St. Luke CME Church’s Thank You To The Harvest Tea 19th .

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Thank you to the Harvest TeaCommittee and to all whohelped in any capacity.Committee:Patricia Lewis, ChairmanAve AlvaradoHenrine CaseyGloria DixonCle EasleyMae KendrickBrenda OwensJan ThomasPatricia WalkerNathan Wallick, EmeritusEzell Derricks, esignerPatricia: PatriciaMcKinney20St. Luke CME Church’s19th Annual Harvest TeaSponsored by the Steward BoardProverbs 3:9-10Honor the Lord with your possessions and with the firstproduce of your entire harvest; then your barns will becompletely filled, and your vats will overflow with newwine.Matthew 9 :37-3837”Then saith he unto his disciples, The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few;”38”Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he willsend forth labourers into his harvest.”“Without Action,Love is Just a Theory”October 23, 20113:30 PMPatricia M. Lewis, Steward Board ChairmanRev. Dr. Clarence Buchanan, PastorElder Karen Walker McClure, Presiding ElderBishop Paul A.G. Stewart, Presiding Prelate

T HANK Y OU !Rev. Dr. Clarence and Mrs. Christine BuchananThe members of the Steward Board sincerelythank you for supporting St. Luke’s19th Annual Harvest Tea.We hope you have been blessed by ourworship and praise for God’s bountiful“WithoutAction,Love is Justa Theory”blessings today and everyday. May youcontinue to be abundantly blessed with God’sgrace, mercy and everlasting love.A special thank you to Jean Nesbitt for her helpin decorating the lower level.219

Boards, Clubs and AuxiliariesStewardess BoardTrustee BoardWelcome To Our19th Annual Harvest Tea!Missionary SocietyBoard of Christian EducationHistory ClubMen’s FellowshipNew Life ChoirSr. Usher BoardKennedy ClubE.P. MurchisonYoung Adult FellowshipSteward Board18Steward BoardPatricia McKinney Lewis, ChairmanGloria Dixon, Vice ChairmanMae Kendrick, Secretary-TreasurerPatricia Walker, ChaplinAve Alvarado, Recording StewardMembers:Jan Thomas Henrine Luckett-CaseyCle Easley Brenda OwensEzell Derricks (Emeritus)Nathan Wallick (Emeritus)3

Special Living AngelsA Message from the Harvest Tea ChairmanSis. Hattie HicksSinging “The Lord’sPrayer” at everyHarvest Tea since2000.Sis. Jean NesbittSharing her talentsby decorating ourchurch.Sister Patricia McKinney LewisThe Board of Stewards has proudly sponsored theHarvest Tea since the year 2000 as itsAnnual Day. Since that year, we have raisedmoney to subsidize our conference claims whichsupport many missions of the Christian MethodistEpiscopal Church. Among them are our institutions of higher learning: Lane College Miles College Paine College Phillips School of TheologyThank you for your continuous support!We are proud to be CME!4Sis. Nina SibleySharing her harvest ofvegetables with manyfamilies.Min. Phillip MarchMaking sure thechurch is secure aftereach worship service.Sis. Fay WeatherspoonSharing her talentswith our youth.Sis. Ceola KinardMaking sure thesanctuary is decoratedwith fresh flowers.17Sis. DonnaTinsleySharing her talents by decorating our church.Bro. Ben WaltonPainting and cleaning the church formany years without charging a fee.Sis. CarmenWoodAssisting withthe youthchoir.

Special Living AngelHarvest Tea HistorySister Lockett has been the church secretary for25 years. She works tirelessly to keep thechurch office working efficiently and effectively,and for many years she has chosen to not acceptpayment for her work. SHE DONATES HERTIME!Kathy has been a member of St. Luke all of herlife. Her involvement at St. Luke has been amember of the choir, currently she is a member ofthe Missionary Society; Board of ChristianEducation; chair of the Women’s Fellowship; andthe St. Luke Food Pantry. Kathy has been instrumental on the District Level as a delegate to theSE Missouri, Illinois , and Wisconsin AnnualConference; mentor/chaperone for the youth attending Annual Conferences and a representativeof St. Luke at the District Conference and SpringConvocation. She is also the Church Conferencesecretary.16The Harvest Tea began in 1990 by Rev. John Deron Johnson. The first Harvest Tea was held at the Douglass Center.The following members have served as the chairperson ofthe Harvest Tea: Bertha Williams, Donna Tinsley, KathyLockett, Belle Miller, Jacqui Davis and Rosalind MasonMinor.Locations for the Harvest Tea moved from the DouglassCenter to the Douglass Center Annex, and then to the Urbana Civic Center. The tea continued under Rev. RolandBrown, but was not held during the years 1997-1999.In the year 2000, Sister Patricia Lewis decided to bring backthe tea as a contest among the boards and clubs of thechurch and to highlight the many gifts and talents in St.Luke. The tea is also known as “The Taste of St. Luke”,as the food evolved from serving finger food to a “SoulFood Tea”.Again this year, St. Luke members are being recognized asLiving Legends , Extraordinary Young Ones or Memorial Angels for their devotion and dedication to their respective Boards/Auxiliaries over the years.Who Will Be Our Harvest Tea King or Queen2011 ?5

Special Living AngelsIn Loving Memory of the St. Lukemembers who completed their earthly journey and entered into eternal peace since the2010 Harvest Tea .Our FutureLeadersAlvin WeatherspoonKathy LipscombBelinda SummersSyral EasleyGlenn Wood“Some glad morning when this life is over,I'll fly away. To a home on God's celestial shore,I'll fly away.” I'll fly away, O Glory,I'll fly away.”Our GreatestResource615

Extraordinary Young OneHarvest TeaQueen Patricia WalkerNew Life Choir2010Sis. Mahadiah JarumiChristian Youth FellowshipLiving LegendRev. Buchanan with Queen Patricia WalkerSis. Belle MillerDevoted and Dedicated Service142004: Men’s Fellowship—King William Nesbitt,2004: New Life Choir—Queen Patricia Walker2005: Senior Usher Board—Queen Joyce Cowan2006, 2007 & 2008: New Life Choir—QueenPatricia Walker2009: Steward Board—Queen Gloria Dixon7

Living LegendMemorial AngelBro. Eddie ThorpeFirst Male UsherMemorial AngelBro. Cle EasleyDevoted and Dedicated ServiceBro. Cle Easley is a past Chairman of theBoard of Stewards. He assists the churchtreasurer each week and supports churchprograms with his gifts, financial resourcesand talents. He has worked with membersof the Trustee Board to make repairs andmaintain the church property.8Brother Clarence WilliamsDevoted and Dedicated13

Living LegendSis. Lula ConnerDevoted and Dedicated ServiceMemorial AngelLiving LegendSis. Ethel Mae Kennedyhas been a dedicated member of the StewardessBoard for over twentyyears.As a member of the Stewardess Board, she helps inthe preparation for HolyCommunion, Baptisms, and the Love Feast.The Stewardess Board members can be found atchurch the Saturday before the first Sunday ofeach month getting ready for one of most important rituals in the Christian Methodist EpiscopalChurch: Holy Communion. The StewardessBoard is also in charge of providing flowers forthe chancel table and arranging the pulpit lecternscarves as well as other duties.Sis. Belinda SummersIn Loving Memory12Sister Kennedy is also a member of the St. LukeFood Pantry Committee, Women’s Fellowshipand the Women’s Missionary Society.9

“Without Action,Love is Just a Theory”What seeds are you planting to be harvestedin your life?Missionary Societyproviding Thanksgiving baskets.Evangelism Teamproviding hot meals tothe homeless.I helped studentspay for theirbooks.Women’s MissionarySociety sharinglunch with homebound members.P ROGRAMME“T HE L ORD ’ S P R AY ER ” S OL O BY S IS . H ATTI E H IC KSS C RI PTUR E . S IS . P AT RICI A A NN W AL KE RW E L C OME .S IS . A VE ALVARADOA T ASTE H ARVESTOFS T . L UKEOFT ALENT R E C O GN T IO N O F L IV IN G L E G EN D S , M EM OR IA LA N G E L S , E X TR A OR D I N A R Y Y O U N G O N E S A N DS P E C IA L A N G E L SStewardess Board—Usher Board —Sis. Brenda OwensMissionary Society—Reading by Sis. Eve FosterNew Life Choir—SongKennedy Club— Sis. Jennie SheffieldSteward Board—Song by Nancy and Victor MullinsHistory Club—Sis. Hattie HicksBoard of Christian Education—Voices of PraiseParade of Boards Sharing of the HarvestCrowning of the HARVEST TEAWomen’s FellowshipCommunity OutreachI gave myhymnal to avisitor.KING or QUEENInvitation to Christian Discipleship: Rev. BuchananRemarks:10Rev. Buchanan11

Annual Day. Since that year, we have raised money to subsidize our conference claims which support many missions of the Christian Methodist Episcopal Church. Among them are our institu- tions of higher learning: Lane College Miles College Paine College Phillips School of Theology Thank you for your continuous support! We are proud to be CME! Sister Patricia McKinney Lewis 17 Sis. Hattie Hicks .

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