Design & Architecture Senior High School Last Name First Name Donner Bryce Hernandez Work Category Work Title 12 SILVER MEDAL Photography Baby Shoes, Never Used Ricardo SILVER MEDAL with 12 Distinction Art Portfolio 3 Dogs Leatherbury Brianna 12 SILVER MEDAL Sculpture Contact no.1 Leatherbury Brianna 12 GOLD MEDAL Art Portfolio Flow[inward] Mateo 12 SILVER MEDAL Art Portfolio Yifan 11 GOLD MEDAL Painting Monks Design & Architecture Senior High School Zorrilla Steven 12 SILVER MEDAL Art Portfolio Butcher's Dress: Apron, Gloves, And Mask Lamar Louise Curry Middle School Navas Rebecca Personal Essay/Memoir "Devolution" Poetry Personal Essay/Memoir Definitions Of Arab; Ululation; Foreigners; The Boy Who Made Rain In The Summer Heat; Rebels If I Must Burn The Dispersal Of Lexemes, 9am, A Speculation On Love and its Connotations, Regarding the Night FL Miami FL Miami FL Miami FL Miami FL Miami Miami Miami Awards All Possible Particle Configurations Within A Specific Cosmic Horizon Design & Architecture Senior High School Nava Design & Architecture Senior High School Wang FL FL Grade Miami Arts Charter School Miami Arts Charter School Miami Palmetto Senior High School Ahmed Alfonso Dalia Sarah 8 SILVER MEDAL 10 SILVER MEDAL 12 SILVER MEDAL AMERICAN VOICES Richter Hannah 10 MEDAL, SILVER MEDAL Poetry Art Portfolio Art Portfolio Art Portfolio FL FL Miami Miami New World School of the Arts New World School of the Arts Kauffman Leavitt Katrina Summer SILVER MEDAL with 12 Distinction 12 SILVER MEDAL FL Miami New World School of the Arts Rackear Logan 12 SILVER MEDAL Art Portfolio Art Portfolio Mother's Love Pull My Hair Entrance To Dining Room One Day This Won't Be My Room Absence Of Existence Painting Painting Flash Fiction Daniel Blank Canvas Sandy 12 MEDAL Sculpture Man-ohh-tee 12 GOLD MEDAL Art Portfolio Deluge of Thoughts FL FL Miami Miami New World School of the Arts New World School of the Arts Rosner Walker Samantha Tamara 12 12 FL FL FL Miami Miami Miami Linares Carreras Valdez Sabrina Wanda Catherine 8 8 10 FL Miami Cortada Danniel FL Miami Beach South Miami K-8 Center South Miami Middle School Miami Arts Charter School Southwest Miami Senior High School Design & Architecture Senior High School Gregoire Katiuscia SILVER MEDAL with Distinction SILVER MEDAL BEST IN GRADE, GOLD MEDAL SILVER MEDAL SILVER MEDAL AMERICAN VISIONS

Congratulations 2013 National Medal Winners! State/ Country FL FL City Miami Beach Miami Beach FL Mirimar FL N. Miami Bch. School Name Miami Beach Senior High School New World School of the Arts Design & Architecture Senior High School Dr Michael M. Krop Senior High School Last Name Leyva Posada First Name Cynthia Denzil Munoz Jonathan Barnes Audi Grade Awards 12 GOLD MEDAL 12 SILVER MEDAL Work Category Photography Art Portfolio Work Title Untitled Repercussionb 12 SILVER MEDAL Art Portfolio Why We Are Afraid Of The Dark 12 SILVER MEDAL Humor Editor And Chief Complainer Personal Essay/Memoir Massage, Side Walk, Lament, Postcard From My Dorm On My First Night In College, Quebrada Honda The Hands Of A Dedicated Mechanic Flash Fiction Statistically Speaking Video Games Treasure Ghost 12 SILVER MEDAL 12 SILVER MEDAL Art Portfolio Art Portfolio Beans Daily Schedule Marissa Anna 11 SILVER MEDAL 12 SILVER MEDAL Dramatic Script Sculpture 2020 Crawling King Snake Quinton 12 MEDAL Drawing Lighting The Way Merada Ujaama Quinton Kalimah SILVER MEDAL with 12 Distinction 10 SILVER MEDAL Art Portfolio Short Story Pony Breakthrough Photography Poetry Young Life Wolf In The Desert Mixed Media Digital Art Art Portfolio Jewelry Ceramics & Glass Jewelry Persuasive Writing Photography Personal Essay/Memoir Misty Forest Widowed Shaving Conformity Porcupine Transparent Me Tree Rings An Uphill Battle MerryGoRound Disco Time The American Dream Personal Essay/Memoir Digital Art Art Portfolio Table Manners Blink Perspective #1 FL North Miami Miami Arts Charter School Enamorado Maylin 12 SILVER MEDAL FL Ocala Hamilton Alexa 8 SILVER MEDAL FL Dexter Caitlin Home School Frost Evan FL FL Palm Bay Palm Beach Gardens Palm Beach Gardens Palm City Belleview Middle School Melbourne Central Catholic High School Shalloway Izzolo E. Rebecca Gianna FL FL Parkland Pembroke Pines Alexander W. Dreyfoos School The Pine School Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School American Heritage School Krantz Silina FL Pinellas Park Gibbs High School Merada FL 11 GOLD MEDAL 7 SILVER MEDAL Poetry AMERICAN VISIONS FL FL Pinellas Park Riverview Gibbs High School Blake High School-Magnet FL FL Royal Palm Beach Alexander W. Dreyfoos School Sarasota Pine View School Schuessler Bedell Madison Robert 11 GOLD MEDAL 12 SILVER MEDAL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL Sarasota St. Johns St. Pete Beach St. Petersburg St. Petersburg St. Petersburg St. Petersburg Pine View School Creekside High School Gibbs High School Gibbs High School Gibbs High School Gibbs High School St. Petersburg High School Gaubatz Polidan Manning Chittick Gregory Gregory Rutland Emily Mary Shannon Rosie Dillon Dillon Noelle 12 12 12 9 12 12 12 FL FL St. Petersburg St. Petersburg John Hopkins Middle School Bay Point Middle School Shuler Lilollari Aidan Romina 8 GOLD MEDAL 8 SILVER MEDAL FL FL FL Tampa Tampa Wellington King High School Plant High School Alexander W. Dreyfoos School Yang Jetmundsen Rabinowitz Jackie Abby Nicolas 11 MEDAL 12 SILVER MEDAL 12 SILVER MEDAL AMERICAN VISIONS MEDAL GOLD MEDAL SILVER MEDAL SILVER MEDAL GOLD MEDAL SILVER MEDAL SILVER MEDAL AMERICAN VOICES

Congratulations 2013 National Medal Winners! State/ Country FL FL FL City Wellington Wellington Wellington FL Last Name yathali Dumala Alsina First Name fazida Danielle Lauren Work Category Art Portfolio Painting Digital Art Work Title Hatred of self Off The Hook A Break In Reality West Palm Beach Alexander W. Dreyfoos School Gibbons Rachel 12 SILVER MEDAL Photography The Alley FL West Palm Beach Alexander W. Dreyfoos School Hoffman Allison 12 GOLD MEDAL Digital Art Graduation Pin-up FL West Palm Beach Alexander W. Dreyfoos School Hoffman Allison 12 SILVER MEDAL Art Portfolio Maid Pin-up FL West Palm Beach Alexander W. Dreyfoos School St.Hilaire Kathia 12 GOLD MEDAL Printmaking Le Negre Marron FL West Palm Beach Alexander W. Dreyfoos School St.Hilaire Kathia 12 GOLD MEDAL Printmaking Untitled FL West Palm Beach Bak Middle School of the Arts Harris Seanna 8 GOLD MEDAL Photography Stand Off FL West Palm Beach Bak Middle School of the Arts Harris Seanna 8 GOLD MEDAL Digital Art Head Case FL West Palm Beach Bak Middle School of the Arts Harris Seanna 8 SILVER MEDAL Fashion Ship Chic FL West Palm Beach Bak Middle School of the Arts Harris Seanna 8 SILVER MEDAL Ceramics & Glass Gloomy Aquarius FL West Palm Beach Bak Middle School of the Arts Johnson Ania 7 SILVER MEDAL Ceramics & Glass It's Sort Of A Long Story AMERICAN VISIONS 8 MEDAL, GOLD MEDAL Printmaking My Brother Bo FL School Name Alexander W. Dreyfoos School Bak Middle School of the Arts Wellington High School Grade 12 8 11 Awards SILVER MEDAL SILVER MEDAL SILVER MEDAL Triggs Bailey FL West Palm Beach Bak Middle School of the Arts Oxbridge Academy of the Palm West Palm Beach Beaches Cox Amanda 11 GOLD MEDAL Photography Ramshackle FL West Palm Beach William T. Dwyer High School Graham Ashley 11 SILVER MEDAL Comic Art The Christmas Wish FL FL West Palm Beach Alexander W. Dreyfoos School Weston University School of Nova South Ely Cole Emma Maia 11 SILVER MEDAL 7 SILVER MEDAL Photography Painting FL FL GA GA Weston Weston Alpahretta Alpharetta University School of Nova South University School of Nova South Alpharetta High School Home School Fleisher Lauzier Kim Wang Sydney Gabi Yeonjae Shilu (lana) 10 12 12 11 Painting Ceramics & Glass Painting Drawing Flat Tire Bones You Can't Escape The Truth Bark The Magic Boat Ride Rabbit GA GA GA GA Alpharetta Alpharetta Alpharetta Alpharetta Alpharetta High School Chattahoochee High School Chattahoochee High School Chattahoochee High School Lee Goldstein Limyansky O'Sullivan Susan Alexis Hope Sam 9 11 11 12 Painting Photography Sculpture Digital Art Next Stop Stretching Thin Untitled 3 Yard of the Month GA GA Alpharetta Alpharetta Mount Pisgah Christian School Alpharetta High School Lee Ring Yun Mackenzie 11 GOLD MEDAL 10 GOLD MEDAL Drawing Drawing Mundane Future-selves Affiche D'une Fille GO

Congratulations 2013 National Medal Winners! State/ Country City School Name Last Name First Name Grade Awards Work Category Work Title AK Fairbanks West Valley High School Webb Sarah 12 GOLD MEDAL Digital Art Cupboard AL Birimingham The Altamont School Sorscher Lincoln 8 GOLD MEDAL Flash Fiction Conclusion AL Birmingham Alabama School of Fine Arts Buckingaham Kendall 10 GOLD MEDAL Painting Bleach

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Notification No. B9-Recruitment-Sports-CR-1/2015-16 Dated 03-07-2015 . 4. Gold Medal in World Championship / Cup for Seniors – Grand Slam Tennis. 5. Silver Medal in World Championship / Cup for Seniors – World No.3 in Tennis. . 36. Gold Medal / First place in the All India Inter University Championship. 37. Silver Medal / Second place .

4. Silver Star Community Service with Excellence Ribbon 5. Community Service with Excellence Ribbon 6. Air Force Association Award (Medal/Ribbon) 7. Daedalian Award (Medal/Ribbon) 8. American Legion Scholastic Award (Medal/Ribbon) 9. American Legion General Military Excellence Award (Medal/Ribbon

KOREAN LANGUAGE PROGRAM (9 credits, Fall & Winter 2 semester course) FIRST LEVEL KOREAN Courses offered. This course is a continuation of First Level Korean.The goal is to give students necessary tools to speak, read and write Korean fluently. Continuing learning further sentence structures, we will also focus on contextual aspects. Special attention is given on using and recognizing minimal .