Videostroboscopy In Laryngopharyngeal Reflux Disorder-PDF Free Download

(minimum reflux) (reflux in industrial distillation) (total reflux) When reflux ratio is increased from minimum value-NumberofNumber of plates -Column diameter -RequirementofRequirement of reboiler steam and condenser cooling water The total annual cost is dominated by the steam cost except at the minimum reflux condition

F41.1 Generalized anxiety disorder F40.1 Social phobia F41.2 Mixed anxiety and depressive disorder F33 Recurrent depressive disorder F43.1 Post-traumatic stress disorder F60.31 Borderline personality disorder F43.2 Adjustment disorder F41.0 Panic disorder F90 Hyperkinetic (attention deficit) disorder F42 Obsessive-compulsive disorder

The two extremes are Total Reflux and Minimum Reflux Total Reflux -all condensate is returned, no product is taken off and no feed added. This gives the minimum number of stages to achieve the separation. Minimum Reflux -reducing R requires more stages to achieve the separation. Further reduction creates a pinch

Figure 11.1: Distillation column (a) Basic column (b) Multiple feeds and Side streams 1.1 Reflux Considerations: The reflux ratio, R, is normally defined as: The number of stages required for a given separation will be dependent on the reflux ratio used. In an operating column the effective reflux ratio will be increased by vapour

9417 Depersonalization disorder SOMATOFORM DISORDERS 9421 Somatization disorder 9422 Pain disorder 9423 Undifferentiated somatoform disorder 9424 Conversion disorder 9425 Hypochondriasis MOOD DISORDERS 9431 Cyclothymic disorder 9432 Bipolar disorder 9433 Dysthymic disorder 9434 Major depres

Some children and teens with these symptoms may have . bipolar disorder, a brain disorder that causes unusual shifts in mood, energy, activity levels, and day-to-day functioning. With treatment, children and teens with bipolar disorder can get better over time. What is bipolar disorder? Bipolar disorder is a mental disorder that causes people to experience . noticeable, sometimes extreme .

Subthreshold Bipolar. Disorder. Bipolar II Disorder. Bipolar I Disorder. Psychiatrist. General Medical. No Treatment. Adapted from: Merikangas, et al.1 in Arch Gen Psychiatry. 2007;64(5):543552- The proportion of individuals with bipolar I disorder, bipolar II disorder or subthreshold bipolar disorder

function due to nerve or spinal cord problems such as spina bifida. Children with bladder and bowel dysfunction may be more likely to have vesicoureteral reflux. Vesicoureteral reflux can occur

secondary popliteal vein reflux underwent axillary vein valve tranfere, 10 patients with primary popliteal vein reflux underwent External Banding. Results: On 12 months follow up: 2 cases (20%) showed recurrent ulcer and 8 cases (80%) showed complete healing of ulcer. Postoperative valve patency showed 3 cases with patent competent valves 30%.

Generalised anxiety disorder (GAD) Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) Health Anxiety Panic disorder Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) Social anxiety disorder Specific phobias Separation anxiety disorder

ADD/ADHD Anger/Aggression Anxiety Disorder Autism Spectrum Disorder Bipolar Disorder Borderline Personality Bullying Conduct Disorder Cutting/Self Harm Depression Dual/Concurrent/Co-Morbid Eating Disorders Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Grief Learning Disability Mood Disorders Obsessive Compulsive Disorders Oppositional Defiant Disorder

INTERPRETING A PEDIGREE CHART 2. Determine whether the disorder is dominant or recessive. If the disorder is dominant, one of the parents must have the disorder. If the disorder is recessive, neither parent has to have the disorder because they can be heterozygous. (Unless X-linked, then fathers will have the recessive disorder.)

3. Understanding the Term 'Bipolar Disorder' 4. The Possible Causes of Bipolar Disorder 5. 5 The Feelings an Individual May Have When Experiencing Bipolar Disorder 6. An Individual's Bipolar Disorder and How It May Affect Others 7. The Demands of Daily Life That May Influence Symptoms of Bipolar Disorder 8.

Perinatal Mood, Anxiety, Obsessive, & Trauma related Disorders # Psychosis- Thought Disorder or Episode 1-2% # Major Depressive Disorder 21% # Bi-Polar Disorder 22% of PPD # Generalized Anxiety 15% # Panic Disorder 11% # Obsessive Compulsive Disorder 5-11% # Post Traumatic Stress Disorder 9% Pregnancy and the First year .

Train, Pula Hawkins Abstract This study is about Behavior Disorder in Paula Hawkins‟ The Girl on the Train (2015) which is analyzed using Psychoanalytic approach by Sigmund Freud. The objectives of this study are to find out the meaning of behavior disorder, behavior disorder symptoms, and the impact of behavior disorder on the novel.

disorder, for example displaying psychotic symptoms, mania, schizophrenia or an affective disorder such as significant depressive signs, an eating disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, anxiety disorder etc. A young person whose primary presenting problem is substance misuse should be referred to Catch-22. Dedicated

This article presents a case study of client with Body dysmorphic disorder. Body dysmorphic disorder is an increasingly recognized somatoform disorder, clinically distinct from obsessive-compulsive disorder, eating disorders, and depression. Patients with body dysmorphic disorder are preoccupied with

E. The symptoms do not occur exclusively during the course of schizophrenia or other psychotic disorder and are not better explained by another mental disorder (e.g., mood disorder, anxiety disorder, dissociative disorders, personality

Disorder and Autism Spectrum Disorder. (Obj. #1) Participants will learn in this module will be presented information regarding the diagnostic characteristics of depression, disruptive mood dysregulation disorder, anxiety disorders, attention deficit disorder and autism spectrum disorder

Bipolar disorder is a chronic or episodic (which means occurring occasionally and at irregular intervals) mental disorder. It can cause unusual, often extreme and fluctuating changes in mood, energy, activity, and concentration or focus. Bipolar disorder sometimes is called manic-depressive disorder or manic

Movement disorders Extrapyramidal disorder Disorder of regulation of voluntary motoric activity without direct influence towards 4 muscle strength, sensibility, or cerebellum. Extrapyramidal disorder Hyperkinetic disorder: abnormal involuntary movements . Extrapyramydal_disorder-1.ppt [Read-Only] [Compatibility Mode]

40% of childhood onset conduct disorder transitions into antisocial personality disordertransitions into antisocial personality disorder Adolescent Onset: After Age 10 Social context should be taken into consideration. Gang culture & survival needs (e.g., stealing food) do not suggest as serious a psychological disturbance as conduct disorder.

Journal of Otolaryngology-ENT Research Reciprocal Causal Relationship between . also may be clinical manifestations originating from ETO. Reversely, the . While vertigo originating from ETO is a distinctive clinical entity, the reason th

Last Reviewed: 8/16/2017 Notification Release: 9/30/2017 Policy Bulletin MN.012.A --- LINXTM Reflux Management System page 1 MEDICAL POLICY BULLETIN *** NOTIFICATION OF PENDING IMPLEMENTATION OF MEDICAL POLICY *** Please note that this Medical Policy Bulletin will be i

2309 154 Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) Waktu Pencapaian kompetensi : Sesi di dalam kelas : 2 X 50 menit (classroom session) Sesi dengan fasilitasi Pembimbing : 3 X 50 menit (coaching session) Sesi praktik dan pencapaian kompet

2) Gastro-esophageal reflux due to stricture morphology and/or stent position Benign esophageal strictures are often associated with gastroesophageal reflux that increases the risk of hyperplastic reaction. If the stent is placed across the gastro-es

minimum number of theoretical stages and the minimum reflux ratio are obtained, and then the theoretical number of stages and the reflux ratio can be determined by using Gilliland’s correlation. For systems that are not strongly non-ideal, it is an effective method to estimate rough values.

reimplantation of both ureters into a right psoas bladder hitch. The ureters were implanted through a short detrusor tunnel and bladder mucosa groove without special precau-tion to prevent reflux. On follow-up, the patient showed neither evidence of reflux nor of obstruction. Four o

A hernia is a condition in which the upper part of the stomach is above the diaphragm (the muscle that separates the stomach from the chest). If you have a hiatus hernia it is easier for acid to reflux back up into your oesophagus. Diagram of Hiatal Hernia A hiatus hernia can occur in people of any age. Other factors that may contribute to GORD .

(370 mL; HPLC grade) and N,N-dimethylbenzylamine (4) (29 mL, 25.8 g, 191 mmol). One of the necks was equipped with a reflux condenser and the other was closed with a glass stopper. The mixture was heated at reflux until a clear, dark orange solution was formed and PdCl2 was dissolved completely (in 25 min).

Dist-006 Revised: October 31, 2012 10 4.16. Specify column operating conditions. Go to the Blocks DSTWU Input Specifications sheet.In the Column specifications frame, select the Reflux ratio option and enter 2 for Reflux ratio.In the Pressure frame, enter 1 for both Condenser and Reboiler.In the Key component recoveries frame, select ETHANOL for Comp and enter 0.99 for Recov for Light key.

distillation column with two product streams is C 6, where C is the number of components in the feed. This includes the . The short-cut distillation design method is carried out in three steps: 1. Determine the minimum number of equilibrium stages at total reflux using the Fenske equation. 11 2. Determine the minimum reflux ratio using the .

glass column in Goddard hall consists of a reboiler, nine stages, and a condenser. Reflux is returned to the column, and distillate is withdrawn continuously after a short start-up period of total reflux. Figure 2.1 is a simple sketch of a similar column setup. Figure 2.1. A simple batch distillation column setup.

conducted using Bubble Cap Distillation with 10 numbers of stages at 1 atm. The composition of feed mixtures used were 40:60 v/v. In terms of reflux ratios it was set at 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4. The product was collected from each experiment and analyzed using refractometer to determine its concentration. The standard curve of

Schematic representation of a sieve tray plate [4]. 7.3.3. Experimental Setup The Experimental Setup used in this experiment is shown in Figure 7.3.3. Figure 7.3.3. Sieve Tray distillation column. T3 T2 2 T7 C6 V2 V1 L2 V3 C5 T4 F1 C4 L1 T1 C1 P1 C3 C2 3 T6 5 4 1 FEED TANK 2 DISTILLATON COLUMN 3 REFLUX CONDENSER 4 REFLUX RATION CONTROL 5 .

materials. In multicomponent batch packed distillation, operation with optimum reflux ratio profile is important for efficiency to maximize the amount of the distillate with a specified concentration, for a given time. Therefore, it is also aimed to find the optimum reflux ratio profile for the multicomponent batch packed distillation column.

MEDICATIONS FOR OPIOID USE DISORDER Executive Summary The goal of treatment for opioid addiction or opioid use disorder (OUD) is remission of the disorder leading to lasting recovery. Recovery is a process of change through which individ-

Borderline personality disorder: treatment approaches and perspectives. Clin. Pract. (2014) 11(3), 341–349 ISSN 2044-9038 341. part of. Borderline personality disorder is a disorder associated with significant morbidity, mortality and imparts a significant societal toll. The field of research into the pathophysiology, conceptualization and .

The Not So NICE Guidelines for Borderline Personality Disorder A satirical overview by Lara Quinn and Erik 1.1.2 Borderline personality disorder and learning disabilities When a person with a mild learning disability presents with symptoms and behaviour that suggest borderline personality disorder, assessment and

Borderline Personality Disorder What is Borderline Personality Disorder? Borderline personality disorder is an illness marked by an ongoing pattern of varying . moods, self-image, and behavior. These symptoms often result in impulsive actions and problems in relationships with other people. A person with borderline personality