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«,1ALEXANDRIA,FI F T Y - FI F T HI We Save you The?t Trouble of Bakiug. 4 And GtentcsiiYou shouldn't bakeduring the hot months—twe save you the trouble.No neftd to heat up the kitchen and use up the good fuel you'll need next winter, just order your BISCUITS FRUIT CAKE and cooked meats 5here, the quality will be extra, and what a lot ofîbother and expense il willsave you.Tryourdelicious Ice cream. E2s:i3:iBiTi o isrof Live stock, Agriculture andfîbrti 5Ùltural Productions, Sou hold and Fine ArtsAT THEGL-kNGARRVAlexsndria,-FAIROntarioD. j,PhoneMonday and Tuesday,September 9th and 10th, 190*7.36 4444MCDONALD,444Alexandria Out 444444 AAÂAâ AAAAAAA.JUAÂ.A AAAAAAAASpecial Judges from the Ontario Department ofAgriculture for Live Stock and Dedry Poultig Exhibits.THE CAREOF THE EYESIf you 'vant perfect vision youmust have your eyes examinedoften. A slight sorrection promptly attended to may ensure youperfect eyes to the end of yourlife- Little troubles grow into bigones if not attended- Putting offwill not help. Get avdice. ConsultGremd Open-Air Performance before the GremdStand'oiK five afternoon 61 September lOth. Two ours of good healthy amusement. Citizens Band in attendance Speeding on the track.Miss CÜDDON ,Refracting Optician"1All information may be obtzdned from the Secre; ;jitary, Mr. M. Munro, Alexemdria, Ont2Lrio J Exhibitors aire requested to pvAke their entries attau4{once.Speciad mtes on the Grama Trunk Railway ineluding its breuicETlines. f saFor copies of prize list, nppiy to;iWATCH QUALITY—-— WATCH PRICESIn buying a watch, buy as gooda case as you can afford, but firstget a movement that will be accurate. Every Watch belongs tous until it measures time accurately Pick out the case ane let usdecide on the movement and Youwill g\ytv n watch and a time-keeper.' H. R. CUDD0fi,.:f5Watchmaker, Jeweler Gjrticlari,Ontario.Alexandrla,ÜAS. OLARK, Prea., r- TsM. MUNRO, Sec’y.,,Dominionville.i15 AlexandriaFO.R THEREOPENINGOF SCHOOLS 8RE IVI ANTSALEHALF-PRICEhThis special sale of Remnants points the wayto many matchless to économisé wisely. Unquestionably the best values it has been our pleasureto offer you this year. Remnants and odd linesfiom each department, included are Dress Goods,Silk Trimmings, Gloves, Ribbons, Draperies,Wash Goods, Flannelettes and many other specially laid out on our counters for easy choosing—AT HALF PRICE.Remember,Half Regular PriceDonald MePhee,Phone �will show aer and betassorted stock of schoQlsupplies than ever befote.8 8JOHN McLElSTERDruggist and StationerTelephone 52Alexandria, - Ontario.Wool Carding And Spinning.At a price per pound as usual, or wool caabe exchanged for single yarn fer any desired purpose or for doubled and twistedyarn for Knitting in two or in three ply inGray, White, lack. Blue and Red;for manufactured goods ii'Veeds,Cloths. Flannels, Blankets or Bed Sheeting. All of which a constant supply willbe kept on hand- to serve customers- atAlso Cash Paid for Wool.C, F, STACKHOUSE.Stackhouse Mills,ONTARIO,FRIDAYLancasterSEPTEMBER6* X1907were regaled with an exhibition ofthe game, replete with all the scientific moves, such as has not been seenfor many a day. That the Cornwallscould have gained the match and doit in such a decisive manner, washardly expected, yet this is just whattook place, much to the delight andsatisfaction of their friends from oldGlengarry.That this phenomenal success shouldbe marred, blurred and practicallywiped out by the Fiasco which tookplace between this club and theTecumseh on the following Monday atToronto, where an exhibition gamewas played, is by no means the pleasant sequel we anticipated, nor doesthe uncertainty of the game and thefact that the full team did not play,tend to soothe our feelings, lor wehad hoped that the event of their notgaining the Minto Cup and the socalled championship they would atleast be rrcj i lzed as the “Mastersof the Situation."Reeve W. Brady attended the Toronto Exposition this week.Mr. Eugene Williams, of Montreal,visited Lancaster friends on Monday.Laurie Brady left on Wednesday toattend the Ottawa University.'Mrs. Cline visited Glen Nevis friends on Sunday.Miss Houseman went to Montrealon Friday evening.Mr. Alex. S. Langlois, of Cornwall visited the Misses SandfleldMacdonald Thursday evening.Mr. Robert Gillespie has returnedto his home in Boston, Mass.The Misses Tena Macdonald and M.Martin, of Alexandria, visited Lancaster friends on Saturday.Mrs. H. McLean, who has been visiting Ottawa friends lor the pastmonth, arrived home on Monday.Mr. J. B. Lalonde and family, af.ter spending the summer months atFraser's Point, returhedto townthis week.Miss MePhee, of Alexandria, whoAiaxviiiehad been the guest oi Mrs. DuncanMcDonald, South, Terrace street, leftMr. Hugh McLean is attending thefor home on Monday.Toronto Fair.Mr. Douglas Cameron, Bank ‘’ofMiss Ada Robertson is the guest ofMontreal, Collingwood, spent LaborDay at his home, "St. Lawrence North Lancaster friends this- week.Mrs. Peter Munro is spending theLodge.”Miss Louise Sandfield Macdonald, week with Montreal friends,alter spending a week with her peo- y Dr. Irvine, V.S., left for Torontoon Monday, where, we understand, heple, has returned to Ottawa.Miss Snetsinger, of Cornwall, who has secured a lucrative position.Mis Cassie Kennedy ami -Miss Mchas been the guest lor several weeksof Mrs. Wm. Dunlop, returned to the N'aughton left here on .Monday evening for Boston, Mass.Factory Town last week.Mr. Angus Cameron, a brother ofMr. and Mrs. Faraquhar McLennan,"The Gore," called on the Misses Me, our esteemed townsman, Mr. RoryLennan, South I.aucaster, this week. Cameron, is ho.me on a visit to MsRev. C. B. Koss and family, alter many friends here.Mr. and Mrs. .John F. Me'Kwi'iispending the summer at "G'alrney,"South Lancaster, will take their de- paid Ottawa a short visit on Friday.Mr. Jantes .Stewart, Moose Creek,parture this week tor Lachme.Mr. Neil McGillis arrived home Bat spent several hours in to n on Saturday Irom Montreal, where he had urday evening.Mrs. D. McEweii has been the guestbeen under treatment in the RoyaltwoVictoria Hospital. We are pleased to of Ottawa friends for tlie piislstate that Mr. McGillis is improving weeks.Mrs. Dr. Howard Munro spent theSchool re-opened on Tuesday withMr. Kelly, of Belleville, as Principal, greater portion of last week in Montand the Misses Bancroft and Daiey, real.Mrs. .1. E. C,«sa and Mrs. Archieassistant teachers.Mr. J. Shott arrived in town on McIntyre were in Ottawa on SaturSaturday to join his family who for day.Rev. R. McKay arrived home fromthe past month have been visiting hera trip to Nova Scotia last week. Wemother, Mrs. J. Ettershank,Mr. John Ross, of Chicago, 111., is are pleased to add that the changethe guest of his sister, Mrs. ! - Mc- has proved decidedly beneficial,Mr. and Mrs. Johnston Hoople are,Rae, this week.The Misses Martha McDonell and at the Ancient City, Quebec, at pro*Blanche BonnevUie left on Tuesday sent the guests of Mr. A. .1. Kennedy,Miss Kate Grant, after a threemorning to Attend tke Point ClaireConvent.weeks’ holiday, returned to town on .â. A. .0.' McDonell and Miss Monday.Mr. Kenny McCualg is spending aTaiiet McDonell were the guests offew days in town the guest of hisMontreal friends on Tuesday.Mr. R. J. Johnson spent LaborDay mother.In Cornwall the guest of his parents. .Miss Campbell, trained nurse, is atRev., J., M. Foley assisted at the present the guest of her sister, Mrs.,Forty Hours Devotion in Williams- S. J. Mackey.Mr. Donald McEwen, Moose Creek,towu on Sunday and Monday.Mr. Joseph Daoust Was the guest of while in town on Tuesday, was thehis uncle, Noah Roussin, on Wednes- guest of Mr. D. A, McKinnon.day.Mrs. J. P. Wells, for the past weekW. Edgerton has purchased several has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs.heavy workingms railway J. P. McRae.construction work.Mr. James McDonald, l.st Kenyon,Messrs. D. Sutherland, K. ' Mc- Apple Hill, transacted business inDougall, Forest Sutherland and J. town on Monday.Prendergast spent Labor Day inMr. Walker, of Montreal, was theMontreal.guest of friends here over Sunday.Mrs. A. B. McDonald, Mrs. D. ToMr. C. T. Smith was the guest ofbin and Master Archibald Tobin spent Chestervifle friends this week.the early part of the week at GlenMr. Stanley Ferguson, of Ottawa,Nevis the guests of Mrs. A. Lyman. was the guest of his parents, Mr. amiAmong the local lacrosse entbu- Mr.s. .James Ferguson, dining the earkiàâid ;;'ho were present at the Corn- ly part ol the week.jpatch on SaturdayMr. -J, .1. Wightman, after an exwail-ShatoroctsÜ. tended trip through the -North West,were, J. McLean. D. McLean.visit on Wednesday.Mr. Dan McKercher, drover, shippeda car ol choice live stock to Montrealon Tuesday.Mr, Sam G. McIntosh, ol MooseCreek, paid our town a visit on Monday.For a good fitting suit oi clothes,go to McArthur’s, the fashionabletailor, Maxville.Mr. .John McRae, ol Dyer, while enroute for the Slierbrooke Blxhihition,spent a short time in town on MondayMr. Frank Schell is at present engaged in the building of a cementstore for Mr. D. McMillan.Messrs. A. A. McDougall' and sonrecently threshed 45 bushels of oatsfrom two loads.Mr. Sam Henry is erecting an upto-date i’age Wire fence on his lot onMain street north.Mr. P. D. Sinclair, after an extended trip through the West, returnedhome on Saturday, the 31st ult.Dr. W. B. McDiarmid, Dr. HowardMunro, Messrs. Ü. A. Irvine, Ü. McLean and Willie Lalonde were amongihe Maxviilites who took in the greatlacrosse match at Cornwall on Saturday.A number of our crack shots visitthe Rilie Range from time to time,getting in shape for the fall sport.There are several capital shots intown.Mr. Holden, oi the Bank of Ottawastab, IS at present enjoying a wellearneti holiday.Mr. Sam Heury has applied a freshcoat oi paint to his verandah, whichvery much improves its appearance.Miss Maggie Hamilton left for Montreal on Monday where she I'urposesspending some time.The Municipal Fathers are goingto have the granolithic walk laid onMarlborough street, and will engagemen to do the work as they considered the tenders received too high.As we go to press we learn withvery keen regret of the death of thelate Duncan McCrimmon, carpenter,formerly of this place, but latterlya resident of Vancouver, B.C,DominionvilleWe regret to learn that Mr. DanMcIntosh had his arm broken by being kicked by a horse. We trust theinjured member is doing nicely.Miss Anna Cameron has arrivedhome after visiting friends at Avonmore.Mr. Mansell, of Montreal, spentLabor Day with his family here.Mr Kenneth Matheson, p( Montrealwho visited friends here last week,has returned home.The Misses McIntosh and Fraser visited Greenfield friends this week.The Misses Olive and Lizzie Duggan left for Montreal Thursday morning. They were accompanied to themetropolis by their aunt, Mrs. Mansell. The Misses Mansell left thesame evening for Minneapolis wherethey will reside with their mother.A few of our young men attendedthe lacrosse match at Cornwall onSaturday. They report a good time.A lawn social will be held here Wednesday evening. Sept. 11th, on Mr.B. Mansell’s lawn, under the auspicesof the f.adies’ .Aid Society. A goodpragramme is being prepared. Don’tmiss it. 'ÀKkLEElv tiiLLMr. Alfred E. Keiiin a retired miii-iv’ tg'Vn considerably improv, ister of the Methodist Church, andDuemo, Rosa McRae. P. Oollotte, 1. {Dnyall, D. Sutherland. J, o. Tyo, '" d in health, last week.now a first class clerk in the DepartMessrs. -James Begg, of GravelHill. ment oi Indian ASairs, Ottawa, veryS. Raysirie, J. S. Macdonald, Dr B.‘, jjjj. gpn, Angus Begg, ol Chicago, acceptably supplied the pulpit in theCameron and Joseph Tyo.anashort visit on Saturday.Methodist Church here on Sabbath,Miss Josephine McDonell, nurse-in- paid us.John Hunt, Rod. McCuaig, Sept. 1st, both morning and evening,.training. St, Albania Hospital, St.Mes.sr».'''.and J. B. McDonald, He also preached in Cassburn churchAlban’s, V'l-. arrived home on I'ues- Wm. McN '.mara., p Hillwererecent jn the alternoon. Mr. Kemp is aI day to spend g roupie of weeks’ vaca all ol Apvsound logical preacher and his distion .with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. visitors to toy,disappointed il they courses were very practical and edlA. D. McDonell, SoU'tJi Terraci' .St.No one Will beat McArthur’s tying,It will take about fouT weeks more purchase their âüfvMaxville.Rev. James T. Daley, B.A., Congreto finish up the season’s wcTk the the fashionable i and his gationalist, of Maxville, Ont., is toMcArthur saw mill.Mr. David H. McDou ».] North supply the work lor Rev. L. Conleyj Mr. Woods, who for several years’ sister, Miss Mary McDouga.town on Sabbath next.now has been the »enial proprietor of Branch, Martintown, were i’ft.,eesfuneral of the infant child ofthe McRae Hotel, is "i-.' the last week, renewing old acquatffta.,-rMcNish tookbusiness on November 1st.Mr, and Mrs. David Leitcli,-dace on Saturday afternoon, AugustShould the Fates be propitious, a spending .two most enjoyableservices were conducted inspecial effort will be made to have as the guest» of their son, Mr.church by the pastor. Rev. T.the following additional timber in- Leitch. Courtlitnd. N.I., have return- j-nnson. The bereaved parentsmpsontroduced in the tug-of-war, which is ed to town.CV. h«v.had a large amount of trouto take place at the Cornwall FairMiss ,1'iolet Campbell has become a tion for some - ears pastthis week, so that once more Glen- pupil of the Model- School, Cornwall,. sympathy of theirgarry can waive the banner under where slie went oiB’ Monday, accom- blehave“««L. theif recent sad diswhose folds the Cornwall Township panied by her father,' Mr. A. M.many„team is at present rejoicing.The Campbell. The followihg day Mr.who repensationproposed material, with the necessary Campbell went to Ale.xaiKlrlB withJ), Irdna"Mr. John'the Dominionqualifleations, is as follows : Centen- his daughter. Miss Ada, Who Tfill conmt of meatcently receivfrohiappointrm.nial. what he can’t pull, can be made tinue her studies in the High’ SchoolSaturdayGovernment thi 'up in grit ; Duncan Fraser, a general there.'or. left ontoand food inspect, «jardine, Oni.pull , Major Dan Dickson, of WilMessrs. Donald and Cohn Slhclair, evening for Kin,been sent' . fortown, brawny muscle and powerful of Sti Elmo, are this week attending which place he habiceps ; John V'ericona Caron, Maga- the great exhibition at Toronto. The duty. His family wii.,,MTIrvine«I willbe veryphoiie director ; Stewart Rayside, former who is fast nearing the vener ly.Mr. andJ Mrs.3aTT111. JIII Iheavy weight ; and last, but not able age of four score and ten, is yet'much missed in Vankleealeast, the Hon. Charles Mogul Deru- as smart as some of our young men. they were very highly reaPkC' ehie, as sheet anchor, and who onceOur Public School re-opened on esteemed in the community.j getting a grab, would take a Grand Tuesday, Sept. 3rd, with Mr. Moyer The sad intelligence was reem'v. '«d in1 Trunk derrick to get him out of posiagain In charge of the Continuation Vankleek HiU on Wednesday, An’k. histj tion.Class, and the following staff, Mr. 28th, of the death at his homeI The sports from here as well as McIntosh, Miss Cameron and Miss Baltic Creek, Mich., of Mr. ThonKASI other visitors, who assembled at Grant.Gregg, who was for many vears a re; Cornwall on Saturday to witness theMr. Wm. Lalonde. of the Commer- sldent and hotelkeeper in this town.Shamrock-Cornwall lacrosse match. cial Hotel, paid Montreal a business His remains arrived' hero on the loP j32lowing Friday and were taken to theresidence of his son-in-law, Mr. Nicholas Butler, of Union St. The funeral, which was quite largely attended, took place on Saturday morningto St. (Tregory’s Church and thenceafter the services, to the R. C. cemetery, where the interment took place.The pall-bearers were Messrs. Wm.Ogden, Ralph LoRoy, Jas. Hurley,Dennis Hurley, James Flood and WmFlood. Messrs. D. A. McRae c Son,undertakers.The six daughters of the deceased,namely, Mrs. N. Butler, VankleekHill ; Mrs. Ryan and Mrs. McGregor,of Fournier, as well as three nundaughters, were ail present at thefuneral.The late Mr. Gregg wasquite advanced in life, having reachedthe ripe old age of over four scoreyears. Requiescat in Pace.Mr. John McCallum, the extensivebop-saf ier, of Fournier, Out., attended çneral of the late Thoma,-.Greg ./qir l (IJ ay last. He made :.Jarres Steelinls cro;oT nopB aud-asaseil'the aréfi -lfidJgood.Ji.npi'The exhibitsohibition in V'ankafternoon, August''numerous and ongood. The display of fio ticularly fine. The diri'-'or.i'lesociety feel quite encouraged,THE MEN’S STORiThe0/Faiiw*./a// iôearabiesOur slore is begining ‘‘to takeoo its Fall appearance.”New things in the weariug lineare arriving dailyThe latest things in Hats andCaps, Gloves, Neckwear. Collars,Shirts, Hd’kf’s, Hosiery; and thethousand and one things that goto make up good dress, Yon must call and see themwhether you need anything atpresent or not.See just now our special offerings in Umbrellas, Dress SuitCases and 'Valises.Our 1.50 self-opening Umbrella is one we are proud of andso will you be if you get one; Itsextra good value for the money.IVe can give you a good serviceable Dress Suit Case for f 2-00,and up to 10.00.Look also at those splendidSteamer Rugs we are showing.Nothing 5 3 useful and comfortableat home for throwing over yonwhen resting, on bed or couch,when driving or travelling. Analmost indispensible article worthfar more than the mere price.Prices range from 3.25 to 5.00Get a suit of our ribbed “mixture” underwear. Just the weightfor this time of year. Price 1.00each garment.WORKINGMEN!Come in andsee “THE HUSKY SHIRT"the best shirt made to-day for allround hard wear. Guaranteed bythe Manufacturer to wear twelvemonths or money back- We havebeen appointed sole agents, here, Eifer this good shirt.iSee also our splendid lines ofworking and driving gloves andmitts in best wearing leathers.Prices 35 cents to 1.50.Tf;Our stexjk all through will befound up-to-the-minute in everyway and at a reasonable price forquality.We don’t harp on bargains continually although we have bargains ! the time. 33 We don’t urge onr lower prices,because low pricag are sOmetimegheavy.on the side of follyWesay: "Pay more if be to gat thebest.” We say the best Oeedn’ibe the costliest, though it meanevery quality that can be guaranteed.And having sold, we keep tradebecause we expect and insist on jgetting back whatever isn’t justwhat wo say it is — in our adver itisement and in the store.jWill J. SimpsoQIRIP-ANSI.-A1The modern ste-d- ard Family1: Cures the icverjNday'"ills of huiaaii». .,

f9THE HEWS ALEXANDRIA, ONT, SEPTEMBER 6 1907,THENEWSTHE JsEW MINISTEROF RAILWAYS.BEHIMB IN WAR BALLOOWa.EnglandIS PUBU3HEOEVERY FRIDAY MOINING AT “THENEWS" PRINTING OFFICE MAINST., ALEXANDRIA, ONT.A O F MACDONALDEditor and ManngftrFRIDAY SEPTEMBER 6A WISK .Sl-.I.I'X'I'IOX.In the opinion oI Cllennarrians ;enerally, and of the rank and îüe olthe Liberal party in p.irt'eular. SirWilfrid Laurier has niade ro mistakein going outside of the House ofCommons to secure a suci.cssor tothe Hon. Mr. Emmerson to fill theimportanf nortfolio jf Minister ofRailways and ''.luils, a'l Hio mere sothat the gentleman selected is Hon.Geo. P Graham, M.P. for Rrockvilleand late l.eader of the Opposition inthe Ontario House. The new Minister of Railways and Canals for anumber of years served with greatability this Province in the i.egislative field. For a few short months;during the dying hours of the re-organized Ross .Administration. Mr.Graham, as a member thereof, established an enviable administrative record. Upon the elevation of Mr.Ross to the Canadian Senate 'the coterie of gcntf&ndn whd make up HisMajesty’s Qfrjj sitiOTr 'ti)' the Legislatwe'ScJectc'd . r.i.draiiam as theire leader. Jfe was equal to the emergcric -and hte rêcord as leader shouldSttQp

In buying a watch, buy as good a case as you can afford, but extrafirst get a movement that will be acc- urate. Every Watch belongs eableto us until it measures time accurate- ly Pick out the case ane let us decide on the movement and You will g\ytv n watch and a time- keeper. ' H.

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