Community Fundraising Kit - Parkinsonsqld .au

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Thank youMaking a differenceYour fundraising will help improve the lives of people affected byParkinson’s. It’s wonderful what you can do.Every dollar you raise means we can continue to fund our key priorities:Thank you for supporting Parkinson’s QLD. Your fundraisingwill help us make a real difference to the lives of peopleaffected by Parkinson’s. We couldn’t do it without you.There are a wide variety of ways you can raise money. Thispack will get you off to a great start, with advice on everythingfrom online fundraising to getting publicity for your event.Have a read through before you begin fundraising and keep itsomewhere handy to refer back to if you have a question.Can’t find what you’re looking for?No problem – just get in touch. We’d love to hear your ideasand we’ll do all we can to help.You can call us on 07 3209 1588 or email your query luck and thank you! Raise community awareness of Parkinson’s Provide education and awareness through events and seminars forpeople living with Parkinson’s, health professionals and the widercommunity Represent healthcare and medical interests of patients to governmentpolicy makers Facilitate clinical and quality of life research Manages a network of Parkinson’s Support Groups Improve patient services Produce quality publications and information on Parkinson’s Provide a member library with Parkinson’s books, DVDs and CDs Produce and distribute information packs for people with Parkinson’s andcarersWe will put the money you raise where it’s needed most. If there is aparticular activity you would like to support, please let us know before yousend in your donation.25 September 20191

How Do IGet Started?Before you get into the details of your event,there are a few things you need to know.Here’s how to get started.What you need to do now:1. Decide what type of fundraising event oractivity you would like to hold - see our tips onpage 3 if you are stuck for ideas.2. Complete the Fundraising RegistrationForm within this kit to let us know about yourfundraising event or activity.3. Wait until you recieve your Letter of Authorityto fundraise on our behalf, and your Event ID.Once you have recieved these, you can goahead and plan your event or activity.4. Begin organising! See our tips attached topoint you in the right direction!AboutParkinson’sQueensland5. Keep us informed as you plan and market yourevent. We will help where we can.6. After your event, send in your funds raised andrequired paperwork within 14 days of yourevent.Forms attached to this kit: Fundraising Registration FormDonation Receipt RecordIncome & Expenditure ReportFundraising Results SummaryBanking FormIncident ReportPlease return these forms within 14 days ofcompletion of your fundraising event or activities.Good Luck! Remember we are here to help,please feel free to call our team.OUR MISSIONIdentify, develop and promote bestpractices to support people living withParkinson’sSince 1986, Parkinson’s Qld has helpedthousands of Queenslanders in theirjourney with Parkinson’s and relateddisorders, not only in the early stagesfollowing diagnosis, but throughout thecondition’s progression.Parkinson’s Qld is a public health charitythat provides individuals, families and thehealth, aged care and disability sectors withinformation, support and education forpeople living with Parkinson’s, Dystonia,Multiple System Atrophy, ProgressiveSupranuclear Palsy, Essential Tremor andRestless Leg Syndrome. We also fundresearch into a cure for Parkinson’s andimproved quality of life.We provide an essential link between thecommunity and support services to ensurethose living with the day-to-day and longterm challenge of Parkinson’s and relateddisorders can face the future with confidenceand independence.Parkinson’s is the second most commonneurological condition in Australia butremains one of the least understood, which iswhy creating awareness through events andfundraising is so integral to our work.We are in this together, and we couldn’t doit without you.25 September 20192

18,500 Queenslanders are Living with Parkinson’sParkinson’s disease is the second most common neurological condition inAustralia but remains one of the least understood.OVER80,000AUSTRALIANS HAVEPARKINSON’S53%ARE MALE47%ARE FEMALEMORE THAN17,000OF THESE IANS Someone in Australia isdiagnosed with Parkinson’severy 47 minutes.The total economic costof Parkinson’s is around 12.3 billion p.a.OVEROVERARE WORKINGAGEARE IN THEIR30S & 40SOVEROVER12,000 230082%ARE OVER32PPL65YRSDIAGNOSEDEVERYDAYOVERMORE THAN8500IN CAREFACILITIES13,500NEW CASESEACH YRSource: Deloitte Access Economics 2014/201525 September 2019

Planning yourfundraising eventCareful planning helps to makeyour event a success. We’ll takeyou through it step by step.Step oneStep threeChoose your location Need to hire a venue? Visit it firstand talk to the manager or EventsCoordinator. You need to check things likeparking, disabled access andcapacity, plus insurance and riskassessments. There’s more helpwith this on page 4.Step fourIf you’ve never held an event before,start small. You can always dosomething bigger later. Stuck for ideas? Play to yourstrengths! Think about whatyou’re good at and see if you canraise money from it. This could beanything from an office bake sale toa trivia night.Step two Keep costs down where you can.If you’re hiring a venue, ask themanager if you can have it for freeor with a charity discount, and inturn offer to put their logo on theflyers – if there is a paying bar theywill still make money.If you’re holding a raffle ask localbusinesses to donate prizes.Don’t worry if someone says no,someone else will say yes. Theymay even sponsor your event. Create a budget and track everydollar. There is no point in puttingin lots of effort just to break even.Set a target to aim for, it will feelgreat when you hit it!Get your ideas off the ground First you need to create a plan. Thenyou need to stick to it! Pick a date that gives you time toprepare and check it doesn’t clashwith anything. Or pick an importantdate and hold a themed event.For example, Fathers Day GolfTournamentStep five Get friends to help out. Giveeveryone a job so you know thateverything is taken care of. Let everyone know Tell everyone early and remindthem regularly. We may have resources we canprovide you to brand & promoteyour event - just get in touch. If your event is open to the public,Facebook, Twitter and other socialmedia will help spread the word. Youmight like to set up a Facebook pageor Facebook event (or both) for yourfundraising activity.Step sixOn the day Try to test run any technicalelements of your event (eg. soundand lighting) Make sure everyone knowstheir job ahead of time. Have runsheets handy so thatnothing important is overlookedamongst the excitement. Enjoy the event! Fundraising shouldbe fun. When it’s all over make sureeverything is cleared up. Be sure tostore your money securely.Budget carefullyWhat do you want to do? contact your local newpaper or radiostation & invite them to attend orpromote your event.After your eventThank everyone for their support andlet them know how much you raised.Do let us know how things went andemail us any photos. We’d love tosee them and they could end up onour website. Finally, you’ll need tocollect all your funds and send themin to us. See page 5 for details onhow to do this.25 September 20194

Get OnlineStuck for Ideas?Here are some great fundraisingideas that are sure to deliver thedollars. Have a BBQ Put on a trivia or karaoke night Hold a raffle Music or Movie night Have a bake sale Organise a morning tea at work Pet photo comp Fun run Hold an auction Ask for birthday donations Treasure hunt/amazing race Hold a family fun day Climb a mountain Open up your garden Organise a sponsored cycle Let your imagination run wild!Setting up on onlinefundraising pageTips for a great onlinefundraising pageParkinson’s Queensland hastwo options for easy onlinefundraising; Every Day Hero &Go Fundraise. These websitesmake fundraising easy and fun,and take care of most of theadmin for you! Have a look atboth and decide which one youprefer, then just follow the stepby step instructions on the linksprovided below – it’s a reallyeasy way to get online. Make it personal – tell peoplewhat you’re doing and why.Your story will motivate peopleto donate. Tell people how their moneywill help. See, “Making aDifference” on page one. Click on ‘Start Fundraising’ onour charity page on either:Add a photo of yourself or yourteam of fundraisers. Updateyour page regularly with newson your preparations and yourprogress towards your target. Everyday -incWhen you’ve completed yourchallenge, add something abouthow well it all went. or nsqueenslandEmail the link to yourfundraising page to everyone inyour contacts list. Add the web address of yourfundraising page to youremail signature – everyoneyou contact could become asponsor. If you’re on Facebook, Twitterand other social networkingsites, you can post the link toyour page.Parkinson’s QLDWebsite & SocialMedia Support:We may include detailsof approved fundraisingactivities on PQI’s website-,and where possible, PQI’sSocial Media pages. Pleasesubmit your completedevent for consideration. Utilise your network to getoutstanding results!Connect with September 20195

Legal BitsWhen fundraising it’s important to consider thepossible legal requirements.Authority to FundraiseRegister your event with us by filling out theFundraising Registration Form you received with thiskit and send it back to us by email or post. You willthen be sent a Letter of Authority to confirm that wehave received your details and have approved yourfundraising activity. You can’t raise money without thisletter, it’s a legal requirement. If you fundraise withoutour authorisation you may be operating outside of thelaw. Please note that permission may not be granted forevents that are deemed high risk.Money ManagementIt is required that you keep records of income andexpenditure relating to your fundraising event oractivity. All income and expenses associated withthe activity are the responsibility of the organiser.Parkinson’s QLD cannot pay expenses incurred byyou, but you can deduct reasonable expenses fromthe proceeds of your event/activity, provided these areproperly documented. Within 14 days of finishing youractivity, please return your funds, Fundraising ResultsSummary and all Income and Expenditure Reports toParkinson’s Queensland, to find out how please readpage 5. (NB. Total expenses must be less than 40% oftotal revenue).issued if a person receives goods, services or ‘a chanceto win’ in return for the money given (i.e. they purchasean auction item or raffle tickets) to comply withAustralian Taxation Office law. Tax deductible receiptscan only be issued when the donor receives nothing inreturn.Fundraising AuthorityMost fundraising activities conducted by authorisedrepresentatives (as shown on your Letter of Authority)are covered under Parkinson’s Queensland’s fundraisingauthority. You should check that your event doesn’trequire separate consideration by Governmentdepartments. Some events like raffles require a licenceor permit. Check with the Office of Liquor, Gaming andRacing at your event involves volunteers being in contact withchildren, ensure they have completed a ‘Working withChildren Check’ (BlueCard).InsuranceThe fundraiser must provide evidence of public liabilityinsurance to cover themselves and their partcipants.Parkinsons QLD is unable to provide public liabilityinsurance cover for 3rd Party Community FundraisingEvents.Health and Safety Check your event for potential hazards and havemeasures in place to minimise the risk of injury.If you think you’ll need first aid support on hand,contact St John’s Ambulance for assistance.If you sell food in a public place, hygiene laws willapply.Tax receiptsPromotionYou are not able to issue receipts. Receipts for taxdeductible donations can only be issued by Parkinson’sQueensland so if any of your supporters have askedfor a receipt, please collect their information onthe Donation Receipt Record and provide this toParkinson’s Queensland together with the funds raised.Please note that tax deductible receipts cannot bePrior approval must be sought from Parkinson’sQueensland for any printed materials or advertisementsassociated with the event or fundraiser and no othercharitable or non-charitable organisation shall benefitfrom the fundraiser.The event shall be conducted in the authorisedfundraiser’s name and is the sole responsibility of thefundraiser. Parkinson’s QLD can offer some assistance.Parkinson’s QLD is not able to take a coordination rolein all of these activities/events and its staff cannot assistin soliciting prizes, organising publicity, or providinggoods or services to assist the fundraiser in the runningof the activity. All promotional and printed material,including media releases, must be forwarded toParkinson’s QLD for consideration and approval prior tobeing sent to print or circulated to the public.Name and LogoThe Parkinson’s Queensland name and logo cannotbe used without permission from us. If you wish to usebranded items for your event or activity, please discussthis with our Marketing and Communications team toensure they are within our branding guidelines.When naming your event, please note that our charityname is not to be used as part of the event name,as that would indicate that the event is hosted byParkinson’s Queensland. We encourage the use ofour name to explain that the funds are being raisedto support our organisation. The following are someexamples of acceptable use:Acceptable Fun Run, proudly supportingParkinson’s Queensland Morning Tea, with proceeds toParkinson’s Queensland 2 from every sale will go toParkinson’s QueenslandNot Acceptable Parkinson’s Queensland Fun Run Parkinson’s Queensland’s Market Day Parkinson’s Queensland Trivia NightDoor KnockingParkinson’s Queensland requires that there be nodoor-to-door appeals, street collections or telephonesolicitation of any kind to the public in connection withthe event. All of these activities require permits and are25 September2019closely governed by local andstate governments.6

How to send usthe funds raisedWell done and thank you forraising funds for Parkinson’sQueensland. Now you justneed to send us your hardearned money!EFTAccount Name:Parkinson’s Queensland IncBank: Commonwealth BankBSB: 064 000Account Number: 15157935Reference: Please use yourEvent IDThank you.for making a difference to the livesof people affected by Parkinson’sImages by Scape Velocity.Parkinson’s Queensland Inc.2/25 Watland St PO Box 1684Springwood QLD 4127Freecall 1800 644 189Phone 07 3209 1588Fax 07 3209 1566ABN 69 838 771 .auBy ChequeMade payable to‘Parkinson’s Queensland Inc.’– please write your EventID on the back.Parkinson’s QueenslandPO Box 1684Springwood QLD 4127By CashIt is unsafe to send cash bypost, but you are welcome topersonally deliver to our officein Springwood.Please email your income andexpenditure reports your Event ID.Other ways to lend a hand. Become a volunteer at Parkinson’s QLDMake a donationComplete a challenge, like running a race, and raise funds asyou work towards your goal - this is easy with “Everyday Hero.”Host a “Wear Purple for Parkinson’s” event at your workplaceor school - see our “Wear Purple for Parkinson’s” info packBecome a member of Parkinson’s QueenslandLeave a gift in your willBecome a corporate partnerAttend a Parkinson’s Queensland event - keep an eye on ourwebsite and social media for details25 September 20197

Fundraising Registration FormBefore you start, it’s very important that we register your fundraiser, so please complete this form and return it to us, and wait to receive your event IDand Authority to Fundraise Letter before proceeding with your event or fundraising activity.About YouAbout Your FundraiserNameEmailAre you fundraising on behalf of an organisation? Y NThis event/activities will:Start on: Date / /Name of organisation (if applicable)Finish on: Date / /SuburbState PostcodeAnd take place at:I am planning the following fundraising event &/oractivities:(Please include the name of your event or activities(if you have one) and details of how money willbe raised, e.g. entry fee of 30; sale of cakes for 5each; sale of raffle tickets for 10 each, etc.)Phone (Day time)MobileSigned* If you are under 18, please ask a parent/guardian/teacher tosign/submit this form on your behalf.(Please give full address if different from above)AddressSuburbState PostcodeMy fundraising goalI estimate that my planned fundraising activitieswill raise a total of: Parkinsons Queensland Inc Freecall 1800 644 189 Phone 07 3209 1588 Fax 07 3209 1566 Email September 20192/25 Watland St PO Box 1684 Springwood 4127 Web ABN 69 838 771 233Fundraising Registration Form Page 1 ofAddress

Fundraising Registration Form I/my organisation will cover expenses – I willnot be taking the fundraising expenses fromthe fundraising revenue. I will deduct fair and reasonable* out of pocketexpenses from my fundraising revenue. I willkeep and provide a detailed record of any suchexpenses and understand that I may not deductexpenses from any donations I receive.My AgreementI,(fundraising organiser) have read and agree tocomply with Parkinson’s Queensland FundraisingGuidelines. I therefore understand that Parkinson’sQueensland must receive all donations andfundraising proceeds within 14 days of eventcompletion; that I must abide by all applicable laws;and that Parkinson’s Queensland is not responsiblefor any aspect of my fundraising activities.*Must be less than 40% of total revenue.If deducting expenses, I expect the total expensesfor this event to be:Signed Date: / /Please list which items these expenses will befor, e.g. venue hire, food, drink etc.Full name of adult supervisor (if organiser is under 18)PhoneEmail By ticking this box, I confirm I am willing tomake the details of my fundraising activitiesknown to the general public, including viaParkinson’s Queensland’s website.What’s Next?Once the fundraising activities on thisform have been approved, you will receivean Event ID and an Authority to FundraiseLetter.PhotosIf you have any photos of your fundraisingthat you are happy for us to use in futurepublicity, we would love to receive themplease email them you for supporting people withParkinson’s! Please return your completedform to us in one of the following ways:1 Fax:07 3209 15663 Mail:PO Box 1684 Springwood QLD 412725 September 2019Fundraising Registation Form Page 2 of 2Expenses

Donation Receipt RecordPlease record donor details on this form for any individual receipts required. As Parkinson’s Queensland will send receipts directly to the donors on thisform, please ensure all details provided are accurate, complete and recorded clearly. Please return this form within 14 days of your fundraising activity.Please note that tax deductible receipts can only be issued for donations of 2 or more. A tax deductible receipt is NOT eligible if goods and services arereceived in return for a donation (ie. merchandise, auction items, raffle tickets).Fundraising Activity Name:Approved Fundraiser’s Full Name:

1. Decide what type of fundraising event or activity you would like to hold - see our tips on page 3 if you are stuck for ideas. 2. Complete the Fundraising Registration Form within this kit to let us know about your fundraising event or activity. 3. Wait until you recieve your Letter of

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