Green Energy-Page 2

APPENDIX B: Harmonized comparison of Green Globes and LEED 29 APPENDIX C: Harmonized point comparison of Green Globes v.0 and LEED 2.2 46 APPENDIX D: Comparison of Green Globes versus Green Globes v.0 Design v.1 - Post Construction Assessment 47 APPENDIX E: GSA courthouse case study - LEED 2.1 rating and corresponding Green

Green-e Energy Code of Conduct 6 III.B. Participant Obligations Each Participant wishing to use the Green-e Energy logo or word mark, or claim Green-e Energy certification for any of their certified products agrees to perform these actions: 1. Conduct an annual independent verification of certified product sales and purchases,

reduces Kinetic Energy and increase Potential Energy A: The energy is stored as potential energy. PE is like your saving account. Potential energy gain (mg h) during the rising part. We can get that energy back as kinetic E if the ball falls back off. During falling, Kinetic Energy will increase mg h. Potential energy will reduce mg h.

Energy is often defined as the ability to do work. Pair up and list as many forms of energy as you can. Electrical. Chemical. Nuclear. Magnetic. Elastic. Sound. Gravitational energy. Kinetic energy (energy of motion). Thermal energy (heat energy). Potential energy. Potential energy

kinetic energy and potential energy as the ball moves. The bars in the figure show that the ball's total energy does not change. The Law of Conservation of Energy The total energy in the universe is the sum of all the different forms of energy everywhere. According to the law of conservation of energy, energy can be transformed from one

changes to thermal energy. Thermal energy causes the lamp's bulb to become warm to the touch. Using Thermal Energy All forms of energy can be changed into thermal energy. Recall that thermal energy is the energy due to the motion of particles that make up an object. People often use thermal energy to provide warmth or cook food. An electric space

32 Renewable Energy 33 References To learn more about DOE programs in energy efficiency and renewable energy, visit the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy's web site at "High energy costs can really pinch American families. While the Department of Energy is working hard to develop new technologies to

transformations. Describe an energy transformation that took place in each of the numbered events above. Solution: 1. Electrical energy to sound energy; 2. Electrical energy to radiant energy (light and heat); 3. Chemical energy from food to kinetic energy; 4. Chemical energy from natural gas to radiant energy (heat and light). 1.

Energy and Energy Transformations Energy is the capacity to do work. Energy exists in many forms, such as thermal energy and kinetic energy. In an energy transformation, energy changes from one form into another. The transformation can be described using an equation with arrows. 4.2 Work The term work has a specific meaning in physics.

An energy conversion is a change from one form of energy to another. Any form of energy can change into . energy for the guitar 14. light energy 15. In nuclear fusion, nuclei join; in fission, nuclei split apart. . SECTION 2 ENERGY CONVERSIONS 1. 1) potential energy 2) kinetic energy 2. by stretching it 3. Food has chemical energy.

Renewable energy Clean energy Energy generation, transmission and storage Renewable energy Energy Energy efficient transmission and distribution systems Various activities, including information and communication and professional, Energy efficiency Energy efficiency improvement scientific and technical activities Pollution prevention and control

1. Green space type and scale: What types of green space are associated with heat and air pollution mitigation (e.g., small green roof, large park, urban forest)? What studies, if any, compare different green space scales? What scales of impact have been documented (e.g., effect within green space area, effect