Draft Corporate Procurement Strategy 2020-2024

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Scottish Parliamentary Corporate BodyCorporate Procurement Strategy(1st April 2020 to 31 March 2024)Buidheann Chorporra Pàrlamaid na h-AlbaRo-innleachd Solair Chorporra(1 Giblean 2020 gu 31 Màrt 2024)

2Table of ContentsClàr-innse1. Foreword1. Facal-toisich2. Organisational Context3. Our Organisational Values4. Our Strategic Focus 2020-20244. Am Fòcas Ro-innleachdail againn 2020-20245. Our Response to the Mandatory Requirements6. Strategy Ownership and Contact DetailsAnnex A Contract & Spend InformationAnnex B Glossary34567814222324

31. ForewordWe are pleased to endorse this Corporate Procurement Strategy building on theParliament’s previous achievements and driving our procurement activity over the nextfour years.While much has already been done to embed sustainability in our contracts, a keyelement of the strategy will focus on the challenges of responding to climatechange. We want our purchasing power as an organisation to contribute to tackling theclimate emergency.Monitoring our supply chain remains a priority, and we will continue working with ourcontractors to maintain our ethical standards, to increase transparency and to promotefair work practices. A new approach to contract management will help us to improveour performance whilst acting sustainably.While working on these priorities we will continue to uphold the principles of fairness,transparency, equal treatment and proportionality which, along with value for moneyand legislative compliance, underpin good public procurement.We are committed to delivering this Procurement Strategy and recognise that investingin the capacity, knowledge and skills of our people is essential to meeting thechallenges of the future.David McGillChief ExecutiveKen MacintoshPresiding Officer

41. Facal-toisichTha sinn toilichte ar n-aonta a thoirt dhan Ro-innleachd Solarachaidh Chorporra seo a’tha a’ togail air na choilean a’ Phàrlamaid roimhe agus a’ stiùireadh ar gnìomhachdsolarachaidh thar nan ceithir bliadhna a tha romhainn.Ged a chaidh mòran a dhèanamh mu thràth gus seasmhachd a stèidheachadh anns nacùmhnantan againn, bidh prìomh eileamaid den ro-innleachd seo ag amas air nadùbhlain a tha an lùib atharrachadh clìomaid. Tha sinn airson ’s gun cuir an cumhachdceannachd againn mar bhuidhinn aghaidh air èiginn na gnàth-thìde.Tha cumail sùil air an t-sèine solair againn na phrìomhachas, agus cumaidh sinn oirnnag obair le ar cunnradairean gus ar n-inbhean beusail a chumail suas, gus follaiseachda mheudachadh agus gus cleachdaidhean obrach cothromach a bhrosnachadh.Cuidichidh an dòigh ùr againn air cùmhnantan a riaghladh le bhith a’ toirt piseach air andèanadas againn agus sinn ag obair gu seasmhach.Le bhith ag obair air na prìomhachasan sin cumaidh sinn ri prionnsabalancothromachd, follaiseachd, làimhseachadh co-ionann agus co-rèireachd a tha, còmhlari luach an airgid agus gèilleadh reachdail, mar bhunait air deagh sholarachadhpoblach.Tha e na rùn dhuinn an Ro-innleachd Solarachaidh seo a lìbhrigeadh agus tha sinnmothachail gu bheil tasgadh ann an comas, eòlas agus sgilean nan daoine againndeatamach gus am bi sinn comasach air dèiligeadh ri dùbhlain an ama ri teachd.David McGillÀrd-oifigearKen MacintoshOifigear Riaghlaidh

52. Organisational ContextSuidheachadh na BuidhneThe Scottish Parliament was established in 1999 to represent the people of Scotland,pass laws and hold the Scottish Government to account. The Scottish ParliamentaryCorporate Body (SPCB) supports the work of the Parliament and its Members and isresponsible for ensuring that the Parliament is provided with the property, staff andservices it requires.The vision of the Scottish Parliament is ambitious and far reaching - making a positivedifference to the lives of the people of Scotland. The vision lies at the heart of ourbusiness and guides us towards making the Parliament the best it can be.The Strategic Plan is the plan for the Parliament as a whole and sets out how we aim todeliver the vision.The Delivery Plan contains the key activities that translate the ambitions of theStrategic Plan into reality. It reflects the ongoing work to run the Parliament as well asinitiatives for improvement.Office Plans are produced by each office in the Parliament to help staff in those officesto fulfil their responsibilities and achieve their goals. They contain activities whichcontribute to the strategic aims and priorities, and business as usual activities for eachoffice.The previous procurement strategy was aligned to the Parliament’s Strategic andDelivery Plans. The current Procurement Strategy will continue to contribute to theorganisation strategic aims and priorities and will evolve as these change from time totime.

63. Our Organisational ValuesLuachan na BuidhneThe Strategic and Delivery Plans set out what we do. We also take pride in how wego about our work. Our core organisational values of Stewardship, Inclusiveness,Excellence and Respect affect every aspect of how we deal with colleagues,stakeholders and suppliers.These values, along with our strategic and delivery plans will drive our focus over thenext four years.

74. Our Strategic Focus 2020-2024These are our key strategic procurement aims for the period of this CorporateProcurement Strategy.1. Withstand scrutiny2. Efficient procurementCompliance, governance andaccountability are the key factors thatunderpin the integrity of ourprocurement activityWe partner with our colleagues todeliver sustainable contracts thatprovide value for money, long termperformance and continuousimprovement3. Act on climate emergency4. Team developmentWe work collaboratively to embedsustainable development thinking inour procurement, taking account of theimpact of today's decisions on peopleand the environment, both now and inthe futureOur people are our greatest asset, sowe will continue to value their inputand support their development,upholding our organisational valuesand appreciating each other'suniqueness5. Improve contractresilience6. Develop contractmanagementRisks relating to areas such asbusiness continuity, data protection,cyber security and fraud evolve overtime. We will continue to develop ourapproach to building resilience withinour contractsCollaborative working betweenprocurement and business areas iscritical to ensure the "right" contractsare awarded and contract deliveryproactively managed7. Increase access to ourcontracts8. Increase communitybenefitsWe will continue to look for ways tomaximise access and encourageparticipation in our contracts for SMEs,Supported Businesses and ThirdSectorPublic procurement has theopportunity to promote social value, sowe aim to increase our focus ondelivering and monitoring communitybenefits through our contracts

84. Am Fòcas Ro-innleachdail againn 2020-2024Is iad seo na prìomh amasan solair againn airson àm na Ro-innleachd Corporra seo.1. Ion-sgrùdach2. Solar èifeachdachIs iad gèilleadh, riaghladh aguscunntachalachd na prìomh nithean a thanam bunaitean airson ionracas nagnìomhachd solarachaidh againnBidh sinn ag obair còmhla ris na coobraichean againn gus cùmhnantanseasmhach a lìbhrigeadh a bheirseachad luach an airgid, coileanadh fadùine agus leasachadh leantainneach3. Gnìomhach air a’ ghnàththìde4. Leasachadh sgiobaBidh sinn a’ co-obrachadh gussmaoineachadh a thaobh leasachadhseasmhach a leabachadh san t-solaragainn, a’ toirt aire do bhuaidh chodhùnaidhean an latha an-diugh airdaoine agus air an àrainneachd, andràsta agus san àm ri teachdIs iad na daoine againn an stòras ascudromaiche a th’ againn, is mar sincumaidh sinn oirnn a’ cur luach air an inchur aca agus a’ toirt taic dhanleasachadh aca, a’ cumail ri luachan nabuidhne agus a’ cur luach air chosònraichte sa tha a h-uile duine.5. Cùmhnantan seasmhach6. Leasaich stiùireadhchùmhnantanBidh cunnartan co-cheangailte riraointean leithid leantainneachdgnìomhachais, dìon dàta, tèarainteachdshaidhbear is foill ag atharrachadh tharùine. Cumaidh sinn oirnn a’ leasachadhna dòigh-obrach againn gus seasmhachda thogail taobh a-staigh chùmhnantanTha co-obrachadh eadar solar agusraointean gnìomhachais deatamach gusdèanamh cinnteach gu bheil nacùmhnantan “ceart” air am buileachadhagus gu bheil lìbhrigeadh chùmhnantanair a riaghladh gu for-ghnìomhach7. Cothrom nas fheàrr aircùmhnantan8. Buannachdan dhanchoimhearsnachdCumaidh sinn oirnn a’ coimhead airsondòighean gus ruigsinneachd amheudachadh agus com-pàirteachadhanns na cùmhnantan againn airsonSMEn, Gnìomhachasan le Taic agus anTreas Roinn a bhrosnachadhIs urrainn solar poblach luach sòisealtaadhartachadh, is mar sin, tha sinn agamas air ar fòcas a mheudachadh airlìbhrigeadh is cumail sùil airbuannachdan coimhearsnachd tro nacùmhnantan againn

91. Ensure all procurement activities withstand scrutinyOur objective:Continue to ensure legalcompliance, robustgovernance and accountabilityin the procurement functionTo this end we will: Update our policies, documentation and processes totake account of upcoming legislation. Provide regular training and updates to procurementteam. Equip and support stakeholders in the practicalapplication of procurement policies. Further develop our guidance and templates in linewith the Procurement Journey. Maintain effective control mechanisms includingdelivery of the annual audit programme. Report on procurement activity and publish an annualProcurement Report. Implement improvement actions resulting from audits,project reviews and external assessments.2. To be an efficient procurement function that actively supports businessareas in the delivery of their servicesOur objective:Optimise the use of ourprocurement resources.Deliver financial savings andbenefits in our procurements.Deliver sustainable contractsthat meet the needs of theorganisation.To this end we will: Actively manage workload prioritisation and resourceallocation. Encourage early consultation by business partners toensure business cases explore all options anddemonstrate clear benefits before proceeding topurchase. Work with stakeholders to undertake effective marketresearch and supplier engagement. Lead the procurement process, supporting stakeholdersin the development of specifications and ensuringsustainability considerations are embedded at everystage. Ensure the optimum weighting for tender evaluationsseeking to achieve the best balance of quality, cost andsustainability.

103. Contribute to the Parliament’s response to the climate emergency andwider sustainable development challengesOur objective:To this end we will:Apply sustainable development Embed SD thinking in the procurement decision(SD) thinking in themaking process to integrate budgetary andprocurement of Parliament’ssustainability.contracts. Use sustainability assessment tools to promotecollaborative decision making.Promote innovation and Integrate climate change adaptation and mitigation inencourage different ways ofthe procurement cycle and risk management.working Increase knowledge, skills and capability within theprocurement team and across the stakeholders. Seek internal and external expertise. Collaborate with business areas to carry out marketresearch, widening the scope to include commercial,operational and sustainability considerations. Actively engage with suppliers and seek their input tohelp us procure and deliver sustainable solutionsthroughout the contract lifecycle. Use recognised standards in our specifications whereavailable and relevant. Provide further training to our procurement staff in theapplication of whole life costing in tender evaluations. Upskill our procurement staff in the use of thecompetitive dialogue and innovative partnershipprocurement procedures.

114. Develop a skilled, diverse and inclusive procurement team that embedsour organisation’s values in all that we doOur objective:Embed our organisation’svalues in all our work.Invest in supporting anddeveloping our people to meetthe challenges of procurementand contract management in achanging environment.To this end we will: Continue to hold team workshops to identify ways toembed the organisational values in our team ethos andthroughout our procurement activities Use the Procurement Competency Framework tooland one-to-one discussions to identify skills needs inthe procurement team Invest time in personal development and supportingcolleagues through coaching and mentoring Seek specialist knowledge transfer Provide an opportunity for the Procurement apprenticeand procurement administrator to obtain the ScottishVocational Qualification Level 3 in Procurement Support purchasing staff to gain professionalqualifications in procurement5. Improve contract and supply chain resilience in respect of BusinessContinuity, Data Protection, Cyber Security, Fraud and Serious OrganisedCrimeOur objective:Better understand the risksand strengthen prevention andmitigation measures in ourcontracts.To this end we will: Further improve our understanding and management ofsupply chain risks Review existing processes Collaborate with internal and external stakeholders toidentify opportunities for improvement Adopt Scottish Procurement’s cyber security tool Further develop training and guidance to upskillpurchasers and contract managers Implement improvements in contracts and monitorcompliance

126. Work with our contractors to optimise performance, identify furtheropportunities for sustainability improvements, promote fair workingpractices and increase supply chain transparencyOur objective:Roll out a new holistic contractmanagement modelTo this end we will: Work with stakeholders to develop and implement amulti-tier approach to contract management based onrisk and proportionality Provide training and support to purchasers and contractmanagers to implement the improved model Review our contractor assessment questionnaire with aview to promoting ethics in our supply chains Identify opportunities for sustainability improvements inour contracts and monitor progress Communicate our organisational values to contractorsand how they drive our expectations for contract delivery,ethical supply chains and sustainable development Adopt Fair Work First guidance in our tender processand engage with our contractors to promote fair workingpractices and payment of the Real Living Wage7. Ensure SPCB procurement opportunities are accessible to Small andMedium Enterprises, the Third Sector and Supported BusinessesOur objective:Maximise SME, Third Sectorand Supported Businessparticipation in SPCBprocurementsTo this end we will: Analyse current levels of participation and examineinternal processes to identify barriers Liaise with the Supplier Development Programme toadvertise opportunities and support Meet the Buyerevents Use advertising methods best suited to reach SMEs andthe Third Sector Reserve contracts to Supported Businesses wherepossible Work with contractors to encourage SME participationwithin our supply chain

138. Increase Community Benefits delivered through our contractsOur objective:To this end we will:Community benefits included Update our policy to introduce community benefits in ain all procurements overwider range of contracts. 500,000 unless in exceptional Work with our stakeholders to identify the mostcircumstances, and consideredappropriate focus for community benefits.for all regulated procurements Engage with the market and peer organisations toimprove our understanding of community benefits andhow they can be effectively tendered and delivered. Support purchasers and contract managers toeffectively incorporate community benefits in contractsand monitor delivery.

145. Our Response to the MandatoryRequirements of the Procurement Reform(Scotland) Act 2014Mar a Chumas sinn ris na riatanasan Reachdailann an Achd Ath-leasachadh an t-Solair (Alba)2014This section sets out our approach to the mandatory commitments of theProcurement Reform (Scotland) Act 2014.SPCB Procurement Policy is set out in full in the Scottish Parliament website.Community BenefitsThe SPCB is committed to ensuring that environmental, social and economicissues are taken into account when planning, procuring and managing servicedelivery. This includes delivering added value through environmentalimprovements, supporting SME, third sector and supported businessesparticipation and considering social aspects in our procurement.Where relevant and appropriate, contractual community benefits will be requiredfor procurements over 500,000 and considered for all regulated procurements,and will also form part of our contract management process.To this end we will: Engage with other public sector bodies in the development and use ofCommunity Benefits Provide appropriate training and support to staff involved in our procurementactivities Engage with organisations that represent SMEs, the third sector andsupported businesses Ensure that individual procurement strategies for all regulated procurementsfully consider the appropriateness of including community benefits in thecontract Introduce in our Contractor Performance Management a process formonitoring the implementation, and benefits gained, from the communitybenefits in our contracts

15Sustainable Procurement DutyIt is SPCB policy that all purchasing is undertaken in a responsible manner anddelivers benefits not only for the organisation but for society, the economy and theenvironment. This includes: Delivering economic, social and environmental improvements in our area Facilitating the involvement of SMEs, third sector and supportedbusinesses in our procurements Promoting innovationWe have a responsible approach to our procurement and seek to minimiseadverse environmental impact and where relevant and proportionate to deliverpositive social and economic benefits in our contracts.We achieve this by: Undertaking a sustainability impact assessment and sustainability test atthe outset of our Regulated procurements to assist market research andinform decisions on sustainability requirements for each contract Using market engagement to establish what the market could support (e.g.circular economy solutions; innovation) Considering in what way supported businesses, SMEs and the third sectorcould be involved in the procurement Involving subject matter experts (environmental, health & safety andequalities managers) whenever their expertise can assist the developmentof specifications, questions to tenderers and tender evaluations Considering the application of our policies on Fair Work Practices, Health &Safety, Community Benefits and Fairly & Ethically Traded Goods andServices Giving appropriate weight to sustainability criteria in tender evaluations Working with contractors to agree sustainability action plans in relevantcontracts to promote continuous improvementWe recognise that there is a potential tension between the use of large frameworkagreements and the commitment to improve access to SMEs. This is addressedwhen drafting the commodity/service strategy.Additional information: SPCB Environmental Policy

16Fairly and Ethically Traded Goods and ServicesThe SPCB recognises that it has a role to play in promoting fair and ethical tradingprinciples in the procurement of its goods and services. It is SPCB policy tosupport in its procurement the principles of the Ethical Trading Initiative base codeand ILO 8 core conventions.To this end, we will: Have conditions of contract that require contractors and sub-contractors tocomply with all applicable obligations in the fields of social and labour lawestablished by national law, EU law or by internationally recognised corelabour standards Utilise the sustainability test tool for each contract over a value of 50k toidentify potential concerns over working conditions or labour standards withinthe supply chain Eliminate tenderers from the competition if they breached their obligations inthe fields of social or labour law and didn’t take appropriate self-clean

4. Our Strategic Focus 2020-2024 These are our key strategic procurement aims for the period of this Corporate Procurement Strategy. 1. Withstand scrutiny Compliance, governance and accountability are the key factors that underpin the integrity of our procurement activity 2. Efficient procurement We partner with our colleagues to

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