Speakout Intermediate Second Edition - Pearson

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Speakout IntermediateSecond EditionAlignment with the Global Scaleof English and Common EuropeanFramework of Reference2NDEDITIONPhotocopiable Pearson English 2016

2NDEDITIONSpeakout Second Edition is a comprehensive six-level general English coursefor adults that has been developed in association with BBC Worldwide and BBCLearning English. The course integrates authentic video from popular BBCprogrammes into every unit and builds the skills and knowledge learners need toexpress themselves confidently in a real English-speaking environment.Completely revised and aligned to the Global Scale of English, this edition hasstriking new visuals, updated reading and listening texts, new video clips and alarge bank of additional practice material.Speakout ExtraSpeakout Extra provides downloadable worksheets that meet learners’ individualneeds by providing them with additional grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation andskills practice. It also includes extra video exploitation activities to help learnersget the most out of the BBC clips.COURSE COMPONENTS Students’ Book with DVD-ROMStudents’ Book with DVD-ROM and MyEnglishLabStudents’ Book Audio CDsWorkbook with Audio CD (with and without key)Teacher’s Book with Resource and Assessment DiscActiveTeachSpeakout Second Edition Photocopiables Pearson Education Ltd. 2016

The Global Scale of English andThe Common European Framework of ReferenceTThe Global Scale of English is a standardised, granular scale from 10 to 90 which measuresEnglish language proficiency. It is correlated to the Common European Framework ofReference (CEFR). Unlike the CEFR, which describes proficiency in terms of broad levels, theGlobal Scale of English identifies what a learner can do at each point on a more granularscale – and within a CEFR level. The scale is designed to motivate learners by demonstratingincremental progress in their language ability. The Global Scale of English forms thebackbone for Pearson English course material and assessment.CEFR and the Global Scale of English both comprise a number of Can Do statements foreach of the four language skills, describing what learners should be able to do at differentlevels of proficiency. The Global Scale of English Can Do statements have been aligned tothe CEFR and many additional statements created, rated for difficulty and calibrated to thescale.This document provides an overview of the Can Do statements that are covered in eachunit of the course. For each Can Do statement we indicate whether a statement is from theoriginal CEFR or newly-created by Pearson English:(C) Common European Framework descriptor, verbatim, Council of Europe(Ca) Common European Framework descriptor, adapted or edited, Council of Europe(N2000) North (2000) descriptor, verbatim(N2000a) North (2000) descriptor, adapted or edited(P) New Pearson English descriptorEnglish courses and testing aligned to a single scale the Global Scale of EnglishVisit English.com/gse to learn more about the Global Scale of English.Council of Europe (2001) Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning,teaching, assessment. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.North, B. (2000) The Development of a Common Framework Scale of Language Proficiency.New York: Peter Lang.Schneider, Guenther and Brian North (1999) ‘In anderen Sprachen kann ich’ . . . Skalen zurBeschreibung, Beurteilung und Selbsteinschätzung der fremdsprachlichen Kommunikationmsfähigkeit. Berne, Project Report, National Research Programme 33, Swiss National ScienceResearch Council.Schneider, G., North, B. (2000) Fremdsprachen können – was heißt das?Chur / Zürich: Rüegger The copyright of the Can Do statements taken from the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages reproduced in thisdocument belongs to the Council of Europe. All users and publishers must ask formal and written permission prior to using these bywriting to the Language Policy Unit of the Council of Europe language.policy@coe.int

2NDEDITIONSpeakout Second Edition Intermediate is aligned with the Global Scale ofEnglish and Common European Framework of Reference. It takes learners from B1to B1 level. Each lesson guides students to a ‘Can do’ goal in line with the GlobalScale of English and Common European Framework ‘Can do’ statements.10GSE2030405060708090B2 C1C2AdvancedUpper StarterCEFR A1A1A2 B1 Learn about the Global Scale of English at eakout Second Edition Photocopiables Pearson Education Ltd. 2016

Unit One IDENTITYLesson 1.1 Me and my languagesGrammarQuestion formsVocabularyLanguagePronunciation Intonation: wh- questionsCan do objectivesCEFRGSEPAGECan make simple inferences based on information given in a shortarticle (P)B1508SpeakingCan ask and answer questions about past time and past activities (C)A2 409WritingCan write simple informal emails/letters and online postings givingnews or opinions (P)B14610CEFRGSEPAGEReadingListeningLesson 1.2 Same or different?GrammarReview of verb tensesVocabularyRelationships; collocationsPronunciation Word stressCan do objectivesReadingListeningCan understand simple technical instructions for everyday equipment (CA)B14911SpeakingCan give or seek personal views and opinions in discussing topics ofinterest (C)B14612/13Can give simple reasons to justify a viewpoint on a familiar topic (P)B14913CEFRGSEPAGECan understand the main points of narratives and conversations aboutfamiliar topics (e.g. work, leisure) delivered in clear standard speech (CA)B14715Can give simple reasons to justify a viewpoint on a familiar topic (P)B14914Can carry out a prepared structured interview with some spontaneousfollow-up questions (CA)B14515WritingLesson 1.3 Tell me about yourselfFunctionTalking about yourselfVocabularyInterview advicePronunciation Intonation: sounding politeCan do objectivesReadingListeningSpeakingWritingSpeakout Second Edition Photocopiables Pearson Education Ltd. 2016

Lesson 1.4 The Blind PainterCan do GECan find specific information in simple letters, brochures and shortarticles (CA)A2 3816Can follow the main points in TV programmes on familiar topics ifdelivered in clear standard speech (CA)B1 5116Can understand the main points of narratives and conversations aboutfamiliar topics (e.g. work, leisure) delivered in clear standard speech (CA)B14717Can give or seek personal views and opinions in discussing topics ofinterest (C)B14616Can give a short, rehearsed talk or presentation on a familiar topic (CA)B1 5217Can write descriptions of past events, experiences or personalexperiences (P)B14717Speakout Second Edition Photocopiables Pearson Education Ltd. 2016

Unit Two TALESLesson 2.1 Fact or fiction?GrammarPresent perfect and past simpleVocabularyTypes of story; prepositionsPronunciation Weak forms: haveCan do objectivesCEFRGSEPAGECan understand the main points of narratives and conversations aboutfamiliar topics (e.g. work, leisure) delivered in clear standard speech (CA)B14720Can give or seek personal views and opinions in discussing topics ofinterest (C)B14620/21Can reasonably fluently relate a straightforward narrative or descriptionas a linear sequence of points (CA)B1 5522CEFRGSEPAGECan identify the main topic and related ideas in a structured text (P)B14923Can give or seek personal views and opinions in discussing topics ofinterest (C)B14623Can give detailed accounts of experiences, describing feelings andreactions (C)B14925Can clearly signal chronological sequence in narrative text (P)B15025CEFRGSEPAGECan find specific information in simple letters, brochures and shortarticles (CA)A2 3826Can understand the main points of narratives and conversations aboutfamiliar topics (e.g. work, leisure) delivered in clear standard speech (CA)B14726Can give detailed accounts of experiences, describing feelings andreactions (C)B14927ReadingListeningSpeakingWritingLesson 2.2 What really happened?GrammarNarrative tensesVocabularyThe newsPronunciation Weak forms: had, was, wereCan do objectivesReadingListeningSpeakingWritingLesson 2.3 I don’t believe it!FunctionTelling a storyVocabularySay/tellPronunciation Intonation: sounding interestedCan do objectivesReadingListeningSpeakingWritingSpeakout Second Edition Photocopiables Pearson Education Ltd. 2016

Lesson 2.4 HustleCan do objectivesCEFRGSEPAGECan follow the main points in TV programmes on familiar topics ifdelivered in clear standard speech (CA)B1 5128Can give or seek personal views and opinions in discussing topics ofinterest (C)B1 4628Can reasonably fluently relate a straightforward narrative or descriptionas a linear sequence of points (CA)B1 5529Can write a basic summary of a written text using some of the samelanguage as the original (P)B1 5129ReadingListeningSpeakingWritingSpeakout Second Edition Photocopiables Pearson Education Ltd. 2016

Unit Three FUTURELesson 3.1 Making plansGrammarThe future (plans)VocabularyOrganisationPronunciation Fast speech: going toCan do objectivesCEFRGSEPAGECan follow the main points of extended discussion around them if instandard speech (CA)B14632SpeakingCan describe plans and arrangements (CA)A2 3933WritingCan write short, simple notes, emails and messages relating toeveryday matters (CA)A2 3834CEFRGSEPAGECan identify the main topic and related ideas in a structured text (P)B14935Can give or seek personal views and opinions in discussing topics ofinterest (C)B14636/37CEFRGSEPAGECan understand the main points of narratives and conversations aboutfamiliar topics (e.g. work, leisure) delivered in clear standard speech (CA)B14738Can make a complaint (C)B1 5139ReadingListeningLesson 3.2 Tomorrow’s worldGrammarThe future (predictions)VocabularyFuture time markers; idiomsPronunciation Stress in time markersCan do objectivesReadingListeningSpeakingWritingLesson 3.3 In other words FunctionDealing with ciation Linking in connected speechCan do objectivesReadingListeningSpeakingWritingSpeakout Second Edition Photocopiables Pearson Education Ltd. 2016

Lesson 3.4 YouTubeCan do GECan find specific information in simple letters, emails and short articles(CA)A2 3840Can follow the main points in TV programmes on familiar topics ifdelivered in clear standard speech (CA)B1 5140Can give or seek personal views and opinions in discussing topics ofinterest (C)B14640Can give a short, rehearsed talk or presentation on a familiar topic (CA)B1 5241Can write a basic letter of application with limited supporting details(P)B14741Speakout Second Edition Photocopiables Pearson Education Ltd. 2016

Unit Four JOBSLesson 4.1 MillionairesGrammarmust/have to/should (obligation)VocabularyPersonal qualities; confusing wordsPronunciation Fast speech: have toCan do objectivesCEFRGSEPAGECan identify the main topic and related ideas in a structured text (P)B14944Can give or seek personal views and opinions in discussing topics ofinterest (C)B14644/46CEFRGSEPAGECan find specific information in simple letters, emails and short articles(CA)A2 3848Can understand the main points of narratives and conversations aboutfamiliar topics (e.g. work, leisure) delivered in clear standard speech (CA)B14747SpeakingCan describe dreams, hopes and ambitions (C)B14848WritingCan write a basic letter of application with limited Supporting details(P)B14749CEFRGSEPAGECan understand the main points of narratives and conversations aboutfamiliar topics (e.g. work, leisure) delivered in clear standard speech (CA)B14750Can give or seek personal views and opinions in discussing topics ofinterest (C)B14650Can take part in routine formal discussions conducted in clear, standardspeech in which factual information is exchanged (CA)B14751ReadingListeningSpeakingWritingLesson 4.2 Dream jobGrammarUsed to, wouldVocabularyExtreme adjectivesPronunciation Intonation: emphasis; linking: used toCan do objectivesReadingListeningLesson 4.3 That’s a good ideaFunctionReaching agreementVocabularyBusinessPronunciation Sentence stressCan do objectivesReadingListeningSpeakingWritingSpeakout Second Edition Photocopiables Pearson Education Ltd. 2016

Lesson 4.4 Gavin and StaceyCan do objectivesCEFRGSEPAGECan follow the main points in TV programmes on familiar topics ifdelivered in clear standard speech (CA)B1 5152Can give or seek personal views and opinions in discussing topics ofinterest (C)B14652Can reasonably fluently relate a straightforward narrative or descriptionas a linear sequence of points (CA)B1 5553B1 5553ReadingListeningSpeakingWritingCan write a description of a real or imagined event (e.g. a recent trip) (C)Speakout Second Edition Photocopiables Pearson Education Ltd. 2016

Unit Five SOLUTIONSLesson 5.1 Low tech solutionsGrammarComparatives and superlativesVocabularyTechnologyPronunciation Syllable stressCan do objectivesReadingCan recognise significant points and arguments in straightforwardnewspaper articles on familiar topics (CA)CEFRGSEPAGEB1 5456ListeningSpeakingCan give straightforward descriptions on a variety of familiar subjects(CA)B14757WritingCan write a structured text clearly signalling main points andsupporting details (P)B1 5858CEFRGSEPAGELesson 5.2 Ask the expertsGrammarQuestion tagsVocabularyInformation; word building: adjectivesPronunciation Intonation: question tagsCan do objectivesReadingListeningCan follow main points of short talks on familiar topics delivered in clear,standard speech (P)B14560SpeakingCan take part in routine formal discussions conducted in clear, standardspeech in which factual information is exchanged (CA)B1 5761CEFRGSEPAGEWritingLesson 5.3 It’s out of orderFunctionPolite requestsVocabularyProblems and solutionsPronunciation Intonation: polite requestsCan do objectivesReadingListeningCan understand the main points of narratives and conversations aboutfamiliar to

Speakout Second Edition Intermediate is aligned with the Global Scale of English and Common European Framework of Reference. It takes learners from B1 . Upper Intermediate Intermediate Pre-intermediate Elementary Starter. Speakout Second Edition Photocopiables Pearson Education Ltd. 2016

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