Career and Technical Education Supporting College and Career Readiness
Rigorous and Relevant CTE Courses and Pathways for Today’s Students In today’s economy, the requirements for employees are rapidly evolving with an increasing demand for advanced technical skills and higher education. Imagine Edgenuity’s Career and Technical Education (CTE) courses engage students with real-world activities that address career-related topics. Our catalog of highly relevant curriculum empowers students to explore their interests by engaging with courses that include multiyear support for high-demand, high-interest career pathways and job certification exam readiness. Imagine Edgenuity Career and Technical Education Page 3
Empower Students to Explore Career Interests Imagine Edgenuity’s career and technical education is comprised of over 100 career-focused course options that address the 16 Career Clusters included in the national Career Clusters Framework*: IMAGINE EDGENUITY’S CAREER CLUSTERS: Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources Architecture & Construction Arts, A/V Technology & Communications Business Management & Administration Education & Training Finance Government & Public Administration Health Science Hospitality & Tourism Human Services Information Technology Law, Public Safety, Corrections & Security Manufacturing Marketing Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics (STEM) Transportation, Distribution & Logistics IMAGINE EDGENUITY’S COURSES PROVIDE: Anywhere, anytime self-paced learning Project-based curriculum that ensures student engagement Real-world learning for today’s in-demand jobs *More information is available about the National Career Clusters Framework, which includes Career Clusters and educator- and industrydefined Career Pathways, at the Advance CTE website, Page 1
Prepare Students for Future Success Hands-on projects enable students to apply and synthesize learning as they: Design a board game that incorporates each of Erik Erikson’s stages of psychosocial development Design a tour company, incorporating all aspects of marketing, business, and logistics Discuss building LEED scores with builders or architects in their town or city Use 3D software modeling tools to design a simple product Establish a blog community or web page Create a sketch model of a toy for pets Develop a 3D video game The Positive Impact of CTE: 93 % of CTE students graduate high school 81 % of students say CTE would have kept them in school 75 % of CTE graduates continue their education Improve graduation rates: 93% of students in CTE programs graduate high school, outpacing the national graduation rate of 85%. Engage students with relevant learning: 81% of students who did not complete high school say real-world learning opportunities would have kept them in school. Improve postsecondary success: 75% of high-school students who take CTE coursework pursue postsecondary studies shortly after graduation. Source: Career and Technical Education: Current Policy, Prominent Programs, and Evidence. MDRC. Imagine Edgenuity Career and Technical Education Page 2
Imagine Edgenuity CTE Pathways Imagine Edgenuity CTE courses are mapped to the learning priorities defined for the national Career Pathways**, and support career exploration with hands-on activities that enable students to deepen their experience with their career interests Additionally, CTE courses available through a partnership with eDynamic Learning support CTE study options for students. A complete set of courses is available for the following national Career Pathways: Career Cluster Career Pathway Animal Systems Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources Agriculture Biotechnology Natural Resource Systems Business Information Management Business Management & Administration General Management Administrative Services Early Childhood Development & Services Health Science Family & Community Services Personal Care Services Lodging Hospitality & Tourism Restaurant, Food, and Beverage Services Travel and Tourism Network Systems Information Technology Programming & Software Development Information Support and Services STEM Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics **Advance CTE is a national non-profit organization representing state CTE professionals. Advance CTE developed the Career Clusters Framework which includes commonly referenced Career Clusters and Career Pathways. Page 3
Certification Pathways Imagine Edgenuity CTE courses are mapped to priority topics addressed on national industry-based job certification exams***. These courses encourage students to apply real-world problem-solving and project-based learning experiences while preparing for exams. A full set of courses is available for students preparing for exams with the following Certification Pathways: Career Cluster Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources Career Pathway Certification Exam Animal Systems NOCTI Agricultural Biotechnology Agriculture Biotechnology NOCTI Animal Systems Natural Resource Systems NOCTI Natural Resource Systems NOCTI Business Information NOCTI General Management Business Management & Administration Business Information Management General Management Administrative Services Microsoft Office Specialist: Access 2016 (MOS Exam 77-730) Excel 2016 (MOS Exam 77-727) Outlook 2016 (MOS Exam 77-782) PowerPoint 2016 (MOS Exam 77-729) Word 2016 (MOS Exam 77-725) Health Science Hospitality & Tourism Nursing Assistant Pharmacy Technician NOCTI Nursing Assisting AMCA Certified Nursing Assistant Certified Pharmacy Technician (CPhT) Lodging NOCTI Hospitality Management – Food Restaurant, Food, and & Beverage Beverage Services NOCTI Hospitality Management - Lodging NOCTI Early Childhood Development NOCTI Human Services Early Childhood Development Family and Community Services Family & Community Services NOCTI Early Childhood Education & Care-Basic NOCTI Family & Community Services Law, Public Safety, Corrections & Security Criminal Justice NOCTI Legal Services NOCTI Criminal Justice ***Imagine Edgenuity does not provide certification exams. Imagine Edgenuity Career and Technical Education Page 4
The Imagine Edgenuity CTE Experience Prepare Students for High-Demand Careers Imagine Edgenuity CTE courses feature powerful tools that enable educators to customize courses, and address locally defined CTE priorities. These courses allow students to pursue interests spanning business, health sciences, engineering, arts, entrepreneurship opportunities, and more. Imagine Edgenuity’s CTE courses incorporate: A collaborative student Highly structured, Embedded supports learning environment explicit instruction to facilitate Robust reporting tools personalized learning and engagement Page 5 877-725-4257 874893474 2204
address the 16 Career Clusters included in the national Career Clusters Framework*: . Framework, which includes Career Clusters and educator- and industry-defined Career Pathways, at the Advance CTE website, Imagine Edgenuity Career and Technical Education Page 2 . PowerPoint 2016 (MOS Exam 77 .
The purpose of this section is to provide support during the use of your trial period with Edgenuity Courseware. It provides a high-level overview and directions for understanding the functionality of both the student and teacher experience in Edgenuity.
Students must complete 100% of the course with a final grade of 60 or higher. For initial credit students [purpose 2], to receive credit passing the Edgenuity class and receive a grade through the program (some courses also require an EOC per State requirements). Each student is assigned an Edgenuity Monitor.
2 Mission, Vision and Purpose of Career and Technical Education Mission: To empower all students to be successful citizens, workers and leaders in a global economy. Vision: When students participate in Career and Technical Education as an integral part of the total school experience, and when parents recognize that Career and Technical Education impacts achievement of educational and career .
Advance CTE Common Career Technical Core - Career Ready Practices . The Common Career Technical Core (CCTC) is a state-led initiative to establish a set of rigorous, high-quality standards for Career Technical Education (CTE). The CCTC includes a set of standards for each Career Cluster and corresponding Career Pathways that define what
EDUCATION DEPARTMENT Knowledge Skill Opportunity . NEW YORK STATE CAREER AND TECHNICAL EDUCATION . GUIDELINES FOR CAREER AND TECHNICAL EDUCATION ADMINISTRATORS AND SCHOOL COUNSELORS . June 2020 EDITION . The University of the State of New York/The State Education Department Office of Career and Technical Education Albany, New York 12234
This manual is designed to assist school districts to meet data reporting requirements for career and technical education (CTE) programs as they access career and technical education levy revenue. Minnesota Statutes, section 124D.4531 governs the career and technical education levy. Minnesota Statutes, section 124D.4531 Career and Technical Revenue
of Education, Office of Career and Technical Education) is for the Career and Technical Education Administrator and includes information targeted for use by those filling this role. This manual does not contain all-encompassing information, rather it provides a summary of aspects of career and technical education that will assist an administrator.
toute la chaîne alimentaire, depuis la production primaire jusqu’à l’assiette du consommateur. La Commission du Codex Alimentarius – un lieu de débat où traiter des questions nouvelles et difficiles Après 45 ans d'activité, la Commission du Codex Alimentarius conserve toute son actualité et il serait difficile d'envisager un monde sans elle. La Commission est toujours prête à .