Portrait-Page 4

The National Portrait Gallery, Smithsonian Institution, acquired Gilbert Stuart’s 1796 Lansdowne portrait of George Washington in 2001 as a gift to the nation through the generosity of the Donald W. Re

Gilbert Stuart ’s stately full-length portrait of George Washington, known as the . Lansdowne Portrait, is one of the earliest, most significant portraits to employ American emblems of democracy. Earl’s portrait of Jacks on certainly

Titian, Portrait of a Man with a Quilted Sleeve (c. 1512, National Gallery, London) Fig. 178. Rembrandt, Self-portrait at the Age of Thirty-Five (1640, National Gallery, London) 681 Fig. 179. Padovanino, Self-Portrait (c. 1625-30, Museo Civico, Padua) Fig. 181.

4 sosartcincinnati.com INSIDEOUT 5 TABLE OF CONTENTS INSIDE OUT - - SOS ART 8 Foreword by 32Jay DeFazio 9 Introduction by Saad Ghosn 10 self-portrait by Aimee poem by Pauletta Hansel * Self-Portrait of Aimee 12 self-portrait by Ally Cat Bachman poems by Penelope Epple * They to Them * A Collection of Stardust to a Blue Skinned Alien

Hereafter: Memoria, Art and Ritual in the Middle Ages, Turnhout: Brepols 2005, 55-77. Czyżewski and Walczak The beginnings of the portrait gallery of Cracow bishops in the cloisters of the Franciscan friary in Cracow 2 the set of 42 imagines clipeatae with portrait busts of the successive Bishops of Rome

Portrait de Vespasien, Londres: British Museum Portrait de Vespasien, 70-80, Copenhague-Ressemblance avec son père Vespasien-Certaine idéalisation notamment des cheveux Portrait de Titus, 79-81, Schloss Erbarch Collectoin Titus (empereur de 79 à 81)-On lui accorda le « damnatio memoriae », donc plusieurs de ses portraits ont été détruits.

observations. To this end, we present a system for portrait view synthesis and relighting: given multiple portraits, we use a neural network to predict the light-transport field in 3D space, and from the predicted Neural Light-transport Field (NeLF) produce a portrait from a new camera view under a new environmental lighting.

Portrait of Jeann e Kefer is no simpl painting. When he painted the portrait of Jeanne Kefer in 1885", Fernand Khnopff 1 already enjoyed a solid reputation and a level of success that made him one of the leading figures of the Brussels avant-garde. Despite his association with Les XX, the modernity that he defended was not intended to provoke 1

Eudora Welty's mother Chestina dies on January 20 after a long and painful series of illnesses. Edward dies Eudora Welty's brother Edward dies unexpectedly on January 24, just days after her mother's death. 1989: National Portrait Gallery A portrait of Welty is added to the National Portrait Gallery of the Smithsonian Institution. "Eudora .

Self Portrait with thorn necklace and hummingbird, Oil on canvas, 1940 Vincent Van Gogh (Dutch post-impressionist painter,1853-1890) Self Portrait with Bandaged Ear, Oil on canvas, 1889 Carrie Mae Weems (American photographer b.1953) From eh t Kitchen Table Series, Silver Gelatin Print,16" x 20", 1990

ture, Self-Portrait, and a pastel, Portrait of a Magistrate, to the final exhibition sponsored by the Academy of Saint Luke.10 ,. In 1782 and early 1783 she had displayed thirteen pastel portraits at the weekly gathering known as the Salon de la Correspondance, a commercial exhibition hosted by the con

SELF-PORTRAIT OF MALI on the Obstacles to Peace March 2015 Malian Institute of Action Research for Peace Tel : 223 20 22 18 48 info@imrap-mali.org www.imrap-mali.org on the Obstacles to Peace March 2015 SELF-PORTRAIT OF MALI 9 789966 166678 ˆˇ ˆˆ ˇ United Nations In partnership with United Nations