Saint Mary's Brand Guidelines - Saint Mary's University Of Minnesota

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Saint Mary’s Brand Guidelines VERSION 1.0 MAY 2022

Welcome. And thank you. You have a big role to play in telling our story to the world, sharing all that Saint Mary’s was, is, and will become. This is your moment to shine. We want to help you make the most of your role as a Saint Mary’s storyteller. This guide is for anyone who communicates on the university’s behalf. It will help you consistently, effectively, and clearly express what Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota brings to the lives of its students every day: personal inspiration, character-building education, and future-ready skills. SOON THE REST OF THE WORLD WILL COME TO KNOW SMU THE WAY WE DO. AND IT’S ALL BECAUSE OF YOU. Saint Mary’s University


BRAND GUIDELINES 01 BRAND FOUNDATION The strategy that inspires and guides our brand forward.

B BR RA AN ND D FEO L EUM NEDNAT T SI O N2 .1 1 .02 “A brand is not a logo. A brand is not an identity. A brand is not a product a brand is a person’s gut feeling about a product, service, or organization.” -MARTY NEUMEIER, AUTHOR AND BRAND EXPERT The Saint Mary’s brand is shared and solidified at every major touch point, from the website to a campus visit to every interaction a potential student or current student has in the classroom and with every office across the university. If we all know our story and tell our story, our branding will resonate. Branding isn’t just found in marketing materials. Strong university brands also have alumni and employees who feel true ownership and passion for the organization. A consistent and identifiable brand that is understood and internalized within an organization is better understood by external audiences as well.

B R A N D F O U N D AT I O N 1 .1 Enriched and inspired by Lasallian Catholic values, Saint Mary’s University meets every student where they are and supports them with a highly personal, real-world-ready educational experience that fully prepares them to work, lead, and serve with character and greater purpose. BRAND PROMISE The Saint Mary’s brand promise represents the differentiated benefit we offer. It is what we authentically and distinctively deliver to our audiences. It is not intended to be a statement that is published externally, rather it is to be used as a guide to help focus our brand and communication efforts.

B R A N D F O U N D AT I O N 1 . 2 Lasallian Catholic values create real value. When you are greeted with respect, taught with humanity, and supported, you will find your people. People who value critical thinking, problem-solving, and character-building as much as you do. You may not know these values by name, but you carry them with you all the same. BRAND PILLARS The Saint Mary’s brand promise is supported by the strength of our five brand pillars. Our pillars represent the core messages we convey and how we define the value of our distinctive educational experience.

B R A N D F O U N D AT I O N 1 . 2 Faculty and staff are all in for every student. You matter here. Our community sees individuals, not classrooms; celebrates differences alongside commonalities; and meets you where you are with the compassion, commitment, and encouragement you deserve. Feel supported as you strive to define and redefine just what makes you you. Because, you matter.

A community that cares. At Saint Mary University, you’ll find like-minded B R A N D F O U N D AT I O N 1 . 2 peers, faculty, and staff who share your commitment to seek beyond the known, strive beyond the done-that, and roll out a safety net when needed. Whether you’re on campus or online, you’ll find the Saint Mary’s University community is vibrant, welcoming, and accessible.

Education that’s within reach. It doesn’t matter where you’re coming B R A N D F O U N D AT I O N 1 . 2 from, only where you’re headed. Saint Mary’s open-door policy says YES to creating opportunity. YES to providing flexibility. YES to honoring individuality. Instead of you figuring out how to fit Saint Mary’s into your life, we find ways to make it work for you. Then make it happen.

B R A N D F O U N D AT I O N 1 . 2 Practical, hands-on education for the real world. We put meat on your education with professors who practice in their fields, hands-on learning experiences to round out theories with real-world insights, and a focus on preparing you for tomorrow’s careers. The result is pragmatic, experiential learning you can carry with you into internships, first jobs, and beyond. whatever and wherever that may be.

Wholehearted. Completely and sincerely devoted in all we do. Genuine. Truthful, sincere, and authentic in all ways. B R A N D F O U N D AT I O N 1 . 3 Caring. Concerned, compassionate, and other-centered. Engaging. Fostering interesting, compelling, and meaningful connections. Uplifting. Positive, inspiring, and equipping all to be their best. Faithful. Steadfast in our beliefs and committed to each other, our students, and our community. BRAND CHARACTER Our brand character expresses our brand’s authentic identity. Use the brand character words as a collective set of expectations that shape and form the personality and visual and verbal expression of our brand in the marketplace.

B R A N D F O U N D AT I O N 1 . 4 Because of you. CENTERING IDEA The Saint Mary’s slogan is grounded in our brand promise and represents the essential truth behind our brand story. It is a rally cry that ignites and unites the brand across all communications platforms and channels.

B R A N D F O U N D AT I O N 1 . 5 Because of you. There is a place in the world that will never be the same because of you. There is a job you will take because of your education that will provide a sense of purpose, which will drive your decisions and define your ambitions as you move from “making a living” to “making a life.” Together, we will prepare you for that place: applauding improvements, celebrating achievements, gathering wisdom from your missteps, and tracking your progress as you set out — confidently — for that presently unknown destination that will never be the same because of you. BRAND (ETHOS) DECLARATION The Saint Mary’s declaration is an inspirational narrative that represents the brand’s highest aspirations and deepest commitments. It breathes life into our strategic brand foundation and sets all our brand communications into motion.

BRAND GUIDELINES 02 BRAND ELEMENTS The essential creative components that give the Saint Mary’s brand its distinctive identity.

C A B R A N D E L E M E N T S 2 .1 B D E Saint Mary’s University The Lasallian Star is our northern star. From it we navigate life with character and greater purpose. LOGO EXPLAINED A. The Lasallian Star that guides our journey. B. The Light of truth and illumination. C. Seeking knowledge and education. D. “Our Lady, Star of the Sea,” or Stella Maris, is an ancient title for Mary, our patron Saint. Polaris, a star commonly called the North Star or Pole Star, is associated with the Virgin Mary. E. Faith in the presence of God (Cross).

BRAND ELEMENTS 2.2 A Saint Mary’s University B Saint Mary’s University LOGO ORIENTATIONS A. Centered B. Horizontal C. Stacked C Saint Mary’s University

BRAND ELEMENTS 2.3 A Saint Mary’s University B Saint Mary’s University LOGO COLOR VARIATIONS A. 2 Color Logo on Campus Navy B. Black and White Logo on Star Grey

Construction Grid 07 X X X X X X X BRAND ELEMENTS 2.4 X X LOGO CONSTRUCTION GRID Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota The logo was created on a grid system in order to preserve geometric harmony and visual sensibility whether scaled up or down.

E xc l u s i o n Z o ne 08 X X X BRAND ELEMENTS 2.5 X X X X X LOGO SAFE ZONE Use the shield as a guide when placing empty space around all sides of the logo, allowing for maximum impact.

Logo Orientations AND MARK FOR THE UNIVERSITY TYPE AND MARK FOR THE UNIVERSITY Centered with Minnesota Logo Orientations 05 Centered with Minnesota Saint Mary’s University Centered of MINNESOTA Saint Mary’s University Vertic Vertical - Centered BRAND ELEMENTS 2.6 of MINNESOTA Vertical - Centered Vertical - Centered with Minnesota Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota LOGO CONFIGURATIONS: Primary The primary logo is available in both stacked and horizontal versions, allowing you to select the configuration that will best fit your communication.

Saint Mary’s University B R A N D E L E M E N T S 2 .7 CAMPUS MINISTRY Saint Mary’s University INCLUSION and HUMAN DIGNITY Saint Mary’s University CHARACTER and VIRTUE EDUCATION Saint Mary’s University CAMPUS MINISTRY Saint Mary’s University INCLUSION and HUMAN DIGNITY Saint Mary’s University CHARACTER and VIRTUE EDUCATION LOGO CONFIGURATIONS: Schools, Divisions, Departments, and Offices Stacked and horizontal versions are also available for logos representing individual schools, divisions, and offices associated with the university.

10 BRAND ELEMENTS 2.8 70mm A2 45mm A3 30mm A4/A5 LOGO SIZES B&W B&W Inverted Minimum Size Minimum Size 20mm 60px 5mm 14px LEGIBILITY To ensure continued legibility, use the following guidelines regarding the minimum size of the logo in each application.

BRAND ELEMENTS 2.9 DO NOT rotate the logo DO NOT distort or warp the DO NOT change the logo’s logo in any way colors Saint Mary’s DO NOT change the main DO NOT display the typeface logo as an outline DO NOT lighten the logo DO NOT use duo-tone coloring LOGO MISUSE Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota Never recreate the logo; always use the approved logo file provided. Misusing the logo can diminish the power of our brand. Incorrect usage can include stretching or rotating the logo, scaling it improperly. Never outline, change the transparency or recolor any element.

Alternative Marks B R A N D E L E M E N T S 2 .1 0 Shield Favicon Seal ALTERNATIVE MARKS Please note that the seal logo is never duotone an also is either one of the flat colors, as listed, or used in silver foil embossed for print. When media is a precious metal (such as bronze, gold, etc.) color of the seal can inherit the natural color of each metal.

PRESIDENTIAL SEAL Presidential Seal Used Office ofPresident the President andofBoard of to Trustees indicate formal Used byby office of the and board Trustees indicateto formal actions actions and declarations, theidentity Presidential visually our most and declarations, the presidential visuallyIdentity upholds our most upholds ceremonious PRESIDENTIAL SEAL ceremonious operations, such as degrees, recognition andand achievement operations, such as degrees, recognition and achievement awards, PRESIDENTIAL SEAL Used by Office of the President and Board of Trustees to indicate formal awards, and and trustee and letters. presidential and presidential trustee documentation and documentation letters. actionsof and declarations, the Presidential Identity visually upholds our most Used by Office the President and Board of Trustees to indicate formal ceremonious operations, such as degrees, recognition and achievement actions and declarations, the Presidential Identity visually upholds our most awards, and presidential and trustee documentation and letters. ceremonious operations, such as degrees, recognition and achievement UNIVERSITY IDENTITY awards, and presidential and trustee documentation and letters. B R A N D E L E M E N T S 2 .1 1 Used across academic and administrative divisions, departments, and UNIVERSITY IDENTITY University Identity offices. It functions as theacross foundational design of visual components thatand Used academic and administrative divisions, departments, UNIVERSITY IDENTITY offices. It functions as thearchitecture foundational design of visual components that Used across academic administrative divisions, department, and offices. all branches of the and Saint Mary’s identity originate. all branches of of the Saint Mary’s identity architecture originate. Used across academic and administrative divisions, departments, and It functions as the foundational design visual components from which all It functions the foundational design of visual components that branches of the offices. Saint Mary’s identifyasarchitecture originate. all branches of the Saint Mary’s identity architecture originate. ATHLETICS IDENTITY ATHLETICS IDENTITY For use only by the Athletics Department, the Athletics Identity places For use only by the Athletics Department, the Athletics Identity places Saint Mary’s student-athletes and coaches as champions in every field IDENTITY Saint Mary’s ATHLETICS student-athletes and Itcoaches as champions field of the and every arena. houses marks that express itin asevery a core element For use only by the Athletics Department, the Athletics Identity places and every arena. It houses marks that express as a that core element the spirit Saint Mary’s experience as well asitvisual represent the of unique Athletics Identity Saint Mary’s student-athletes and Athletics. coaches as champions in every field and energy of Saint Mary’s Saint Mary’s experience as well as visual that represent the unique spirit For use only by the Department, Athletics Identityit places Saint Mary’sof the andAthletics every arena. It houses the marks that express as a core element and energy of Saint Mary’s Athletics. student-athletes and coaches as champions in every field and every arena. It houses Saint Mary’s experience as well as visual that represent the unique spirit marks that express as a core element of the Saint Mary’s experience as well as anditenergy of Saint Mary’s Athletics. visuals that represent the unique spirit and energy of Sain Mary’s Athletics. IDENTITY ARCHITECTURE These Saint Mary’s identities each have their own role to play on campus and beyond. When used appropriately, they allow us to honor our past while embracing the future.

Because we seek to remove barriers, our voice is candid and sincere. B R A N D E L E M E N T S 2 .1 2 But we also seek to inspire, so we infuse our language with hope. We are proud, but never arrogant. Smart but never highbrow. Above all, we are genuinely welcoming, ready to support each other. BRAND VOICE The voice of Saint Mary’s conveys the spirit and dedication of the university to the success and growth of each and every individual. Use brand voice as a guide to help create consistent brand tone and personality.

CARDINAL RED CMYK 100 / 69 / 8 / 54 RGB 0 / 40 / 85 PANTONE PMS 295CP CMYK 2 / 100 / 85 / 6 RGB 204 / 38 / 71 PANTONE PMS 186CP HEX #213F64 HEX #DB3441 B R A N D E L E M E N T S 2 .1 3 CAMPUS NAVY GREY CMYK 0 / 0 / 0 / 25 RGB 199 / 200 / 202 PANTONE PMS 25% BLACK HEX #BFBFBF BLACK WHITE CMYK 100 / 61 / 32 / 96 RGB 22 / 31 / 40 PANTONE PMS BLACK 6CP CMYK 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 RGB 255 / 255 / 255 HEX #000000 HEX #ffffff COLOR PALETTE We lead with Campus Navy as our primary color in all materials, employing Cardinal Red as a supportive secondary color. Grey, Black, and White are useful as accents.

B R A N D E L E M E N T S 2 .1 4 IvyPresto Display ABCDEFGHIJKLMN OPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmn opqrstuvwxpz TYPOGRAPHY: Primary Thin Light Regular SemiBold Bold Aa IvyPresto Display is categorized as the primary font. This university typography will be used for all heading titles as well as standalone messaging and large-scale media. The Display alternative is IvyPresto Headline. It is used in either Campus Navy on a white background or white on a color background (Cardinal Red type on white background is too difficult to read).

B R A N D E L E M E N T S 2 .1 5 Collier ABCDEFGHIJKLMN OPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmn opqrstuvwxpz TYPOGRAPHY: Accent Extra Thin Thin Extra Light Light Book Regular Semibold Bold ExtraBold Aa Collier is used as the accent font to accentuate “Of Minnesota” on all logo lockups as well as signage and signatures. It is used in either Campus Navy on a white background or white on a color background (Cardinal Red type on white background is too difficult to read).

B R A N D E L E M E N T S 2 .1 6 Proxima Nova ABCDEFGHIJKLMN OPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmn opqrstuvwxpz TYPOGRAPHY: Text Thin Light Regular Medium Bold Extrabold Black Aa Proxima Nova is used for all small-scale, body, and supporting text for all media types. It is used in either Campus Navy on a white background or white on a color background (Cardinal Red type on white background is too difficult to read).

B R A N D E L E M E N T S 2 .1 7 Your heading goes here Heading Ivy Presto Display Regular 30pt 32pt leading No tracking Intro lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Intro Copy Collier Book Regular 10pt 10pt leading No tracking Body Copy Proxima Nova Regular 5pt 6pt leading No tracking Pull Quote Collier Book Regular 8pt 9pt leading No tracking Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Nonestr umquam adi cus. Consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad veniam. Enihiliquae pra simpore cullendae est lab is iducil maximpo ribero maximol oreperovidit est, cuscid quae ommodi maximpo ribero maximol. Quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip eUcid qui con nesequi busapit offici occusandit aut eos mosant. On nos es volo ium res esequamet es ad quis ipsus evelit abo. Omnihic ipictio rerovidenem et pro to cum ipici culleni enihita dolorem. Hent entem quo et et rera aut lam doluptata ad mos et. “LOREM IPSUM DOLOR SIT AMET, CONSECTETUR ADIPISCING ELIT, DOLOR FUGIAT NULLA PARIATUR.” TYPOGRAPHIC HIERARCHY Use this example for guidance on how to properly incorporate our three typefaces into your communications.

B R A N D E L E M E N T S 2 .1 8 PHOTOGRAPHY The quality and point of view of photography are essential to the expression of the Saint Mary’s University brand. Photos should always be of high quality. The style of photography should convey an “in-the-moment” editorial style. Avoid posed photography and cliches. Seek to capture real moments that focus on individuals authentically engaged in learning, connecting, and interacting with each other and the greater Saint Mary’s community.

B R A N D E L E M E N T S 2 .1 9 DESIGN ELEMENTS: Square Container with One Round Corner The round corner of this container represents the shape of the shield and is created by applying a 252pt radius to the bottom right corner. This container is actionable, holding text content and the FMP action. It should always appear in Cardinal Red #D93545.

BRAND ELEMENTS 2.20 DESIGN ELEMENTS: Shield We use the Saint Mary’s Shield as a graphic element to enhance large fields of solid color. This looks best as a subtle element, so set the effect to multiply at anywhere between 15-25% opacity. Crop the logo at 2/3 horizontal, 1/3 vertical, so it is tucked into the corner of the container. The shield is available on the program finder in a container colored #DB3441.

BRAND ELEMENTS 2.21 Because of you. DESIGN ELEMENTS: Pinstripe Border A pinstripe border is used to bring attention to a particular image. It should be evenly spaced ( 7px inside or outside the image). The pinstripe should always appear in solid white #FFFFFF and have a width of a 2pt stroke. When the image is placed against a blue background, the pinstripe should be on the outside of the picture. When the image is placed against a white/light gray background, the pinstripe should be inside the image.

BRAND ELEMENTS 2.22 DESIGN ELEMENTS: Image Overlay There are cases where we place a image overlay above the navy background to create more visual interest. When we do this it is set at a 6% opacity overlay.

BRAND ELEMENTS 2.23 DESIGN ELEMENTS: Red Line We use the red color to bring attention and action. For digital uses, buttons, navigation, and interactive elements use the red whereas within print we recommend using red to highlight actionable words or means of contact. Red can also be used in print to bring attention to detail of content such as a phrase or coupling of words that bring purpose to the piece.

BRAND GUIDELINES Advertising 03 BRAND APPLICATIONS Examples of how our brand foundation and brand elements come together in execution.

C B WINONA CAMPUS 700 TERRACE HEIGHTS WINONA, MN 55987-1399 USA B R A N D A P P L I C AT I O N S 3 .1 .1 WINONA CAMPUS A Evan Dahl Regional Admission Counselor Office of Admission Toll free 800-635-5987 Ext. 1744 Office 507-457-1744 Cell 507-429-1963 SMUMN.EDU 700 TERRACE HEIGHTS UNIVERSITY: Letterhead A. Business Card B. A4 Letterhead C. Envelope WINONA, MN 55987-1399 USA 507-452-4430 800-635-5987 SMUMN.EDU Winona Campus 700 Terrace Heights, #2 Winona, MN 55987

B R A N D A P P L I C AT I O N S 3 .1 . 2 A UNIVERSITY: Email Headers A. Example of Email Headers for Character and Virtue Education

A B R A N D A P P L I C AT I O N S 3 .1 . 3 B UNIVERSITY: Booklet Cover, Admissions Folder A. Design Suggestion for a Booklet Cover B. Design Suggestion for an Admissions Folder

A Evan Dahl B Regional Admission Counselor Office of Admission Toll free 800-635-5987 Ext. 1744 Office 507-457-1744 Cell 507-429-1963 B R A N D A P P L I C AT I O N S 3 .1 . 4 SMUMN.EDU Winona Campus 700 Terrace Heights, #2 Winona, MN 55987 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed faucibus tellus vel dolor semper venenatis. Vivamus eget accumsan orci. Sed dictum justo et nisi egestas sollicitudin. Donec at nisi sem. Proin ut venenatis lectus. Praesent non vehicula tellus, ac pellentesque orci. Duis vel arcu odio. Donec posuere vestibulum nisi. Proin posuere sollicitudin enim. Pellentesque justo tortor, viverra vel urna eget, suscipit imperdiet nibh. Curabitur non justo ut nunc luctus hendrerit vitae vitae massa. Morbi vehicula ligula vel vestibulum fringilla. Phasellus pretium vel metus et sagittis. Nulla quis porttitor tortor. Sed semper libero nec egestas mattis. Fusce pharetra et velit at euismod. Sed malesuada lectus in tellus tincidunt auctor. Vestibulum erat ante, porttitor et metus at, placerat pellentesque tellus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Proin mi tortor, ultrices sit amet velit ac, tristique facilisis eros. Mauris ac tempor libero, vitae elementum velit. Donec id massa ut elit volutpat fermentum. Praesent congue, diam ac molestie lacinia, quam enim placerat felis, id vulputate ligula dolor vitae velit. In eleifend, risus in imperdiet tempus, sem tellus suscipit sem, ut hendrerit ex est non libero. Cras et mi quis quam iaculis aliquam quis ac risus. Maecenas condimentum porta nibh, molestie tincidunt nisl finibus pretium. Nulla nec odio molestie, sollicitudin mi in, ullamcorper eros. Proin mollis consectetur ornare. Quisque posuere lorem sit amet ligula euismod placerat. Sed sodales urna leo, id condimentum lorem porttitor condimentum. C Name, Degree and/or Saint Mary’s Class Year Title Department OFFICE 555-555-5555 MOBILE 555-555-5555 MUMN.EDU 2500 Park Avenue Minneapolis, MN 55404-4403 USA SMUMN.EDU UNIVERSITY: Commonly used assets A. Business Card B. E-signature C. Name Badge

STATIONERY PACKAGE FOR THE PRESIDENT (SEAL IN SILVER FOIL) THIS IS COMPOSITE MOCK-UP with silver foil and black ink. A THIS IS COMPOSITE MOCK-UP with silver foil seal, silver foil text, and black ink. OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT SAINT MARY’S UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA 700 Terrace Heights #30 Winona, MN 55987-1399 USA THIS IS MOCK UP PAGE Text on back side of card is black ink. 700 Terrace Heights #30 Winona, MN 55987-1399 Office 507-457-1503 Email SMUMN.EDU B R A N D A P P L I C AT I O N S 3 . 2 .1 SAINT MARY’S UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT University seal is blind embossed; OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT text in gold foil. OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT SAINT MARY’S UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA 700 Terrace Heights #30 Winona, MN 55987-1399 USA Office 507-457-1503 Email SMUMN.EDU PRESIDENTIAL AND TRUSTEE: Letterhead A. Stationery package for the president (seal in silver foil)

B R A N D A P P L I C AT I O N S 3 . 2 . 2 PRESIDENTIAL AND TRUSTEE: Podium A. Seal in use: podium

A B R A N D A P P L I C AT I O N S 3 . 2 . 3 Seal PRESIDENTIAL AND TRUSTEE: Mace A. Seal in use: mace

THE PRESIDENT’S CHRISTMAS CARD AND ENVELOPE A B R A N D A P P L I C AT I O N S 3 . 2 . 4 OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT Saint Mary’s University of MINNESOTA 700 Terrace Heights #30 Winona, MN 55987-1399 USA This depiction of Archangel Gabriel is fou of the Angels, nd in Saint Ma located on the ry’s Universi former Colle ty’s Chapel of angel who bro ge of Saint Te Saint Mary ught Mary the resa. In the Go ne spel, Gabriel ws that she would the God who was the giv sends angels e birth to Jes to provide ho us. Ho ld firm this sea pe to humanit son that y still works today in eac Photo by Tom h of our lives. Grier This depiction of Archangel Gabriel is found in Saint Mary’s University’s Chapel of Saint Mary of the Angels, located on the former College of Saint Teresa. In the Gospel, Gabriel was the angel who brought Mary the news that she would give birth to Jesus. Hold firm this season that the God who sends angels to provide hope to humanity still works today in each of our lives. Photo by Tom Grier PRESIDENTIAL AND TRUSTEE: Christmas Card And Envelope A. The President’s Christmas Card and Envelope

B R A N D A P P L I C AT I O N S 3 . 2 . 5 GRADUATION DIPLOMA AND COVER (SEAL IN SILVER FOIL) A PRESIDENTIAL AND TRUSTEE: Graduation Diploma And Cover A. Graduation Diploma and Cover (Seal in Silver Foil)

DEAN’S LIST AND COMMENCEMENT COVER (SEAL IN SILVER FOIL) B R A N D A P P L I C AT I O N S 3 . 2 . 6 A T he Dean of the College of Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota extends greetings and congratulations to 18 pt IPD on the occasion of isplay Se mibold U LC ntoo the being named adjuDean’s stm Honor List ents for commendatory achievement in fulfilling the goals of academic excellence. Saint Mary ’s University o f Minneso ta Dean of the College Date PRESIDENTIAL AND TRUSTEE: Dean’s List And Commencement Cover A. Dean’s List and Commencement Cover (Seal in Silver Foil)

B R A N D A P P L I C AT I O N S 3 . 3 .1 Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota Modern Climate Advertising MARKETING: Outdoor Advertising A. Examples of Outdoor Advertising 16 Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota 33

B R A N D A P P L I C AT I O N S 3 . 3 . 2 MARKETING: Outdoor Signage A. Examples of Outdoor Signage

B B R A N D A P P L I C AT I O N S 3 . 3 . 3 A Explore the possibilities. Saint Mary’s University MARKETING: Brochure A. Example of a Brochure Cover B. Example of an Inside Spread

B R A N D A P P L I C AT I O N S 3 . 3 . 4 MARKETING: SOCIAL MEDIA A. Example of Paid Social Media B. Example of Unpaid Social Media A. smumn smumn B. smumn smumn

MARKETING: Webpage A. Example of Home Page B R A N D A P P L I C AT I O N S 3 . 3 . 5

B R A N D A P P L I C AT I O N S 3 . 3 . 6 MARKETING: Apparel And Merchandise A. Example of a Tote Bag

Campuses: MINNEAPOLIS CAMPUS 866-437-2788 THANK YOU. ROCHESTER CAMPUS 877-768-4545 WINONA CAMPUS 800-635-5987

brand foundation. brand application. 1.1 the meaning of a brand 04 1.2 brand promise 05 1.3 brand pillars 06 1.4 brand character 11 1.5 centering idea 12 1.6 brand (ethos) declaration 13 4.0. contact. contact 55. 2.0. brand elements. 2.1 logo explaination 15 2.2 logo 16 2.3 brand voice 26 .

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