EMERALD Direct Vent Freestanding Gas Stove Owners .

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www.waterfordstoves.comOwners &EMERALD Direct Vent Freestanding Gas Stove Installation ManualMODELS:E65-NG1 Natural GasE65-LP1 PropaneWARNING:FOR YOUR SAFETYIf the information in these instructions are not followed exactly, What to do if you smell gas:a fire or explosion may result causing property damage, Do not try to light any applianceDo not touch any electrical switch:personal injury or loss of life.do not use any phone in yourFOR YOUR SAFETYbuilding.Do not store or use gasoline or other flammable vapors andImmediately call your gas supplierliquids in the vicinity of this or any other appliance.from a neighbour's phone. Followthe gas supplier's instructions.Installation and service must be performed by a qualified If you cannot reach your gasinstaller, service agency or the gas supplier.supplier, call the fire department.Tested by:Installer: Please complete the details on the back coverand leave this manual with the homeowner.Homeowner: Please keep these instructions for future reference.908-805aFPI FIREPLACE PRODUCTS INTERNATIONAL LTD. 6988 Venture St., Delta, BC Canada, V4G 1H401/09/06

WATERFORDEMERALD Direct Vent Freestanding Gas StoveTo the New Owner:Congratulations! You are the owner of a state-of-the-art Waterford Direct Vent Freestanding GasStove by Waterford Irish Stoves. The Waterford Gas Series of hand crafted appliances has beendesigned to provide you with all the warmth and charm of a woodstove, at the flick of a switch. Themodels E65-NG1 and E65-LP1 of this series have been approved by Warnock Hersey for bothsafety and efficiency. As it also bears our own mark, it promises to provide you with economy,comfort and security for many trouble free years to follow. Please take a moment now to acquaintyourself with these instructions and the many features of your EMERALD Direct Vent FreestandingGas Stove.UNIT SPECIFICATIONS2Waterford E65-1 Emerald Direct Vent Freestanding Gas Stove

TABLE OF CONTENTSPageSafety LabelSafety Labels . 4InstallationSpecifications . 6Information for Mobile/Manufactured HomeAfter First Sale . 6Before You Start . 6General Safety Information . 7Installation Checklist . 7Clearances to Combustibles . 7Locating Your EMERALD Gas Stove . 8Manufactured Mobile Home Requirements . 8Combustion and Ventilation Air . 8Optional Fan Installation . 8Venting Introduction . 9Installation Precautions . 9Safety Precautions for the Installer . 9Vent Restrictors #1 and #2 . 9Exterior Vent Terminal Locations . 10Rigid Pipe Venting Components List . 11Rigid Pipe Venting - Horizontal Terminations- All Systems . 12Rigid Pipe Venting- Vertical Terminations . 13- Straight Vertical . 13- Offset Vertical . 13- Horizontal Terminations . 13Vertical Termination with Co-linear Flex system . 14Minimum Horizontal Termination Kit . 15Horizontal Termination Kit . 15Horizontal Termination Kit Installation . 16Dura-Vent Termination Kits . 17Planning Your Dura-Vent Installation . 17Minimum Dura-Vent Components - HorizontalInstallation . 18Minimum Dura-Vent Components - VerticalTermination . 18Dura-Vent Horizontal Installation . 19Dura-Vent Vertical Termination Installation . 20Offset Chart . 21Cathedral Ceiling Installations . 21Waterford E65-1 Emerald Direct Vent Freestanding Gas StovePageSupport Extension - Round or Square . 22Converting a Class-A Metal Chimney or MasonryChimney to a Direct Vent System . 22System Data Chart . 24High Elevation . 24Gas Connection . 24Aeration Adjustment . 24Gas Pipe Pressure Testing . 25Valve Description . 25Conversion to Propane . 25Reduction for Lower Btu Rating . 26Log Installation . 27Optional Door Grill . 27Optional Wall Thermostat . 28Optional Remote Control Installation . 28Final Check . 28Wiring Diagram . 29Operating InstructionsOperating Instructions . 29Lighting Procedure . 29Shutdown Procedure . 30First Fire . 30Copy of Lighting Plate Instructions . 30Convection Fan Operation . 31Adjusting Flame Height . 31Normal Operating Sounds ofGas Appliances . 31MaintenanceMaintenance Instructions . 31General Vent Maintenance. 32Log Replacement . 32Glass Replacement . 32Gasket Replacement . 32Fan Maintenance . 32Removing and Installing Valve . 33Replacement Parts List . 34WarrantyWarranty . 393

SAFETY LABELThis is a copy of the label that accompanieseach EMERALD Direct Vent Freestanding GasStove. We have printed a copy of the contentshere for your review. The safety label islocated on the inside of the drop down pedestaldoor.NOTE: Waterford units are constantly beingimproved. Check the label on the unit and if thereis a difference, the label on the unit is the correctone.Copy of Safety Label for E65-NG1 Natural Gas Stove4Waterford E65-1 Emerald Direct Vent Freestanding Gas Stove

SAFETY LABELCopy of Safety Label for E65-LP1 Propane StoveFor the State of Massachusetts, installationand repair must be done by a plumber orgasfitter licensed in the Commonwealth ofMassachusetts.For the State of Massachusetts, flexibleconnectors shall not exceed 36 inches inlength.For the State of Massachusetts, the appliances individual manual shut-off must be at-handle type valve.Waterford E65-1 Emerald Direct Vent Freestanding Gas Stove5

INSTALLATIONIMPORTANT:SAVE THESEINSTRUCTIONSThe EMERALD Direct Vent Freestanding GasStove must be installed in accordance withthese instructions. Carefully read all the instructions in this manual first. Consult the building authority having jurisdiction to determine theneed for a permit prior to starting the installation.Note: Failure to follow the instructionscould cause a malfunction of theheater which could result in death,serious bodily injury, and/or property damage. Failure to followthese instructions may also voidyour fire insurance and/or warranty.Note: These instructions take precedence over Simpson Dura-Ventinstructions.SPECIFICATIONSFuels:E65-NG1 is approved for use withnatural gas.E65-LP1 is approved for use withliquefied petroleum gases (propane).Electrical: 120V A.C. system.This Direct Vent System Appliance must beinstalled in accordance with the manufacturer'sinstallation instructions and the ManufacturedHome Construction and Safety Standard, Title24 CFR, Part 3280, or the current Standard ofFire Safety Criteria for Manufactured HomeInstallations, Sites, and Communities ANSI/NFPA 501A, and with CAN/CSA Z240-MH Mobile Home Standard in Canada.This appliance installation must comply with themanufacturer's installation instructions and local codes, if any. In the absence of local codesfollow the current National Fuel Gas Code, ANSIZ223.1 and the current National Electrical CodeANSI/NFPA 70 in the U.S.A., and the currentCAN/CGA B149 Gas Installation Code and thecurrent Canadian Electrical Code CSA C22.1 inCanada.This Waterford Mobile/ManufacturedHome Listed appliance comes factoryequipped with a means to secure theunit.This Waterford Mobile/ManufacturedHome listed appliance comesequipped with a dedicated #8 groundlug to which an 18 gauge copper wirefrom the steel chassis ground must beattached.This appliance may only be installed inan aftermarket permanently located,manufactured (mobile) home, wherenot prohibited by local codes.Circulation Fan: Variable speed, 125/75.Log Sets: Ceramic fibre, 3 per set.Vent System: Coaxial (6-5/8" outer / 4" innerliner) rigid flue and termination cap.The efficiency rating of the appliance is aproduct thermal efficiency rating determinedunder continuous operating conditions andwas determined independent of any installedsystem.INFORMATION FORMOBILE/MANUFACTUREDHOMES AFTERFIRST SALEThis Waterford product has been tested andlisted by Warnock Hersey as a Direct VentRoom Heater to the following standards: CAN/CGA 2.17-M91 and ANSI Z21.88b-2003/CSA2.33b-2003.6This appliance is only use with thetype of gas indicated on the ratingplate. This appliance is not convertible for use with other gases, unless acertified kit is used.BEFORE YOU STARTSafe installation and operation of this appliancerequires common sense, however, we arerequired by the Canadian Safety Standardsand ANSI Standards to make you aware of thefollowing:INSTALLATION AND REPAIRSSHOULD BE DONE BY A QUALIFIED SERVICE PERSON. THIS APPLIANCE SHOULD BE INSTALLED,REPAIRED, INSPECTED BEFOREUSE AND AT LEAST ANNUALLYBY A QUALIFIED SERVICE PERSON. MORE FREQUENT CLEANING MAY BE REQUIRED DUE TOEXCESSIVE LINT FROM CARPETING, ETC. IT IS IMPERATIVE THATTHE CONTROL COMPARTMENT,BURNERS AND CIRCULATING AIRPASSAGEWAYS OF THE APPLIANCE BE KEPT CLEAN.DUE TO HIGH TEMPERATURES,THE APPLIANCE SHOULD BE LOCATED OUT OF TRAFFIC ANDAWAY FROM FURNITURE ANDDRAPERIES.WARNING: FAILURE TO INSTALLTHIS APPLIANCE CORRECTLYWILL VOID YOUR WARRANTY ANDMAY CAUSE A SERIOUS HOUSEFIRE.CHILDREN AND ADULTS SHOULDBE ALERTED TO THE HAZARDSOF HIGH SURFACE TEMPERATURES, ESPECIALLY THE FIREPLACE GLASS, AND SHOULDSTAY AWAY TO AVOID BURNSOR CLOTHING IGNITION.YOUNG CHILDREN SHOULD BECAREFULLY SUPERVISED WHENTHEY ARE IN THE SAME ROOM ASTHE APPLIANCE.CLOTHING OR OTHER FLAMMABLE MATERIAL SHOULD NOT BEPLACED ON OR NEAR THE APPLIANCE.1) Provide adequate clearances for servicing, proper operation and around the airopenings into the combustion chamber.2) The appliance must be installed on a flat,solid, continuous surface (e.g. wood, metal, concrete). This may be the floor, or it canbe raised up on a platform to enhance itsvisual impact. The appliance may be installed on carpeting, tile, wood flooring orother combustible material, because theappliance's metal pedestal base extendsthe full width and depth of the appliance.The EMERALD Direct Vent FreestandingGas Stove can be installed in a wide varietyof ways and will fit nearly any room layout.It may be installed in a recessed position,framed out into the room, or across acorner.3) The EMERALD Direct Vent FreestandingGas Stove is approved for alcove installations, which meet the clearances listed onpage 7. This unit is approved for manufactured home installations, see page 8 andWaterford E65-1 Emerald Direct Vent Freestanding Gas Stove

INSTALLATIONpages 11 and 12 for the required ventarrangements. If installed into a manufactured home the unit must be bolted down tothe floor.4) This appliance is Listed for bedroom installations when used with a Listed MillivoltThermostat. Some areas may have furtherrequirements, check local codes beforeinstallation.5) This appliance is Listed for Alcove installations, maintain minimum Alcove clearancesas follows,minimum width of 41", amaximum depth of 24", and minimum ceilingheight of 47".6) We recommend that you plan your installation on paper using exact measurementsfor clearances and floor protection beforeactually installing this appliance. Have aqualified building inspector review yourplans before installation.GENERAL SAFETYINFORMATION1) The appliance installation must conformwith local Canadian Electrical Code.8) Any safety glass removed for servicingmust be replaced prior to operating theappliance.9) To prevent injury, do not allow anyone whois unfamiliar with the operation to use thefireplace.Emissions from burning wood or gas couldcontain chemicals known to the State ofCalifornia to cause cancer, birth defects orother reproductive harm.INSTALLATIONCHECKLIST1) Check Clearances to Combustibles (page7), location of unit (page 8) and ventingrequirements (pages 9 to 18).2) Install vent restrictors, page 9.3) Install Optional Fan, see page 8.4) Install venting: Check all venting requirements, pages 9 to 18. Vertical Terminationwith Co-linear Flex System, page 14. Horizontal Termination Kits , page 15. DuraVent Termination Kits, page 19.2) The appliance when installed, must be electrically grounded in accordance with localcodes, or in the absence of local codes withthe current National Electrical Code, ANSI/NFPA 70 or CSA C22.1 Canadian ElectricalCode.5) Make gas connections, page 24. Test thepilot. Must be as per diagram, page 31.3) The appliance should be inspected forshipping damage before use and servicedannually by a professional service person. More frequent cleaning may be required due to excessive lint from carpeting,bedding material, etc. It is imperative thatcontrol compartments, and circulating airpassageways of the appliance be keptclean and free from excessive lint fromcarpeting.6) Test Gas Pressure, page 25.4) See general construction and assemblyinstructions. The appliance and vent shouldbe enclosed when installed in or passingthrough a living area, where children maycome in contact with it.5) This appliance must be connected to thespecified vent and termination cap to theoutside of the building envelope.Never vent to another room or inside a building.Make sure that the vent is fitted as per theinstructions starting on page 9.6) Inspect the venting system annually forblockage and any signs of deterioration.7) Venting terminals shall not be recessed intoa wall or siding.If converting to Propane or reducing Btuinput, make changes prior see pages 25 &26.7) Install logs and embers where indicated onpage 27.8) Install optional Remote Control, or Wall Thermostat, page 28.CLEARANCES TOCOMBUSTIBLESThe clearances listed are MINIMUM distances.Measure the clearance to both the applianceand the chimney connector. The farthestdistance is correct if the two clearancesdo not coincide.For example, if the appliance is set as indicatedin one of the figures but the connector is tooclose, move the stove until the correct clearance to the connector is obtained.This appliance may be installed only with theclearances as shown in the situations pictured.Do not combine clearances from onetype of installation with another in orderto achieve closer clearances.This unit can be installed on a solid combustiblesurface like a wood floor. This unit can also beinstalled directly on carpeting or vinyl.Use the minimum clearances shown in thediagrams below:E65-NG1 & E65-LP1 ClearancesABCDELeft Side Wall to Unit* 6" / 150 mmRight Side Wall to Unit 10" / 255 mmBack Wall to Unit5" / 125 mmVertical Vent Pipe to Back Wall2" / 50 mmUnit Corner to Wall2" /50 mmMantel18" / 460 mmUnit to Alcove Ceiling 18" / 460 mmMax. Alcove Depth24" / 610 mmMinimum ceiling height is 18" / 460 mm from topof unit.9) Final check, page 28.Before leaving this unit with the customer, theinstaller must ensure that the appliance is firingcorrectly and operation fully explained tocustomer.This includes:1) Clocking the appliance to ensure the correct firing rate (rate noted on label) afterburning appliance for 15 minutes.2) If required, adjusting the primary air toensure that the flame does not carbon. Firstallow the unit to burn for 15-20 min. tostabilize.CAUTION: Any alteration to the productthat causes sooting or carboning thatresults in damage is not the responsibility of the manufacturer.Waterford E65-1 Emerald Direct Vent Freestanding Gas Stove7

INSTALLATIONLOCATING YOUREMERALD GAS STOVEWhen selecting a location for your stove, ensure that the clearances listed above are met aswell as ensuring that there is adequate accessibility for servicing and proper operation.OPTIONAL FAN INSTALLATIONFan Kit Contains:Qty.Description1 Fan Speed Controller with nut, and knob.1 Fan Assembly c/w green wire attached1 power cord1 Plastic locking grommet1) Remove the Top Control Panel Assembly byremoving the three screws. Diagram 1.7) Install locking grommet to power cord andpush through hole in the rear panel and givea 1/4 turn to secure.NOTE: When running wires, keep themclear of valve assembly and tubing to avoid tangling of wires andvalve.NOTE: Be careful not to cut wires whenpassing through holes in the firebox.8) Run green ground wire from fan and connect to grounding lug.A)B)C)D)E)F)Cross CornerRoom DividerIslandFlat on WallFlat on Wall CornerFlush with Wall/AlcoveFor Vent Termination requirements,see page 10.MANUFACTUREDMOBILE HOMEADDITIONALREQUIREMENTS1) Ensure that structural members are not cutor weakened during installation.Diagram 12) Remove the nylon hole plug from the controlpanel.3) Install the fan speed controller onto thecontrol panel and secure with nut. Connectremaining wire harness wires to speedcontrol. NOTE: Speed control wires mustbe in the down position when control panelis in place.4) Push black knob onto speed control.5) Remove the rear access panel on the backof the stove by removing the 6 screws.Install the fan onto pins as per diagram 2.3) Appliance must be anchored to the floorwith the supplied anchoring methods.11) Run the live black wire from power cord andconnect to speed control wire.12) Connect the white wire of the wire harnessto the fan terminal.NOTE: Pull excess wire next to fan toavoid excessive heat from the firebox.14) Re-attach control panel with 3 screws,reversing step 1. Re-attach rear accesspanel with 6 screws, reversing step 5.COMBUSTION ANDVENTILATION AIRNOTE: When power cord is plugged in,speed control is in the ON position andstove is burning, allow 10 - 15 minutes forthe thermodisc (temperature switch) toactivate and turn on the Fan automatically.Diagram 2NOTE: Do NOT damage, cut or removethe 3" aluminum air intake pipes.Hint for pushing fan down onto pins - rub abit of dish soap on the pins so the grommets will slide down more easily. Check tomake sure the fan is seated properly on thepins - try to move the fan back and forth.6) Push power cord through hole in th

the gas supplier's instructions. If you cannot reach your gas supplier, call the fire department. 908-805a MODELS: E65-NG1 Natural Gas E65-LP1 Propane 01/09/06 EMERALD Direct Vent Freestanding Gas Stove Owners & Installation Manual www.waterfordstoves.com Tested by:

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