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Burlington Catholic Collaborative A publication of St. Malachy & St. Margaret Parishes in Burlington, MA October 27, 2019 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Burlington Catholic 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time Saint Margaret Parish 111 Winn Street, Burlington MA 01803 Tel: 781-272-3111 Fax: 781-272-9204 info@stmargaretburlington.org www.StMargaretBurlington.org PARISH OFFICE HOURS Monday - Friday 10:00 am - 3:00 pm MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Vigil: 4:30 pm Sunday: 7:30 am; 10:00 am; and, 12:00 pm Monday - Friday: 6:45 am Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday: 9:00 am Holy Day Masses As announced in the parish bulletin. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION (CONFESSIONS) Saturday: 2:30 - 4:00 pm (lower church) BAPTISM The baptism of infants is celebrated on the second Sunday of each month at 2:00 pm in the church. Parents are required to participate in a pre-baptismal preparation session in anticipation of their child’s baptism. These sessions are conducted on the third Monday of each month at 7:00 pm in the parish rectory. To make arrangements for the baptism of a child, parents should contact the parish office. PARISH STAFF Rev. James M. Mahoney Pastor Rev. Mark T. Olejnik Parochial Vicar Deacon Dick Bilotta Deacon Deacon Mason Wiggins Seminarian, St Augustine, Florida Rev. Francis M. Conroy Senior Priest in Residence Adults seeking baptism or desiring to become members of the Catholic Church should contact the office for information. Michelle Campbell Office Administrator Sonny Dirienzo Facilities Manager John Volante Finance Manager William M. Donahue Music Director/Organist Patricia Harris Religious Ed. Director Tel: 781-272-5810 E-mail: reled@stmargaretburlington.org SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY Couples desiring to marry in the Catholic Church should contact the parish office for details at least six months prior to the anticipated date of their wedding. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION COORDINATORS Confirmation Joanne Mackey High School Brian Curtin ANOINTING OF THE SICK & COMMUNION CALLS Please notify the parish office if you or a family member is hospitalized or homebound and desires to receive the Eucharist and/or the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick. Priest in Residence Rev. Fabian Ezenwa, CSSp Chaplain at Lahey Medical Center & Hospital & Emerson Hospital 2

Burlington Catholic 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time Saint Malachy Parish 99 Bedford Street, Burlington, MA 01803 Tel: 781-272-5111 Fax 781-270-9407 Office@Saint-Malachy.org www.Saint-Malachy.org PARISH OFFICE HOURS Monday - Friday 9:30 am - 2:30 pm MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Vigil: 4:00 pm Sunday: 8:00 am & 10:30 am Monday, Wednesday & Friday: 9:00 am Holy Day Masses As announced in the parish bulletin. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION (CONFESSIONS) Friday: 600-7:00 pm (chapel) BAPTISM The baptism of infants is celebrated on the fourth Sunday of each month at 2:00 pm in the church. Parents are required to participate in a pre-baptismal preparation session in anticipation of their child’s baptism. These sessions are conducted on the third Tuesday of each month at 7:00 pm at St. Margaret’s Rectory. To make arrangements for the baptism of a child, parents should contact the parish office. PARISH STAFF Rev. James M. Mahoney Pastor Rev. Mark T. Olejnik Parochial Vicar Deacon Dick Bilotta Deacon Deacon Mason Wiggins Seminarian, St Augustine, Florida Adults seeking baptism or desiring to become members of the Catholic Church should contact the office for information. Chris McCollem Kathleen Keady Office Receptionist Business Manager Office@Saint-Malachy.org Ann Pye Bulletin Secretary bulletin@Saint-Malachy.org Daniel Mainardi Director of Music Camille Mainardi Religious Ed. Director Grades 1-8 Religoused@Saint-Malachy.org Gail Jaskal Youth Program Coordinator Grades 9-10 Youthministry.stmalachy@gmail.com Gary Dew Facilities Manager SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY Couples desiring to marry in the Catholic Church should contact the parish office for details at least six months prior to the anticipated date of their wedding. ANOINTING OF THE SICK & COMMUNION CALLS Please notify the parish office if you or a family member is hospitalized or homebound and desires to receive the Eucharist and/or the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick. 3

Burlington Catholic 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time Burlington Catholic Fr. Mahoney’s Message Cursillo. Deacon Mason Wiggins and I are on Cursillo this weekend. I have been a Spiritual Director for Cursillo for over 20 years. Cursillo, in Spanish: “Cursillos de Cristiandad,” which means a “short course of Christianity,” is a three-day experience which focuses on showing Christian lay people how to become effective Christian leaders. The long weekend (Thursday evening to Sunday evening) includes fifteen talks given by clergy and lay people, Morning and Evening Prayer, daily Mass and shared meals. The major emphasis of the weekend is to ask participants to take what they have learned back into the world. Many parishioners from St. Margaret’s, St. Malachy, and the surrounding Parishes have experienced this 3-day weekend. Please keep Deacon Mason and the other 37 men in your prayers this weekend. Dear Burlington Catholic Collaborative, Jesus tells the parable of the proud Pharisee who prayed from his self-importance and the tax collector who prayed humbly. Jesus teaches his disciples to pray in humility before God. If anyone would be a model for prayer, one would think it would be the Pharisee who knows the law and follows it. He was living an upright life, he was doing everything he claimed to be doing. But he was not praying; he was giving God an inventory of his good deeds. Jesus turns things upside-down in this parable. Jesus gives us the tax collector as a model for prayer. Tax collectors were collaborators with the Roman authorities. The system allowed tax collectors to line their own pockets by charging more than the actual taxes. But, in this parable, Jesus offers the humility of the tax collector as a model for the prayer of a disciple. The parable reminds us that when we pray, we must remember our need for God in our lives. Remember what we say at Mass? “Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof, but only say the word and my soul shall be healed.” If we are too full of ourselves, like the Pharisee, there is little room for God's grace to work in us. This week we celebrate the Solemnity of All Saints Day, a Holy Day of Obligation on Friday, November 1st. Our Mass Schedule is: 6:45 a.m. at St. Margaret, 9:00 a.m. at St. Malachy, 12:05 at St. Malachy and 7:00 p.m. at St. Margaret. ***Please note: Because of the 7:00 p.m. evening Mass at St. Margaret - Confessions will NOT be heard at 6:00 p.m. at St. Malachy. Every year the Church recalls the example, witness, and prayer of the holy women and men who have been identified by the Church as Saints. The Gospel we proclaim for this Solemnity recalls for us Jesus' teaching about happiness, the Beatitudes. The Beatitudes can be understood as a framework for Christian living. Saints are people who lived the spirit of the Beatitudes as Jesus lived. We are challenged to model our lives on the spirit and promises of the Beatitudes. The Joint Parish Council will meet next Sunday to further discuss a New Mass Schedule. They have been working very hard on this. A lot of blood, sweat and tears have gone into their deliberations. I am very proud of their work and I thank them. The committee gave a couple of recommendations which they shared with the whole Joint Parish Council which is a rather large group. We had a round table discussion with many diverse thoughts. Many on the Council are particularly sensitive to the feelings of the parishioners of both Parish Communities. The Joint Parish Council will continue its conversations about a new Mass Schedule next Sunday. Timing is everything: we initially thought the new Mass Schedule would be implemented on December 1st. That will not be the case. We will need to postpone the implementation of the new schedule to a later date, perhaps the first Sunday of the New Year. Daylight Savings Time Ends next weekend. When you go to bed next Saturday night, don’t forget to “Fall Back” one hour on your clocks. Enjoy the hour of sleep you lost last spring. And should you forget and come to Church an hour early – a Holy Hour is good for the soul and beneficial to the Collaborative. Let us pray for each other. God bless, Father Mahoney 4

Burlington Catholic 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time Burlington Catholic Note: Priests’ schedules are subject to change. Thursday, October 31 Saturday, October 26 6:45 am St. Margaret 9:00 am St. Margaret 9:00 am St. Margaret Alfred Chin Fatt Memorial Margaret Hardy & Marie Rosa Memorial 4:00 pm St. Malachy (Fr. Mark ) Friday, November 1 The Savoie & McDermott Families Memorial All Saints Day - Holy Day of Obligation 4:30 pm St. Margaret (Fr. Fabian) 6:45 am St. Margaret Donald & Polly Glasser Memorial 9:00 am St. Malachy 12:05 pm St. Malachy 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:00 pm St. Margaret Sunday, October 27 7.30 am St. Margaret (Fr. Conroy) Saturday, November 2 Thomas Carr 9th Anniversary 9:00 am St. Margaret 8:00 am St. Malachy (Fr. Mark) Jonathan McHugh 11th Anniversary Lucia Pondelli Memorial 4:00 pm St. Malachy (Fr. Fabian) 10:00 am St. Margaret (Fr. Mark) George Drinkwater Memorial Carmela Carella 2nd Anniversary 4:30 pm St. Margaret (Fr. Mark) 10:30 am St. Malachy (Fr. Conroy) Edward & Catherine MacMillan John & Deolinda Roque Memorial and John Sousa Memorial 3st Sunday in Ordinary Time 12:00 pm St. Margaret (Fr. Fabian) Sunday, November 3 Helen Boyle Birthday Memorial 7.30 am St. Margaret (Fr. Mahoney) Monday, October 28 Frank & Carr Memorial 6:45 am St. Margaret 8:00 am St. Malachy (Fr. Conroy) Isolde Jules Weinberg Memorial 9:00 am St. Malachy 10:00 am St. Margaret (Fr. Mark) Joanne Smith Memorial John Giglio, Jr. 4th Anniversary 10:30 am St. Malachy (Fr. Mahoney) Tuesday, October 29 Gaetano & Eva Micci Memorial 6:45 am St. Margaret 12:00 pm St Margaret (Fr. Conroy) 9:00 am St. Margaret Daniel F., Eva M. & Kevin Horton Mary & Francis Bennett Memorial Memorial Wednesday, October 30 6:45 am St. Margaret Kristin Lucia Anniversary 9:00 am St. Malachy Charles Upton Memorial 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 3 SUN Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat SUN Scripture for the week of October 27, 2019 Sir 35:12-14, 16-18/2 Tm 4:6-8, 16-18/Lk 18:9-14 Eph 2:19-22/Lk 6:12-16 Rom 8:18-25/Lk 13:18-21 Rom 8:26-30/Lk 13:22-30 Rom 8:31b-39/Lk 13:31-35 Rv 7:2-4, 9-14/1 Jn 3:1-3/Mt 5:1-12a Wis 3:1-9/Rom 5:5-11 or 6:3-9/Jn 6:37-40 Wis 11:22—12:2/2 Thes 1:11—2:2/Lk 19:1-10 A Funeral Mass was offered recently for Catherine Russell. Kindly remember her and her family in your prayers. Thank you. 5

Burlington Catholic 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time Saint Margaret Parish Saint MALACHY Parish PARISH FINANCIAL SUPPORT PARISH FINANCIAL NEWS Weekend of October 20, 2019 Envelopes Electronic Mail Online Loose Total Total Users: Parish Offertory In Church: 6,281. On Line: 1,220. TOTAL: 7,501. Parish Building Fund In Church: 225. On Line: 125. TOTAL: 240. Oct. 19/20 2,433. 235. 862. 2,184. 5,714. 103 Weekly Budget Income Deficit Building & Major Projects 984. 130. 1,114. 51 7,500. 5,714 1,786. Month to Date: 17,615. Holy Father & Missionary Efforts In Church 936. Online 100. HELPING THOSE IN NEED As part of the 2019 St. Margaret’s Giving Tree Project, we wish to assist our parish families who find themselves in need during the upcoming Christmas Season. Please telephone your requests to Joanne at 978-439-0017 Friday NOVEMBER 1 Holy Day of Obligation Holy Day Masses will be offered at. CATHOLIC MEN’S FELLOWSHIP The next gathering of the Catholic Men's Fellowship will take place on Thursday, November 14 from 7:00-9:00 pm in the Meeting Room of St. Margaret’s Rectory. For information about the Men’s Fellowship, please contact Ken Carey at 617-840-0225 St. Margaret’s Church 6:45 am & 7:00 pm St. Malachy’s Church 9:00 am & 12:05 pm ST. MARGARET 2019 GRAND ANNUAL 90,000 80,000 70,000 60,000 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 Progress Report As of October 22, pledges have been received from 192 of our 2,483 families (7.7%) amounting to 46,547. We express appreciation to all who have contributed to this important collection for their sacrifices and support! If you have yet to do so, please consider making your donation soon. DIVINE MERCY SHRINE PILGRIMAGE The Burlington Catholic Collaborative will be making a pilgrimage to The National Shrine of Divine Mercy in Stockbridge, MA on Saturday, Nov. 2. The cost is 25 per person and will include: coffee & donuts at St. Margaret’s . Bus departing St. Margaret’s parking lot at 9:15., a tour of the grounds and lunch. Mass is at 2:00 and the Chaplet & benediction at 3:00 with blessing to religious articles. We will depart for home at 4:30. All are welcome. If interested contact Mark Stephan at 781 -640-3043. Checks for 25 should be made out to Ken Carey and can be dropped at St. Margaret Rectory during office hours. Information about the Grand Annual can be obtained at the entrance to the church or by contacting the Parish Office at 781-272-3111. 6

Burlington Catholic 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time Saint Margaret Parish Saint MALACHY Parish Good News!!! Our Program made 1003 Lunches for Lazarus House. This is the goal we set last March. Rejoice with the children! The Bake Sale raised enough money for the children to continue their good works for the entire year! THE ENTIRE YEAR! Thank you beyond thank you! October schedule October 27 to October 30 Grades 1-8 and Confirmation I meet High School Program meets in the Rectory at 6:00pm on Sunday Evening Protecting God’s Children Oct. 27 at 1:15 in the EVERYONE who works with School Hall. children—Catechists, Lectors, Eucharistic Ministers, and the Choir need to attend this workshop ONCE. November 3 to November 6 Grades 1-8 and Confirmation I & II meet Grade 2 Parent Meetings for First Reconciliation. Materials necessary for the children will be given out and explained. Sunday morning, Nov 3 at 8:30 am in the Parish Hall or Wednesday night, Nov 6 at 7:15 pm in the Lower Church. Contact Pat Harris at 781-272-5810 reled@stmargaretburlington.org for information. Grades 1, 3-6 Sundays 9:00 10:15am October 27, November 17, December 8 Grade 2 Sundays 9:00 10:15am November 3 & 24, December 15 Grade 7/8 Mondays 6:30 8:00pm November 4 & 25, December 2 & 16 Confirmation I Wednesdays 6:30 8:30pm November 6, November 13 Joint Service Day, December 4 & 18, December 15 10:30 Mass with Coffee and Donuts after Mass Confirmation II Wednesdays 6:30 8:30pm October 30, November 3 10:30 Mass with Coffee and Donuts after Mass, November 13 Joint Service Day, November 20, December 11 St. Margaret and St. Malachy Parishioners can register FREE to FORMED by going to StMargaretBurlington.FORMED.org or at more Masses of Remembrance at which we give recognition and offer prayers for those who died over the past year will be offered on Sunday, November 24 at 10:30 am in St. Malachy’s Church. During these Masses, a ‘Litany of the Deceased’ will be read that includes the names of those for whom Funeral Masses were offered in our collaborative this past year. If you had a relative who died recently but whose funeral was conducted elsewhere, we will be happy include the person’s name in the ‘Litany of the Deceased’ if you notify the Parish Offices no later than Wednesday, November 6. All are welcome to participate. 7

Burlington Catholic 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time ST. MARGARET’S GIVING TREE COLLABORATIEVE HAM & BEAN SUPPER Our First Annual Collaborative Ham and Bean Supper was last Saturday. Thank you to the entire committee and volunteers who worked so hard behind the scenes to put on such a beautiful and tasty Dinner. Thanks, also, to all those who donated raffle prizes. The one thing we heard from most people was that we need to do this again! And we definitely will. About 150 people from both parishes came to the celebration. A great time was has by all. It was so nice to see both communities coming together to enjoy a meal and to get to know each other. This is what building community in our Collaborative is all about. in the spirit of “loving thy neighbor,” we welcome all to join us in our annual “Christmas Giving Tree” Project. The tree will be located in the sanctuary of the church through December 8. Your gifts this year will go to the following: St. Margaret’s Parishioners Heartbeat People Helping People of Burlington St. Ann’s Parish of Dorchester Society of St. Vincent de Paul of Lynn Over the last several years, by reaching out to many families and hundreds of children, a number of people had a happier holiday season due to the generosity of St. Margaret’s parishioners. Your kindness and support is greatly appreciated and needed once again this year. So, with this in mind, if you take a tag from the Giving Tree, please commit to following through. Make note of the person you have chosen and, if applicable, the age and desired request. Your gift should be a newly purchased item to avoid disappointing someone with a used gift. Please do not include additional gifts or candy along with your purchased gift. If you wish to give additional gifts please put them into a separate gift bag and indicate “additional gifts”. We will distribute them to the children as needed. Due to allergies that a child may have, please, no candy! Gift Cards –– those choosing to give gift card(s), please deposit them into the decorated box located near the “Giving Tree”. FINAL RETURN DATE: SUNDAY, DECEMBER 8 Bringing in gifts early avoids bad weather, forgetfulness, etc. Please place all gifts under the tree in the Sanctuary. Any questions, contact Joanne at 978-439-0017 A PRO-LIFE GIFT TO OUR COLLABORATIVE The Movie: Unplanned. What she saw changed everything. Unplanned is the inspiring true story of one woman’s journey of transformation. All Abby Johnson ever wanted to do was help women. As one of the youngest Planned Parenthood clinic directors in the nation, she was involved in upwards of 22,000 abortions and counseled countless women about their reproductive choices. Her passion surrounding a woman’s right to choose even led her to become a spokesperson for Planned Parenthood, fighting to enact legislation for the cause she so deeply believed in. Until the day she saw something that changed everything, leading Abby Johnson to join her former enemies at 40 Days For Life, and become one of the most ardent pro-life speakers in America. A Parishioner generously donated two copies of the movie and the book to our Collaborative. Please call either rectory to sign up to borrow the book and/or the movie and watch it at home with family and friends. PATRIOTIC ROSARY Come and pray the Patriotic Rosary in Saint Eulalia Church, 50 Ridge Street, Winchester on Sunday, November 10, at 2:00PM along with members of the Saint Eulalia Men’s Fellowship Group. The rosary, along with patriotic songs and readings, will be offered for our country, the intentions of our Pope, and for all of our personal intentions. Come, and bring your family and friends. 8

Burlington Catholic 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time 30th Sunday of Ordinary Time A well-known and very talented professional football player visited a grade school during their annual career day. When he introduced himself, he mentioned the near-by team he played for and the kids exploded in excitement. He was clearly pleased at their response and began to answer their questions. However, the only questions they asked had to do with the star quarterback—questions like, “Do you really know him?” and “Have you ever talked to him?” Later, he observed that there was nothing like a group of seven-year-olds to teach a celebrity a bit of humility. In the parable of the Pharisee and the tax collector, Jesus illustrates the difference between humility and arrogance. The Pharisee goes on stage to present himself as a holy man, seeking the approval and admiration of others. But the tax collector keeps his distance, quietly asking the Lord for mercy. He realizes that God is the source of life and holiness and all that is good. He knew and acknowledged his place and his status before God. When we pray from the heart, we recognize our place before God. He gives us life and grace and wants our love in return. He shares Himself with us who are nothing, so that we can become something—His people. What makes us great is not what we do for God, but rather what God does for us, enabling us to share His life and His salvation for ourselves and for others. Like the tax collector, that’s a thought that can bring us to our knees. The Catholic Community of Lexington announces the beginning of its WINGS (Women IN God’s Spirit) 5-week fall schedule. Its first presentation on Thursday, October 31, 9:30 a.m., will be given by Dr. Jane Regan, Associate Professor of Theology and Religious Education Chair, Boston College. Her subject is “Faith-Full Women: Maturing Adult Faith” which explores what it means to have a mature adult, active faith, and ways to continue fostering that faith. Subsequent meetings are on November 7, 14, 21 and concluding with a mini-retreat and luncheon on December 5. Please mark your calendar to join us on Thursday mornings from 9:30 to 11:15 a.m. at the St. Brigid Parish Center, in the rear of 1995 Mass. Avenue, Lexington. Refreshments are served and membership is not required to attend any session. James Gaffney Celebrate Catholic Schools Week by visiting the Arlington Catholic/St. Agnes School Open House on Sunday, November 3 from 1-4 pm. For more details, visit www.achssas.org. The High School Placement Test for Catholic School Admissions will be offered at Arlington Catholic on Saturday, October 26 and Saturday, November 16 at 8 am. To learn more about the HSPT, go to www.achssas.org/Admissions for details. (Arlington Catholic/Saint Agnes School Admissions Season is off and running! To schedule a tour, a shadow day, or to register for our Open House, go to www.achssas.org/Admissions. Please contact Tricia Crane Director of Enrollment grade K0 -8 at (781) 643-9031 or Steve Barrett Director of Enrollment grade 9-12 at (781) 777-7014 for more information. REFLECTING ON GOD’S WORD Bible study / prayer group meeting will resume on Wednesday, October 30 at 7:00 PM. Please note that our new location will be in the conference room at St. Malachy’s church, which is located just to the right of the altar in the main church. This new location is wheelchair accessible. All are most welcome to join us. For further information, please contact Deacon Dick Bilotta by phone at 781-273-1248 or email: deacondick358@msn.com. 9

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FAST CASH FOR YOUR HOME Any Size Big Or Small Downsizing Life Transition Inherited Property Call NOW for a FREE Evaluation of Your Home Any Condition We Buy Them All House Needs Repairs No Home Inspection Close In as Few as 5 Days As Seen On Memorial Ads Available 617-779-3771 781-819-5100 www.GarmourGroup.com Online Bulletin Delivery Healthier Priests. Stronger Communities. Sign Up to Receive your Parish Bulletin in your inbox every week. Go to www.pilotbulletins.net/sign-up Fr. Jim Ronan PASTOR St. Mary-St. Catherine of Siena Parish, Food Pantry, Charlestown FOUNDER Rostro de Cristo, Ecuador Supporting basic human needs of those on the margin AD SPACE AVAILABLE The strength of our communities depends on the well-being of our priests who tirelessly serve others. Please support clergytrust.org An independently managed trust for the care of active and senior priests in good standing. 617-779-3771 “God is Love” 1 John 4:8 Prayer. Education. Inspiration. Entertainment. It's all for you. CatholicTV.com For Advertising call 617-779-3771 Pilot Bulletins Saint Malachy, Burlington, MA 934

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Order Your Christmas Cards Today Order Online Today at www.PilotPrinting.net View Inside Verses in our Online Store PRICE 25 Cards for 28.99 50 Cards for 44.99 100 Cards for 68.99 Price Includes Blank Envelopes and Shipping 10 Different Options Available Select All of One Design or Mix and Match For More Information Call 617-779-3777 printing@pilotprinting.net 617-779-3777 www.pilotprinting.net The Madonna of the Veil - After Carlo Dolci (1616-1687) Montrose Chapel Prayer. Education. Inspiration. Entertainment. It's all for you. CatholicTV.com For Advertising call 617-779-3771 Pilot Bulletins Saint Margaret, Burlington, MA 933

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Cursillo. Deacon Mason Wiggins and I are on Cursillo this weekend. I have been a Spiritual Director for Cursillo for over 20 years. Cursillo, in Spanish: "Cursillos de Cristiandad," which means a "short course of Christianity," is a three-day experience which focuses on showing Christian lay people how to become effective Christian

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̶The leading indicator of employee engagement is based on the quality of the relationship between employee and supervisor Empower your managers! ̶Help them understand the impact on the organization ̶Share important changes, plan options, tasks, and deadlines ̶Provide key messages and talking points ̶Prepare them to answer employee questions

Dr. Sunita Bharatwal** Dr. Pawan Garga*** Abstract Customer satisfaction is derived from thè functionalities and values, a product or Service can provide. The current study aims to segregate thè dimensions of ordine Service quality and gather insights on its impact on web shopping. The trends of purchases have

Chính Văn.- Còn đức Thế tôn thì tuệ giác cực kỳ trong sạch 8: hiện hành bất nhị 9, đạt đến vô tướng 10, đứng vào chỗ đứng của các đức Thế tôn 11, thể hiện tính bình đẳng của các Ngài, đến chỗ không còn chướng ngại 12, giáo pháp không thể khuynh đảo, tâm thức không bị cản trở, cái được

Jan 01, 2018 · The Valley Hospital Bergen St. Luke’s Hospital - Quakertown Bucks Deborah Heart and Lung Center Burlington Lourdes Medical Center of Burlington County Burlington Virtua – Memorial Hospital of Burlington County Burlington Cooper Hospital University Medical Center

The Bulgarian Catholic Church The Slovak Catholic Church The Hungarian Catholic Church Byzantine Catholic in former Yugoslavia Eastern Catholic Communities without Hierarchies: Russian, Georgian, Belarusan, Albanian The Italo-Albanian Catholic Church The Chaldean Catholic Church The Syro-Malabar Catholic Church The Armenian Catholic Church The .