Technical Report No. SQN2-SGR-TR3, Revision 0 Sequoyah Unit 2 Steam .

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Attachment 2 Technical Report No. SQN2-SGR-TR3, Revision 0 Sequoyah Unit 2 Steam Generator Replacement Alternate Rebar Splice - Bar-Lock Mechanical Splices Technical Report Approved by TVA on February 15, 2011 El-12

B88 QARd 110215#801. APPROQVED To* Gom ow no tons g t" Cenoitrest.,f frop say, pogio Otthetoopqrs(iblitp for. She0oof*00200fl Of L"it".o.TSGT-o527. b-ayN.15., 2011 to p (N) BYC. L.Weaver. SEQUOYAH UNIT 2 STEAM GENERATOR REPLACEMENT ALTERNATE REBAR SPLICE - BAR-LOCK MECHANICAL SPLICES TECHNICAL REPORT Document No: SQN2 - SGR - TR3 PROJECT Sequoyah DISCIPLINE N UNIT 2 CONTRACT PO 00075603 DESC. Rebar Mechanical Splice (Bar-Lock) Qual. Report DWG/DOC NO. S0N2-SGR-TR3 00 OF REV. SHEET - FILE N2N-075 DATE 02/15/11 ECN/DCN The Steam Generatina Team A URS-Washington DivisionIAREVA NP Company EDMS, WT CA-K Page 1 of 56

The Steam Generating Team SW A OS.Washingtlon Division/ARF'A WP Company Document No.: SQN2-SGR-TR3 ALTERNATE REBAR SPLICE - BAR-LOCK SPLICES TECHNICAL REPORT Safety Related? [ YES n-] NO Does this document contain assumptions requiring verification? [-- YES NO Signature Block Name and Title/Discipline Mark D. Ceraldi / SGT LICENSING Maria M. Hamrick / SGT CIVIL ENGR George L. Comer SGT ASST PEM Note: P, R, A Signature Date PageslSections PreparedlReviewed/ Approved or Comments All 01 R ' A All I/L3 hi // All P designates Preparer, R designates Reviewer, and A designates Approver. Page 2 of 56

The Steam Generating Team KGJ AURS-WashngtiMb DIvisIon/ARE VANPCompany Document No.: SQN2-SGR-TR3 ALTERNATE REBAR SPLICE - BAR-LOCK SPLICES TECHNICAL REPORT Record of Revision Revision No. Date Pages/Sectionsl Paragraphs Changed Brief Description I Change Authorization 0 05-Jan-2011 All Initial Issue Page 3 of 56

SEQUOYAH UNIT 2 SGR ALTERNATE REBAR SPLICE - BAR-LOCK MECHANICAL SPLICES TECHNICAL REPORT (No. SQN2-SGR-TR3) Table of Contents 1.0 2 .0 3 .0 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 5.0 6.0 6 .1 6.2 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 8.0 8.1 8 .2 8.3 8 .4 8.5 9.0 10 .0 Abstra ct . ;. Intro d uctio n . O bje ctive s . Regulatory Requirements/Criteria for Mechanical Splices . NRC Regulatory Guide 1.136, Materials, Construction, and Testing of Concrete Containments . ASME Section III, Division 2, Paragraph CC-4333, Mechanical Splices . ASTM A370, Standard Test Methods and Definitions for Mechanical Testing of Steel Products . ANSI N45.2.5, Supplementary Quality Assurance Requirements for Installation, Inspection, and Testing of Structural Concrete and Structural Steel During the Construction Phase of Nuclear P owe r P la nts . Description of Bar-Lock Couplers . Criteria for QA/QC for Manufacturing and Use of Bar-Lock Couplers . Co de of Re co rd . . 10 C FR 50 Appendix B Elem ents . Bar-Lock Coupler Prequalification Testing for Sequoyah Unit 1 and Watts Bar Unit 1 SGRs . Bechtel/INEEL Testing Program to Pre-Qualify Bar-Lock Couplers for Use to Support the Sequoyah Unit 1 SGR Project - Overview . Bechtel/INEEL Testing Program to Pre-Qualify Bar-Lock Couplers for Use to Support the Sequoyah Unit 1 SGR Project - Test Plan Employed . Bechtel/IlNEEL Testing Program to Pre-Qualify Bar-Lock Couplers for Use to Support the Sequoyah Unit I SGR Project - Mechanical Properties Test Results for Reinforcing Bar . BechtelINEEL Testing Program to Pre-Qualify Bar-Lock Couplers forUse to Support the Sequoyah Unit 1 SGR Project - Description of Coupler Test Specimens . Bechtel/INEEL Testing Program to Pre-Qualify Bar-Lock Couplers for Use to Support the Sequoyah Unit 1 SGR Project - Test Results . Sequoyah Unit 2 Bar-Lock Coupler Installation . S plicing Crew Q ualification . Inspectio n C rite ria . . Production / Sister Splice Testing . Acceptance C rite ria . Quality Assurance / Quality Control . S um m ary and C onclusions . I. Refe re nce s . 5 5 6 7 7 8 9 9 9 12 12 12 14 14 15 15 18 19 24 25 25 25 26 26 27 28 Appendices A Ne Signiflcant HazarI d nsid tin Determination . . B Bar-Lock Coupler Test Reports for Sequoyah Unit 1 and Watts Bar Unit 1 SGRs . 30 Tables 7-1 7-2 Bechtel/INEEL Testing Program to Pre-Qualify Bar-Lock Couplers for Use to Support the Sequoyah Unit 1 SGR Project - Mechanical Properties of Rebar Used in Test Specimens . 17 Bar-Lock L-Series Coupler Specifications (Sizes 6L and 8L) . 18 Figures 5-1 5-2 5-3 Bar-Lock C oupler C utaway . Bar-Lock Coupler L-Series (8-Bolts) . Bar-Lock Coupler Installation . Technical Report No. SQN2-SGR-TR3 Page 4 of 56 10 11 11

SEQUOYAH UNIT 2 SGR ALTERNATE REBAR SPLICE - BAR-LOCK MECHANICAL SPLICES TECHNICAL REPORT (No. SQN2-SGR-TR3) 1.0 Abstract The original construction of the Sequoyah Nuclear Plant Unit 2 concrete Shield Building employed lap splices to join concrete reinforcing steel (rebar). While such splices were able to be easily employed for original plant construction, they are difficult to perform when restoring the concrete in Shield Building openings that result from performing maintenance activities such as steam generator replacements (SGRs). Historically for SGRs, mechanical splices have been employed in reestablishing the rebar connections for restoring the temporary concrete openings that are made to allow access to containment of the old steam generators (OSGs) and replacement steam generators (RSGs). In this manner, both the Sequoyah Unit 1 and Watts Bar Unit I SGRs utilized the Bar-Lock coupler system to provide the mechanical rebar splicing necessary to restore the temporary steam generator access openings in their Shield Buildings. Extensive prequalification of the Bar-Lock couplers actually employed for these SGRs was performed to meet ASME/ACI criteria which demonstrate the equivalency of the Bar-Lock Model 6L and Model 8L rebar connections to rebar repairs using a cadweld splice methodology. Technical Report SQN2-SGR-TR3 presents the technical justification for use of the same model Bar-Lock couplers for the restoration of the Sequoyah Unit 2 Shield Building temporary steam generator access openings as part of the Unit 2 SGR that will be performed in Fall 2012. 2.0 Introduction Technical Report SQN2-SGR-TR3 provides the technical justification for use of Model 6L and Model 8L Bar-Lock couplers in the restoration of the temporary steam generator access openings in the Sequoyah Unit 2 Shield Building as part of the Unit 2 SGR Project. Mechanical splices for reinforcing steel (rebar) used in nuclear safety-related concrete structures are subject to the stringent requirements of ASME Section III, Division 2/ACI-359 and ACI-318, which includes the requirement for the splice to develop 125% of the minimum yield strength of the reinforcing bar. For the Sequoyah Unit 1 SGR, TVA submitted Topical Report 24370-TR-C-001, Sequoyah Unit 1 Steam Generator Replacement Alternate Rebar Splice - Bar-Lock Mechanical Splices Topical Report (Reference 1), which received NRC approval via the Letter and accompanying SER dated March 13, 2003 (Reference 2) to allow use of BarLock couplers model numbers #6 and #8 (i.e., Model 6L and Model 8L) for use on noncontainment (i.e., Shield Building) applications at TVA's Sequoyah Units 1 and 2. Although use of Bar-Lock couplers for the Unit 2 Shield Building is cited in the March 13, 2003 NRC Letter, since the content of Topical Report 24370-TR-C-001 does not specifically address Unit 2 application of the Bar-Lock couplers, Technical Report SQN2Technical Report No. SQN2-SGR-TR3 Page 5 of 56

SGR-TR3 is being written specifically to address Bar-Lock coupler use for the Sequoyah Unit 2 SGR. For the Watts Bar Unit 1 SGR Project, TVA submitted a License Amendment Request (LAR) on December 9, 2004 asking for NRC approval to utilize the same Model 6L and Model 8L Bar-Lock Couplers in the restoration of the temporary steam generator access openings in the Watts Bar Unit 1 Shield Building (Reference 3). This LAR was supplemented with prequalification testing of the Model 6L and Model 8L Bar-Lock couplers additional to that performed as part of Topical Report 24370-TR-C-001 in order to demonstrate the acceptability of using these model Bar-Lock couplers for the Watts Bar Unit 1 SGR (References 4 and 5). The Bar-Lock couplers were successfully used for the Sequoyah Unit 1 and Watts Bar Unit 1 SGR Projects. For these applications, the Bar-Lock coupler system demonstrated the capability to achieve efficient fitup/reconnection of the rebar assembled to enable restoration of the temporary steam generator access openings made in the roofs of the Shield Buildings of Sequoyah Unit 1 and Watts Bar Unit 1. Research with the Bar-Lock coupler system manufacturer concludes that there have been no changes in the design and manufacture of the Model 6L and Model 8L Bar-Lock couplers from the time of their procurement for use in the Sequoyah Unit 1 and Watts Bar Unit 1 SGRs (Reference 6) The Manufacturer further confirms that for these model Bar-Lock couplers the design and manufacturing parameters will not be changed before procurement of the inventories of these Bar-Lock couplers for use in restoring the temporary steam generator access openings that will be made in the Sequoyah Unit 2 Shield Building during the Unit 2 SGR in Fall 2012. Given these facts and the extensive prequalification testing documented in the applications for use of the Model 6L and Model 8L Bar-Lock couplers for the Sequoyah Unit 1 and Watts Bar Unit 1 SGR projects, further prequalification testing of the Model 6L and Model 8L Bar-Lock couplers is concluded to be not required. The Steam Generating Team, LLC (SGT) has been contracted by TVA to perform engineering, procurement, and construction activities for the Sequoyah Unit 2 SGR Project, which includes restoration of the temporary steam generator access openings discussed in this Technical Report. 3.0 Objectives The objectives of this report are to present the necessary data supporting the use of Model 6L and Model 8L for restoration of the temporary steam generator access openings in the Sequoyah Unit 2 Shield Building roof to support the Unit 2 SGR Project. To achieve this objective, the following types of information have been compiled: A description of the Bar-Lock couplers (Models 6L and 8L) is presented in sufficient detail to illustrate the advantages and benefits of this rebar reconnection system. Technical Report No. SQN2-SGR-TR3 Page 6 of 56

Criteria for the laboratory prequalification testing of the Bar-Lock Model 6L and Model 8L couplers. Previously performed laboratory prequalification testing and processes utilized for the Model 6L and 8L Bar-Lock couplers are documented in References 1, 4, and 5, and are summarized in Technical Report SQN2-TR-003, including addressing the applicability of this prequalification testing to the future procurement of Model 6L and Model 8L Bar-Lock couplers to support the Unit 2 Sequoyah SGR Project. Discussions of this laboratory testing also include the 10 CFR 50 Appendix B requirements and a description of quality control of critical processes that were involved in the manufacture and testing of the couplers, and the application of these criteria to current manufacture of the Model 6L and Mode 8L Bar-Lock couplers. Applicable test reports of this laboratory prequalification testing are included in Appendix B of this Technical Report. " Criteria for qualification and testing of the installation of the Model 6L and Model 8L Bar-Lock couplers to support restoration of the temporary steam generator access openings pertain to the onsite qualification testing that is performed as part of the installation process to be employed during the Sequoyah Unit 2 SGR Outage. * Specifics of the Bar-Lock Installation to support the Sequoyah Unit 2 SGR. Regulatory Requirements/Criteria for Mechanical Splices 4.0 Detailed below are regulatory requirements/criteria that are relevant to mechanical splices. Following each requirement/criterion is an italicized reference to where the requirement/criteria are addressed within this Technical Report. NRC Regulatory Guide 1.136, Materials, Construction, and Testing of Concrete Containments 4.1 Regulatory Guide 1.136 states in part that the requirements specified in Article CC4000 of ASME Section III, Division 2, 1980 Edition (also known as ACI 359-80), are acceptable to the NRC staff subject to the following: * Instead of the requirements in subparagraph CC-4333.4.2, splice samples shall be production splices (cut directly from in-place reinforcement). As discussedin Section 8.3, all splice samples will be sistersplices. Technical Report No. SQN2-SGR-TR3 Page 7 of. 56

4.2 ASME Section III, Division 2, Paragraph CC-4333, Mechanical Splices This section of the ASME Code addresses the requirements for mechanical splices. Paragraph CC-4333.2.1 requires each splice system manufacturer to conduct a series of performance tests in order to qualify his splice system for use. Previous testing which meets the requirements of Paragraph CC-4333.2.1 has been performed for the Model 6L and Model 8L Bar-Lock couplers that will be employed in restoring the temporary Shield Building access openings that will be made to perform the Sequoyah Unit 2 SGR. As described above, this extensive prequalificationtesting was performed for these model Bar-Lock couplers for their use in the same application as part of the Sequoyah Unit 1 and Watts Bar Unit I SGRs. Specifically, as presented in Appendix B of this Technical Report, this testing was performed in 2001 for Sequoyah Unit I and 2005 for Watts Bar Unit 1. Research with the Bar-Lock coupler system manufacturer concludes that there have been no changes in the design and manufacture of the Model 6L and Model 8L Bar-Lock couplers from the time of their procurement for use in the Sequoyah Unit I and Watts Bar Unit I SGRs (and the above cited performance of prequalificationtesting) to the present day (Reference 6). The BarLock manufacturerfurther confirms that for these model Bar-Lock couplers the design and manufacturingparameterswill not be changed before procurementof the inventories of these Bar-Lock couplers for use in restoring the temporary steam generator access openings that will be made in the Sequoyah Unit 2 Shield Building during the Unit 2 SGR in Fall 2012. Therefore, the test reports contained in Appendix B serve to demonstrate from a prequalification testing standpoint that the Bar-Lock Model 6L and Model 8L couplers are appropriate for use in restoring the temporary Shield Building access openings for the Sequoyah Unit 2 SGR and that the requirements of ParagraphCC4333.2.1 have been satisfied. Paragraph CC-4333.4 requires that each splicer prepare two qualification splices on the largest size bar to be used. The qualification splices shall be made using reinforcing bar identical to that to be used in the structure. The completed qualification splices shall be tensile tested using the loading rates set forth in SA-370, and the tensile results shall meet those specified in Table CC-4333.1. Splicing crew qualificationis describedin Section 8.1. Paragraph CC-4333.5.4 requires that splice samples be tensile tested using the loading rates set forth in SA-370 and meet the following acceptance standards: (a) The tensile strength of each sample shall equal or exceed 125% of the specified yield strength as shown on Table CC-4333-1. Technical Report No. SQN2-SGR-TR3 Page 8 of 56

(b) The average tensile strength of each group of 15 consecutive samples shall equal or exceed the specified minimum strength as shown in Table CC4333-1. The acceptance criteria that will be used for testing of splice samples are described in Section 8.4. 4.3 ASTM A370, Standard Test Methods and Definitions for Mechanical Testing of Steel Products Section 10 of the standard specifies the requirements for gage marks to determine percent elongation. A discussion of the determination of the mechanical properties of the rebar used in the Bechtel/INEEL coupler testing presented in Appendix B is described in Section 7.3, which includes information on the gage lengths used. Section 13 of the standard specifies acceptable methods for determining tensile properties. A discussion of the determination of the mechanicalproperties of the rebarused in the Bechtel/INEEL coupler testing presented in Appendix B is described in Section 7.3. The results of the testing of these coupler assemblies are provided in Section 7.5. 4.4 ANSI N45.2.5-1974, Supplementary Quality Assurance Requirements for Installation, Inspection, and Testing of Structural Concrete and Structural Steel During the Construction Phase of Nuclear Power Plants ANSI N45.2.5 specifies supplementary quality assurance requirements for installation, inspection, and testing of structural concrete and structural steel for nuclear power plant construction. Sections 6.2 and 8.5 describe the conformance to quality requirementsfor the Bar-Lock couplers and installation of the couplers at Sequoyah Unit 2. 5.0 Description of Bar-Lock Couplers Bar-Lock couplers are manufactured of seamless hot-rolled steel tube conforming to ASTM A-519, with a minimum tensile strength exceeding 100 ksi. The couplers utilize a combination of lockshear bolts and heat-treated internal serrated rails to create a mechanical connection that exceeds the ASME and ACI requirements. A cutaway view of a typical Bar-Lock coupler is provided in Figure 5-1. The serrated rails extend the length of the tube to cradle and grip the rebar. As the six bolts in the illustration are tightened, they embed into the rebar. The serrated rails also embed into the rebar and Technical Report No. SQN2-SGR-TR3 Page 9 Of 56

the interior wall of the tube. The number of bolts required is dependent on the size of the rebar to be spliced. Unlike the 6 bolts shown on Figure 5-1, the Bar-Lock couplers for the 6L and 8L rebar to be used at Sequoyah Unit 2 utilize 8 and 10 bolts, respectively. The 8-bolt Bar-Lock Model 6L coupler is represented on Figure 5-2. A, A. aCD. Coupler Bcirral Lockshtor Bolts Sefroted RoArs Cen ter Pin Figure 5-1 - Bar-Lock Coupler Cutaway Installation of the Bar-Lock coupler is as follows: " Insert the first rebar halfway into the coupler to the center pin (D). " Tighten the bolts (B) to snug (finger-tight) fit. * Insert the second piece of rebar halfway into the other end of the coupler to the center pin (D). " Tighten the remaining bolts (B) to snug (finger-tight) fit. " Tighten all bolts (B) in a random alternating pattern, making a minimum of two passes of tightening each bolt prior to shearing the bolt heads. The installation process is depicted in Figure 5-3., Technical Report No. SQN2-SGR-TR3 Page 10 of 56

I' kl-n F- Figure 5-2 - Bar-Lock Coupler L-Series (8-Bolts) Figure 5-3 - Bar-Lock Coupler Installation Technical Report No. SQN2-SGR-TR3 Page.11 of 56

The couplers are easy to install, normally requiring no special equipment and minimal operator training, and do not require special nrebar preparation. Each coupler uses lockshear bolts that require a specified minimum torque to shear the bolt heads off. Most coupler sizes can be installed with a standard impact wrench, and smaller sizes require only a manual socket wrench. No heavy crimping equipment or threading devices are required. The couplers can be used when rebar is fixed in a position (positional) as well as when the rebar is free to rotate (standard). The susceptibility of the Bar-Lock splice bolt tip materials to stress corrosion cracking (SCC) has been considered. For SCC to occur, three elements are required: (1) a susceptible material, (2) a corrosive environment, and (3) tensile stress. High hardness, low alloy steels are susceptible to stress corrosion under some circumstances. However, the alkaline environment of properly specified and placed concrete is normally not corrosive to steel. The concrete at Sequoyah is formulated to industry standards and should provide a non-corrosive environment for the reinforcing bar and other steel components. In addition, the bolts in the Bar-Lock splice are tightened against the reinforcing bar so that they are in compression, not tension. Therefore, the three necessary conditions for stress corrosion do not occur in the application of Bar-Lock splice bolt tips at Sequoyah Unit 2 in the performance of the restoration of the temporary steam generator access openings made in the Unit 2 Shield Building dome. Criteria for Quality Assurance I Quality Control for Manufacturing and Use of Bar-Lock Couplers Regulatory requirements/criteria for the manufacturing and use of mechanical splices 6.0 are detailed in Section 4 of this Technical Report. 6.1 Code of Record As indicated in Section of the Sequoyah UFSAR, the structural design of the Shield Building is in compliance with the American Concrete Institute (ACI) 318-63 building code working stress requirements. The reinforcing steel conforms to the requirements of ASTM Designation A 615, Grade 60. Original construction was carried out under the requirements of TVA Construction Specification G-2. UFSAR Section states that reinforcing bars were lap spliced in accordance with ACI 318-63 requirements for Strength Design. 6.2 10 CFR 50 Appendix B Elements 10 CFR 50, Appendix B establishes quality assurance requirements for the design, construction, and operation of structures, systems, and components (SSCs) that prevent or mitigate the consequences of postulated accidents that could cause undue risk to the health and safety of the public. The pertinent requirements of 10 CFR 50, Appendix B apply to activities affecting the safety-related functions of those SSCs. Since the planned use of Bar-Lock couplers at Sequoyah Unit 2 will be to restore the Technical Report No. SQN2-SGR-TR3 Page 12 of 56

safety-related shield building, 10 CFR 50, Appendix B requirements are applicable to the design, purchase, fabrication, handling, shipping, storage, inspection, testing, and installation of the couplers. Specifics on conformance to the 10 CFR 50, Appendix B requirements relative to the use of Bar-Lock couplers are provided in the quality assurance manuals, plans, procedures, and specification described below. As indicated in Chapter 17 of the Sequoyah UFSAR, design and construction activities at the Sequoyah plant will be in accordance with the latest approved revision of the TVA Nuclear Quality Assurance Plan (TVA-NQA-PLN89-A). Steam Generating Team (SGT) activities related to the Unit 2 SGR Project will be in accordance with the latest revision of the SGT Quality Assurance Manual which has been approved by TVA. SGT specifications issued to purchase the reinforcing bar and Bar-Lock couplers that will be used to restore the temporary steam generator access openings in the Unit 2 Shield Building dome include: 1. Specification 39866-SPEC-C-006, "Purchase of Bar-Lock Rebar Couplers" 2. Specification 39866-SPEC-C-007, "Technical Specification for Purchase of Reinforcing Steel" As described in Section 8 of this Technical Report, installation of reinforcing bar and the Bar-Lock couplers will be addressed through standard TVA work controlling processes. Bar-Lock couplers are not currently manufactured as nuclear safety-related. Since the Bar-Lock couplers will be used in a nuclear safety-related application, they are subject to a commercial grade dedication program by SGT. To support this dedication, SGT will witness and verify implementation of the Bar-Lock manufacturing and quality control processes and procedures for compliance with the provisions of SGT Specification 39866-SPEC-C-006. The following processes and critical parameters will be observed and checked by SGT in accordance with a Commercial Grade Dedication Plan to ensure that the final product meets the technical requirements: " Processes * - Verification of material identification for the tube, serrated rail, and bolt materials - Item packaging and shipping preparation Critical Parameters - Length of tube - Inside diameter and wall thickness of tube - Serrated rail location - Number of bolts Technical Report No. SQN2-SGR-TR3 Page 13 of 56

- Bolt spacing - Bolt edge distance - Bolt threads - Bolt tip hardness - Diameter of bolt shear plane - Actual bolt break-point torque values The following records will also be examined: " Certified material test reports for tube, serrated rail, and bolt materials from each heat/lot of each of these items " Bolt heat treatment reports " Bolt tip hardness test results * Bolt shear test results * Serrated rail heat treatment reports 7.0 Bar-Lock Coupler Prequalification Testing for Sequoyah Unit 1 and Watts Bar Unit I SGRs For the preparation of Topical Report 24370-TR-C-001-A to gain NRC approval to use Bar-Lock couplers to support the Shield Building dome restoration activities of the Sequoyah Unit 1 SGR Project, extensive laboratory testing was performed of specimens of the Model 6L and Model 8L Bar-Lock couplers by Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory (INEEL). The test report which resulted from this testing is presented in Appendix B of this Technical Report (No. SQN2-SGRTR3). Also included in Appendix B are the test results from the abbreviated laboratorytype testing that was performed to pre-qualify Bar-Lock couplers for use in the similar Shield Building dome temporary access opening restoration activities that were planned for the Watts Bar Unit 1 SGR Project. Sections 7.1 through 7.5 (and associated subsections) describe the Bechtel and INEEL collaborative effort to perform the laboratory testing of the Bar-Lock couplers for use to support the Sequoyah Unit 1 SGR Project. This presentation is reflective of the similar content contained in Sections 8.1 through 8.5 (and associated subsections) of Topical Report 24370-TR-C-001-A (Reference 1). 7.1 Bechtel/INEEL Testing Program to Pre-Qualify Bar-Lock Couplers for Use to Support the Sequoyah Unit 1 SGR Project - Overview For the preparation of Topical Report 24370-TR-C-001-A to gain NRC approval to use Bar-Lock couplers, Bechtel Corporation and INEEL developed and performed an Technical Report No. SQN2-SGR-TR3 Page 14 of 56

independent mechanical testing and analysis program to assess the mechanical performance characteristics of the Bar-Lock L-Series rebar coupler system. By design, this program provided a rigorous test of coupler design mechanical performance, using the qualification criteria of ASME Section III, Division 2, CC-4333 as a standard of reference. The Bechtel/INEEL test program tested and demonstrated that the mechanical properties of the L-Series Bar-Lock mechanical splices meet the existing Codes and NRC requirements and are an acceptable method of connecting reinforcing bar in nuclear power plant safety-related applications. Work performed by INEEL was conducted in accordance with INEEL's Quality Assurance Project Plan and was reviewed by Bechtel and determined to meet the applicable requirements of 10 CFR 50, Appendix B, and in addition conformed to the provisions of ASME/ANSI N45.2 and the applicable ANSI N45.2 series standards. 7.2 Bechtel/INEEL Testing Program to Pre-Qualify Bar-Lock Couplers for Use to Support the Sequoyah Unit 1 SGR Project - Test Plan Employed ASME Section CC-4333 specifies performance criteria to qualify rebar splicing devices for use in nuclear safety-related applications. While the strength specif

Sequoyah Unit 2 Steam Generator Replacement Alternate Rebar Splice -Bar-Lock Mechanical Splices Technical Report Approved by TVA on February 15, 2011 El-12. QARd B88 110215#801. . Table of Contents . The Steam Generating Team, LLC (SGT) has been contracted by TVA to perform engineering, procurement, and construction activities for the .

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