ACommonCoreStandards!Copyright publicdisplay.Copyright 2013 Tolulope Noah
yadaptedforgrades4- ‐8!)CAHistory- details,andcleareventsequences.a. cethatunfoldsnaturally.b. sponsesofcharacterstosituations.Copyright 2013 Tolulope Noah
stomanagethesequenceofevents.d. yexperiencesandeventsprecisely.e. sorthemes.Copyright 2013 Tolulope Noah
ttheirhistoricalfigures.PROCESS1. mentswithstudents.2. aywanttoplacetheslipsintwoseparatebins- aslipfromtheappropriatebin. rediscreetaboutit). ,ThomasPaine,JamesArmistead,&PatrickHenry3. roject.4. stionsinthenotespacketwithstudents.Copyright 2013 Tolulope Noah
5. npop.com6. intheappendixofthisdocument. dhavestudentsrevisetheirworkasnecessary.9. ogetacquaintedwithitsfeatures.12. ratehowtouseGlogster.Copyright 2013 Tolulope Noah
13. historicalfigures. here: dreviewtheexpectationswiththeclass.15. nttomylocalfabricstoreandaskedthemtocutone- positionsuntiltheirbuttonsarepressedagain. upclose.Copyright 2013 Tolulope Noah
WAXMUSEUMPHOTOSCopyright 2013 Tolulope Noah
Copyright 2013 Tolulope Noah
Copyright 2013 Tolulope Noah
Copyright 2013 Tolulope Noah
idelinesI:WaxMuseumProjectRubricCopyright 2013 Tolulope Noah
ewCopyright 2013 Tolulope Noah
Name: ̲̲̲̲̲̲̲̲̲Date: ̲̲̲̲̲̲̲̲̲̲̲̲̲̲American Revolution WaxMuseum Project OverviewYou will become an expert on one historical figure who played asignificant role in the American Revolution. For this individual, youcomplete the following tasks:1. Notes: Use at least 3 sources to research and take notesabout the individualʼs life, views, and impact. At least one ofthe sources must be a PRINT source (such as a book,textbook, or print encyclopedia). The remaining sources maybe DIGITAL sources (such as websites and onlineencyclopedias).2. Bibliography: Use EasyBib ( to create abibliography of the sources you used.3. Monologue: Write a monologue (a dramatic, one-personspeech) in first person point-of-view from the individualʼsperspective. Your monologue must be memorized.4. Props: Create props for your monologue that clearly relateto your individualʼs role in the American Revolution.5. Glog: Create a glog (an online interactive poster) aboutyour individual that includes text, photos, graphics, andsounds. You will use the Glogster website to do this.6. Costume: Create a colonial costume to wear so that youresemble your individual.Copyright 2013 Tolulope Noah
WAX MUSEUMThe American Revolution Wax Museum will be held ̲̲̲̲̲̲̲̲̲̲̲. During the Wax Museum, youwill dress up as your historical figure and present your monologueto guests as they visit your station. Your props and glog will alsobe on display. Additional details about the Wax Museum will beprovided in the upcoming weeks.PROPS & COSTUME REQUIREMENTSYou will create/prepare the props for your monologue at home. Allprops are due on ̲̲̲̲̲̲̲̲̲̲.In addition, you will prepare your costume for the Wax Museum athome. Your costume is due on ̲̲̲̲̲̲̲.Boysʼ Costume A plain white or beige long-sleeved shirt A vest Dark-colored pants (not jeans)- Roll them up to your knees or cutthem justbelow the knees to create breeches. Long white or dark-colored socks that come over your knees Knit cap, wide-brimmed hat, or tricorn hat Wig (optional) A cravat (optional)Copyright 2013 Tolulope Noah
Girlsʼ Costume A long skirt (solid, striped, floral, plaid, or checkered) with a longsleevedplain white blouse OR a long dress with solid, striped, floral, plaid,orcheckered fabric White or dark-colored socks or tights A long apron that ties at your waist (solid, striped, floral, plaid, orcheckered) White mob cap A handkerchief or cloth napkin, tied at the neck (optional) Wig (optional)There is no need to buy an outfit! One option is to transform theclothing that you already have in your closets at home into acolonial outfit. Another option is to visit your local thrift store toassemble an outfit.PLEASE COMPLETE THE BOTTOM PORTION OF THIS PAGE AND RETURN y name is ̲̲̲̲̲̲̲̲̲̲̲̲̲̲̲.My historical figure is ̲̲̲̲̲̲̲̲̲̲̲̲̲̲̲̲̲̲.PARENT:I have read the requirements for the American Revolution WaxMuseum Project and discussed them with my child.Parentʼs Signature ̲̲ Date ̲̲̲̲̲̲̲̲̲̲̲̲̲̲Copyright 2013 Tolulope Noah
AppendixB:HistoricalFigureSlipsCopyright 2013 Tolulope Noah
Historical Figure Copyright 2013 Tolulope Noah
pyright 2013 Tolulope Noah
Name: ̲̲̲̲̲̲̲̲̲Date: ̲̲̲̲̲̲̲̲̲̲̲̲̲̲American Revolution WaxMuseum Notes PacketMy historical figure is ̲̲̲̲̲̲̲̲̲̲̲̲̲̲̲̲̲.LifeWhen was he/she born? ̲̲̲̲̲̲̲̲̲̲̲̲̲̲̲̲̲Where did he/she ̲̲̲̲̲̲̲̲̲What was his/her family ̲̲̲̲̲Copyright 2013 Tolulope Noah
What was his/her occupation ̲̲̲̲̲̲̲̲̲̲What important events occurred during his/her life? This canincludes details related to education, marriage, children, obstaclesfaced, accomplishments, ̲̲̲̲When did he/she die? ̲̲̲̲̲̲̲̲̲̲̲̲̲̲̲̲̲̲̲Copyright 2013 Tolulope Noah
ViewsWhat were his/her views (beliefs) about British rule and ̲̲̲̲̲̲̲̲What were his/her reasons for supporting the ̲̲̲̲̲̲̲̲̲̲Copyright 2013 Tolulope Noah
ImpactWhat role did he/she play in the American Revolution? What affectdid his/her actions have on the American Revolution? Be ̲̲̲̲̲Copyright 2013 Tolulope Noah
Famous QuotesWhat are some famous or important quotes that your historicalfigure said or wrote? Copy the quotes below, and put quotationmarks around ̲̲̲BibliographyUse EasyBib ( create a bibliography of thesources you used for your notes. Remember that you are requiredto use at least 3 sources. One of the sources must be a PRINTsource (e.g., book, textbook, or print encyclopedia). The remainingsources may be DIGITAL sources (such as websites and onlineencyclopedias). Your sources should be listed in alphabetical order.Staple your bibliography to the end of this packet.Copyright 2013 Tolulope Noah
AppendixD:HelpfulResearchWebsitesCopyright 2013 Tolulope Noah
Name: ̲̲̲̲̲̲̲̲̲Date: ̲̲̲̲̲̲̲̲̲̲̲̲̲̲Helpful Research Websites Libertyʼs Kids Archive̲who.html Fact Monster: U.S. History Biographies .html Social Studies for Kids: American Revolution revolution.htm Social Studies for Kids: Revolutionary War http://www
American Revolution Wax Museum Project Overview You will become an expert on one historical figure who played a significant role in the American Revolution. For this individual, you complete the following tasks: 1. Notes: Use at least 3 sources to research and take notes about the individualʼs life, views, and impact. At least one of
WAX 3000E/3000EL - METRIC Catalog Number Stock Dimensions (mm) No. of Teeth Weight øD c s Lf s (kg) WAX 3020E-3.2 20 130 60 70 1 0.25 WAX 3025E-3.2 25 140 60 80 2 0.42 WAX 3025EL-3.2 200 60 140 2 0.63 WAX 3032E-3.2 32 150 70 80 2 0.75 WAX 3032EL-3.2 32 220 70 150 2 1.2 WAX 3040E-3.2 40 32 160 70 90 3 1.0
Turtle Wax MARINE WAX (581) PUNKT 1: Identifikation af stoffet/blandingen og af selskabet/virksomheden Udgivet dato 03.09.2012 1.1. Produktidentifikator Kemikaliets navn Turtle Wax MARINE WAX (581) Synonymer FG5604-361A Marine Wax Artikel nr. 581 1.2. Relevante identificerede anvendelser fo
The fatty acid composition and the physicochemical properties of the wax were similar to those of carnauba wax. It could be suggested that the banana wax could be used as a replacement for carnauba wax in various utilizing areas. Keywords: epicuticular wax, banana wax, Kluai Namwa, Musa spp. carnauba wax Songklanakarin J. Sci. Technol.
Seamus Heaney HomePlace, Ireland Liu Hai Su Art Museum, China Southend Museums Service, UK Cornwall Regimental Museum, UK Helston Museum, UK Worthing Museum & Art Gallery, UK Ringve Music Museum, Norway Contents The Lapworth Museum Redevelopment Project - page 4
FORMLABS: ntroduction to Casting for D Printed Jewelry Patterns 7 A wax heat pen makes it easier to join resin patterns to the wax sprue tree. 3 . Build the Sprue Tree Attach the post-processed prints to a main wax sprue with sticky sprue wax. Melt the wax to create smooth junctions between
correct base wax should be applied, this can be done either cold (with a cork) or hot (with an iron). Using base wax: 1. Thoroughly clean the ski base and remove all old wax with a scraper, wax remover and Start fibertex. 2. Roughen the grip zone of the ski with sand paper
46 Carnauba wax is the hardest natural wax and has the highest melting point with the exception of some 47 crude grades of ouricury wax1 (Bennett 1963). Carnauba wax is tough, lustrous, brittle, and has a clean 1 Ouricury wax is obtained from the leaves of the Ouricary Palm (Syagrus coronate) which grows in Northeastern Brazil.File Size: 471KB
Changes in Oracle Providers for ASP.NET in ODAC 12c Release 4 xiv Changes in Oracle Providers for ASP.NET Release xiv Changes in Oracle Providers for ASP.NET Release xv 1 Introduction to Oracle Providers for ASP.NET 1.4 Connecting to Oracle Database Cloud Service 1-1 1.1 Overview of Oracle Providers for ASP.NET 1-1 1.2 Oracle Providers for ASP.NET Assembly 1-4 1.3 System .