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PubCodeSAGE Titles (930)Frontfile FirstIssue Onlinevol. 29 iss. 3(1999)vol. 1 iss. 1(2013)vol. 38 iss. 1(1999)vol. 4 iss. 1(1999)vol. 42 iss. 1(1999)vol. 1 iss. 1(2003)vol. 1 iss. 1(2000)vol. 7 iss. 1(1999)vol. 30 iss. 6(1999)vol. 44 iss. 1(1999)vol. 23 iss. 1(1999)vol. 17 iss. 1(1999)vol. 49 iss. 2(1999)vol. 10 iss. 2(1999)vol. 13 iss. 1(1999)vol. 1 iss. 1(1999)Frontfile LastIssue OnlineJ7661687-8140vol. 1 iss. (2009)Current2515-24592515-24670CurrentAERA 0L940Agrarian South: Journal of Political Economy2277-97602321-0281L375Air, Soil and Water 50J201American Behavioral Scientist0002-76421552-3381J589American Educational Research Journal0002-83121935-1011J581American Journal of Alzheimer's Disease & OtherDementias1533-31751938-2731J551American Journal of Evaluation1098-21401557-0878J580American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine1049-90911938-2715J758American Journal of Law & Medicine0098-85881559-3258J567American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine1559-82761559-8284ISSNEISSNA Current Bibliography on African Affairs0011-32552058-7473J712AADE in Practice2325-16032325-1611J767Abstracts in Anthropology0001-34552057-178XL945Accounting History1032-37321749-3374L876Acta Sociologica0001-69931502-3869L860Action Research1476-75031741-2617L798Active Learning in Higher Education1469-78741741-2625L816Adaptive Behavior1059-71231741-2633J204Administration & Society0095-39971552-3039J691Administrative Science Quarterly0001-83921930-3815L024Adoption & Fostering0308-57591740-469XL278Adsorption Science & Technology0263-61742048-4038J396Adult Education Quarterly0741-71361552-3047J704Adult Learning1045-15952162-4070J637Advances in Dental Research0895-93741544-0737J518Advances in Developing Human Resources1523-42231552-3055L243Advances in Mechanical Engineering1687-8140J850Advances in methods and practices in psychologicalscienceJ730vol. 1 iss. 1(2015)vol. 14 iss. 1(1999)vol. 1 iss. 1(2012)0vol. 24 iss. 1(1999)vol. 42 iss. 4(1999)vol. 36 iss. 1(1999)vol. 14 iss. 1(1999)vol. 20 iss. 1(1999)vol. 16 iss. 1(1999)vol. 30 iss. 1(2004)vol. 1 iss. ent

J554American Journal of Medical Quality1062-86061555-824XJ561American Journal of Men's Health1557-98831557-9891J545American Journal of Sports Medicine, The0363-54651552-3365J223American Politics Research1532-673X1552-3373J352American Review of Public Administration, The0275-07401552-3357J653American Sociological Review0003-12241939-8271L376Analytical Chemistry 943Animation1746-84771746-8485J738Annals of Otology, Rhinology, and Laryngology0003-48941943-572XJ728Annals of Pharmacotherapy1060-02801542-6270J295ANNALS of the American Academy of Political andSocial Science, The0002-71621552-3349L111Annals of the ICRP0146-64531872-969XL188Anthropocene Review, The2053-01962053-020XL775Anthropological Theory1463-49961741-2641L247Antiviral Chemistry and Chemotherapy0956-32022040-2066J351Applied Psychological Measurement0146-62161552-3497J552Armed Forces & Society0095-327X1556-0848L805Arts and Humanities in Higher Education1474-02221741-265XL002Asia Pacific Media Educator1326-365X2321-5410L237Asian and Pacific Migration Journal0117-19680L056Asian Cardiovascular & Thoracic Annals0218-49231816-5370L248Asian Journal of Comparative Politics2057-89112057-892XL193Asian Journal of Legal Education2321-00582348-2451L896Asian Journal of Management Cases0972-82010973-0621L937Asia-Pacific Journal of Management Research andInnovation2319-510X2321-0729J587Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health1010-53951941-2479J741ASN -3489J602Assessment for Effective Intervention1534-50841938-7458L139Australasian Psychiatry1039-85621440-1665vol. 14 iss. 1(1999)vol. 1 iss. 1(2007)vol. 27 iss. 1(1999)vol. 27 iss. 1(1999)vol. 29 iss. 1(1999)vol. 69 iss. 1(2004)0vol. 50 iss. 1(1999)vol. 1 iss. 1(2006)vol. 108 iss. 1(1999)vol. 33 iss. 1(1999)vol. 561 iss. 1(1999)vol. 29 iss. 1-2(1999)vol. 1 iss. 1(2014)vol. 1 iss. 1(2001)vol. 10 iss. 1(1999)vol. 23 iss. 1(1999)vol. 25 iss. 2(1999)vol. 1 iss. 1(2002)vol. 22 iss. 1(2012)vol. 8 iss. 1-2(1999)vol. 7 iss. 1(1999)vol. 1 iss. 1(2016)vol. 1 iss. 1(2014)vol. 1 iss. 1(2004)vol. 1 iss. 1(2005)vol. 11 iss. 1(1999)vol. 1 iss. 1(2009)vol. 6 iss. 1(1999)vol. 24 iss. 1-4(1999)vol. 7 iss. entCurrentCurrentCurrent

vol. 32 iss. 1(1999)vol. 33 iss. 1(1999)vol. 8 iss. 1(1999)vol. 43 iss. 1(1999)vol. 24 iss. 1(1999)vol. 3 iss. 1(1999)L080Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology0004-86581837-9273L138Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry0004-86741440-1614L045Australian Journal of Career Development1038-41622200-6974L047Australian Journal of Education0004-94412050-5884L062Australian Journal of 1-7005L342Autism & Developmental Language Impairments2396-94152396-9415J246Behavior Modification0145-44551552-4167L175Bible Translator, The2051-67702051-6789L041Biblical Theology Bulletin0146-10791945-7596L190Big Data & Society0123-45672053-9517L377Biochemistry Insights01178-62640CurrentL378Bioinformatics and Biology Insights01177-93220CurrentJ374Biological Research For Nursing1099-80041552-4175vol. 1 iss. 1(1999)CurrentL379Biomarker Insights01177-27190CurrentL380Biomarkers in Cancer01179-299X0CurrentL381Biomedical Engineering and Computational Biology01179-59720CurrentL382Biomedical Informatics Insights01178-2226vol. 9 iss. (2017)CurrentL032Bioscope: South Asian Screen Studies0974-92760976-352XL072BMS: Bulletin of Sociological Methodology/Bulletin deMéthodologie Sociologique0759-10632070-2779L734Body & Society1357-034X1460-3632L383Bone and Tissue Regeneration Insights01179-061X0CurrentL368Brain and Neuroscience Advances02398-21280CurrentL384Breast Cancer: Basic and Clinical Research01178-22340CurrentL005British Journal of Pain2049-46372049-4645L902British Journal of Visual Impairment0264-61961744-5809L874British Journalism Review0956-47481741-2668L962Building Services Engineering Research and Technology0143-62441477-0849J365Bulletin of Science, Technology & Society0270-46761552-4183J312Business & Society0007-65031552-4205J543Business and Professional Communication Quarterly2329-49061552-41910vol. 23 iss. 1(1999)vol. 50 iss. 1(1999)vol. 29 iss. 1(1999)vol. 1 iss. 1(2014)vol. 1 iss. 1(2010)vol. 61 iss. 1(1999)vol. 5 iss. 1(1999)vol. 1 iss. 1(2007)vol. 17 iss. 1(1999)vol. 10 iss. 1(1999)vol. 20 iss. 1(1999)vol. 19 iss. 1(1999)vol. 38 iss. 1(1999)vol. 62 iss. rent

vol. 16 iss. 1(1999)vol. 1 iss. 1(2012)L885Business Information Review0266-38211741-6450L224Business Perspectives & Research2278-53372394-9937J832Canadian Journal of Kidney Health and Disease2054358120543581J710Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy0008-41741191-9828J585Canadian Journal of School Psychology0829-57352154-3984J713Canadian Pharmacists Journal1715-16351913-701XJ856Cancer Control01073-27480CurrentL385Cancer Growth and Metastasis01179-06440CurrentL386Cancer Informatics01176-93510CurrentL065Capital & Class0309-81682041-0980vol. 23 iss. 1(1999)CurrentL221Cardiovascular and Thoracic Open2055-55202055-5520vol. 1 iss. (2015)CurrentJ603Career Development and Transition for age1947-60351947-6043J852Cell Medicine02155-1790J851Cell -10241468-2982L963Child Language Teaching and Therapy0265-65901477-0865J332Child Maltreatment1077-55951552-6119J725Child Neurology 013L892China Information0920-203X1741-590XJ231China Report0009-44550973-063XL241Chinese Journal of Sociology2057-150X2057-1518L225Christianity & Literature0148-33312056-5666L009Chronic Illness1742-39531745-9206L964Chronic Respiratory Disease1479-97231479-9731J828Chronic Stress2470-54702470-5470L229Citizenship, Social and Economics 1530-812XJ570Clinical and Applied l and Translational Neuroscience02514-183Xvol. 1 iss. (2014)vol. 66 iss. 1(1999)vol. 14 iss. 2(1999)vol. 137 iss. 1(2004)vol. 22 iss. 1(1999)vol. 1 iss. 1S(2009)0vol. 8 iss. 1(1999)vol. 19 iss. 1(1999)vol. 15 iss. 1(1999)vol. 4 iss. 1(1999)vol. 1 iss. 1(2014)vol. 6 iss. 1(1999)vol. 13 iss. 4(1999)vol. 35 iss. 1(1999)vol. 1 iss. 1(2015)vol. 48 iss. 2(1999)vol. 1 iss. 1(2005)vol. 1 iss. 1(2004)0vol. 4 iss. 1(2000)vol. 38 iss. 1(2000)vol. 5 iss. rrentCurrentCurrentCurrentCurrentCurrent

vol. 1 iss. 1(2002)vol. 4 iss. 1(1999)vol. 30 iss. 1(1999)J512Clinical Case Studies1534-65011552-3802L720Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry1359-10451461-7021J699Clinical EEG and Neuroscience1550-05942169-5202L389Clinical Medicine Insights: Arthritis and ical Medicine Insights: Blood Disorders01179-545X0CurrentL391Clinical Medicine Insights: Cardiology01179-54680CurrentL392Clinical Medicine Insights: Case Reports01179-54760CurrentL393Clinical Medicine Insights: Circulatory, Respiratory andPulmonary Medicine01179-54840CurrentL394Clinical Medicine Insights: Ear, Nose and Throat01179-55060CurrentL395Clinical Medicine Insights: Endocrinology and Diabetes01179-55140CurrentL396Clinical Medicine Insights: Gastroenterology01179-55220CurrentL398Clinical Medicine Insights: Oncology01179-55490CurrentL399Clinical Medicine Insights: Pathology01179-55570CurrentL400Clinical Medicine Insights: Pediatrics01179-55650CurrentL401Clinical Medicine Insights: Psychiatry01179-55730CurrentL402Clinical Medicine Insights: Reproductive Health01179-55810CurrentL403Clinical Medicine Insights: Therapeutics01179-559X0CurrentL404Clinical Medicine Insights: Trauma and IntensiveMedicine01179-56030CurrentL405Clinical Medicine Insights: Urology01179-56110CurrentL406Clinical Medicine Insights: Women's Health01179-562X0CurrentJ289Clinical Nursing Research1054-77381552-3799J571Clinical Pediatrics0009-92281938-2707J703Clinical Psychological Science2167-70262167-7034L965Clinical Rehabilitation0269-21551477-0873L966Clinical Trials1740-77451740-7753J583Clothing and Textiles Research Journal0887-302X1940-2473L217Common Law World Review1473-77951740-5556L255Communication & the Public2057-04732057-0481J708Communication and Sport2167-47952167-4809J604Communication Disorders Quarterly1525-74011538-4837J228Communication Research0093-65021552-3810vol. 8 iss. 1(1999)vol. 38 iss. 1(1999)vol. 1 iss. 1(2013)vol. 13 iss. 1(1999)vol. 1 iss. 1(2004)vol. 17 iss. 1(1999)vol. 28 iss. 3(1999)vol. 1 iss. 1(2016)vol. 1 iss. 1-2(2013)vol. 20 iss. 2(1999)vol. 26 iss. rrent

J582Community College Review0091-55211940-2325J203Comparative Political Studies0010-41401552-3829J062Compensation & Benefits Review0886-36871552-3837L238Competition & Change1024-52941477-2221L824Concurrent Engineering1063-293X1531-2003L026Conflict Management and Peace Science0738-89421549-9219J762Contemporary Drug Problems0091-45092055-1029L109Contemporary Education Dialogue0973-18492249-5320L228Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood1463-94911463-9491L200Contemporary Review of the Middle East2347-79892349-0055J654Contemporary Sociology: A Journal of -6052J274Contributions to Indian 51748-7382L729Cooperation and Conflict0010-83671460-3691J546Cornell Hospitality Quarterly1938-96551938-9663J278Counseling Psychologist, The0011-00001552-3861J276Crime & Delinquency0011-12871552-387XL894Crime, Media, Culture1741-65901741-6604J233Criminal Justice and Behavior0093-85481552-3594J506Criminal Justice Policy Review0887-40341552-3586J549Criminal Justice Review0734-01681556-3839L782Criminology & Criminal Justice1748-89581748-8966L055Critical Research on Religion2050-30322050-3040L740Critical Social Policy0261-01831461-703XL015Critical Sociology0896-92051569-1632L714Critique of Anthropology0308-275X1460-3721J307Cross-Cultural Research1069-39711552-3578L754Cultural Dynamics0921-37401461-7048L968Cultural Geographies1474-47401477-0881L955Cultural Sociology1749-97551749-9763vol. 26 iss. 4(1999)vol. 32 iss. 1(1999)vol. 31 iss. 1(1999)vol. 4 iss. 1(1999)vol. 7 iss. 1(1999)vol. 17 iss. 1(1999)vol. 26 iss. 1(1999)vol. 1 iss. 1(2003)vol. 1 iss. 1(2000)vol. 1 iss. 1(2014)vol. 33 iss. 1(2004)vol. 1 iss. 1(2002)vol. 33 iss. 1-2(1999)vol. 5 iss. 1(1999)vol. 34 iss. 1(1999)vol. 40 iss. 1(1999)vol. 27 iss. 1(1999)vol. 45 iss. 1(1999)vol. 1 iss. 1(2005)vol. 26 iss. 1(1999)vol. 9 iss. 2(1999)vol. 24 iss. 1(1999)vol. 1 iss. 1(2001)vol. 1 iss. 1(2013)vol. 19 iss. 1(1999)vol. 25 iss. 1(1999)vol. 19 iss. 1(1999)vol. 33 iss. 1(1999)vol. 11 iss. 1(1999)vol. 6 iss. 1(1999)vol. 1 iss. entCurrentCurrentCurrent

vol. 1 iss. 1(2001)vol. 5 iss. 1(1999)vol. 8 iss. 1(1999)vol. 47 iss. 1(1999)vol. 1 iss. 1(2002)vol. 1 iss. 1(2002)J510Cultural Studies Critical Methodologies1532-70861552-356XL749Culture & Psychology1354-067X1461-7056J647Current Directions in Psychological Science0963-72141467-8721L731Current Sociology0011-39211461-7064L918Currents in Biblical 1-2684L346Dementia and Neurodegeneration2397-172X2397-172XL060Diabetes and Vascular Disease Research1479-16411752-8984J553Diabetes Educator, The0145-72171554-6063L079Dialogues in Human Geography2043-82062043-8214L207Digital 7695L957Discourse & Communication1750-48131750-4821L736Discourse & Society0957-92651460-3624L769Discourse 81559-3258L001Drug Science, Policy and Law2050-32452050-3245vol. 1 iss. (2014)CurrentL413Drug Target Insights01177-39280CurrentJ539East European Politics and Societies0888-32541533-8371L704Economic and Industrial Democracy0143-831X1461-7099L174Economic and Labour Relations Review, The1035-30461838-2673J212Economic Development Quarterly0891-24241552-3543J207Education and Urban Society0013-12451552-3535L939Education Citizenship and Social Justice1746-19791746-1987J269Educational Administration Quarterly0013-161X1552-3519J315Educational and Psychological Measurement0013-16441552-3888J590Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis0162-37371935-1062L706Educational Management Administration & Leadership1741-14321741-1440J284Educational Policy0895-90481552-3896J591Educational Researcher0013-189X1935-102XL232E-Learning and Digital Media2042-75302042-75300vol. 1 iss. 1(2004)vol. 25 iss. 1(1999)vol. 1 iss. 1(2011)vol. 1 iss. (2015)vol. 47 iss. 185(1999)vol. 1 iss. 1(2007)vol. 10 iss. 1(1999)vol. 1 iss. 1(1999)vol. 1 iss. 1(2003)vol. 13 iss. 2(1999)vol. 20 iss. 1(1999)vol. 10 iss. 1(1999)vol. 13 iss. 1(1999)vol. 31 iss. 2(1999)vol. 1 iss. 1(2006)vol. 35 iss. 1(1999)vol. 59 iss. 1(1999)vol. 21 iss. 1(1999)vol. 27 iss. 1(1999)vol. 13 iss. 1(1999)vol. 28 iss. 1(1999)vol. 1 iss. entCurrent

J667Electronic News1931-244X1931-244XJ702Emerging Adulthood2167-69682167-6984L227Emerging Economy Studies2394-90152454-2148L011Emotion Review1754-07391754-0747J768Empirical Studies of the Arts0276-23742041-6695L277Energy Exploration & Exploitation0144-59872048-4054J853Entrepreneurship Education and Pedagogy2515127425151274J205Environment and Behavior0013-91651552-390XL261Environment and Planning A0308-518X1472-3409L262Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design0265-81351472-3417L263Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space2399-65442399-6552L264Environment and Planning D: Society and Space0263-77581472-3433L469Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space2514-84862514-8494L916Environment and Urbanization0956-24781746-0301L078Environment and Urbanization Asia0975-42530976-3546L414Environmental Health Insights01178-6302L218Environmental Law Review1461-45291740-5564J678Ergonomics in Design: The Quarterly of Human 714L230European Educational Research Journal1474-90411474-9041L141European Heart Journal: Acute Cardiovascular Care2048-87262048-8734L710European History Quarterly0265-69141461-7110L140European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing1474-51511873-1953L716European Journal of Communication0267-32311460-3705L862European Journal of Criminology1477-37081741-2609L764European Journal of Cultural Studies1367-54941460-3551L719European Journal of Industrial Relations0959-68011461-7129L252European Journal of Inflammation1721-727X2058-7392L746European Journal of International Relations1354-06611460-3713L806European Journal of Political Theory1474-88511741-2730vol. 1 iss. 1(2007)vol. 1 iss. 1(2013)vol. 1 iss. 1(2015)vol. 1 iss. 1(2009)vol. 17 iss. 1(1999)vol. 17 iss. 1(1999)0vol. 31 iss. 1(1999)vol. 31 iss. 1(1999)vol. 26 iss. 1(1999)vol. 17 iss. 1(1999)vol. 17 iss. 1(1999)0vol. 11 iss. 1(1999)vol. 1 iss. 1(2010)0vol. 1 iss. 1(1999)vol. 7 iss. 1(1999)vol. 1 iss. 1(2001)vol. 1 iss. 1(2000)vol. 1 iss. 1(2002)vol. 1 iss. 1(2012)vol. 29 iss. 1(1999)vol. 1 iss. 1(2002)vol. 14 iss. 1(1999)vol. 1 iss. 1(2004)vol. 2 iss. 1(1999)vol. 5 iss. 1(1999)vol. 1 iss. 1(2003)vol. 5 iss. 1(1999)vol. 1 iss. entCurrentCurrentCurrent

L087European Journal of Preventive Cardiology2047-48732047-4881L086European Journal of Probation2066-22032066-2203L767European Journal of Social Theory1368-43101461-7137L750European Journal of Women's Studies1350-50681461-7420L771European Physical Education Review1356-336X1741-2749L339European Stroke Journal2396-98732396-9881L777European Union Politics1465-11651741-2757L741European Urban and Regional Studies0969-77641461-7145L473European Evaluation & the Health Professions0163-27871552-3918J248Evaluation Review0193-841X1552-3926L415Evolutionary Bioinformatics01176-9343J797Evolutionary Psychology1474-70491474-7049J735Exceptional Children0014-40292163-5560L931Expository Times0014-52461745-5308J627Family Business Review0894-48651741-6248J367Family Journal, The1066-48071552-3950L760Feminism & Psychology0959-35351461-7161J559Feminist Criminology1557-08511557-086XL920Feminist Theology0966-73501745-5189L772Feminist Theory1464-70011741-2773J389Field Methods1525-822X1552-3969L882First Language0142-72371740-2344J605Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities1088-35761538-4829J794Food and Nutrition Bulletin0379-57211564-8265L826Food Science and Technology International1082-01321532-1738J707Foot & Ankle International1071-10071944-7876J833Foot & Ankle Orthopaedics2473011424730114J598Foot and Ankle Specialist1938-64001938-7636L173Foreign Trade Review0015-73250971-7633vol. 6 iss. 1(1999)vol. 1 iss. 1(

J637 Advances in Dental Research 0895-9374 1544-0737 vol. 13 iss. 1 (1999) Current J518 Advances in Developing Human Resources 1523-4223 1552-3055 vol. 1 iss. 1 (1999) Current L243 Advances in Mechanical Engineering 1687-8140 1687-8140 vol. 1 iss. (2009) Current J850 Advances in methods and p

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