Garden Design-Page 7

Key: UG: Upper Garden MG: Middle garden LG: Lower Garden Plant Key Common Name Botanical Name Location 1 Princeton Elm Ulmus americana "Princeton" UG, LG 2 Paperback Birch Betula papyrifera LG 3 English Hawthorn Crataequs oxycanthus LG 4 Carolina Allspice Calycanthus floridus MG 5 Common Witchhazel Hamamelis virginiana LG 6 Nikko Blue' Hydrangea Hydrangea macrophylla 'Nikko Blue' MG, LG

8 tain," and sui, "water"; thus it is a "dry mountain water" garden, or a dry landscape garden. Water is suggested by the raked gravel "sea," which unites all the landforms of the garden-the mountains, islands, and rocky shoreline formed by mounded earth and rocks. Tenshin-en relates to its surroundings by a technique called shakkei, that is, by bor- rowing and echoing the distant landscape

Japanese Stilt Grass Garlic Mustard Japanese Honeysuckle Mugwort Multiflora Rose . within the rain garden WEEKLY MAINTENANCE: INSPECTING . WEEKLY MAINTENANCE: INSPECTING Success: Stormwater runoff picks up oil and grease from the parking lot, flows through a curb cut, and into a rain garden. The rain garden traps the nonpoint source pollutants

of maintaining your Garden Plot during open hours. Your Garden Plot parking permit may not be used for event parking. Violation of this rule may result in a ticket and loss of Priority Registration. Your parking permit and garden plot rental expires at the end of the rental season. You may not enter/access/use the Garden Plots when they are closed.

Rain Garden Placement The rain garden should be at least 10 feet from the house so infiltrating water doesn't seep into the foundation. Do not place the rain garden directly over a septic system.

fancy pathways to have a functional garden space. Garden items needed are listed on page 35 of this resource guide. That list will give you an idea of some of the things you can purchase to make the school garden successful. All items do not need to be purchased; some are lofty ideas like greenhouses. Applying for a small grant or receiving a small

Clean garden tools Cut poinsettias to. 6 inches and place in sunny windows Seed spinach in cold frame or high tunnel . New Year's Day Increase humidity . for houseplants Plan garden layout Browse . seed catalogs. Test germination . of stored seeds Use grow lights for vegetable seedlings. Organize a . community garden Sunday. Monday. Tuesday .

your garden. Think of this as cultivating and nourishing your human soil. Key Decision #1 - In addition to the blessing, what other purposes will the garden serve? Begin with a small committee of three or four people charged with exploring the needs of the community. Think about why the church is considering a community garden. List every reason.

The size of your roof, garden depth, available space and how much runoff you want to control will determine the rain garden surface area. Within olorado a rain garden should be able to capture 0.5 inches of runoff from the contributing area. A step-by-step guide of how to do calculate the required surface area can be followed below.

Tom Shreve will be presenting the slide story of the 1903 Halloween Murder on Garden Home Road, thirty minutes. . Louise Jones, Mildred Stevens, Nathalie Darcy Garden Home History Gazette August 2018 . The Garden Home History Project is a tax-exempt small non-profit under IRS 501(c)(3). Our 2018 officers

feature garden secret garden T here's a certain mystique to the Auckland suburb of Titirangi. Its tree-clad slopes, shady dells, native birdlife and magical peeps of the Manukau Harbour make it feel far from the city. But those very elements make it tricky for establishing a garden with its short sunlight hours, poor soil and sticky clay.

The Kitchen Garden Program Syllabus Every Kitchen Garden School receives a specially written Syllabus, in the form of four 172-page manuals customised to your school's climate zone (cool, temperate, tropical or subtropical). The Syllabus provides complete instructions for 16 garden classes and 16 kitchen classes per year, giving you