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Jobber NewsCAA Expands Service Operations Lordco Trade ShowMAGAZINE GM Keeping ACDelcoM AY2009Serving the Automotive Aftermarket for more than 75 YearsPerformance Market:New Muscle in the MarketHeavy Duty Truck:New Options, New OpportunitiesReport:Automotive Conference for ExecutivesRide Control: What’s Driving ItTIME FOR ATECHNOLOGYUPDATE?Jobbers talk about what happened when it was timefor them to update and upgrade.Plus: Free-Cat is out of the bag.What’s it all about?MAY COVER 09.indd 15/5/09 11:11:48 AM

HONEYWELL P2.indd 25/5/09 11:02:56 AM

This MonthContentsMay 2009Vol. 77,No. 5Cover18You can hear about whatnew systems can do for youfrom those who are morethan happy to offer you one,and the benefits are real. Butthere’s nothing like hearingabout it from others who, likeyou, have seen the need tomake the leap, overcomethe challenges of that shift,and then reap the rewards.We talk to jobbers who havedone just that.TIME FOR ATECHNOLOGY UPDATE?411Over The CounterCAA Expands Its Repair Operations in Ontario; Lordco’sBig Fat Trade Show a Hit; SAE Takes Over AftermarketBrake Testing Program; Technical Training Focus ofLindertech North Event; NAPA Retains Title Sponsorshipfor Montreal Nationwide Race, Adds Carpentier to the Mix.Letter to the Editor. 9Appointments. 10Event Report:AIA Automotive Conference for Executives22Struts and shocks are too often neglected byconsumers, yet it remains a resilient category.24 New Products26Knowledge Building:Free-Cat’s Out of the BagThe Automotive Industries Association of Canada’sannual executive offering once again deliveredimportant tools for business.12Market Tracker:What’s Driving Ride Control?With the continuing migration away from paper cataloguesand toward theelectronic, an initiative designed to putdirect control overthe catalogue datahits the informationhighway.Market Tracker: LED Lighting Leading Wayin Heavy-Duty MarketTwenty years after the LED marker lamp debuted, usesfor the technology continue to expand.16Market Tracker: New Muscle Pumping Up 29Performance BusinessWith winter now behind us and spring in full bloom,people are looking to shell out big bucks for their Internet DirectoryCommentDOES YOUR TECHNOLOGY ROCK?DepartmentsAdvertisers Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29JOBBER NEWS / MAY 2009MAY CONTENTS P3.indd 3Marketplace Classifieds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2935/5/09 11:10:02 AM

over RV0708ANDNEWSMATIONINFOR200Y9By David HalpertMAStrutTek CatalogueNow in Activant andWrencheadKingdom Auto Partshas announced that itsStrutTek catalogue is nowincluded in the Activantand Wrenchead electronic catalogues. Thisproduct line includesboth bare and completestrut assemblies. Furtherinformation can beobtained at orby calling toll-free (888)358-4737.gggBestbuy AddsShareholder in SudburyCanadian automotiveaftermarket buying groupBestbuy Auto Parts hasannounced the additionof Hunt & Sons IndustrialEquipment, Sudbury,Ont., as a shareholder.Hunt & Sons is ownedand operated by KevinHunt. It is located at 2435Lasalle Blvd., Sudbury,Ontario, P3A 2A9 andcan be reached by phoneat (705) 560-5561.gggAAIW Registration NowOpenRegistration is nowopen for AutomotiveAftermarket IndustryWeek, held Tuesday,November 3 throughFriday, November 6, 2009in Las Vegas, Nev.Show organizers havenegotiated hotel ratesthat are 25% to 45%lower than last year. Moredetails about the 2009AAPEX and SEMA showsare available OTC P4,6,8,9,10 .indd 4CAA Expands Its RepairOperations in OntarioThe Canadian Automobile Association of SouthCentral Ontario (CAASCO) has expanded itsrepair operations across Southwestern Ontariowith the opening of eight new service centrefacilities.The first unveiling occurred on April 17thin Toronto after the CAA recently acquiredwhat had previously been a Goodyear franchiselocation.The service centres are fully owned byCAASCO, as distinct from the network CAAApproved facilities.The Scarborough location is the first CarCare Centre fully owned by the CAA withinOntario. The association recently opened sevenadditional service centres across SouthwesternOntario, located in Peterborough, Georgetown,Listowel, Kitchener, Stratford, Waterloo, andMilton.Except for the Peterborough location, theselocations were Midas shops with expired franchise agreements owned by the Buttinger family for more than 40 years. The three shops inthe Waterloo Region and the one in Guelphwill continue to be owned by Gord and PaulButtinger.Mark Borkowski, president of MercantileMergers & Acquisitions Corp. in Toronto,explains some of the challenges that came withacquiring these facilities.“I had a relationship with the CFO of CAAand was asked to help find and screen thevarious operations that would be suitable forCAA to acquire,” explains Borkowski. “Thebroad outline for the possible stores was thatthey be standalone operations, or a group ofstandalone operations that had systems in placeand approachable owners. They were lookingfor shops that had solid, profitable management systems in place and were in strategiclocations.”Says Warren Tom, chief operating officer for CAASCO, “A number of years agoCAASCO decided that we neededto expand our core businesses. Weare currently focused on roadsideassistance, travel, and, of course,insurance. And we said to ourselves, ‘There’s got to be moreservices that our members want.’And at the end of day we said anatural extension of our brandwould be anything that’s automotive. So when you think about carownership and the issues it wouldhave, one of them would be whatdo you do with your car when itbreaks down? We figured that forus, opening a car care centre that’sowned by CAASCO reflects thatservice quality and sense of securitythat consumers could bring their car to a brandthat they recognize and trust.”In addition to the Car Care Centres openingacross the province, the association currentlyhas over 240 Approved Automotive RepairService garages (AARS) that are accredited byCAA to meet its stringent standards of qualityand service. This is in addition to its 1.8 million car owner members across SouthwesternOntario.“I think it’s about being transparent to themembers,” continues Tom, “taking away thatmystique about what a car is. So as we’re working under the hood we want our members tobe comfortable understanding that the repairswe’re doing are the repairs needed mostpeople now are afraid of their cars, and theyshouldn’t be.”To kick off the opening of its Toronto location, members were presented with refreshments as well as half-hour morning workshopsby one of CAA’s technical supervisors to teachmotorists how to thoroughly inspect their vehicles for potential problems, in addition to howthey can save money while driving.“It’s the idea of bringing some added valueto our members that you would never experience at another type of garage. It’s that experience you have as a member where you belongto an organization. So we’re extending that toour car care centres as well through these freeworkshops,” says Edyta Zdancewicz, media andpublic relations specialist for CAASCO. “Therewill be ongoing workshops that will happenthroughout the year. We’re going to have someassociated with our Autogreen Program, andfurther out in the fall we’re going to have someassociated with our Worst Roads program aswell.”CAASCO hopes to have fifty independentlyowned service centres under the CAASCObrand name over the next five years.JOBBER NEWS / may 20095/5/09 11:05:46 am

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over RV0708ANDNEWSMATIONINFOR200Y9MALordco’s Big Fat Trade Show a HitOnce again, the Lordco Auto Parts annual trade show in Vancouver,B.C., has injected some positive energy into the Canadian automotive aftermarket.With a “The Big Greek Adventure” theme to highlight its biennialcruise later this year, the event brought customers from all over BritishColumbia and more than a few from Alberta.The event’s success comes at a time when, for many suppliers,simply staving off sizable losses has become the norm.In stark contrast, Lordco reports that sales activity this year wasat least on a par with 2008, if not a little up.While the orders had not all been completed by press time—Lordco’s order book runs till the end of April—marketing manager and show organizer Sarah Durant wasvery optimistic about the final results.“We had a really good event; the first daywas extremely busy,” she says. “We had morepeople through the first day than we hadever had. The second day was a little slower,but we have reached the attendance numbers from last year, if not exceeded them.”With some 17,000 attendees coming tothe April event at the Pacific NationalExhibition Coliseum, the Lordco eventranks as the most attended of the warehouse distribution shows in the country.Lordco, with more than 90 storesthroughout British Columbia, attracts customers from throughout the province, aswell as from neighbouring Alberta, to itsannual event.It regularly generates more than 10million in sales, and Durant says that thisyear is no exception.“It was a standard Lordco show,” she sayswith a hint of pride.Concerning some show specifics, Durantsays that there was a lot of interest in bigequipment purchases, which have becomea mainstay of sorts at the show, but alsonoted that there was significant interestin the company’s other lines, noting thatgrowth in sales of the PBE business andhigh performance was offsetting somedeclines in other sectors.In short, there was a shift in the mix ofproducts moving at the show, butoverall sales were very strong.Still, even for Durant, the activityon the first day of the show was surprising.“We really bagged a lot of peopleon the first day. A lot of shops takethe Monday off, working Tuesdaythrough Saturday, and we had 30buses coming from all over for ourout-of-town customers.“They always like to do theMonday. They can come in on theSunday and can see the city.”The entire event was heavily marked with signs proclaiming“Spartan Specials” to both indicate the deals that could be had,and to highlight the fall cruise that will take customers throughGreece, Egypt and Turkey this September.“It’s a great trip. Our customers are very excited about it. Andit’s definitely original.”jobber newsEditor and PublisherAndrew Ross (416) 510-6763E-Mail: aross@jobbernews.comAssistant EditorDavid Halpert (416) 510-6784E-Mail: dhalpert@jobbernews.comContributing Editor EmeritusBob BlansContributing WritersMark Borkowski,Dennis Mellersh, John G. SmithSales ManagerJay Armstrong (416) 510-6745Account ManagerJim Petsis (416) 510-6842Circulation ManagerSelina Rahaman (416) 442-5600 ext 3528.AssistantRoshni ThavaArt DirectorChoo Hwee KuanProduction ManagerSteven K Hofmann (416) 510-6757Vice-PresidentAlex PapanouPresidentBruce CreightonJobber News is Canada’s longest-establishedpublication serving the distribution segmentof the Canadian automotive aftermarket.It is specifically directed to warehousedistributors, wholesalers, machine shops andnational accounts.Subscription rates*: Canada 49.95 3.50GST Applicable Taxes per year; 79.95 5.60 GST Applicable Taxes for 2 years;Single Copy Price 6.00 0.42 ApplicableTaxes. U.S.A. & Foreign: 62.95 U.S. per year;Single Copy Price 8.00 U.S. * Yearly ratesinclude Annual Marketing Guide(single copy price 72.95 plus 5.00 shippingplus GST 5.46)(U.S. orders payable in U.S.funds). Ontario residents add 8% PST. U.S. &Foreign 77.95 5.00 Shipping US Funds.Jobber News is published by the BusinessInformation Group, a divison of BIGMagazines L.P., a leading Canadianinformation company with interests in dailyand community newspapers, and businessto-business information services. All rightsreserved. Printed in Canada. The contentsof this publication may not be reproducedor transmitted in any form, either in part orfull, including photocopying and recording,without the written consent of the copyrightowner. Nor may any part of this publicationbe stored in a retrieval system of any naturewithout prior consent.Canada Post Canadian Publications MailSales Product Agreement No. 40069240“Return Postage Guaranteed” Send changeof address notices, undeliverable copies andsubscription orders to: Circulation Dept.,Jobber News, 12 Concorde Place, Suite 800Toronto, ON M3C 4J2Jobber News Magazine (ISSN#0021-7050)is published monthly by the BusinessInformation Group, 12 Concorde Place,Suite 800, Toronto, ON M3C 4J2US office of publication: 2424 Niagara FallsBlvd, Niagara Falls, NY 14304. PeriodicalsPostage Paid at Niagara Falls, NY.US postmaster: Send address changesto Jobber News Magazine PO Box 1118,Niagara Falls, NY 14304-1118.From time to time we make our subscriptionlist available to select companies and organizations whose product or service may interestyou. If you do not wish your contact information to be made available, please contact usvia one of the following methods: Phone1-800-268-7742, Fax 416-510-5140, to: Privacy Officer, Business InformationGroup, 12 Concorde Place, Suite 800Toronto, ON M3C 4J2Business Information Group12 Concorde Place, Suite 800Toronto, ON M3C 4J2We acknowledge the financial support of theGovernment of Canada through the PublicationsAssistance Program towards our mailing costs.PAP Registration NO.11031Association ofBusiness Publishers205 East 42nd StreetNew York, NY 100176may OTC P4,6,8,9,10 .indd 6ISSN 0021-7050JOBBER NEWS / may 20095/5/09 11:06:15 am

Performance You can TrusTCustomers demand quality and reliability, and foryears Goodyear Engineered Products has been there.Dependable performance in every aftermarket productand service provided including Gatorback Poly-V belt.Goodyear Engineered Products Belts & Hose is anofficial sponsor of NASCAR Sprint Cup Series. Askabout the 2009 Promotional Program business growthincentive with new merchandise and rewards.w w w. G o o D y E A R E P. C o m / A f t E R m A R k E tNASCAR Performance is a registered trademark of the National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing, Inc.Goodyear Engineered Products in Canada is a proud supporter of The Children’s Wish Foundation of Canada. www.childrenswish.caThe GOODYEAR (and Winged Foot Design) trademark is used by Veyance Technologies, Inc. under license from The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company. Goodyear Engineered Products are manufactured and sourced exclusively by VeyanceTechnologies, Inc. or its affiliates. The Gatorback trade name is licensed to Veyance Technologies, Inc. by The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company. 2009 Veyance Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved.Veyance Technologies Canada, Inc.GOODYEAR p7.indd 728656-01-Eng-GRP Ad.indd 15/4/09 2:10:06 PM4/9/09 2:06:05 PM

over RV0708ANDNEWSMATIONINFOR200Y9MAShad’s R&R Gets Set for36th YearShad’s R&R is set to holdthe 36th annual fundraiserfor Muscular DystrophyResearch.The event has raised morethan 3.5 million over theyears with the generoussupport of the aftermarket.The 36th edition of theevent will be held June11th, 2009 at KleinburgGolf and Country Club—its last at the facility, whichgoes under the backhoeto make way for housing.Organizers expect to surpass the 3.6 million markin total funds raised withthis year’s event.Sponsorship packages arestill available to help inthis fine cause.For more informationcontact John Vanstone,Specialty Sales &Marketing, at (905) 8160011 or by email at Motors to RetainACDelco BusinessGeneral Motors has decided it will not sell itsACDelco business.The proposed sale was one of a number ofinitiatives tabled last fall as GM looked to buildits balance sheet. GM retained Merrill Lynchto handle the potential sale. However, comment in the media has indicated that the tightcredit markets had impeded what GM felt wasan appropriate price for the business.In a conference call, GM chief executiveFritz Henderson delivered the news.“It’s a highly profitable business for us. It’screating good, strong cash flow,” he said. “Ourconclusion was that we weren’t going to getthe value for the business. We’d rather keep itand grow it.”The sale of the ACDelco business wouldhave been a complex one under any circumstances, as many of the resources are sharedwith GM, including facilities and people. It isalso thought that the combination of the stateof the credit market and this complex intertwining kept many prospective bidders on thesidelines. Those bids which did come fell shortof expectations.The proposed sale was part of a multi-faceteddivestiture program floated last fall that wasexpected to raise from US 4 to 7 billion andincluded the sale of the Hummer business.Technical Training Focus ofLindertech North EventMore than 75 technicians plus other aftermarket professionals attended the fourth annualLindertech North Conference, one of the besttechnical training events in Canada.Held in Toronto at the Four Points Hotelin late April, the conference offered detailedpresentations of MAF and fuel injection systemdiagnostics, common OBD-II codes and theirMore than 100 attended the Lindertech North technical training and education conference in Toronto.fixes, and cooling system diagnostics, as well asan update on the Right to Repair issue.Jim Linder, owner of Linder TechnicalServices, spoke candidly at the conferenceabout the genesis of Lindertech North. “We’vebeen training for 30 years, and [Torontojobber] John Cochrane came to me in LasVegas where we were teaching at the ASAConvention and said, ‘I’m in Canada and I’dlike to do something like your training coursein Canada.’ From there he followed up withour training centre, where he met with someof our instructors. That’s where it all started;now Lindertech North is in its fourth annualconference.”The conference, which was taken over bythe AIA in 2008, may have attracted fewerattendees than last year, but the quality of thepresentations and move back to Toronto wereappreciated.“For many technicians, getting to [MohawkCollege in Hamilton] last year was a bit ofa hassle,” said Durrell Frey, owner of LloydFrey’s Garage Ltd. in Floradale, Ont. “Holdingit in Toronto made it easier for a lot of peopleand having it at a hotel made the classes juststeps from your room.”“Anytime you can get two technicians tosit down in a class on Saturday and Sundayyou’re doing well. I’m impressed anytime aguy takes his own time to further his educationor his career,” said Linder. “Our goal is thateverybody can leave this conference and dosomething Monday morning that he learnedhere that will make him money or make hisjob easier.”SAE Takes Over AftermarketBrake Testing ProgramThe Brake Manufacturers Council has announcedthat SAE’s Performan

May 01, 2009 · in Toronto after the CAA recently acquired what had previously been a Goodyear franchise location. The service centres are fully owned by CAASCO, as distinct from the network CAA Approved facilities. The Scarborough location is the first Car

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To use or reference CAA publications for any other purpose, for example within training material for students, please contact the CAA at the address below for formal agreement. Enquiries regarding the content of this publication should be addressed to: Civil Aviation Authority, Aviation House, Gatw

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