appetite for all manner of seafood has led to unprecedented pressure on the world's ma-rine resources. Being the second-largest per capita seafood consumer in Asia and importing nearly 90 per cent of this seafood from over 150 countries and territories, Hong Kong is an important player in the sustainable seafood challenge.
common solution: full-chain traceability for all seafood. The proposed rule includes traceability requirements that would only apply to 13 "at-risk" types of seafood, and Seafood fraud is a serious global problem that undermines honest businesses and fishermen that play by the rules, threatens consumer health, and puts our oceans at risk.
activists have managed to address food quality and safety concerns through international institutions and non-tariff trade barriers. It also identifies the nascent dialogue emerging around the need to protect workers' rights in the seafood GVC. Part II Overview of the Asian Seafood Industry provides an overview of seafood value chains in
An Analysis of North Carolina's Seafood Industry: December 2013 National and State Perspective Page 6 of 44 Industry Overview Seafood is the world's most traded food commodity, and also the most diverse in species, form and origin (Holmyard, 2014). A key trend affecting the industry is the shift in seafood purchasing power toward
76% of seafood consumers usually by the same types of seafood every trip or buy a . few different types of seafood and don't tend to try anything new or different.
Eric Abaidoo, Max Melstrom, and Trey Malone Introduction This article documents the importance of globalized seafood markets and aquaculture (where we define aquaculture as the farming of aquatic animals or plants in a controlled setting) in U.S. seafood markets. The United States has become a major importer of seafood
Seafood prices are kept low for both the processor and consumer largely because seafood is imported in high volume. Thus, commercial fishermen are de-incentivized to catch and sell seafood for the domestic . NC Growing Together is a five year (2013—2017) USDA-funded project that seeks to bring more locally-produced foods into mainstream .
sustainable seafood market, WWF-Hong Kong has determined that sustainable seafood has gradually gained traction and support from the business sector over the last few years. Sales volumes have increased substantially and more suppliers are providing an increasing number of sustainable seafood options throughout Hong Kong.
a more sustainable and responsible seafood industry, and thereby supporting the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). By assessing the 30 most influential seafood companies in the world, the Seafood Stewardship Index (SSI) aims to identify how the private sector is contributing to this transition, where com-
(ssci) to develop a seafood-specific social compliance benchmark. gssi is a global, public-private partnership, working towards more sustainable seafood for everyone 59.6 million workers directly employed in capture fisheries and aquaculture 239 million workers directly and indirectly employed in the seafood sector 20kg source: fao sofia 2018 .
sustainable fishing practices, influencing the choices people make when buying seafood and working with our partners to transform the seafood market to a sustainable basis. This report shows how we have been working together with partners throughout the seafood sector so future generations can enjoy seafood and oceans full of life, forever.
farms that supply the seafood products we buy and sell. Preferentially sourcing and selling environmentally-responsible seafood that addresses local, regional, and global concerns regarding environmental performance. If the source of the seafood product is found to be from an unsustainable source, Acme Smoked Fish will uti-