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Programs and laws regarding ethnic kin are not absent in other post-communist states, but I am limiting my focus to those explicitly recognizing non-citizen ethnic kin in their laws and targeting these individuals for specific engagement programs and benefits. 3 Rogers Brubaker, Ethnicity Without Groups (Cambridge: Harvard University Press), 2004.

Racial and Ethnic Groups FIFTEENTH EDITION Richard T. Schaefer DePaul University 330 Hudson Street, NY, NY 10013 A01_SCHA2855_15_SE_FM.indd 1 10/6/17 1:40 PM

2007/08 SWAZILAND DEMOGRAPHIC HEALTH SURVEY 2.2 Ethnicity (optional) Add ethnic group Name of ethnic group Percentage of total population % 2.2(a)(i) Please indicate the year and source of the data used to answer question 2.2: 3. Tobacco use 3.1 Prevalence (Please refer to Articles 19.2(a), 20.2 and 20.3(a).) 3.1(a) Smoking tobacco

The percentage of minority teachers was highest . at schools that had 90 percent or more minority students (55 percent) and was lowest at schools that had less than 10 percent minority students (2 percent). Spotlight B. Characteristics of Postsecondary Institutions Serving Specific Minority Racial/Ethnic Groups.

American culture may play a role in preserving marital quality and stability for this group despite their precarious economic situation. KEY WORDS: Divorce, ethnicity, marital dissolution, marital quality, race . 4 Race-Ethnic Differences in Marital Quality and Divorce

against the Military also referred to as the Derg (pp. 32-33). The defeat of the Derg and sub-sequent transfer of power to the EPRDF meant that the party had to control the uneasiness among ethnic groups that demanded their right to self-determination. One strategy to allay this angst was to grant, on paper, ethnic autonomy to the nationali-

Ethnic and Cultural Diversity by Country Author(s): James D. Fearon Source: Journal of Economic Growth, Vol. 8, No. 2 (Jun., 2003), pp. 195-222

The protracted insurgency in Sri Lanka is a vicious by-product of prolonged ethnic conflict between Sri Lanka’s majority Sinhala Community and the minority Tamil Community. The current wave of violence can be traced back to the early 1970s, when a group of Sri Lankan

Middle Eastern/North African Native American/Alaskan Native Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander White Other (Please specify): _ {Asked of any person indicating that they identify with more than one racial or ethnic group.} Of the following, please mark the one racial or ethnic group with which you most identify. African American/Black

NON-NEGOTIABLE EVALUATION CRITERIA 2018-2024 Group VI – Mathematics Grade 7 Equity, Accessibility and Format Yes No N/A CRITERIA NOTES X 1. INTER-ETHNIC The instructional materials meets the requirements of inter-ethnic

Strategies for Inclusion of Minority Ethnic and Religious . strategy in this area of study. Findings from the literature review were presented at a national workshop, alongside . e.g. hospitals or schools. At the meso level interventions could address the ‘supply’ side of publi

multi-ethnic settings and thereby achieve less violence-prone conflict management and eventual resolution. At the same time it is acknowledged that during the phase of democratization, i.e., the transition from various kinds of authoritarian regimes to democratic ones, the dan