The Essex County Council (Epping Forest District) (Prohibition of Waiting, Loadingand Stopping) and (On-Street Parking Places) (Civil Enforcement Area) (AmendmentNumber 12) Order 202*Notice is hereby given Colchester Borough Council acting on behalf of the North EssexParking Partnership in exercise of the delegated powers of the traffic authority EssexCounty Council granted under an Agreement dated 31 March 2011 proposes to make theabove Order under Sections 1(1), 2(1) to (3), 4 (1), 4(2), 32, 35, 45, 46, 49 and 53 andParts III and IV of schedule 9 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 permanentThe effect of the Order:1. To introduce and revoke restrictions in the Epping Forest District as follows: to introduce‘No Stopping On Main Carriageway’ and ‘No Stopping At Any Time On Verge Or Footway’restrictions on the A113, Abridge, from a point 51 metres west of its junction with ChurchLane in a south-westerly direction for 1050 metres; to replace the Controlled Zone ‘NoWaiting Mon-Sat 10am-5.30pm’ single yellow lines on both sides of Victoria Road,Buckhurst Hill, north of No.24, with ‘No Stopping At Any Time’ red route restrictions; toextend ‘No Waiting At Any Time’ on the southwest side of the arm of Coronation Hillleading to Nos. 42 to 56 (even) so it extends to its northwesternmost extent; to make thetemporary restricted parking zone (No Waiting At Any Time, No Loading At Any Time) onFluxs Lane, Epping, permanent; to introduce a ‘Loading Only’ bay outside No. 73 ForestRoad, Loughton; to introduce ‘Resident Permit Parking Area GC1’ on Gould Close,Moreton; to introduce ‘Resident Permit Holder Only HSR1’ bays on High Street, Roydon;to revoke ‘No Waiting Mon-Fri 10am-11am’ restrictions and ‘Resident Permit Holders OnlyKA1 Mon-Fri 10am-4pm’ bays on Kendal Avenue, Epping; to introduce ‘Resident PermitParking Area KA1’, ‘Resident Permit Holders Only KA1 Excluding Bank and PublicHolidays or Limited Waiting Mon-Sat Max Stay 1 Hour No Return Within 2 Hours’ bays,‘Resident Permit Holders Only KA1 Excluding Bank and Public Holidays or Limited WaitingMon-Sat Max Stay 2 hours No Return Within 4 Hours’ bays, ‘Pay & Display Mon-Fri 7am4pm Excluding Bank and Public Holidays’ bays and ‘No waiting at any time’ on KendalAvenue, Epping; to introduce ‘Resident Permit Parking Area LSG1 Mon-Fri 10am-2pmExcluding Bank and Public Holidays’ on Shelley Grove Loughton; to convert the baysoutside the Dalgien School and 33 to 37 Westbury Lane in Buckhurst Hill to ‘ResidentPermit Holders Only B Mon-Fri 8am-6pm’ bays and to convert the bays outside BraesideJunior School and 121 Westbury Lane in Buckhurst Hill to ‘Business or Resident PermitHolders Only B Mon-Fri 8am-6pm’ bays. To introduce ‘No Waiting At Any Time’ on StonyPath at its junction with Baldwins Hill and Fairmeads, Loughton; Gould Close and HarlowRoad, Moreton; High Street, Roydon; The Dale, Roundhills, Rochford Avenue, Pinnacles,Downlands in Waltham Abbey; opposite No.168 Princes Road in Buckhurst Hill and on thejunction of Coppice Row and Sidney Road, Theydon Bois. To introduce ‘No Stopping AtAny Time’ red route restrictions on Bury Lane in Epping; Pyrles Lane, Fairmead, TheSquare, The Campus, Abbess Terrace in Loughton and the junction of Garnon Mead andCoopersale Common.2. To amend Schedule 3 in The Essex County Council (Epping Forest District) (Prohibitionof Waiting, Loading and Stopping) and (On-Street Parking Places) (Civil EnforcementArea) Consolidation Order 2019 to append the items set out in Schedule 1 of this notice.
3. To amend Schedule 5 in The Essex County Council (Epping Forest District) (Prohibitionof Waiting, Loading and Stopping) and (On-Street Parking Places) (Civil EnforcementArea) Consolidation Order 2019 to append the items set out in Schedule 2 of this notice.This Order will be incorporated into The Essex County Council (Epping Forest District)(Prohibition of Waiting, Loading and Stopping) and (On-Street Parking Places) (CivilEnforcement Area) Consolidation Order 2019 by replacing the following tile numbers withrevision 1: TL405 102, TL450 017, TL455 025, TL460 007, TL460 015, TL460 017, TL460020, TL530 067, TL530 070, TQ385 000, TQ385 997, TQ390 000, TL390 002, TQ415937, TQ425 960, TQ425 975, TQ430 965, TQ435 962, TQ435 965, TQ435 970 andTQ445 990; replacing the following tiles with revision 2: TL405 100, TQ410 937, TQ420962 and TQ430 962; replacing TQ405 937 with revision 3 and introducing the followingtiles at revision 0: TL475 030, TQ390 997, TQ470 970, TQ470 972, TQ475 972, TQ475975 and TQ480 975.Further Details: A copy of the proposed Order with plans showing the specified lengths ofroads, a Statement of Reasons for proposing to make the Orders and a copy of the Order tobe amended may be inspected at n.html(EDC12) or at troproposalsIf you need to view a hard copy of these documents please call 07703796401 or07515999663 to arrange a suitable time to inspect the documents quoting the referencenumber. Documents can be made available for inspection 8.30am-5.30pm Mon-Thurs and8.30am-5pm on Friday at Essex County Council, County Hall E block main reception, MarketRoad, Chelmsford if so required following the current social distancing restrictions.Objections: Anyone who wishes to object to the proposed Orders should send theirgrounds for objection in writing at n.htmlor to TRO Comments, North Essex Parking Partnership, PO Box 5575, Colchester, CO19LT by Friday 30th April 2021.Date: Thursday 8th April 2021.Richard Walker, Parking Partnership Group Manager, Colchester Borough Council,Rowan House, 33 Sheepen Road, Colchester, CO3 3WG
Schedule 1Permit ParkingColumn 1Permit IdentifierColumn 2Type of Parking ControlColumn 3Area NameColumn 4Days of OperationColumn 5Hours ofOperation(Permitted Hours)GC1Permit Parking or PermitParking AreaZone GC1As Zone AAs Zone AHSR1Permit Parking or PermitParking AreaZone HSR1As Zone AAs Zone AKA1Permit Parking or PermitParking AreaZone KA1As Zone AAs Zone ALSG1Permit Parking or PermitParking AreaZone LSG1As Zone AAs Zone A
Schedule 2Residential property addresses that are eligible to apply for Resident and Visitor Permits:Column 1Column 2Column 3Permit ZonesRoadsProperties EligibleColumn 4Resident QualificationZone GC1Gould CloseAll OddAll EvenSee Schedule 5 notesZone HSR1High Street67-79 Odd78-80 EvenSee Schedule 5 notesZone KA1Zone LSG1Kendal AvenueAll Odd (IncludingRosslyn, LittleOaks, Rimrock,Flats 1-4Groombridge, MNair, GarnonLimes, Maplecroft,Kippen, ood, Flats 12 Glen House)See Schedule 5 notesAll Even(IncludingBrielands,Laurels, KendalLodge, Lindene,Hartlands,Misterton)Shelley GroveAll OddAll EvenSee Schedule 5 notes
The Essex County Council (Epping Forest District) (Prohibition of Waiting, Loadingand Stopping) and (On-Street Parking Places) (Civil Enforcement Area) (AmendmentNo.12) Order 202*WHEREAS the Essex County Council in exercise of its powers under Sections 1(1), 2(1)to (3), 4(1), 4(2), 32, 35, 45, 46, 49 and 53 of and Part IV of Schedule 9 to the Road TrafficRegulation Act 1984 (“the Act”) and of all other enabling powers and after consultation withthe Chief Officer of Police in accordance with Part III of Schedule 9 to the Act herebymakes the following Order:1. The Essex County Council (Epping Forest District) (Prohibition of Waiting, Loadingand Stopping) and (On-Street Parking Places) (Civil Enforcement Area) (AmendmentNo.12) Order 202* and shall come into operation on XX XX XX.2. This Order will be incorporated into The Essex County Council (Epping Forest District)(Prohibition of Waiting, Loading and Stopping) and (On-Street Parking Places) (CivilEnforcement Area) Consolidation Order 2019 ‘the 2019 Order’ by:(a) replacing the following Map Tiles:TL405 100 revision 1 replaced by TL405 100 revision 2TL405 102 revision 0 replaced by TL405 102 revision 1TL450 017 revision 0 replaced by TL450 017 revision 1TL455 025 revision 0 replaced by TL455 025 revision 1TL460 007 revision 0 replaced by TL460 007 revision 1TL460 015 revision 0 replaced by TL460 015 revision 1TL460 017 revision 0 replaced by TL460 017 revision 1TL460 020 revision 0 replaced by TL460 020 revision 1TL530 067 revision 0 replaced by TL530 067 revision 1TL530 070 revision 0 replaced by TL530 070 revision 1TQ385 000 revision 0 replaced by TQ385 000 revision 1TQ385 997 revision 0 replaced by TQ385 997 revision 1TQ390 000 revision 0 replaced by TQ390 000 revision 1TL390 002 revision 0 replaced by TL390 002 revision 1TQ405 937 revision 2 replaced by TQ405 937 revision 3TQ410 937 revision 1 replaced by TQ410 937 revision 2TQ415 937 revision 0 replaced by TQ415 937 revision 1TQ420 962 revision 1 replaced by TQ420 962 revision 2TQ425 960 revision 0 replaced by TQ425 960 revision 1TQ425 975 revision 0 replaced by TQ425 975 revision 1TQ430 962 revision 1 replaced by TQ430 962 revision 2TQ430 965 revision 0 replaced by TQ430 965 revision 1TQ435 962 revision 0 replaced by TQ435 962 revision 1TQ435 965 revision 0 replaced by TQ435 965 revision 1TQ435 970 revision 0 replaced by TQ435 970 revision 1TQ445 990 revision 0 replaced by TQ445 990 revision 1
(b) introducing the following Map Tiles:TL475 030 revision 0TQ390 997 revision 0TQ470 970 revision 0TQ470 972 revision 0TQ475 972 revision 0TQ475 975 revision 0TQ480 975 revision 03. Schedule 3 of the 2019 Order is amended by the entries set out in Schedule 1 to thisOrder being appended to that Schedule.4. Schedule 5 of the 2019 Order is amended by the entries set out in Schedule 2 to thisOrder being appended to that Schedule.5. The Map Schedule Legend to this Order only applies to the Map Tiles listed in thisOrder.6. The prohibitions and restrictions imposed by this Order shall be in addition to and notin derogation from any restrictions or requirement imposed by regulations made orhaving effect as if made under the Act or by any other enactment.Sealed with the Common Seal of the Essex County Council this XX day of XX TwoThousand and Twentyone.THE COMMON SEAL OF ESSEX )COUNTY COUNCIL was hereunto )affixed in the presence of:)
Schedule 1Permit ParkingColumn 1Permit IdentifierColumn 2Type of Parking ControlColumn 3Area NameColumn 4Days of OperationColumn 5Hours ofOperation(Permitted Hours)GC1Permit Parking or PermitParking AreaZone GC1As Zone AAs Zone AHSR1Permit Parking or PermitParking AreaZone HSR1As Zone AAs Zone AKA1Permit Parking or PermitParking AreaZone KA1As Zone AAs Zone ALSG1Permit Parking or PermitParking AreaZone LSG1As Zone AAs Zone A
Schedule 2Residential property addresses that are eligible to apply for Resident and Visitor Permits:Column 1Column 2Column 3Permit ZonesRoadsProperties EligibleColumn 4Resident QualificationZone GC1Gould CloseAll OddAll EvenSee Schedule 5 notesZone HSR1High Street67-79 Odd78-80 EvenSee Schedule 5 notesZone KA1Zone LSG1Kendal AvenueAll Odd (IncludingRosslyn, LittleOaks, Rimrock,Flats 1-4Groombridge, MNair, GarnonLimes, Maplecroft,Kippen, ood, Flats 12 Glen House)See Schedule 5 notesAll Even(IncludingBrielands,Laurels, KendalLodge, Lindene,Hartlands,Misterton)Shelley GroveAll OddAll EvenSee Schedule 5 notes
The Essex County Council (Epping Forest District) (Prohibition of Waiting, Loading and Stopping)and (On-Street Parking Places) (Civil Enforcement Area) (Amendment Number 12) Order 202*Statement of ReasonsKendal Avenue-EppingA resident parking scheme (with double yellow lines) will improve the parking provision for residents andtheir visitors, with spaces often assumed by non-residents associated with the nearby town and tubestation. Limited wait/Pay & Display bays will provide motorists with spaces so that visits to local businessand use of the nearby tube station can be accommodated.Fairmeads & Pyrles Lane-LoughtonThe permanent order is required to keep the junction free of parked vehicles where any parking isa hindrance to traffic flow, safety and access. Restrictions will allow disable badge holders to park close tothe Doctors Surgery.Garnon Mead-CoopersaleThe permanent order is required to keep the road and junction free of parked vehicles where any parkingis a hindrance to traffic flow, safety and access. The order will also serve to improve and preserve theamenities of the area through which the roads run and promote access to larger vehicles including thoseassociated with the emergency services.Westbury Lane-Buckhurst HillA change to the timings of the current permanent order relating to shared business/permit parking bays isrequired to deter non-residents from parking outside the current prescribed hours. Changes will providespaces for residents and their visitors for an extended period of the day. A conversion of business parkingbays to resident parking bays and vice versa will encourage school-based parkers to assume spacesaway from residential addresses.Victoria-Buckhurst HillThe permanent order is required to keep the junction and section of highway close to the tube stationentrance free of parked vehicles where any parking is a hindrance to traffic flow, safety and access.The order will also serve to improve and preserve the amenities of the area through which the roads runand promote unhindered access to larger vehicles including those associated with the emergencyservices.High Street-RoydonA resident parking scheme will improve the parking provision for residents and their visitors, with spacesoften assumed by non-residents associated with the nearby train station. The introduction of double yellowlines will serve to deter parking on both sides of the Highway which is not wide enough to accommodatethe practice.Shelley Grove-LoughtonA resident parking scheme will improve the parking provision for residents and their visitors, with spacesoften assumed by non-residents associated with the nearby tube station and town centre.Gould Close & Harlow Road-MoretonA resident parking scheme in West will improve the parking provision for residents and their visitors, withspaces often assumed by non-residents. Double yellow lines will control parking elsewhere, particularly ona bend, which is obstructive, particularly to larger vehicles.Sidney Road & B172-Theydon BoisThe order is required to keep the junction free of parked vehicles where any parking is a hindrance toaccess and safety. Removing parked vehicles will also reduce the probability of road traffic accidents andpromote access to larger vehicles, particularly those associated with the refuse collection.Ongar Road-AbridgeThe order is required to keep the road, footpaths and verges free of parking where the practice isinconvenient and a hindrance to safety. Restrictions will promote the free flow of traffic and removesporadic vehicular obstructions.Princes Road-Buckhurst HillThe introduction of nominal double yellow lines will serve to enhance the access available to a businessregularly hampered by inconsiderate parking.The Square/Leaden Close/Abbess Terrace/The Campus-LoughtonThe permanent order is required to keep the road and junctions free of parked vehicles where any parkingis a hindrance to traffic flow, safety and access. The order will also serve to improve and preserve theamenities of the area through which the roads run and promote access to larger vehicles including thoseassociated with the emergency services.
Roundhills & associated roads-Waltham AbbeyThe permanent order is required to keep sections of the road and junctions free of parked vehicles whereany parking is a hindrance to traffic flow, safety and access. The order will also serve to improve andpreserve the amenities of the area through which the roads run and promote access to larger vehiclesincluding those associated with the emergency services.Coronation Hill-EppingThe permanent order is required to keep the road on one side free of parked vehicles where any parkingis a hindrance to safety and access. The order will also serve to improve and preserve the amenities ofthe area through which the roads run and promote access to larger vehicles including those associatedwith the emergency services.Stony Path-LoughtonThe permanent order is required to keep the junction free of parked vehicles where any parking is ahindrance to traffic flow, safety and access. The order will also serve to improve and preserve theamenities of the area through which the roads run and promote access to larger vehicles including thoseassociated with the emergency services.Fluxs Lane-EppingThe permanent order is required to keep the road and junction free of parked vehicles where any parkingis a hindrance to traffic flow, safety and access. The order will also serve to improve and preserve theamenities of the area through which the roads run and promote access to larger vehicles including thoseassociated with the emergency services.B182-Epping St Johns school entranceThe permanent order is required to keep the entrance to the school free of parked vehicles where anyparking is a hindrance to traffic flow, safety and access.Forest Road-LoughtonThe permanent order is required to introduce a loading bay to assist local businesses based in the roadwhich is subject to a residents parking scheme.
FBingRodRiverKey to Restriction Types DisplayedPaProposed 24 Hour Clearway 'No Stopping On Main Carriageway'th(um)FBPath(um)Proposed 'No Stopping At Any Time On Verge Or Footway'LB3A 11DrainGP12ShoeluckDraCottsininraDDrainDrain14313 3Drain12 1El Sub StaONGAR oardedra55Cottages46SCALE1 : 4000 @ A4DATE19/03/2021DRAWING No.2021 E12 ADRAWN BYBOMA113 Abridge Crown copyright. All rights reservedEssex County CouncilLicence No. LA 077070 2021
Key to Restriction Types DisplayedProposed Red Route 'No Stopping At Any Time'Existing RestrictionsTennis CSCALEBury LaneDATE Crown copyright. All rights reservedEssex County CouncilLicence No. LA 077070 2021DRAWING No.DRAWN BY1 : 400 @ A419/03/20212021 E12 BLBOM
28Key to Restriction Types DisplayedProposed 'No Waiting At Any Time'Existing Restrictions3848565071SCALECoronation HillDATE Crown copyright. All rights reservedEssex County CouncilLicence No. LA 077070 2021DRAWING No.DRAWN BY1 : 500 @ A419/03/20212021 E12 CHBOM
PYRLES81to26LANE79Ou93Surgery20to30118Key to Restriction Types DisplayedProposed 'No Waiting At Any Time'12310Proposed Red Route 'No Stopping At Any Time'SCALEFairmeadsDATE Crown copyright. All rights reservedEssex County CouncilLicence No. LA 077070 2021DRAWING No.DRAWN BY1 : 500 @ A419/03/20212021 E12 FBOMtfall
68Key to Restriction Types Displayed7091Proposed Restricted Parking ZoneExisting Restrictions1El Sub Sta'SUXFLNLAEPlaying FieldRestricted Parking ZoneNo Waiting At Any Time andNo Loading At Any Time (p)Russell CottageSCALEFluxs LaneDATE Crown copyright. All rights reservedEssex County CouncilLicence No. LA 077070 2021DRAWING No.DRAWN BYTheLodge1 : 600 @ A419/03/20212021 E12 FLBOM
Key to Restriction Types DisplayedProposed 'Loading Only' BayExisting Restrictions777573711021126796Forest RoadSCALEDATE Crown copyright. All rights reservedEssex County CouncilLicence No. LA 077070 2021DRAWING No.DRAWN BY1 : 250 @ A419/03/20212021 E12 FRBOM
Proposed Red Route 'No Stopping At Any Time'1312aElSub Sta5127mroseLodgeKey to Restriction Types DisplayedSCALEGarnon MeadDATE Crown copyright. All rights reservedEssex County CouncilLicence No. LA 077070 2021DRAWING No.DRAWN BY1 : 400 @ A419/03/20212021 E12 GMBOMGaBus
AldeburgDaleLandview111213Garden312D CLOSETCB1GOULWhiteHartCottsKey to Restriction Types DisplayedProposed Permanent 'No Waiting At Any Time'(Currently Temporary)Proposed Resident Permit Parking Area GC16SCALEGould CloseDATE Crown copyright. All rights reservedEssex County CouncilLicence No. LA 077070 2021DRAWING No.DRAWN BY1 : 500 @ A419/03/20212021
3. To amend Schedule 5 in The Essex County Council (Epping Forest District) (Prohibition of Waiting, Loading and Stopping) and (On-Street Parking Places) (Civil Enforcement Area) Consolidation Order 2019 to append the items set out in Schedule 2 of this notice. This Order will be incorporated into The Essex County C
Epping Forest District Local Plan team Epping Forest District Council Civic Offices High Street Epping Essex, CM16 4BZ 12th December 2016 Epping Forest District Council Draft Local Plan Established in 1911, today the Lea Valle
Norfolk Road, Epping NSW 2121 Phone: 9876 1452 Fax: 9876 6873 Email: Website: Monday 15 March 2021 Week 8, Term 1 SPORTS IN SCHOOLS At Epping Public School, we have been participating in Welcome to Week 9, Term
May 02, 2018 · D. Program Evaluation ͟The organization has provided a description of the framework for how each program will be evaluated. The framework should include all the elements below: ͟The evaluation methods are cost-effective for the organization ͟Quantitative and qualitative data is being collected (at Basics tier, data collection must have begun)
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On an exceptional basis, Member States may request UNESCO to provide thé candidates with access to thé platform so they can complète thé form by themselves. Thèse requests must be addressed to esd rize unesco. or by 15 A ril 2021 UNESCO will provide thé nomineewith accessto thé platform via their émail address.
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Dr. Sunita Bharatwal** Dr. Pawan Garga*** Abstract Customer satisfaction is derived from thè functionalities and values, a product or Service can provide. The current study aims to segregate thè dimensions of ordine Service quality and gather insights on its impact on web shopping. The trends of purchases have
Materials Science and Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Production Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Textile Engineering, Nuclear Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Civil Engineering, other related Engineering discipline Energy Resources Engineering (ERE) The students’ academic background should be: Mechanical Power Engineering, Energy .