BUTLER COUNTY, PAMuseums, Historical Societies& Historic Sites
Table of ContentsDig into the past in Butler County, Pa.Dig into the past in Butler County, Pa. . 3Our small towns are packed with some big history! Did you know that the first U.S. President,George Washington, set foot here? Or thatButler is the birthplace of the “jeep?” Learnabout these and much more throughour museums and historic sites.*Numbers in parenthesis correspond to mapsButlerButler County Historical Society (1). 4Maridon Museum (2). 6Downtown Butler Map. 7Harmony, Zelienople & Evans CityHarmony National Historic Landmark District (3). 8Zelienople Historical Society (4).10Lancaster Township History Center (5).10Evans City Area Historical Society (6).11Providence Plantation (7).11Washington’s Trail, Prospect & Slippery RockWashington’s Trail (8).12Old Stone House (9).13Historical Groups63rd Infantry.14Butler Old Stone House Region AACA.15Tri-State Hart-Par Oliver.15SaxonburgSaxonburg Historical & Restoration Commission (10).16Mars & Cranberry TownshipMars Area History & Landmark Society, Inc. (11).18Cranberry Township Historical Society (12).19And it won’t boring! Experiencehistory first-hand throughhistoric reenactments andencampments. Discover whatclass was like in a one roomschoolhouse. CelebrateGerman heritage throughspecial dinners and festivals.Experience life on the 18thcentury frontier.If you’re looking for an overview, visit the numberedsites. Additional sites of interest are complimentary, ifyou want to dig a bit deeper.The state historical markerswill give you even more infoalong the way.This key will give you an idea ofwhat to expect at each location:H Historical MarkerP Public SpaceM MuseumX Private PropertyO Outdoor SiteButler CountyGeneral Richard ButlerDedicated: Friday, June 11, 1982Marker Type: CityCategories: George Washington,Government & Politics, Government& Politics 19th Century, ReligionGPS Coordinates: LNG: -79.89545,LAT: 40.85857Location: County Courthouse, MainSt. (Pa. 8), ButlerDedicated: Tuesday, May 1, 1917Marker Type: PlaqueCategories: American Revolution,Ethnic & Immigration, MilitaryGPS Coordinates: LNG: -79.89545,LAT: 40.85857Location: County Courthouse, ButlerMarker Text: Formed March 12, 1800,from Allegheny County. Named forGen. Richard Butler, Revolutionary officer. A young George Washington hadcrossed this area, 1753. County seatwas established at Butler in 1803, andthe county was home of the HarmonySociety, 1804-15.2 - Butler County Tourism & Convention Bureau - www.VisitButlerCounty.comMarker Text: In memory of GeneralRichard Butler. Born in Ireland. One offive brothers, soldiers distinguished forbravery and devoted service. Captain2nd Pennsylvania Battalion 1776,Colonel 9th Pennsylvania Regiment1777, Major General United StatesLevies 1791.www.VisitButlerCounty.com - Butler County Tourism & Convention Bureau - 3
ButlerButler County Historical Society (1)123 West Diamond Street, Butler, PA 16001, 724-283-8116www.butlerhistory.comAs the officialhistoricalsociety of ButlerCounty, theBCHS collects,preserves,and cts, andsites for theeducationalbenefit ofthe public.The Societypreservesand presentsthe largest local collection of historical countyrecords, photographs, and artifacts, hosts special events, andmaintains a large selection of publications for sale covering all aspectsof Butler County’s history. This is a great place to visit to discovermore about Butler County’s rich heritage.H o us e b e h indL o w r ie /S h ao wth e c u r th o us e A) Lowrie/Shaw House: Located directly behind theCourthouse. Built in 1828 by Butler’s only United StatesSenator, Walter Lowrie, as the family’s summer home. Thishistoric house museum is on the National Register of HistoricPlaces and houses the offices of the BCHS and its referencelibrary. Office open Tuesday through Friday, 9:00 - 4:00.Check our website or call for parking and tour information.Professional researcher/genealogist on staff. M B) Little Red School House: 200 East Jefferson Street. Built in1838 as Butler’s first public school, this living history museumtransports visitors back to the time of the early one-roomschool house. This museum is part of Butler’s Historic District.Open to school groups and tours by appointment. Also openduring Butler’s Cruise-a-Palooza and Fall Festival. M C) Cooper Cabin Pioneer Homestead: 199 Cooper Road,Cabot. Built in the early 1800s, this original county homestead was inhabited by Cooper family descendents until1961. Nancy Cooper was born and lived in the cabin for onehundred years, from 1861 to 1961. The cabin’s furnishingsdepict the 19th century pioneer lifestyle. The grounds includea spring-house, tool shed, and spinning house. Visit our website for seasonal schedule or call to schedule group tours.4 - Butler County Tourism & Convention Bureau - www.VisitButlerCounty.comAdditional Historic Sites of InterestButler County Courthouse: Onthe National Register of HistoricPlaces, the county’s third courthouse, S. Main at W. Diamond Sts.,was designed by James P. Bailey,built 1885-86. Entrance now isthrough adjacent GovernmentCenter, 124 W. Diamond, built1991. Main St. marker commemorates county’s 1800 founding, Gen.Richard Butler for which county wasnamed, George Washington’s 1753mission to region, Harmony Society.Marker at Main St. doors memorializes Gen. Butler (1743-91), soldier,Indian commissioner, judge, legislator, killed by Indians at “St. Clair’sDefeat.” Exhibits, murals in 2nd floorKiester Commons and rotunda. P, HButler Eagle: 114 W. DiamondSt., county’s only daily newspaper,founded 1869 as weekly, went daily1902, merged following year withButler County Observer of Butlerattorney and Harmony Mennonitesdescendant Levi Wise, who tookcontrol; Wise family remains owner.Present headquarters built 1924,production center at 514 W. WayneSt. opened 2003. Tours by appointment. 724-282-1859. XDiamond Park: Main St. oppositeCourthouse. Silent Defender monument memorialized Civil War veterans, rededicated to all war veterans.Others recognize veterans of WorldWar II, Korean and Vietnam conflicts;fountain symbolizes Americanway of life preserved by veterans’sacrifices. Marker commemoratesmilitary jeep’s birthplace. P, HButler Historic District: ButlerCounty was established in 1800 andland for the county seat was donatedby the Cunningham brothers. In1803 the town’s first lots were laidout and sold by auction, and thefirst log houses built. Two centurieslater, several blocks of business,residential and religious propertiesin Butler’s central corridor are listedon the National Register of HistoricPlaces. PHistoric Lafayette Apartments:SE corner S. Main and W. DiamondSts., on National Register of HistoricPlaces, built in 1903 as Butler CountyNational Bank, later housed countyoffices. Diamond St. entrance plaquecommemorates Mechling’s Inn,which hosted Marquis de Lafayettein 1825. Closed to public. XInvention of the JeepDedicated: Sunday, October 17, 1993Marker Type: RoadsideCategories: Business & Industry,Military, Military Post-Civil War,TransportationGPS : LNG: -79.9116, LAT: 40.85713Location: Hansen Ave. in ButlerMarker Text: In September 1940 ateam headed by Karl Probst deliveredto the U.S. Army a prototype for theWorld War II jeep. This small, fourwheel drive vehicle was produced bythe American Bantam Car Co., locatedone block east. Here, Bantam manufactured 2,675 jeeps. Although largercompanies ultimately received thechief wartime orders, it was Bantam—in cooperation with the Army—thatoriginally created the jeep.Butler-Made Autos: Russell-Sherman built in 1902. HuseltonAutomobile Co. made Huseltons and the Butler truck 1911-15 at N.Washington St. carriage house. Standard Motor Car Co. unit of StandardSteel Car Co. made Standard Eight at Hansen Ave. plant 1914-1923.American Austin built Austins there 1930-1935. American Bantammade Bantams in same plant 1937-40, designed and built first military“jeep” but lost production in 1941 to Willys-Overland and Ford, madetrailers until 1956 closing. Markers on Hansen Ave. at Renaissance Dr.and in Diamond Park opposite Courthousecommemorate jeep’s birthplace. HIn 2011, we put Butler on the map as beingthe birthplace of the Jeep with a recordbreaking Jeep parade andthe first annual Bantam JeepHeritage Festival. Two originalBantams have been preserved by the Butler CountyHistorical Society.www.VisitButlerCounty.com - Butler County Tourism & Convention Bureau - 5
Downtown ButlerPenn St.8West North St.ly c a r ve dView intr ic aateivo ry nd m o r eAdditional SitesPullman Park: Baseball complexestablished 1934, Pillow St. behindPullman Square off Hansen Ave., former home of Cleveland Indians, NewYork Yankees and Detroit Tigers farmteams, hosted Negro League teams1940s-50s. Joe DiMaggio, WhiteyFord, Lou Gehrig among greats whoplayed there. Now used by school,college, community teams and homeof Butler Blue Sox. PPennsylvania State Police:Lobby exhibits at Troop D headquarters, 200 Barracks Rd., north offNew Castle Rd. (Pa. 68 & 356) westof Butler, include historical photos,artifacts, models, ground and airvehicles, uniforms and patches.Daytime only. 724-284-8100. PPullman-Standard Co.: JohnHansen, “Diamond Jim” Brady,others founded Standard Steel Carin 1902 with Hansen Ave. freightcar plant; later added baggage andpassenger cars, had automobilesubsidiary 1914-1923. Once world’slargest freight car plant also madeWWI-WWII munitions. Merged in1930 with Pullman, acquired byWheelabrator-Frye 1980, closed1982. Headquarters buildingsurvives, much of site now shoppingcenter-business park. OAK Steel Butler Works: 1,300-acre complex south of Butler, westside Pa. 8, began in 1908 as Forged6 - Butler County Tourism & Convention Bureau - www.VisitButlerCounty.comVogeley WayDiamond St.ParkingLotsCliff StCunningham St.Vogeley St.Cliff St.Cunningham St.McKean St.Birch St.1BJefferson St.Cedar St.Jefferson St.Jackson St.68East North St.New Castle St.Washington St.The Maridon Museum in Butler is the only museum in the westernPennsylvania region with a specific focus on Chinese and Japaneseart and culture. The extensive world-class collection featuresAsian art spanning the 3rd millennium B.C. to the 20th century,including jade and ivory sculptures, as well as an impressive galleryof German Meissenporcelain. This isone Butler Countyattraction youwon’t want to miss!Be sure to checkthe schedule forupcoming specialevents. MNew Castle St.Locust St.Franklin St.Main St.Locust St.322 North McKean Street, Butler, PA 16001, 724-282-0123www.maridon.orgWalnut St.East Brady St.West Brady St.Maridon Museum (2)2Cedar St.Jackson St.Walnut St.1A8Wayne St.Steel Wheel railroad wheel plant,became Columbia Steel Co. inearly 1920s, was bought in 1927 byAmerican Rolling Mill Co. (ARMCO)and developed as specialty steelsfacility. Many expansions later, itmakes flat-rolled carbon, stainlessand electrical steels, and pipe andtubular products. ARMCO purchasedby AK Steel in 1999. Not open topublic. XButler County Airport/ScholterField: Airport Rd. west of Pa. 8,6 miles south of Butler, opened1929, named for Kenneth W.Scholter who managed then-privatePittsburgh-Butler Airport, operated aircraft repair service, taughtpilots. Preparing for 1932 soloflight across Atlantic, Amelia Earharttook instrument training, had fueltanks installed in Lockheed Vegahere. Clarence G. Taylor, whoseLock Haven aircraft firm was takenover by partner William Piper, builtprototype Taylorcraft plane here1936. Monument east end of fieldand Cobra helicopter at restauranthonor war veterans. Public access tofield restricted. PRev. Richard C. ChristyDedicated: 2004Marker Type: RoadsideCategories: Civil War, ReligionLocation: At church, 455 ClearfieldRoad, FeneltonMarker Text: Chaplain, 78th Regiment,Pa. Volunteers, 1861-64. He wascredited as Pennsylvania’s firstCatholic Civil War chaplain and theonly one serving a chiefly non-Catholicregiment. Despite the anti-Catholicprejudice of the era, he gained a reputation for bravery and was known asthe “Fighting Chaplain of the Army ofthe Cumberland.” Father Christy hadbeen the first permanent pastor of thischurch. Hundreds of veterans attendedhis funeral in 1878.www.VisitButlerCounty.com - Butler County Tourism & Convention Bureau - 7
Harmony, Zelienople & Evans CityAdditional Harmony Sites:Harmony National HistoricLandmark District (3)303 Mercer Rd. near Vineyard Hill,region’s oldest barn built in 1805 toshelter Harmony Society’s sheep,modified ca. 1850 by David Ziegler,son of Harmony’s “second founder”later was part of extensive Wisefarm. M724-452-7341Harmony National Historic Landmark District: Pa. 68 east of U.S. 19,west of I-79 exits 87-88, among Western Pennsylvania’s mostimportant historic places and its first National Landmark District.Site of Delaware Indian village, Murdering Town, visited by GeorgeWashington on 1753 mission sparking French & Indian War. Townfounded 1804 by Harmony Society of German Lutheran Separatists,19th century America’s most successful communal group, arearesettled 1815 by Mennonites. District includes more than 50buildings and Harmonist cemetery with hugerevolving stone gate.Harmonist-Ziegler-Wise Barn:Harmony Society Cemetery:Pa. 68 west of I-79 exit 87 at EdmondSt., part of Harmony National HistoricLandmark District where communemembers were buried 1805-1814.Stone wall with one-ton revolvingstone gate built 1869, markers interpret the site. HU.S. 19 and Mercer Rd., ½ mile northof Harmony. Cemetery established1815, meetinghouse built 1825,closed 1902. The oldest Mennonitechurch west of Alleghenies is openon special occasions or by appointment. Markers at site and at U.S. 19describe 19th century Mennonitecommunity. 724-452-7341. M, O, Hcentury structure relocated acrosstown to 245 Mercer St. in 1998 toassure its preservation. Open onspecial occasions. MVineyard Hill/Rapp’s Seat: Overlooks Connoquenessing Creek andMercer St. bridge, site of communalHarmony Society’s sandstone quarry,vineyard, music pavilion. LeaderGeorge Rapp meditated on seatcarved in rock near hilltop. The siteis partially accessible from EvergreenMill Rd. by difficult trail, markerinterprets site. O, H193MercerLittle CreekR evo lviC e m etenrg Sto n ey G ateHARMONYSt., duplex housed families of twoHarmonist sisters, houses exhibitsand Museum Shop. Bake oven, herbgarden, grape arbor, mill stones inyard. MZiegler Log House: 546 Main St.,built mid-19th century at nearbyMiddle Lancaster by Andrew Zieglerwhose parents were daughter andson-in-law of Harmony’s “secondfounder” Abraham L. Ziegler. Relocated in 1976 as Harmony Museumannex where youngsters learnpioneer crafts. MMennonite Meetinghouse &Cemetery: 114 Wise Rd. betweenMercer St. Log House: Early 19th5Wagner House: 222 MercerHarmony MennonitesDedicated: Friday, October 3, 1947Marker Type: RoadsideCategories: ReligionGPS Coordinates: LNG: -80.12942,LAT: 40.80927Location: U.S. 19 N of ZelienopleMarker Text: Church organized 1816by Abraham Ziegler, purchaser of theHarmonist property. The Rev. JohnBoyer was the first pastor. Presentstone church built 1825.Cemetery established 1815, meetinghouse closed 1902. The oldestMennonite church west of Alleghenies. Open on special occasionsor by appointment. 724-452-7341.M, OAdditional SitesZELIENOPLE46879HarmonyDedicated: Friday, October 3, 1947Marker Type: RoadsideCategories: ReligionGPS Coordinates: LNG: -80.12785,LAT: 40.80267Location: Main St. at Mercer St. inHarmonyMarker Text: First home of HarmonySociety, founded 1804, by George Rappand German followers. In 1814 movedto New Harmony, Indiana, and settledat Economy in present Ambridge,Beaver County, in 1825.Harmonist CemeteryDedicated: Friday, October 3, 1947Marker Type: RoadsideCategories: ReligionGPS Coordinates: LNG: -80.1237, LAT:40.80177Location: Pa. 68 west of I-79Marker Text: Burial place of HarmonistSociety, 1805-15. Graves were notmarked. The stone wall was builtin 1869, after the Harmonists hadreturned from Indiana and settled at“Old Economy,” in Beaver County.8 - Butler County Tourism & Convention Bureau - www.VisitButlerCounty.comBassenheim Furnace: Old FurnaceRd. at Route 288, 2 miles west ofZelienople, markers at ruin describeone of region’s first iron furnaces,built in 1813 by Zelienople founderDettmar Basse; a foundry madehousehold and other iron goods. HMinetta Spring: South sidePa. 68, 1 mile west of Evans City, builtin 1931 at natural spring by HarryEthridge, general superintendent ofinterurban railway in memory of hismother, Monetta Walsh. Closed 1958because of contamination. XGrace Church of Harmony: OnShantz School: Old Little Creek &Mercer Rds., 2 blocks north of MercerSt. bridge. One-room ca. 1900schoolhouse was closed in 1931,adapted in 1999 as private home. Xdiamond; county’s oldest churchin continuous use. Was 1809-1814Harmony Society church, then servedMennonites. Was purchased in 1826by German Evangelical & Reformedchurch, which evolved to present independent congregation. Sanctuaryfronting Main St. built 1929. Tours byappointment. 724-452-7270. XHarmony Borough Building:217 Mercer St. at Liberty St., wasHarmony Public School 1882-1957,now houses borough offices and wasalso Post Office until 2009. Facaderestored late 20th century. PZelienople: Marker on westside U.S. 19 at north end of MainSt. Bridge commemorates town’s1802 founding by German DettmarFriedrich Basse, who bought 10,000acres in Butler and Beaver counties.Town named for daughter Zelie, whowith husband Philippe Passavantbecame lifelong resident althoughBasse returned to Europe in 1818.Basse sold land to Harmony Societywhich founded adjacent Harmony. Hwww.VisitButlerCounty.com - Butler County Tourism & Convention Bureau - 9
Evans City Area Historical Society (6)ZelienopleHistorical Society(4)204C S. Jackson Street, Evans City, PA 457www.zelienoplehistoricalsociety.comThe Evans City AreaHistorical SocietyMuseum containsartifacts and memorabilia of the area’s oilboom and railroads.The museum also housesrecords on local families,education, cultural eventsand natural disasters.Open seasonally. MH is to r ic Passava ntH o us e Buhl House: 221 S. MainSt. The 1805 Buhl Houseis a museum for the Buhlfamily and for the townof Zelienople. Collectionsinclude artifacts relatedto Zelienople schools,commerce, and dailylife, as well as itemscommemorating the Buhlfamily’s beginnings inZelienople and significancein history. The Buhl Housealso contains the MuseumShop. MZelienopleDedicated: Friday, October 3, 1947Marker Type: RoadsideCategories: Buildings, Cities & TownsGPS Coordinates: LNG: -80.13795,LAT: 40.8Location: West side U.S. 19 at northend of Main St.Marker Text: Founded by BaronDettmar Basse in 1802. Named for hisdaughter Zelie. On the hill overlookingthe town, he built Bassenheim, apalatial wooden “castle,” whichburned in 1842.Passavant House: 243 S. Main St. The 1808 Passavant Housecontains a large collection of items relating to the PassavantFamily and its place in Zelienople’s history.
Butler County Historical Society (1) 123 West Diamond Street, Butler, PA 16001, 724-283-8116 www.butlerhistory.com As the official historical society of Butler County, the BCHS collects, preserves, and interprets Butler County’s historic documents, artifacts, and sites for the educational
THE INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL OF MUSEUMS MAGAZINE NO 6 jUNE 2017 MUSEUMS ANd CONTESTEd HISTORIES Saying the unspeakable in museums. ICOM SERBIA 3 A . More than 3,000 members of the International Council of Museums took an active part in the 24th General Conference in Milan, in the period 3-9 July 2016. Among the attendees were the .
Sep 30, 2020 · Butler County Parks and Recreation . Butler County Soccer Association . Butler Gymnastics Club and Butler Dance Center . Butler YMCA . Chicora Borough . Children's Creative Learning Center in Clinton Township in Spring Valley Park . City of Butler . Clinton Township (Spring Valley Park) Connoquenessing
310 Country Club Road, Butler, PA 16002 724-586-7701 www.butlercc.org Butler Country Club Lisa Burek, Sales Coordinator 724.586.7701, ext. 232 lisab@butlercc.org www.butlercc.org The Butler Florist 123 East Wayne Street, Butler, PA 16001 724.282.2709 www.thebutlerflorist.com Pennie's Bake Shop 800 New Castle Street, Butler, PA 16001
historical collection. o Establishes new controls on historical artifacts loaned to Army museums. o Establishes the Army Museum Information System as the central historical artifact accounting program for the Army. o Establishes a Central Control Number for each artifact in the Army Historical Collection.
FRANK C PRAZENICA, JR, Butler County ADAM M TONCINI, Butler County RON KOBELENSKE, Butler County MELANIE BOLLINGER, Butler County SCHOOL DIRECTOR AT LARGE IN THE KARNS CITY AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT - Vote for not more than FIVE – Bradys Bend Township, Perry Township and Sugarcreek Township JAMES D FRITER
Henry Bradford (Prince George's County, 1786) w Ally Butler v. William Knott (Montgomery County, 1786) . Edward Smith (Charles County, 1791) w Lewis Butler v. John Laidler (Charles County, 1791) . Samuel Butler –filed freedom suit in 1790 against William Bond John
Judges, two Juvenile Court Judges, two Domestic Relations Court Judges and three Area Court Judges. This year, the Butler County Popular Annual Financial Re-port features the work of the Butler County Care Facility. The Butler County Care Facility was established in 1830 and treated those suffering from tuberculosis. Today, the
Leo Aronson. My hope is that your wonderful capacity for empathy and compassion will help make the world a better place. —E.A. To my family, Deirdre Smith, Christopher Wilson, and Leigh Wilson —T.D.W. To my children, Genevieve and Everett —B.F. To my mentor, colleague, and friend, Dane Archer —R.M.A.