Additional Resources: Product Page 3D Model date 07/09/2019 page 1 of 7 SERIES: CFM-80 DESCRIPTION: DC AXIAL FAN FEATURES 80 x 80 mm frame high fan speed for greater air flow dual ball bearing construction auto restart protection standard on all models MODEL input voltage input current input power rated speed air flow1 static pressure2 noise rated (Vdc) range (Vdc) typ (A) max (A) max (W) typ (RPM) (CFM) (inch H2O) max (dBA) CFM-8010-13 12 6 13.8 0.16 0.24 2.88 3,300 33.61 0.11 38.2 CFM-8015-13 12 6 13.8 0.18 0.24 2.88 3,500 43.96 0.16 39.8 CFM-8025-13* 12 6 13.8 0.33 0.43 5.16 5,100 69.20 0.42 47.0 CFM-8025-23* 24 16 27.6 0.16 0.25 4.8 5,100 69.20 0.42 47.0 Notes: 1. At 0 inch H20 static pressure. 2. At 0 CFM airflow. *. Discontinued CFM-8025-13-11, CFM-8025-13-22, CFM-8025-23-11, CFM-8025-23-20, and CFM-8025-23-22 models. PART NUMBER KEY CFM-80 XX - X 3 - XX - CXX Base Number Depth 10 10 mm 15 15 mm 25 25 mm Notes: Reserved for Custom Configurations Input Voltage 1 12 Vdc 23 24 Vdc 3. 24 Vdc input voltage option only available with 25 mm depth Fan Signals 10 no signals 11 rotation detector signal 20 tachometer signal 22 tachometer signal / PWM control signal
Additional Resources: Product Page 3D Model CUI Inc SERIES: CFM-80 DESCRIPTION: DC AXIAL FAN date 07/09/2019 page 2 of 7 INPUT parameter conditions/description operating input voltage 12 Vdc input models 24 Vdc input models min typ max units 6 16 12 24 13.8 27.6 Vdc Vdc current CFM-8010 CFM-8015 CFM-8025 CFM-8025 models models models models 0.16 0.18 0.33 0.16 0.24 0.24 0.43 0.25 A A A A power CFM-8010 CFM-8015 CFM-8025 CFM-8025 models models models models 1.92 2.16 3.96 3.84 2.88 2.88 5.16 4.8 W W W W starting voltage at 25 C 12 Vdc input models 24 Vdc input models 6 16 Vdc Vdc PERFORMANCE parameter conditions/description min typ max units rated speed at 25 C, after 10 minutes CFM-8010 models CFM-8015 models CFM-8025 models 2,970 3,150 4,590 3,300 3,500 5,100 3,630 3,850 5,610 RPM RPM RPM air flow at 0 inch H2O, see performance curves CFM-8010 models CFM-8015 models CFM-8025 models static pressure noise 33.61 43.96 69.20 CFM CFM CFM at 0 CFM, see performance curves CFM-8010 models CFM-8015 models CFM-8025 models 0.11 0.16 0.42 inch H2O inch H2O inch H2O at 1 m CFM-8010 models CFM-8015 models CFM-8025 models 36.0 38.0 45.5 38.2 39.8 47.0 dBA dBA dBA min typ max units min typ max units PROTECTIONS / SIGNALS1 parameter conditions/description auto restart protection available on all models rotation detector available on “11” models tachometer signal available on “20” and “22” models PWM control signal available on “22” models Notes: 1. See application notes for details. SAFETY & COMPLIANCE parameter conditions/description insulation resistance of frame at 500 Vdc between frame and positive terminal dielectric strength at 500 Vac, 60 Hz, 1 minute between frame and positive terminal safety approvals UL/cUL 507, TUV (EN 62368-1) EMI/EMC EN 55022:2010 AC:2011 Class B, EN 61000-32:2014, EN 61000-3-3:2013, EN 55024:2010 life expectancy at 45 C, 15 65% RH RoHS yes 10 MΩ 5 70,000 mA hours
Additional Resources: Product Page 3D Model CUI Inc SERIES: CFM-80 DESCRIPTION: DC AXIAL FAN date 07/09/2019 page 3 of 7 ENVIRONMENTAL parameter conditions/description min operating temperature storage temperature max units -10 typ 70 C -40 70 C operating humidity non-condensing 5 90 % storage humidity non-condensing 5 95 % PERFORMANCE CURVES 0.12 0.09 0.18 3.00 0.14 2.00 0.05 0.07 1.00 2.50 2.00 1.50 0.04 0.50 0.00 3.50 3.00 0.11 1.50 0.00 4.50 4.00 2.50 0.07 0.02 (mm H 2O) (Inch H2O) CFM-8015 (mm H 2O) (Inch H2O) CFM-8010 1.00 0.50 0.00 0.00 10.00 20.00 30.00 40.00 (CFM) 0.00 0.00 10.00 0.00 0.28 20.00 30.00 40.00 0.85 1.13 50.00 (CFM) (CMM) 0.00 0.23 0.45 0.68 0.91 (CMM) 1.13 0.47 0.38 (mm H 2O) (Inch H2O) CFM-8025 12.00 10.00 8.00 0.28 6.00 0.19 4.00 0.09 0.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 20.00 40.00 60.00 80.00 (CFM) (CMM) 0.00 0.45 0.91 1.36 1.81 2.26 0.57 1.42
Additional Resources: Product Page 3D Model CUI Inc SERIES: CFM-80 DESCRIPTION: DC AXIAL FAN date 07/09/2019 page 4 of 7 MECHANICAL parameter conditions/description motor 4 pole DC brushless min bearing system ball bearing direction of rotation counter-clockwise viewed from front of fan blade dimensions CFM-8010 models: 80 x 80 x 10.6 CFM-8015 models: 80 x 80 x 15.4 CFM-8025 models: 80 x 80 x 25.4 material PBT (UL94V-0) weight CFM-8010-13 CFM-8015-13 CFM-8025-13 CFM-8025-23 models models models models units: mm [inch] CFM-8010 wire: UL 1061, 26 AWG WIRE CONNECTIONS Function Red Vin Black -Vin Yellow1 FG Signal White1 RD Signal Blue1 PWM ōŢţŦŭ CFM-8015 wire: UL 1061, 26 AWG WIRE CONNECTIONS Wire Color Function Red Vin Black -Vin Yellow1 FG Signal White1 RD Signal Blue1 PWM Note: ōŢţŦŭ 1. Wires only present on versions with output signals. max units mm mm mm 42.6 59.2 87.7 91.6 MECHANICAL DRAWING Wire Color typ g g g g
Additional Resources: Product Page CUI Inc SERIES: CFM-80 DESCRIPTION: DC AXIAL FAN units: mm [inch] CFM-8025 wire: UL 1007, 24 AWG WIRE CONNECTIONS Function Red Vin Black Yellow -Vin 1 FG Signal White1 RD Signal Blue1 PWM Note: 3D Model date 07/09/2019 page 5 of 7 MECHANICAL DRAWING (CONTINUED) Wire Color ōŢţŦŭ 1. Wires only present on versions with output signals.
Additional Resources: Product Page 3D Model CUI Inc SERIES: CFM-80 DESCRIPTION: DC AXIAL FAN date 07/09/2019 page 6 of 7 APPLICATION NOTES Auto Restart Protection/Current Limit Protection When the fan motor is locked, the device will cut off the drive current within two to six seconds and restart automatically after a few seconds. If the lock situation is continued, the device will work on a repeated cycle of cut-off and restart until the lock is released. (See Figure 1 below). Figure 1 Current Limit Protection Lock Sensor/Rotation Detector Lock Sensor is used to detect if the fan motor is operating or stopped. Alarm High: the output will be logical low when fan is operating and be logical high when fan motor is locked. (See Figures 2 3 below). Figure 3 RD Signal Output Circuit: Open Collector Figure 2 Alarm High Output Waveform Ic 5mA max Pulse Sensor/Tachometer Signal/FG Pulse Sensor is for detecting the rotational speed of the fan motor. At locked rotor condition, the signal stops cycling and the output is fixed at VoH or VoL (See Figures 4 5 below). Figure 4 Output Waveform Figure 5 FG Signal Output Circuit: Open Collector Ic 10mA max PMW Control Signal A speed control lead can be provided that will accept a PWM signal from the customer circuit to vary the speed of the fan. The change in speed is linear by changing the Duty-Cycle of the PWM. Open collector type and pull-up voltage is changed by maximum operating voltage and sink current by consuming current. (See Figure 6 below). Figure 6 Duty Cycle Vs 4 5 V
Additional Resources: Product Page 3D Model CUI Inc SERIES: CFM-80 DESCRIPTION: DC AXIAL FAN date 07/09/2019 page 7 of 7 REVISION HISTORY rev. description date 1.0 initial release 08/15/2016 1.01 updated datasheet 07/27/2017 1.02 discontinued model CFM-8025-13-22 11/10/2017 1.03 discontinued CFM-8025-13-11, CFM-8025-23-11, CFM-8025-23-20, and CFM-8025-23-22 models 01/29/2018 1.04 updated to be certified to EN 62368-1 safety standard 07/09/2019 The revision history provided is for informational purposes only and is believed to be accurate. Headquarters 20050 SW 112th Ave. Tualatin, OR 97062 800.275.4899 Fax 503.612.2383 CUI offers a one (1) year limited warranty. Complete warranty information is listed on our website. CUI reserves the right to make changes to the product at any time without notice. Information provided by CUI is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by CUI for its use, nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. CUI products are not authorized or warranted for use as critical components in equipment that requires an extremely high level of reliability. A critical component is any component of a life support device or system whose failure to perform can be reasonably expected to cause the failure of the life support device or system, or to affect its safety or effectiveness.
CUI Inc SERIES: CFM-80 DESCRIPTION: DC AXIAL FAN date 07/09/2019 page 2 of 7 INPUT parameter conditions/description min typ max units operating input voltage 12 Vdc input models 24 Vdc input models 6 16 12 24 13.8 27.6 Vdc Vdc current CFM-8010 models CFM-8015 models CFM-8025 models CFM-8025 models 0.16 0.18 0.33 0.16 0.24 0.24 0.43 .
CUI Devices SERIES: CFM-80 DESCRIPTION: DC AXIAL FAN date 04/28/2021 page 2 of 7 INPUT parameter conditions/description min typ max units operating input voltage 12 Vdc input models 24 Vdc input models 6 16 12 24 13.8 27.6 Vdc Vdc current CFM-8010 models CFM-8015 models CFM-8025 models CFM-8025 models 0.16 0.18 0.33 0 .
CUI Inc SERIES : CFM-80 DESCRIPTION: DC AXIAL FAN date 07/27/2017 page 2 of 7 INPUT parameter conditions/description min typ max units operating input voltage 12 Vdc input models 24 Vdc input models 6 16 12 24 13.8 27.6 Vdc Vdc current CFM-8010 models CFM-8015 models CFM-8025 models CFM-8025 models 0.16 0.18 0.33 0.16 0.24 0.24 0.43 0.25 A A A .
CUI Inc SERIES : CFM-80 DESCRIPTION: DC AXIAL FAN date 01/29/2018 page 2 of 7 INPUT parameter conditions/description min typ max units operating input voltage 12 Vdc input models 24 Vdc input models 6 16 12 24 13.8 27.6 Vdc Vdc current CFM-8010 models CFM-8015 models CFM-8025 models CFM-8025 models 0.16 0.18 0.33 0.16 0.24 0.24 0.43 0.25 A A A .
space, as required by ASHRAE 62.1-2010 or 2013. Location ASHRAE 62.1 Rate Design Rate Location ASHRAE 62.1 Rate Design Rate . Janitor Room 1 cfm/ft. 2 . Common space kitchen . 187 . 50 cfm / 100 cfm . Trash / Recycling Room 1 cfm/ft. 2 . Common space bathroom : 198 : 50 cfm per toilet / urinal : Parking Garage ; 0.05 cfm/ft. 2
Avg. leakage per 100 ft. SMACNA CLASS 5” SP IO” SP 4” 6” 5 CFM 6 CFM 3 7” 10” 2.5 CFM 3.5 CFM 3 11” 24” 2 CFM 4 CFM 3 STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY NORDFAB December 16, 2011 To whom it may concern Reference: Structural integrity of “QF” Piping System
Air Volume / Watts at Various Blower Speeds High Medium-High Medium Medium-Low Low cfm Watts cfm Watts cfm Watts cfm Watts cfm Watts 0.00 1430 353 1305 270 1180 199 890 107 740 70 0.10 1395 364 1270 279 1145 207 845 113 695 76 0.20 1365 375 1245 291 1105 212 795 121 640 81 0.30 1330 383 1215 298 1070 221 740 126 575 86
ASHRAE Standard 62.1 Variables Vpz 1600 cfm Vpz-min 400 cfm Vpz 1600 cfm Vpz-min 400 cfm outdoor air supply air VAV return air VAV Block airflow : Vps 2560 cfm Zone Airflow Rates 1. Define Zone Level Parameters a. Define zone airflow rates and distribution effectiveness a. Ra Outdoor airflow rate per unit area (Table 6-1) b.
1 This practice is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee C-16 on Thermal Insulation and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee C16.30 on Thermal Measurements. Current edition approved Jan. 27, 1989. Published May 1989. Originally published as C 680 – 71. Last previous edition C 680 – 82e1. 2 Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 04.06. 3 Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 14.02. 4 .