Accelerate Software Delivery With IBM Cloud Managed DevOps

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Cloud solutions from IBM Accelerate software delivery with IBM Cloud Managed DevOps 2015 IBM Corporation 0

Cloud solutions from IBM The top corporate imperatives today* : Improve financial management Strengthen customer relationships Lead in product innovation and/or market position * According to the IDC/IBM study, “Business Value of Managed Services” 2015 IBM Corporation 1

Cloud solutions from IBM Key business benefits from Cloud Managed Services Speed Solution Expertise Scalability Lower costs Improved responsiveness Optimized resources Best use of development skills 2015 IBM Corporation 2

Cloud solutions from IBM Consider the significant business value* companies gain by using IBM Cloud Managed Services: 224% 88% 42% 24% three-year return on investment reduction in server and network downtime increase in IT staff productivity reduction in IT infrastructure costs *According to the 2014 IDC/IBM study, “Business Value of Managed Services” 2015 IBM Corporation 3

Cloud solutions from IBM IBM Cloud Managed DevOps provides the core DevOps solution on a virtual private cloud, without the setup and maintenance costs Continuous business planning Provides the core DevOps solution, customized and configured for each client On a scalable IBM SoftLayer Infrastructure Provides 99.9% availability (SLO) IBM Systems services solution Continuous monitoring Steer Operate Continuous customer feedback and optimization Collaborative development DevOps continuous feedback Develop and test Deploy Continuous testing Continuous release and deployment IBM SoftLayer Infrastructure 2015 IBM Corporation IBM Systems Services 4

Cloud solutions from IBM IBM Cloud Managed DevOps includes these IBM software tools Steer Continuous Business Planning Develop / Test Deploy Continuous Release and Deployment Collaborative Development Rational CLM System Architect Rational Developer Rational Team Concert for System z Jazz Reporting Rational Compilers (RRDI or JRS) Worklight Studio Operate UrbanCode Release UrbanCode Deploy SmartCloud Orchestrator Continuous Monitoring SmartCloud Application Performance Mgt SmartCloud Control Desk Continuous Testing Rational Quality Manager Rational Test Virtualization Server Rational Test Workbench (RTW and Mobile Test Edition) 2015 IBM Corporation Rational Dev & Test Environment for z Worklight Quality Assurance InfoSphere Optim Test Data Management Security AppScan Continuous Customer Feedback & Optimization Tealeaf CX Digital Analytics Mobile Quality Assurance 5

Cloud solutions from IBM IBM Cloud Managed DevOps provides infrastructure and services for licensed Rational products (BYOL) IBM Cloud Managed DevOps Bring Your Own License (BYOL) 2015 IBM Corporation Managed services IBM SoftLayer (IaaS) 6

Cloud solutions from IBM Featured managed services with IBM Cloud Managed DevOps: Full custom Installation and configuration Ongoing maintenance – Install optional upgrades 2x/year With 1 month of availability for testing – OS support and maintenance Ongoing monitoring and recovery – Daily back-ups – Disaster Recovery – Security monitoring – Performance monitoring Customer success and support – Options that fit your needs Add-on services available: – Additional environments – Additional tools and integrations 2015 IBM Corporation Managed Services 7

Cloud solutions from IBM Key value points from IBM Cloud Managed DevOps service Elasticity and scalability Utility billing Secure platform Shorter time to value Ongoing maintenance User experience same as on-premise solution Lower total cost of ownership Business agility 2015 IBM Corporation 8

Cloud solutions from IBM Accelerate your time to value On-premises deployment with in-house resources* Planning, Hardware Acquisition, Install, configuration Rollout Productive Use 3 months IBM Cloud Managed DevOps deployment Rollout Productive Use Wider rollout Provisioning: Hours; Customization: 2-4 weeks *Based on Customer Feedback (factoring in resource availability and scheduling) 2015 IBM Corporation 9

Cloud solutions from IBM Agility: Utility billing, pay only for what you use 3000 1000 200 50 Users 75 users 350 users 1104 users 816 users January February March April Pay monthly, based on the maximum number of unique users who log in during the month. Apply as many tool licenses as you like. 2015 IBM Corporation 10

Cloud solutions from IBM IBM Corporation 2015 IBM, the IBM logo, and are trademarks or registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both. If these and other IBM trademarked terms are marked on their first occurrence in this information with the appropriate symbol ( or ), these symbols indicate U.S. registered or common law trademarks owned by IBM at the time this information was published. Such trademarks may also be registered or common law trademarks in other countries. A current list of IBM trademarks is available on the Web at “Copyright and trademark information” at Other company, product, and service names may be trademarks or service marks of others. References in this publication to IBM products or services do not imply that IBM intends to make them available in all countries in which IBM operates. 2015 IBM Corporation 11

Key value points from IBM Cloud Managed DevOps service Elasticity and scalability Utility billing Secure platform Shorter time to value Ongoing maintenance User experience same as on-premise solution Lower total cost of ownership Business agility . 9 Cloud solutions from IBM

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