Cryptocurrency-Page 6

This presentation contains general information only and Deloitte is not, by means of this presentation, rendering accounting, business, financial, investme

buyer needs to win the mining game N 1 times to revoke the transaction Chiu & Koeppl { Cryptocurrencies 8. Cryptocurrencies How Cryptocurrency works 1.Consensus Protocol I competition in the form of mining: \miners" compete to update the public ledger (i.e. Blockchain)

than AUD 83,000 per coin.² That’s about the size of the median house deposit in Adelaide or Darwin. Chart: Finder. Source: CoinMarketCap, Finder Bitcoin D) ct 2020 Nov Dec an 2021 Feb ar pr ay un ul 0 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000 60,000 70,000 80,000 83,952

Cryptocurrency offerings such as “initial coin offerings” and “initial token offerings” are gaining traction in the global financial markets with over US 17 billion raised in 2018.4 Figure 2 below shows the growth in the size of global funding and number of ICOs issued since January 2014.

Canada Conrad Druzeta, Simon Grant & Matthew Peters, Bennett Jones LLP 243 Cayman Islands Alistair Russell & Dylan Wiltermuth, Carey Olsen 254 China Lefan Gong & Luping Yu, Zhong Lun Law Firm 262 Cyprus Karolina Argyridou, K. Argyridou & Associates LLC 268 Estonia Priit Lätt & Carel Kivimaa, PwC Legal 273

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Haskell 98report, defining a stable version of the language Since then highly influential in language research and fairly widelyused in commercial software. For example, Facebook’s anti -spam programs, and Cardano, a cryptocurrency introduc

6 Introduction and Scope Note Cryptocurrencies have many different features. They are a peer-to-peer network, a distributed public database (i.e., the blockchain), an Internet proto

reflected in a slightly higher strike than the ‘fair’ volatility2, a phenomenon which is amplified when volatility skew is steep. Thus, the fair strike of a variance swap is often in line with the implied volatility of the 90% put. Exhibit 1.1.2 — Variance swaps are convex in volatility

THE HISTORY OF RANSOMWARE Cases of ransomware infection were first seen in Russia between 2005 – 2006 Ransomware Spreads Outside Russia (across Europe and North America 2012) The Rise of Reveton and Police Ransomware (2012) The Evolution to CryptoLocker and Crypto-ransomware (2013) The Foray into Cryptocurrency Theft: BitCrypt (2014)

You have money. You want to pay somebody else. In the real world, it's fairly straightforward. You can have cash so you take your 20 bill out of your wallet and you hand it to somebody else. They have it. You don't anymore. This doesn't work well online because online we don't have that kind of scarcity that paper bills or pieces of valuable .

become famous. However, cryptocurrency issues have generated little interest from regulators because of their relative small size compared to the global economy. The global value of cryptocurrencies is around one hundred billion euros3. Just taking the euro currency alone, its fiduciary4 value is ten times larger5 and the euro supply is