Garden Design-Page 3

Steve Hootman from the Rhododendron Species Botanical Garden Valerie Soza from the University of Washington and more. Garden tours to include: Crystal Springs Botanical Garden Cecil & Molly Smith Garden Portland Japanese Garden Lan Su Chine

The Alaska Botanical Garden Our Mission: The Alaska Botanical Garden is a public garden dedicated to enhancing the beauty and value of plant material through education, preservation, recreation & research. About the Garden . Why is gardening and connecting to the natural world important?

M M COMPASSION FLOWER GARDEN GUIDE4 WILDLIFE SCAVENGER HUNT In this activity, kids observe and record your garden's residents by conducting a wildlife scavenger hunt, looking for both common garden inhabitants and evidence of the elements they need to survive. (If you don't have a garden available, a local park or green space works great too.)

Marion County. CENTRALIA COMMUNITY. GARDEN G.I.F.T. Garden Centralia, IL 62801. MARION COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY. STRAW BALE GARDEN Lincoln Court . Centralia, IL 62801 MARION COUNTY . HOUSING AUTHORITY STRAW BALE GARDEN Odin Senior Living. Odin, IL 62870 SALEM CENTRAL . . check with local city, county, and township regulations to see whether .

Place garden beds near the house for quick accessibility. Place garden beds near a driveway to decrease the distance needed to bring supplies such as plants and soil to the garden area. Keep garden tools and containers within easy reach. Build tool shed doors at least 48 inches wide to accommodate wheelchairs.

The Biblical Herb Garden was dedicated on June 30, 1985 at St. Paul Lutheran Church Beloved Pastor Bill Eisenmann's favorite flower was added to the new garden, the white Stargazer Lily, but unfortunately it did not survive. The Biblical Herb Garden is designed, planted, and maintained by the Blue Water Garden Club of Port Huron, Michigan

2 The Old Farmer's Almanac Garden Guide The Old Farmer's Almanac Garden Guide 3 THE POINT OF A BY GORDON HAYWARD PHOTOS BY JERRY PAVIA PATH GTHE OLD FARMER'S ALMANAC arden . The above plans were created using the Almanac Garden Planner software. We can't emphasize enough the im-portance of planning for a more productive garden.

a. Fenced Beer Garden b. 3 Wall Tent and Moat Type Beer Garden c. Moat Type Beer Garden 2. Site map: A diagram of the beer garden(s) on your site plan/event map provided at the time of application is required. The organizer is responsible for maintaining a count of persons entering the garden as determined by the Austin Fire Department. 3.

Review of Literature: Best Management Practices Overview Rain Garden Literature Sources: Several literature sources were consulted for rain garden design, construction and maintenance in the Puget Sound region. The Rain Garden Handbook for Western Washington (Hinman 2013) is the most

4 The Oregon Rain Garden Guide: Landscaping for Clean Water and Healthy Streams Introduction Figure 1: Cross-section of a typical rain garden. (Graphic by East Multnomah Soil and Water Conservation District [EMSWCD]) The purpose of this guide The Oregon Rain Garden Guide was written to help Oregonians learn how to design and build rain gar-

The garden shape is designed to accommodate both existing and planned walking paths, as well as to create some visual interest. Within the bird garden is a nest box, seen in blue at the western end of the drawing, and a small sandy gravel pile for bird nesting, foraging and bathing at the northern end of the garden.

learn about advanced permaculture design. Both teacher and participants evaluated the GMG and used the garden as the basis for the workshop. August-October, 2010: Three courses each spent a lab period in the Growing Mosaics Garden. They toured the garden, and were able to learn about permaculture in context and also learn about