Recent Advances In Approximate Message Passing

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Recent Advances in Approximate Message PassingPhil SchniterSupported in part by NSF grant CCF-1716388.July 5, 2019

Overview1Linear Regression2Approximate Message Passing (AMP)3Vector AMP (VAMP)4Unfolding AMP and VAMP into Deep Neural Networks5Extensions: GLMs, Parameter Learning, Bilinear ProblemsPhil Schniter (Ohio State Univ.)July’192 / 52

Linear RegressionOutline1Linear Regression2Approximate Message Passing (AMP)3Vector AMP (VAMP)4Unfolding AMP and VAMP into Deep Neural Networks5Extensions: GLMs, Parameter Learning, Bilinear ProblemsPhil Schniter (Ohio State Univ.)July’193 / 52

Linear RegressionThe Linear Regression ProblemConsider the following linear regression problem:Recover xo fromy Axo wwithTypical methodologies: unknown signal xo RnA Rm n known linear operator w Rmwhite Gaussian noise.1Optimization (or MAP estimation): 12b arg minxkAx yk2 R(x)2x2Approximate MMSE:b E{x y} for x p(x),xy x N (Ax, νw I)3Plug-and-play:1 iteratively apply a denoising algorithm like BM3D4Train a deep network to recover xo from y.1 Venkatakrishnan,Bouman,Wohlberg’13Phil Schniter (Ohio State Univ.)July’194 / 52

Approximate Message Passing (AMP)Outline1Linear Regression2Approximate Message Passing (AMP)3Vector AMP (VAMP)4Unfolding AMP and VAMP into Deep Neural Networks5Extensions: GLMs, Parameter Learning, Bilinear ProblemsPhil Schniter (Ohio State Univ.)July’195 / 52

Approximate Message Passing (AMP)The AMP MethodologyAll of the aforementioned methodologies can be addressed using theApproximate Message Passing (AMP) framework.AMP tackles these problems via iterative denoising.We will write the iteration-t denoiser as η t (·) : Rn Rn .Each method defines the denoiser η t (·) differently:Optimization: η t (r) arg minx {R(x) MMSE: η t (r) E x r x N (0, ν t )1kx2ν t rk22 } , “proxRν t (r)”Plug-and-play: η t (r) BM3D(r, ν t )Deep network: η t (r) is learned from training data.Phil Schniter (Ohio State Univ.)July’196 / 52

Approximate Message Passing (AMP)The AMP Algorithmb 0 0, v 1 0initialize xfor t 0, 1, 2, . . . N t 1bt 1 ) corrected residualvdiv η t 1 (bxt 1 AT vv t y Abxt Mb t 1 η t (bxxt A T v t )wheredenoising 1div η (r) , trnt η t (r) r “divergence.”Note:Original version proposed by Donoho, Maleki, and Montanari in 2009.ttThey considered “scalar” denoisers,such Pn thatt ′[η (r)]j η (rj ) jt1For scalar denoisers, div η (r) n j 1 η (rj )Can be recognized as iterative shrinkage/thresholding2 plus “Onsagercorrection.”Can be derived using Gaussian & Taylor-series approximations of loopybelief-propagation (hence “AMP”).2 Chambolle,DeVore,Lee,Lucier’98Phil Schniter (Ohio State Univ.)July’197 / 52

Approximate Message Passing (AMP)AMP’s Denoising PropertyOriginal AMP AssumptionsA Rm n is drawn i.i.d. Gaussianm, n s.t. mn δ (0, )tt[η (r)]j η (rj ) with Lipschitz η(·). . . “large-system limit”. . . “scalar denoising”b t AT v t obeys3Under these assumptions, the denoiser’s input r t , xrjt xo,j N (0, νrt )That is, r t is a Gaussian-noise corrupted version of the true signal xo .It should now be clear why we think of η t (·) as a “denoiser.”Furthermore, the effective noise variance can be consistently estimated:νbrt ,t 21m kv k νrt .3 Bayati,Montanari’11Phil Schniter (Ohio State Univ.)July’198 / 52

Approximate Message Passing (AMP)AMP’s State EvolutionAssume that the measurements y were generated viay Axo N (0, νw I)where xo empirically converges to some random variable Xo as n .Define the iteration-t mean-squared error (MSE)Et ,1xtn kb xo k2 .Under above assumptions, AMP obeys the following state evolution (SE):4for t 0, 1, 2, . . .n tνrt νw mE 2t 1E E η t Xo N (0, νrt ) Xo4 Bayati,Montanari’11Phil Schniter (Ohio State Univ.)July’199 / 52

Approximate Message Passing (AMP)Achievability Analysis via the AMP SEAMP’s SE can be applied to analyze achievability in various problems.E.g., it yields a closed-form expression5 for the sparsity/sampling region whereℓ1 -penalized regression is equivalent to ℓ0 -penalized regression:ρ(δ) maxc 01 2δ 1 [(1 c2 )Φ( c) cφ(c)],1 c2 2[(1 c2 )Φ( c) cφ(c)]ρ k/m (sparsity rate) reconstructempirical AMP0.2weak ℓ1 /ℓ0 equiv05 Donoho,Maleki,Montanari’09Phil Schniter (Ohio State Univ.)δ m/n (sampling rate)July’1910 / 52

Approximate Message Passing (AMP)MMSE Optimality of AMPNow suppose that the AMP Assumptions hold, and thaty Axo N (0, νw I),where the elements of xo are i.i.d. draws of some random variable Xo .Suppose also that η t (·) is the MMSE denoiser, i.e., η t (R) E Xo R Xo N (0, νrt )b t converges6Then, if the state evolution has a unique fixed point, the MSE of xto the replica prediction of the MMSE as t .Under the AMP Assumptions, the replica prediction of the MMSE was shownto be correct.786 Bayati,Montanari’11,Phil Schniter (Ohio State Univ.)7 Reeves,Pfister’16,8 Barbier,Dia,Macris,Krzakala’16July’1911 / 52

Approximate Message Passing (AMP)Universality of AMP State EvolutionUntil now, it was assumed that A is drawn i.i.d. Gaussian.The state evolution also holds when A is drawn from i.i.d. Aij such thatE{Aij } 0E{A2ij } 1/mE{A6ij } C/m for some fixed C 0.often abbreviated as “sub-Gaussian Aij .”The proof 9 assumes polynomial scalar denoising η t (·) of bounded order.9 Bayati,Lelarge,Montanari’15Phil Schniter (Ohio State Univ.)July’1912 / 52

Approximate Message Passing (AMP)Deriving AMP via Loopy BP (e.g., sum-product alg)p1 1 (x1 )1Message from yi node to xj node: N via CLTZz } { QPN yi ; l ail xl , νwpi j (xj ) l6 j pi l (xl ) Z{xl }l6 jN (yi ; zi , νw ) Nzizi ; zbi (xj ), νiz (xj )x1N (y1 ; [Ax]1 , νw ) f (x1 )x2N (y2 ; [Ax]2 , νw ).f (x2 ).xnN (ym ; [Ax]m , νw )f (xn )pm n (xn ) NTo compute zbi (xj ), νiz (xj ), the means and variances of {pi l }l6 j suffice,implying Gaussian message passing, similar to expectation-propagation.Remaining problem: we have 2mn messages to compute (too many!).2Exploiting similarity among the messages{pi j }mi 1 , AMP employs a Taylor-seriesapproximation of their difference whoseerror vanishes as m for dense A (andsimilar for {pi j }nj 1 as n ). Finally,need to compute only O(m n) messages!Phil Schniter (Ohio State Univ.)p1 1 (x1 )x1N (y1 ; [Ax]1 , νw )N (y2 ; [Ax]2 , νw ).N (ym ; [Ax]m , νw )f (x1 )x2.f (x2 ).xnpm n (xn )July’19f (xn )13 / 52

Approximate Message Passing (AMP)Understanding AMPThe belief-propagation derivation of AMP provides very little insight!Loopy BP is suboptimal, even if implemented exactlyThe i.i.d. property of A is never used in the derivationAnd the rigorous proofs of AMP’s state evolution are very technical!As a middle ground, we suggest an alternate derivation that gives insight intohow and why AMP works.Based on the idea of “first-order cancellation” We will assume equiprobable Bernoulli aij 1/ m and polynomial η(·)Phil Schniter (Ohio State Univ.)July’1914 / 52

Approximate Message Passing (AMP)AMP as First-Order CancellationRecall the AMP recursion: n t 1vdiv η(r t 1 )v t y Abxt mb t 1 η(bxxt A T v t ) {z }, rtNotice that Pb t 1 l al vkt 1 where aT[Abxt ]i aTiη xi is the ith row of A Pt 1t 1t 1Tb ai η x l6 i al vl ai vi{z} , r t 1,whichremovesthe direct contribution of ai from r t 1i t 1 η t 1) aT(r )ai vit 1 O(1/m) using a Taylor expansioni η(r i r iP t 1t 1) O(1/ m) aT) vit 1 j a2ij η ′ (riji η(r i Pt 1t 1n t 1 1) mvi n j η ′ (rij aT) O(1/ m) since a2ij 1/m iji η(r i{z} )div η(r t 1iwhich uncovers the Onsager correction.Phil Schniter (Ohio State Univ.)July’1915 / 52

Approximate Message Passing (AMP)AMP as First-Order Cancellation (cont.)Now use [Abxt ]i to study jth component of denoiser input error et , r t xo :XX Xt 1etj aijail xo,l η(ril) aij wii Xil6 jhn t 1aij mviidiv η(rt 1 ) n t 1m vi)div η(r t 1i i O(1/ m) where the divergence difference can be absorbed into the O(1/ m) term. . . XXX t 1) ail xo,l η(rilaij wi O(1/ m){z} iil6 j {z }, ǫil P{z} N 0, 1 i wi2 mPP N 0, m12 i l6 j (ǫtil )2aijt 1 n}l 1using the CLT and assuming independence of {ail }nl 1 and {ril n (t). . . the AMP state evolution N 0, mE νw O(1/ m) PPm2(t)n12where E (t) , n1 j 1 xo,j xbjand νw , mi 1 wiPhil Schniter (Ohio State Univ.)July’1916 / 52

Approximate Message Passing (AMP)AMP with Non-Separable DenoisersUntil now, we have focused on separable denoisers, i.e., [η t (r)]j η t (rj ) jCan we use sophisticated non-separable η(·) with AMP?Yes! Many examples. . .Markov chain,10 Markov field,12 Markov tree,12 denoisers in 2010Blockwise & TV denoising considered by Donoho, Johnstone, Montanari in 2011BM3D denoising considered by Metzler, Maleki, Baraniuk in 2015Rigorous state-evolution proven by Berthier, Montanari, Nguyen in 2017.Assumes A drawn i.i.d. GaussianAssumes η is Lipschitz and “convergent under Gaussian inputs”10 S’10,11 Som,S’11,Phil Schniter (Ohio State Univ.)12 Som,S’12July’1917 / 52

Approximate Message Passing (AMP)AMP at Large but Finite DimensionsUntil now, we have focused on the large-system limit m, n withm/n δ (0, )The non-asymptotic case was analyzed by Rush and Venkataramanan.13They showed that probability of ǫ-deviation between the finite and limiting SEfalls exponentially in m, as long as the number of iterations t o( logloglogn n )13 Rush,Venkataramanan’18Phil Schniter (Ohio State Univ.)July’1918 / 52

Approximate Message Passing (AMP)AMP Summary: The good, the bad, and the uglyThe good:With large i.i.d. sub-Gaussian A, AMP is rigorously characterized by a scalarstate-evolution whose fixed points, when unique, are MMSE optimal underproper choice of denoiser.Empirically, AMP behaves well with many other “sufficiently random” A(e.g., randomly sub-sampled Fourier A & i.i.d. sparse x).The bad:With general A, AMP gives no guarantees.The ugly:With some A, AMP may fail to converge!(e.g., ill-conditioned or non-zero-mean A)Phil Schniter (Ohio State Univ.)July’1919 / 52

Vector AMP (VAMP)Outline1Linear Regression2Approximate Message Passing (AMP)3Vector AMP (VAMP)4Unfolding AMP and VAMP into Deep Neural Networks5Extensions: GLMs, Parameter Learning, Bilinear ProblemsPhil Schniter (Ohio State Univ.)July’1920 / 52

Vector AMP (VAMP)Vector AMP (VAMP)Recall goal is linear regression: Recover xo from y Axo N (0, I/γw ).Now it will be easier to work with inverse variances, i.e., precisionsVAMP is like AMP in many ways, but supports a larger class of randommatrices.VAMP yields a precise analysis for right-orthogonally invariant A: U : deterministic orthogonalsvd(A) U SV T for S: deterministic diagonal V : “Haar;” uniform on set of orthogonal matricesof which i.i.d. Gaussian is a special case.Can be derived as a form of messagepassing on a vector-valued factor graph.Phil Schniter (Ohio State Univ.)N (y; Ax2 , I/γw )δ(x1 x2 )x2p(x1 )x1July’1921 / 52

Vector AMP (VAMP)VAMP: The AlgorithmWith SVD A U Diag(s)V T , damping ζ (0, 1], and Lipschitz η t1 (·) : Rn Rn .Initialize r 1 , γ1 .For t 1, 2, 3, . . .b 1 η t1 (r 1 )xξ1 γ1 / divdenoising of r 1 xo N (0, I/γ1 ) η t1 (r 1 )b 1 γ1 r 1 )/(ξ1 γ1 )r 2 (ξ1 xOnsager correctionγ 2 ξ1 γ 1b 2 η 2 (r 2 ; γ2 )xξ2 γ2 / div η 2 (r 2 ; γ2 ) b 2 γ2 r 2 )/(ξ2 γ2 ) (1 ζ)r 1r 1 ζ(ξ2 xγ1 ζ(ξ2 γ2 ) (1 ζ)γ1whereLMMSE estimate of x N (r 2 , I/γ2 )from y Ax N (0, I/γw )Onsager correctiondampingη 2 (r 2 ; γ2 ) (γw AT A γ2 I) 1 (γw AT y γ2 r 2 ) 1 VPγw Diag(s)2 γ2 Iγw Diag(s)U T y γ2 V T r 22 1ξ2 n1 ntwo mat-vec mults per iteration!j 1 (γw sj γ2 )Phil Schniter (Ohio State Univ.)July’1922 / 52

Vector AMP (VAMP)VAMP’s Denoising PropertyOriginal VAMP AssumptionsA Rm n is right-orthogonally invariantm, n s.t. m/n δ (0, )[η t1 (r)]j η1t (rj )with Lipschitzη1t (·). . . “large-system limit”. . . “separable denoising”Under Assumption 2, the elements of the denoiser’s input r t1 obey14tr1,j xo,j N (0, ν1t )That is, r t1 is a Gaussian-noise corrupted version of the true signal xo .As with AMP, we can interpret η 1 (·) as a “denoiser.”14 Rangan,S,Fletcher’16Phil Schniter (Ohio State Univ.)July’1923 / 52

Vector AMP (VAMP)VAMP’s State Evolution0Assume empirical convergence of {sj } S and {(r1,j, xo,j )} (R10 , Xo ), and defineEit ,1kbxtin xo k2 for i 1, 2.Then under the VAMP Assumptions, VAMP obeys the following state-evolution:for t 0, 1, 2, . . . 2 E1t E η1t Xo N (0, ν1t ) Xo ′α1t E η1t (Xo N (0, ν1t )) t1 αtt 2 t1ν1γ2t γ1t αt 1 , ν2t (1 αt )2 E 1 α 111 1E2t E γw S 2 γ2t 1 α2t γ2t E γw S 2 γ2t t1 αtt 2 t1γ1t 1 γ2t αt 2 , ν1t 1 (1 αν2t )2 E 2 α 22MSEdivergenceMSEdivergence2Note: Above equations assume η 2 (·) uses true noise precision γw .If not, there are more complicated expressions for E2t and α2t .Phil Schniter (Ohio State Univ.)July’1924 / 52

Vector AMP (VAMP)MMSE Optimality of VAMPNow suppose that the VAMP Assumptions hold, and thaty Axo N (0, I/γw ),where the elements of xo are i.i.d. draws of some random variable Xo .Suppose also that η1t (·) is the MMSE denoiser, i.e., η1t (R1 ) E Xo R1 Xo N (0, ν1t )b t1Then, if the state evolution has a unique fixed point, the MSE of x1516converges to the replica prediction of the MMSE as t .15 Rangan,S,Fletcher’16,Phil Schniter (Ohio State Univ.)16 Tulino,Caire,Verdu,Shamai’13July’1925 / 52

Vector AMP (VAMP)Experiment with MMSE DenoisingComparison of several algorithms17 with MMSE denoising.0median normalized MSE [dB]-5-10n 1024m/n 0.5AMPS-AMPdamped GAMPVAMPreplica MMSEA U Diag(s)V TU , V Haarsj /sj 1 φ jφ determines κ(A)-15-20-25-30-35Xo Bernoulli-GaussianPr{X0 6 0} 0.1-40-45-5010 010 110 210 310 410 510 6SNR 40dBcondition number κ(A)VAMP achieves the replica MMSE over a wide range of condition numbers.17 S-AMP: Cakmak,Fleury,Winther’14,Phil Schniter (Ohio State Univ.)damped GAMP: Vila,S,Rangan,Krzakala,Zdeborová’15July’1926 / 52

Vector AMP (VAMP)Experiment with MMSE Denoising (cont.)median NMSE [dB]median NMSE [dB]Comparison of several algorithms with priors matched to data.0condition number 1n 1024m/n 0.5AMPS-AMPdamped GAMPVAMPVAMP SE-10-20-30-40-500100101102103condition number 1000AMPS-AMPdamped GAMPVAMPVAMP SE-10-20Xo Bernoulli-GaussianPr{X0 6 0} 0.1-30-40010101102A U Diag(s)V TU , V Haarsj /sj 1 φ jφ determines κ(A)103SNR 40dBiterationsVAMP is relative fast even when A is ill-conditioned.Phil Schniter (Ohio State Univ.)July’1927 / 52

Vector AMP (VAMP)VAMP for OptimizationConsider the optimization problem b arg min 21 kAx yk2 R(x)xxwhere R(·) is strictly convex and A is arbitrary (e.g., not necessarily RRI).If we choose the denoiserη t1 (r) γ1t2 arg min R(x) kx rk proxR/γ1t (r)x2and the damping parameterζ 2 min{γ1 , γ2 },γ1 γ2b from above.then a double-loop version of VAMP converges18 to xFurthermore, if the γ1 and γ2 variables are fixed over the iterations, thenVAMP reduces to the Peaceman-Rachford variant of ADMM.18 Fletcher,Sahraee,Rangan,S’16Phil Schniter (Ohio State Univ.)July’1928 / 52

Vector AMP (VAMP)Example of AMP & VAMP on the LASSO Problem0iid Gaussian A matrix0VAMPAMPChambolle-PockFISTA-5-15-5NMSE [dB]NMSE [dB]-10-20-25-30column-correlated (0.99) A -4501010110iterations2103-3010 010 110 210 310 4iterationsSolving LASSO to reconstruct 40-sparse x R1000 from noisy y R400 . 1b arg minxky Axk22 λkxk1 .2xPhil Schniter (Ohio State Univ.)July’1929 / 52

Vector AMP (VAMP)Deriving VAMP from ECIdeally, we would like to compute the exact posterior densityZp(x)ℓ(x; y)p(x y) for Z(y) , p(x)ℓ(x; y) dx,Z(y)but the high-dimensional integral in Z(y) is difficult to compute.We might try to circumvent Z(y) through variational optimization: p(x y) arg min D b(x) p(x y) where D(·k·) is KL divergenceb arg min D b(x) p(x) D b(x) ℓ(x; y) H b(x){z} bGibbs free energy arg min D b1 (x) p(x) D b2 (x) ℓ(x; y) H q(x){z}b1 ,b2 ,q , JGibbs (b1 , b2 , q)s.t. b1 b2 q,but the density constraint keeps the problem difficult.Phil Schniter (Ohio State Univ.)July’1930 / 52

Vector AMP (VAMP)Deriving VAMP from EC (cont.)In expectation-consistent approximation (EC)19 , the density constraint isrelaxed to moment-matching constraints:p(x y) arg min JGibbs (b1 , b2 , q)b1 ,b2 ,q E{x b1 } E{x b2 } E{x q}{x b1 }) tr(Cov{x b2 }) tr(Cov{x q}).The stationary points of EC are the densities b1 (x) p(x)N (x; r 1 , I/γ1 )bE{x b1 } E{x b2 } xb2 (x) ℓ(x; y)N (x; r 2 , I/γ2 ) s.t. 11tr(Cov{x b}) tr(Cov{x b12 }) nnb , I/ξ)q(x) N (x; x1ξb , ξ above.VAMP iteratively solves for the quantities r 1 , γ1 , r 2 , γ2 , xLeads to η t1 (·) being the MMSE denoiser of r 1 xo N (0, I/γ1t )In this setting, VAMP is simply an instance of expectation propagation (EP)20 .But VAMP is more general than EP, in that it allows non-MMSE denoisers η 1 .19 Opper,Winther’04,Phil Schniter (Ohio State Univ.)20 Minka’01July’1931 / 52

Vector AMP (VAMP)Plug-and-play VAMPRecall the scalar denoising step of VAMP (or AMP):b 1 η1t (r 1 ) where r 1 xo N (0, I/γ1t )xFor many signal classes (e.g., images), very sophisticated non-separabledenoisers η 1 (·) have been developed (e.g., BM3D, DnCNN).These non-separable denoisers can be “plugged into” VAMP!Their divergence can be approximated via Monte Carlo21 tKt 1 X pTk η 1 (r ǫpk ) η 1 (r)tdiv η 1 (r) Knǫk 1with random vectors pk { 1}n and small ǫ 0. Empirically, K 1 suffices.A rigorous state-evolution has been established for plug-and-play VAMP.2221 Ramani,Blu,Unser’08,Phil Schniter (Ohio State Univ.)22 Fletcher,Rangan,Sarkar,S’18July’1932 / 52

Vector AMP (VAMP)Experiment: Compressive Image Recovery with BM3DPlug-and-play versions of VAMP and AMP behave similarly with i.i.d. Gaussian Ais i.i.d., but VAMP can handle a larger class of random matrices A.iid Gaussian A40spread spectrum A (M/N .30.40.5001010sampling rate M/N1102103104condition numberResults above are averaged over 128 128 versions oflena, barbara, boat, fingerprint, house, peppersand 10 random realizations of A, w.Phil Schniter (Ohio State Univ.)July’1933 / 52

Unfolding AMP and VAMP into Deep Neural NetworksOutline1Linear Regression2Approximate Message Passing (AMP)3Vector AMP (VAMP)4Unfolding AMP and VAMP into Deep Neural Networks5Extensions: GLMs, Parameter Learning, Bilinear ProblemsPhil Schniter (Ohio State Univ.)July’1934 / 52

Unfolding AMP and VAMP into Deep Neural NetworksDeep learning for sparse reconstructionUntil now we’ve focused on designing algorithms to recover xo p(x) frommeasurements y Axo w.yalgorithmmodel p(x), AbxWhat about training deep networks to predict xo from y?Can we increase accuracy and/or decrease computation?ytraining data {(xd , y d )}Dd 1deepnetworkbxAre there connections between these approaches?Phil Schniter (Ohio State Univ.)July’1935 / 52

Unfolding AMP and VAMP into Deep Neural NetworksUnfolding Algorithms into NetworksConsider, e.g., the classical sparse-reconstruction algorithm, ISTA.23v t y Abxttbx η(bx AT v t )b t 1 η(S xb t By) withx t 1S , I AT AB , ATGregor & LeCun24 proposed to “unfold” it into a deep net and “learn” improvedparameters using training data, yielding “learned ISTA” (LISTA):η(·)yBb1xS η(·)b2xS η(·)b3xS η(·)b4xThe same “unfolding & learning” idea can be used to improve AMP, yielding“learned AMP” (LAMP).2523 Chambolle,DeVore,Lee,Lucier’98.Phil Schniter (Ohio State Univ.)24 Gregor,LeCun’10.25 Borgerding,S’16.July’1936 / 52

Unfolding AMP and VAMP into Deep Neural NetworksOnsager-Corrected Deep Networkstth LISTA layer:btx Btvtyrtη( ;λt )At b t 1xv t 1yto exploit low-rank B t At in linear stage S t I B t At .tth LAMP

1 n Pn j 1η t′(r j) Can be recognized as iterative shrinkage/thresholding2 plus “Onsager correction.” Can be derived using Gaussian & Taylor-series approximations of loopy belief-propagation (hence “AMP”). 2Chambolle,DeVore,Le

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