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NEW ERA PUBLIC SCHOOL, DWARKANEPS-DW/CIR/20-21/00113th May, 2020Dear Parents,As I pen this down, I hope and pray that you and your families are in the best ofhealth and spirits, and will continue to be so, in the days to come. The recent timeshaven’t been easy for any of us, as we have struggled to adjust to our new lifestyles,in the wake of the spread of COVID-19.While at home, you all must be appreciating the tremendous work being done by ourfrontline warriors. I too, do the same. However, I must take this opportunity tocommend my colleagues who are relentlessly working to make thisquarantine/lockdown period a better experience for our students.As teachers, we were left worried about our students and the loss of academics theywould suffer due to the lockdown. Our idea of a normal school changed overnight.But, today I am proud that we are the living embodiment of the idiom “Desperatetimes call for desperate measures”. Our teachers took up the challenge of onlineteaching, and, have truly excelled at it.At the same time, I cannot thank you enough for your support, the way you aremanaging your work from home and ensuring that your wards’ school work doesnot suffer under any circumstance. It is not an easy task, but it has to be done,and done well.As you all must be aware, we began with our online classes on 1 st April, 2020 andnow that April is over, it is time for me to apprise you with everything that we taughtand did in this period. Hence, we have uploaded the syllabus completion report forthe month of April, for all classes, on the school website and request you to gothrough the same.I hope and pray we continue to partner with each other in the same way, and makethis world a better place for our children.God bless.RegardsPrincipal

NEW ERA PUBLIC SCHOOL, DWARKASYLLABUS COMPLETION REPORTCLASS – LKG ( 7th April to 30th April, 2020)S. No.SUBJECTTOPICS COVEREDNO. OFCLASSESTAKEN71ENGLISHRhymes: Heads shoulders knees and toes Ten Little Fingers If You’re happy and you know it Standing and sleeping lines2MATHSShapes: Circle, Square, RectangleColours: Red, Blue, YellowRelated Activities were done63CIRCLE TIME/THEME TIMEWorksheetsTopics Covered: My Body My Sense Organs64ACTIVITIESEarth Day Activity- Colouring in Picture of EarthSorting of objects according to colours2CLASS – UKG ( 7th April to 30th April, 2020)S. No.SUBJECTTOPICS COVEREDNO. OFCLASSESTAKEN1ENGLISHWriting of letters s,a,t,i,p,n and related activities72MATHSShapes ,numbers 1-10 and related activities63HINDI4CIRCLE TIME/THEME TIMEAkshar म and related worksheetsBody parts and Sense organs235ACTIVITIESMaking of rabbit ,Earth day collage1

CLASS – I ( 7th April to 30th April, 2020)S. No.SUBJECTTOPICS COVERED1ENGLISHBlock- 1 Reading on our ownBlock-2 People, places and thingsFraming sentencesFamily wordsVowel lettersRhyming wordsGrammar-CVC words with /a/, /e/, /i/, /o/ soundsNaming words2ह िं दी3MATHSपुनरावर्ती अ के शब्दपाठ-1 बर्तख आईपाठ-2 आम वाला आयाआ की मात्राChapter-1- Numbers up to 50Forward countingBackward countingNumber namesComparison of numbersBefore, after and betweenOrdering numbersPlace value4EVSBlock -1 My familyBlock -2 My schoolNO. OFCLASSESTAKEN109119CLASS – II ( 3rd April to 30th April, 2020)S. No.SUBJECT1ENGLISH2ह िं दीTOPICS COVEREDBlock 1- Aanya and the Dragon.(Difficult words, question/answers, word meanings,fill in the blanks, true or false, make sentences).Block 2- Sequencing and summarizing. (Blendsounds-‘tr’,’ br’, ‘dr’, retelling a story in order,beginning, middle and end).Grammar- Naming words, one and many, capitalletter, full stop.मात्राओं की पुनरावृतिपाठ - १३ - तितिया नहाई NO. OFCLASSESTAKEN1212

तवलोम शब्द , विन बदलो, नाम वाले शब्दकतविा - सबकी दु तनया एकशब्द अर्थ , वाक्ये बनाओ , प्रशन/उत्तर , कतठन शब्द3MATHS4EVSBlock 1- Numbers up to 200.(Read and write numbers, before and after, placevalue, expanded form of numbers, comparingnumbers, ordering numbers, odd and even numbers,skip counting, ordinal numbers).Block 1- Animals are different(Land and water animals, fast and slow animals, bodyparts of fish, caring for young ones).Block 2- Amazing animals(Wild and domestic animals, farm and pet animals,food animals eat young ones of animals).Block 4- Beautiful Birds(Features of birds, what do birds eat, bird’s nest,taking care of babies).1112CLASS – III (3rd April to 30th April, 2020)S. No.SUBJECTTOPICS COVERED1ENGLISHBlock 1-Mala goes to schoolBlock 2-Describing a personBlock 3- The Blue kite.GrammarParts of speechCommon and proper nounSingular and plural nouns.2ह िं दीवितान- पाठ-1 और 2NO. OFCLASSESTAKEN1814व्याकरण- िणणमाला, समानार्णक शब्द , वित्ि व्यंजन, संज्ञा,अनेक शब्दों के वलए एक शब्द, पर्ाणर्िाची शब्द3MATHS4SCIENCE5SOCIALSCIENCEChapter 1- Place ValueChapter 2- Addition ( Ex- 2A , 2B)Block 1 -All about leavesBlock 2- Fruits and SeedsBlock 3 ( S1 , S2 )- Stems and Roots17Block 1-Role of a familyBlock 2-Work and PlayBlock 3-Fun with Family711

CLASS – IV (3rd April to 30th April, 2020)S. No.SUBJECTTOPICS COVEREDBlock -1 The Golden GooseBlock-2 The TorchGrammar Possessive PronounsPolite RequestsComparatives and Superlatives AdjectivesNO. OFCLASSESTAKEN181ENGLISH2ह िं दी3MATHSChapter-1 Place ValueChapter-2 Addition and Subtraction(Ex 2.1)174SCIENCEBLOCK-1 More about flowersBLOCK-2 Addition Uses of PlantsBLOCK-3 (S 1) Kinds of Plants115SOCIALSCIENCEBlock-1 Changes in a FamilyBlock-2 Houses: Then and NowBlock-3 Work People do7तविान- पाठ-1 और 2व्याकरण- वणथमाला, संज्ञा (भे द सतहि), अनेकार्ी शब्द,समानार्थ क शब्द , पयाथ यवािी शब्द, तवलोम शब्द15CLASS – V (3rd April to 30th April, 2020)S. No.SUBJECT1ENGLISH2ह िं दीTOPICS COVEREDBL-1 Chakravarthy InvestigatesBL 2- Describing an event Grammar- Nouns (Types)BL 3- A Day in the Life of a WashermanContinuous Tensesतविान- पाठ-1 और 2व्याकरण- वणथ माला, सं ज्ञा (भे द सतहि),अनेकार्ी शब्द, तवलोमशब्द, विन पररविथन (वाक्यों में ),तलंग पररविथन (वाक्यों में )NO. OFCLASSESTAKEN1715

3MATHSChapter-1 Place ValueChapter-2 Four Operations (Ex 2.1 ,Ex2.2 )184SCIENCEBlock 1 Germination of seedsBlock 2 Growing new plantsBlock 3 Cultivating crops (S1,S2,S3)185SOCIALSCIENCEBlock -1 Shifting FamiliesBlock-2 Living in a communityBlock-3 A Home for Everyone17CLASS – VI (3rd April to 30th April, 2020)S. No.SUBJECT1ENGLISH2ह िं दीTOPICS COVEREDChapter 1 - Travelling with Grandfather’s ZooChapter 2 - My Sheep Is Being Sheepish(Poem)Grammar: Types of Sentences, Subject and Predicate,Nouns,Writing tasks- Diary Entry, Noticeतविान:- पाठ-1 और 3मधु कलश:- पाठ -1NO. OFCLASSESTAKEN1818व्याकरण तनतध - वणथ तविार , संज्ञा भे द सतहि, भाववािकसंज्ञा का तनमाथ ण3MATHS4SCIENCEChapter-1 Knowing Our NumbersChapter-2 Whole Numbers1)2)3)4)5)Food:Where does it comes from?Components of foodFibres to fabricsSorting materials into groupsSeparation of substances1818

5SOCIALSCIENCEGeography chapter 1: Earth in the solar systemHistory chapter 1: When, Where and HowCivics Chapter 1: Understanding DiversityGeography chapter 2: Introduction166SANSKRITतलं ग, वािन, पुरुष07FRENCHLeçon-1 Les salutations ( Greetings/ Introduction)Leçon-2 Comptons ensemble ( Frenchalphabets/accents )0CLASS – VII (3rd April to 30th April, 2020)S. No.1SUBJECTENGLISH2ह िं दी3MATHS4SCIENCE5SOCIAL SCIENCETOPICS COVEREDChapter 1 - Where the Mind Is Without Fear (Poem)Grammar: Types of Sentences and theirtransformation, Adjectives(Quality, Quantity,Number), Subject and PredicateWriting tasks- Diary Entryपाठ्यपुस्तक ‘तविान’ ;पाठ 2-तपिाकेनाम, पाठ ��ूरकपुस्तक ‘मधु कलश’ :पाठ 1 -एकटोकरीतमट्टी, पाठ 2-गुल्लीड्ं ड्ाव्याकरणतनतध :वणथ-तवच्छे द, ित्सम- िद्भवशब्द (1-15),पयाथ �ब्द (1-25),तलं गवविनपररविथ न ,अनेकार्थ कशब्द(1-15), वाक्यां श (1-20)Chapter-1 IntegersChapter-2 Fractions (Ex 2.1 to Ex 2.3 )1) Nutrition in plants2) Nutrition in animals3) Acids,bases and saltHistory Chapter 1: Tracing changes through athousand yearsCivics Chapter1: Equality in democracyGeography chapter 1: Our environmentchapter 2: Interior of Earth introductionNO. OFCLASSESTAKEN1718171818

6SANSKRITLang LakarLesson -1Shabadarth,Path ka Hindi Anuvad17FRENCHLeçon -0 ,Culture and civilizationLeçon-1- Parts of the Body , Le visage & –ER endingverbs)1CLASS – VIII (3rd April to 30th April, 2020)S. No.SUBJECT1ENGLISH2ह िं दीTOPICS COVEREDChapter 1 - The Schoolboy (Poem)Chapter 2 - CharlesGrammar: Types of Sentences, Types of Pronouns,AdjectivesWriting tasks- Diary Entryपाठ्यपुस्तक ‘तविान’ ; पाठ 2- आदमी और खच्चर,पाठ 4- जेल में जीव-जंिुपूरक पुस्तक ‘मधु कलश’ : पाठ 1 - गोभी का फूलव्याकरण तनतध : वणथ -तवच्छे द,शब्द-तविार (इतिहास/स्त्रोि वNO. OFCLASSESTAKEN1816रिना के आधार पर), ित्सम-िद्भव शब्द(1-15), पयाथ यवािीशब्द(1-18),तवलोम शब्द (1-36), अनेकार्थ क शब्द(1-17),वाक्यां श(1-15), मु हावरे (1-15),तभन्नार्थ क शब्द(1-16), अनौपिाररक पत्र3MATHS4SCIENCE5SOCIALSCIENCEChapter 1-Rational NumbersChapter2 -linear equation in one variable(Exercise 2.1 to2.3)Chapter 1- Crop production and managementChapter2-Microorganisms:Friend and FoeChapter 3- Synthetic Fibres(Introduction)18Geography chapter 1: ResourcesHistory chapter 1: How, When and whereCivics chapter-1:The Indian ConstitutionGeography chapter-2 Introduction1818

6SANSKRITनम् धािुपाठ 1 - अनुवाद17FRENCH1. Lesson-0 Culture and Civilization of France2. Lesson-1 La rentrée (les articles définis, les articlesindéfinis, les articles partitifs, la négation, les verbes, Lesadverbes de la quantité.)1CLASS – IX (20th March to 30th April, 2020)S. No.SUBJECTTOPICS COVEREDNO. OFCLASSESTAKEN281ENGLISHDiary EntryThe Lost ChildThe fun They hadPoem- The Road Not TakenDeterminersTenses2ह िं पाठ-1 दु ुःख का अतधकार, पाठ-2 एवरे स्टमे री तशखर यात्रा(पद्य)-पाठ-1 रै दास के पद, पाठ-2 रहीम के दोहेपूरक पुस्तक संियन-पाठ -1 तगल्लूव्याकरण- वणथ-तवच्छे द, यय,तवज्ञापन-ले खन, संवाद-ले खन, अनौपिाररकपत्र, अनुच्छेद-ले खन( ग्लोबल वातमिं ग, तवज्ञापन का महत्व)3MATHS4SCIENCECh-5 The fundamental unit of lifeCh-15 Improvement in food resourcesCh-6 TissueCh-8 Motion in progress285SOCIALSCIENCEEco- The Story of village PalampurCivics-What is democracy Why democracyGeo- India: Size and Location281. Number systems2. Polynomials2828

CLASS – X (20th March to 30th April, 2020)S. No.SUBJECTTOPICS COVERED1)2)3)4)5)6)7)A tiger in the zooThe midnight visitorLong walk to freedomThe ball poemCloze passageHow to tell wild animalsFlyingNO. OFCLASSESTAKEN281ENGLISH2ह िं दीपा.पु.स्पशथ (गद्य)-पाठ-1 बिे भाई साहब ,पाठ-2 ड्ायरी का एक पन्ना(पद्य)-पाठ-1 साखी ,पाठ-2 पदपूरक पुस्तक संियन- पाठ -1 हररहर काकाव्याकरण- रिना के आधार पर वाक्य भे द व पररविथ न,तवज्ञापन-ले खन, संवाद-ले खन,अनुच्छेद-ले खन( ग्लोबल वातमिं ग, तवज्ञापन का महत्व)283MATHS1. Polynomials2. Quadratic equations284SCIENCE1. Chemical reaction and equation2. Acids ,bases and salts3. Life processes4. Control and coordination5. Human Eye6. Our environment285SOCIALSCIENCEEco: Ch1:The story of Development ,Ch2 :Sectors of Indian Economy,Geo: Ch1: Resources & Development,Civics:Ch1:Power Sharing286COMPUTERAPPLICATIONSChapter-1 Internet Basics,Chapter-2 Internet Services & Mobile Technologies8

CLASS – XI (15th April to 30th April, 2020)S. No.SUBJECTTOPICS COVERED1ENGLISH2MATHEMATICS1.Sequences and series123PHYSICS1.2.3.Mathematical ToolsPhysical worldUnits and Measurement124CHEMISTRY1.2.Some basic concepts of chemistryStructure of Atom in progress125BIOLOGY1. The Portrait of a Lady2. Notice3. A Photograph4. Note making5. The Summer of a Beautiful White Horse6. Article Writing7. The AddressNO. OFCLASSESTAKEN12Cell : the unit of lifeCell cycle and cell divisionCOMPUTER SCIENCEComputer System OrganizationData Representation & Boolean Logic(In progress)ACCOUNTANCYIntroduction to Accounting, Accounting Terms,Accounting Principles8BUSINESS STUDIES9ECONOMICS10HISTORY11121212Ch -1 Business, Trade and commerceCh-2 Forms of business organization (1/3rd isdone)1.Statistics for Economics : Introduction,Collection of Data2.Micro Economics: IntroductionTheme 1-From the beginning of time12POLITICAL SCIENCE1. Constitution: Why & How2. Rights in the Indian ociety, Sociology and its Relationship withother Social Sciences1. Computer System2. Getting started with Python14PHYSICALEDUCATION1. Unit-I Changing trends and careers inPhysical Education and sports2. Unit-II Olympic movement12121212

CLASS – XII (20th March to 30th April, 2020)S. No.SUBJECTTOPICS COVERED1. Lost Spring2. The Tiger King3. Notice4. An Elementary SchoolClassroom in a Slum5. Note making6. Advertisement7. The Third Level8. The EnemyNO. r-1 Electric Charges and fieldsChapter-2 Electric Potential and CapacitanceChapter-12 Atoms284CHEMISTRYCh-2 SolutionsCh-3 ElectrochemistryCh-5 Surface chemistryCh-15 Polymers285BIOLOGYUnit Six- Reproduction286COMPUTER SCIENCE Ch-1 Review of Python basicsCh-2 FunctionsCh-3 Using Python librariesCh-4 File Handling (In Progress)287ACCOUNTANCYCh-1 Not for profit organization (done)Ch-2 Valuation of GoodwillCh-3 Fundamental of partnership firmCh-4 Change in Profit Sharing RatioCh-5 Admission of a partner (1/2 is done)288BUSINESS STUDIESCHAP-1: NATURE & SIGNIFICANCE OFMANAGEMENT (completed)CHAP-2: PRINCIPLES OF MANAGEMENT(completed)CHAP-3: BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT(completed)CHAP-9: FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT(completed)281. Relations and functions2. Linear Programming3. Vector Algebra4. Three Dimensional Geometry ( Ex. 11.1)28

9ECONOMICSMacro Economics :Money and BankingGovernment BudgetIndian Economics Development:Indian economy on the eve of Independence1950 -1990Economic Reform New Economic Policy 1991PovertyTheme 1- Bricks, Beads and Bones- theHarappan CivilisationTheme-2: Kings, Farmers and Towns Earlystates and economiesTheme-3 Kinship, Caste and Class; the criticaledition of the MahabharataCH 1 : THE COLD WARCH 2 : THE END OF BIPOLARITYCH 3 : CHALLENGES OF NATIONBUILDINGChapter 1: Introducing Indian Society.Chapter 2: The Demographic Structure of theIndian Society.Chapter 3: Social Institutions: Continuity andChange2810HISTORY11POLITICAL SCIENCE12SOCIOLOGY13INFORMATICSPRACTICESCh-8 More on SQLCh-1 NumpyCh-2 Data Visualization (In Progress)2814PHYSICALEDUCATIONUnit- I Planning in SportsUnit-II Sports and NutritionUnit-IV Physical Education and Sports fordifferently AbledUnit –VIII Physiology and Injuries in sportsUnit X Training in sports (In Progress)28282828

4 EVS Block 1- Animals are different (Land and water animals, fast and slow animals, body parts of fish, caring for young ones). Block 2- Amazing animals (Wild and domestic animals, farm and pet animals, food animals eat young ones of animals). Block 4- Beautiful Birds (Features of birds, w

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