American Legion AuxiliaryMission:In the spirit of Service Not Self, the missionof the American Legion Auxiliary is to supportThe American Legion and honor the sacrificeof those who serve by enhancing the livesof our veterans, military, and their families,both at home and abroad.For God and Country, we advocate for veterans,educate our citizens, mentor youth, and promotepatriotism, good citizenship, peace and security.American Legion AuxiliaryNational Headquarters3450 Founders RoadIndianapolis, IN 46268P: (317) 569-4500 F: (317) g American Legion Auxiliary National HeadquartersAll rights reserved. 01/2019Produced in the USAAmerican LegionAuxiliaryJuniorActivitiesHandbookA Complete Guide toMembership, Ceremonies,and Projects2019 RevisionIn the Spirit of Service Not Selffor Veterans, God and Country
AMERICAN LEGION AUXILIARYEMBLEM:MISSION AND PURPOSESIn the spirit of Service Not Self, the mission of the American Legion Auxiliaryis to support The American Legion and honor the sacrifice of those who serveby enhancing the lives of our veterans, military, and their families, both athome and abroad. For God and Country, we advocate for veterans, educateour citizens, mentor youth, and promote patriotism, good citizenship, peaceand security.Unity and loyalty arerepresented by theunbroken circles in blueand gold.In fulfillment of our mission, the American Legion Auxiliary adheres to thefollowing purposes:H To support and advocate for veterans, active military and their familiesH To support the initiatives and programs of The American LegionH To foster patriotism and responsible citizenshipH To award scholarships and promote quality education and literacyH To provide educational and leadership opportunities that uphold theideals of freedom and democracy and encourage good citizenshipand patriotism in governmentH To increase our capacity to deliver our mission by providing meaningfulvolunteer opportunities within our communitiesThe fieldof whiteexemplifiesthe hope offreedom.H To empower our membership to achieve personal fulfillment throughService Not SelfThe American Legion Auxiliary has one purpose — to contribute tothe accomplishment of the aims and purposes of The American Legion.Our Preamble is nearly the same as The American Legion.The American Legion Auxiliary does not establish any policy that conflictswith those of The American Legion. Its activities are designed to enhanceThe American Legion’s programs. Although often working independently onprojects of its own, the Auxiliary has no purposes which are apart from theaims of The American Legion. It is in every sense an “Auxiliary” toThe American Legion. Its members serve side-by-side with membersof The American Legion in a spirit of unselfish devotion to the well-beingof America.This guide is intended for educational and informational purposes and provides general,non-specific legal information. Information provided within this manual is not legal adviceintended as a substitute to consulting with your local attorneys.On a blue circle inletters of gold standsthe name of theorganization:AmericanLegion Auxiliary, aproud name madesignificant by serviceto God and Countryin war and in peace.The wordsemphasizeAmericanismandservice.Set against a gold background, symbolicof rays of the sun and representingthe principles of Justice, Freedom,Democracy, and Loyalty, dispelling thedarkness of violence, strife and evil.The Star of Blueis the emblemof service inwar; it is no lessthe emblem ofservice in a timeof peace.When the American Legion Auxiliary was formed in 1919 to supportthe work of The American Legion, one of its first acts was to adoptan emblem similar to that of the Legion, yet distinctive and true to thework of the Auxiliary. Under this emblem, the Auxiliary has workedwith the Legion in constructive service to country, America’s veterans,servicemembers, and their families.For more information about the American Legion Auxiliary,visit
Preamble . 3Foreword . 3Introduction. 3Serving Our Juniors . 4Membership Eligibility . 5Dues. 5Finance . 6Junior Officers . 6Youth Programs . 6Patch Program . 7Student Volunteers . 7ALA Girls State and ALA Girls Nation . 8Planning Activities . 8Suggested Activities . 9Contests and Awards . 10Scholarships . 10How to Start a New Junior Group. 11Phase I – Getting Started . 11Phase II – Your First Get-together . 12Phase III – Meetings and Installation . 13Troubleshooting Concerns . 15National Junior Meetings . 16Honorary National Junior Officers . 16Emblem Usage . 16Junior Leadership Training Course . 17Mentoring . 17Background Screening . 18Resources . 19Publications . 19Social Media . 20Components of Junior Meeting Procedure . 21Meeting Etiquette . 21Flag Etiquette . 21Parliamentary Procedure . 22Standardized Program Procedure . 23Simplified Meeting . 23Sample Motion . 25Ceremonies . 26Initiation Ceremony . 26Initiation Ceremony Diagram . 26Installation of Junior Officers . 29Graduation Ceremony . 32Memorial Service . 35American Legion Auxiliary Junior Activities Handbook1
Prayers . 36Before Meals . 36Mother’s Day . 36Memorial Day . 37Veterans Day. 37Thanksgiving Day . 37Opening Prayer . 38Closing Prayer . 38Songs . 39The Star-Spangled Banner. 39America . 39America the Beautiful . 40This is My Country. 40God Bless the U.S.A. . 41You’re a Grand Old Flag . 41Poems . 42In Flanders Fields . 42For Fun . 42Banana Cheer . 42Baby Shark . 43Little Sally Walker . 45Coast to Coast. 45Crossover Game . 46Positive Reinforcement . 47Contact . 48Appendix . 49How to Serve Veterans and MilitaryFamilies as a Junior Member . 49How to Incorporate Mission-RelatedProjects into Junior Activities. 52Military Child’s Table Ceremony. 552American Legion Auxiliary Junior Activities Handbook
PREAMBLE TO ALA CONSTITUTIONFor God and Country, we associate ourselves together for thefollowing purposes:To uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States ofAmerica; to maintain law and order; to foster and perpetuate a onehundred percent Americanism; to preserve the memories andincidents of our associations during the Great Wars; to inculcate asense of individual obligation to the community, state, and nation; tocombat the autocracy of both the classes and the masses; to makeright the master of might; to promote peace and goodwill on earth; tosafeguard and transmit to posterity the principals of justice, freedom,and democracy; to participate in and contribute to theaccomplishment of the aims and purposes of The American Legion;to consecrate and sanctify our association by our devotion to mutualhelpfulness.FOREWORDThis guide is written to assist American Legion Auxiliary memberswho work with Juniors. Junior members are also invited to use theresources available, not only in this handbook, but also thoseavailable on our website, Resources arealways being updated and added to the website in the MembersOnly section. This guide will be updated as needed. Any updates willbe indicated by a revision date on the front cover.This Junior Activities Handbook contains details for organizing anddirecting a program for Junior members. It also contains informationon eligibility, programs, meeting agenda, prayers, programs andceremonies for initiation, installation, and graduation that may beutilized. Seasoned ALA members and Juniors should be encouragedto use this handbook as a resource to become knowledgeableAmerican Legion Auxiliary members.INTRODUCTIONThank you for your interest in the American Legion Auxiliary JuniorActivities Program.Junior Auxiliary members bring enthusiasm as well as a positiveenergy to our organization. Senior and Junior members aremembers of one body, with a national president, division vicepresidents, and national officers. Honorary national Junior divisionAmerican Legion Auxiliary Junior Activities Handbook3
vice presidents help lead our national Junior meetings held in eachdivision. Honorary Junior officers may also be elected/appointed atthe department, district, and unit levels. We will discuss this in moredetail later. As one body, we draw upon our strengths, share ourexperience, and gather our resources to help our country’s heroesand their families.Seniors and Juniors have the same mission, vision, and purpose.We are proud of our history. Our mission, vision, and purpose haveremained strong since the ALA’s inception in 1919.Let’s Be Right About Serving Our JuniorsThe goal of the ALA Junior Activities program is to develop ourJunior members into leaders and stay connected with them. Thepurpose of the Junior Activities Committee is to interest eligibleyoung women under the age of 18 in continuing their membership asa senior member through the positive experience of mission-basedvolunteering that instills the ideals of the organization.The Junior Activities chairman is a seasoned member selected forher rapport with youth of all ages and for her creativity and energy. Itis suggested that the Junior Activities chairman recruit additionalyoung members to serve as peer helpers, so the needs of all agegroups can be better served. Whether your group is small or large,older or younger, there is something for each age group.Success of the Junior Activities program is largely dependent on theleadership provided by the unit, district, or department. Juniors arenot a separate organization but are under the guidance of an adviser(or Junior Activities chairman) and a committee of members.Juniors conduct their own meetings, carry out their own activities,and are highly encouraged to participate in senior member meetingsand activities. The Junior officers are honorary in title. Their workshould be coordinated with the work of the seasoned officers in theirunit, district, and department.Americanism should be a major focus to teach patriotism,citizenship, and loyalty to America. There are many teaching toolsavailable to help instruct a variety of ages in Americanism. Allmember activities should encourage Junior participation.4American Legion Auxiliary Junior Activities Handbook
Membership EligibilityJunior members of the American Legion Auxiliary are a specialclassification of members under the age of 18. Membership dues forthe year are calculated based on a Junior member’s age on Jan. 1.Upon reaching the age of 18, Junior members are automaticallytransitioned to a senior member classification. An Auxiliary memberunder the age of 18 who is married shall be classified as a seniormember. Members attaining senior membership status have fullsenior membership privileges.Eligibility for membership in the American Legion Auxiliary is asdefined in the American Legion Auxiliary Constitution & Bylaws.Membership eligibility includes the grandmothers, mothers, sisters,wives, and direct and adopted female descendants of all men andwomen who were in the Armed Forces of the United States duringany of the following periods as defined by The American Legion’sfederal charter approved by Congress: World War I: April 6,1917 to November 11,1918World War II: December 7,1941 to December 31,1946Korean War: June 25,1950 to January 31,1955Vietnam War: February 28,1961 to May 7,1975Lebanon/Grenada: August 24,1982 to July 31,1984Panama: December 20,1989 to January 31,1990Gulf War/War on Terrorism: August 2, 1990, to, andincluding, the date which the United States government shalldetermine to be the end of hostilities, all dates inclusiveAnd who, being citizens of the United States at the time oftheir entry into active duty in the Armed Forces of any of thesaid wartime periods, died in the line of duty or afterhonorable dischargeAnd to those women who of their own right are eligible formembership in The American Legion.Any changes to Legion membership eligibility require an act ofCongress. For further information and membership forms, pleaserefer to our website at for Juniors are paid yearly. Junior members do not receivedues notices from ALA National Headquarters. All funds generatedfrom Junior dues are handled by the senior unit treasurer. Theamount for Junior dues is set by the senior members. Be sure thatAmerican Legion Auxiliary Junior Activities Handbook5
the dues amount is sufficient to cover national and department percapita.We know that many mothers and grandmothers pay the Junior dues.Perhaps considering a PUFL (paid up for life) membership can besuggested to ensure continuous years of membership.FinanceConsider tracking revenue from Junior fundraising activities as aseparate line item in the senior unit’s budget so your Juniors have asense of accomplishment. All Junior projects requiring expenditure offunds must be approved by the senior unit.As the honorary Junior treasurer, the Junior should keep a record ofall expenditures and should save all receipts. Upon completion of theapproved project, the bill for the expenses, as well as all receipts,should be presented to the senior treasurer for payment.JUNIOR OFFICERSDuring the National Executive Committee meeting held Feb. 25,2012, a resolution passed stating honorary national Junior officescarry courtesy titles bestowed by the American Legion Auxiliary. Anyhonorary national Junior officer (honorary Junior division vicepresident) elected is solely an honorary, courtesy position withoutany formal duties. She shall not travel as a representative of thenational American Legion Auxiliary nor conduct fundraising for Juniorelection campaigns or related activities benefiting an honorary Juniorofficer or candidate. It was also resolved that any Junior officer mustbe paying dues as a Junior member for the membership year inwhich she is installed.At the unit level, honorary Junior officers traditionally includepresident, vice president, chaplain, historian, secretary, treasurer,and sergeant-at-arms. Honorary Junior officers may vary by districtand department but are likely to reflect the structure of the unit.YOUTH PROGRAMSThere are many ways to engage your Juniors. You will have Juniorsof all ages and you will need to be sure there is something for eachage level to do in whatever activity you choose. Juniors are6American Legion Auxiliary Junior Activities Handbook
encouraged to implement aspects from some or all the Auxiliary’sprograms into their projects throughout the year.ALA Patch ProgramParticipating in the American Legion Auxiliary Patch Program givesJunior members the opportunity to increase their knowledge ofpatriotism, citizenship, leadership, health, and fitness. Juniors can beinvolved with the patch program as a group or as in individual.There are three levels in the patch program, grouped according towhat grade the Junior is in school. These include the Red level forgrades kindergarten through 3rd grade, the Gold level for 4th-8thgrades, and the Blue level for grades 9-12 (or 18 years of age). Therequirements for each level can b
It is in every sense an “Auxiliary” to the work of The American Legion, one of its first acts was to adopt The American Legion. Its members serve side-by-side with members an emblem similar to that of the Legion, yet distinctive and tr of The American Legion in a spirit of un
May 02, 2018 · D. Program Evaluation ͟The organization has provided a description of the framework for how each program will be evaluated. The framework should include all the elements below: ͟The evaluation methods are cost-effective for the organization ͟Quantitative and qualitative data is being collected (at Basics tier, data collection must have begun)
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Dr. Sunita Bharatwal** Dr. Pawan Garga*** Abstract Customer satisfaction is derived from thè functionalities and values, a product or Service can provide. The current study aims to segregate thè dimensions of ordine Service quality and gather insights on its impact on web shopping. The trends of purchases have
On an exceptional basis, Member States may request UNESCO to provide thé candidates with access to thé platform so they can complète thé form by themselves. Thèse requests must be addressed to esd rize unesco. or by 15 A ril 2021 UNESCO will provide thé nomineewith accessto thé platform via their émail address.
̶The leading indicator of employee engagement is based on the quality of the relationship between employee and supervisor Empower your managers! ̶Help them understand the impact on the organization ̶Share important changes, plan options, tasks, and deadlines ̶Provide key messages and talking points ̶Prepare them to answer employee questions
The Holy Spirit 1. The Holy Spirit 2. The Personality of the Holy Spirit 3. The Deity of the Holy Spirit 4. The Titles of the Holy Spirit 5. The Covenant-Offices of the Holy Spirit 6. The Holy Spirit During the Old Testament Ages 7. The Holy Spirit and Christ 8. The Advent of the Spirit 9. The Work of the Spirit 10. The Holy Spirit Regenerating
Chính Văn.- Còn đức Thế tôn thì tuệ giác cực kỳ trong sạch 8: hiện hành bất nhị 9, đạt đến vô tướng 10, đứng vào chỗ đứng của các đức Thế tôn 11, thể hiện tính bình đẳng của các Ngài, đến chỗ không còn chướng ngại 12, giáo pháp không thể khuynh đảo, tâm thức không bị cản trở, cái được
DEMONIC SPIRITS IDENTIFIED IN SCRIPTURE OLD TESTAMENT Jealous Spirit Evil Spirit Lying Spirit (2 Chron. 18:22) Wounded Spirit (Prov. 18:14) Haughty Spirit (Prov. 16:18-19) Spirit of Slumber (Is. 29:10) Spirit of Whoredoms/Harlotry (Hos. 4:12) Familiar Spirit (Deut. 18:10) Spirit of Jealousy (Num. 5:14) Spirit of Heaviness (Isaiah 61:3)