SchoolEvergreenNameMiddle School Level2019-20202017-2018Course Catalog
Evergreen Middle SchoolWELCOME AND CONTENTSWELCOME TO EVERGREENMIDDLE SCHOOL6900 208th Ave N.E.Redmond, WA 98053425-936-2320ems.lwsd.orgEvergreen Middle School staff believe in the value of a caring learning environment committed to student achievement, social emotionallearning and personalization. As a school community, we strive toengage all students in positive school experiences and celebrate theirgrowth in both academic achievement and social development.Evergreen Middle School, in partnership with parents, has been serving the needs of students for more than 30 years. The success of ourstudents is the result of academic rigor, a safe learning environment,standards-based teaching, and collaborative relationships within theEvergreen community.We look forward to a fun, exciting school year.2019-20 course catalogGeneral InformationPrincipal’s Message2Counselors and Specific Programs(Special Education, Extended literacy and math classes)3Evergreen Middle School Requirements4Required ClassesEnglish/Social Studies5Math7Science9Fitness & Health10Elective ClassesArts11Yearbook12Graphic Arts12AVID13Drama13Fitness13Family and Consumer SuperintendentWoodworking21Dr. Jane StavemWorld Languages (French/Spanish)21Special Education classes23Kristian Dahl, Principal, kdahl@lwsd.orgStuart Prince, Associate Principal, stprince@lwsd.orgAngela Morrison, Associate Principal, amorrison@lwsd.orgContact informationEvergreen Middle SchoolKristian Dahl - Principal6900 208th Avenue N.E.Redmond, WA 98053425-936-2320ems.lwsd.orgLake Washington School DistrictBoard of DirectorsEric Laliberte — Director, District OneChristopher Carlson — Director, District TwoCassandra Sage — Director, District ThreeMark Stuart — Director, District FourSiri Bliesner — Director, District FiveThe complete course catalog may be accessed at Middle School Course Catalog – 2019-2020 Page 2
Evergreen Middle SchoolCOUNSELORS & SPECIFIC PROGRAMS2019-20 course catalogCounseling CenterCounselors assist middle school students in the following areas: Scheduling/registration Setting personal goals Academic/career planning Conflict resolution Provide counseling for personal problem solving, decisionmaking, and communication Encourage and support students in the search for academicsuccess Scheduling “staffing” (with parent, student and teacher)meetings Referrals to Guidance TeamCall the Counseling Center to request an appointment:425-936-2326Special EducationSpecial Education courses at Evergreen provide specially designedinstruction in basic skill areas. Students who qualify for specialeducation services in the areas of math, reading or written languageare offered regularly scheduled courses in a small group setting. Aresearch-based curriculum in each course provides remediation inthat basic skill area. The aim of this remediation is to offer studentsstrategies and skills which will help them be successful in the generaleducation classroom and strive toward district and state standards.Contact: Lauren Gullitti, lgullitti@lwsd.orgExtended Literacy and Math ClassesAdditional classes and learning resources are available for identified students who need assistance in the areas of reading/writingand mathematics. Students are identified using criteria includingstandardized state test scores, classroom grades and teacher input.These students will be identified through the transition process withelementary staff and middle school teachers. Individual StudentLearning Plans are developed and monitored by teachers, counselors,and administrators.ContactsExtended Literacy: Susan Jackson, sjackson@lwsd.orgMath: Kendall Galbraith, kgalbraith@lwsd.orgEvergreen Middle School Course Catalog – 2019-2020 Page 3
Evergreen Middle SchoolEVERGREEN requirements6th Grade2019-20 course catalog Elective classes are great opportunities to try new content areas,skills and creative tools within the school day.2 Semesters English 6 Students are provided an opportunity to list five preferencesfrom our elective class category. This list changes slightly fromyear to year and electives classes can be added or cancelledafter the registration cycle.2 Semesters Social Studies 62 Semesters 6th Grade Math2 Semesters Science Students will receive a total of three electives. A full year classwill count as two electives.1 Semester Fitness Students should give careful consideration to their preferences,as students will be required to keep their classes if indicated asa preference.2 Semesters ElectivesReminder: These are preferences and EMS cannot guarantee placement in electives due to a combination of teacher availability, spaceavailability, enrollment capacity, and how these factors fit into aspecific child’s daily schedule. Counselors will do their best to meetas many preferences as possible.7th Grade2 Semesters English 72 Semesters Social Studies 72 Semesters 7th Grade Math or Algebra2 Semesters Science1 Semester Fitness3 Semesters Electives8th Grade2 Semesters English 82 Semesters U.S. History 2/Washington State History2 Semesters 8th Grade Math, Algebra or Geometry2 Semesters Science1 Semester Fitness1 Semester Health2 Semesters ElectivesEvergreen Middle School Course Catalog – 2019-2020 Page 4
Evergreen Middle SchoolENGLISH/SOCIAL STUDIES courses6th GradeMajor Assignments/Projects/AssessmentsEnglish 6/Social Studies 61 YearThis sixth grade class combines the Language Arts curriculum withthe Ancient World History curriculum. In Language Arts, students develop their vocabulary and reading comprehension skills in a varietyof literary and informational texts, through both in-class and independent reading experiences. They deepen what they know about textsby analyzing literary/story elements, literary devices, and text organizational structures. They learn to evaluate texts and authors and toshare reading experiences with others. In writing, students build onwhat they have learned in previous grades about writing for differentaudiences and purposes, the writing process and traits of effectivewriting. They deepen their understanding and skills with regard toinformational and argumentative writing. They learn to evaluate theirown writing and to reflect on their own progress as writers.The focus of 6th Grade Social Studies is the study of ancient civilizations. As they learn about ancient civilizations, students study characteristics of cultures and regions, different forms of government andeconomic systems, and the impact of ancient civilizations on worldhistory. Students will use the lenses of history, economics, civics, andgeography and apply important social studies skills, as they read,research, explore, and learn about the world around them and theirplace in it.Essential Understandings Communication enables us to gain and share information aboutself, others, and the world A variety of strategies, tools, and technologies enhance effectivecommunication Audience and purpose influence choices in form, style, andpresentation Cooperation and collaboration support communication andlearning The past influences the present and the future Societal and environmental forces cause change Human and physical characteristics define regionsCritical Content 2019-20 course catalog EssaysNovelsTests/quizzesStudent self reflectionState assessment: SBAOpportunities for extended learning are provided in LA/SSclasses to extend the current learning and offer additionalchallenges to interested students7th GradeEnglish 7/Social Studies 7 (US History 1)1 YearCourse DescriptionThis seventh grade class combines the Language Arts curriculum withthe U.S. History curriculum. The Language Arts component will placean emphasis on writing and revision skills, grammar, vocabulary, andreading skills. Emphasis is on writing as a process utilizing variouswriting strategies. The timeline of the United States history beginswith The Revolutionary War and through The Civil War. Reading andwriting skills will be emphasized in instruction throughout the year asessential tools for developing lifelong learning.As in previous grades, students use the lenses of history, economics,civics, and geography and apply important social studies skills, asthey read, research, explore, and learn about the world around themand their place in it.Essential Understandings Communication enables us to gain and share information aboutself, others, and the world A variety of strategies, tools, and technologies enhance effectivecommunication Audience and purpose influence choices in form, style, andpresentation Cooperation and collaboration support communication andlearning The past influences the present and the futureCritical ContentCommon Core Literacy StandardsStudy skillsCollaboration skillsResearch skillsListening skillsCurrent eventsWriting process (prewrite, rough draft, editing/revising,publishing)Elements of Writing (ideas, organization, word choice, sentencefluency, conventions, presentation)Forms of writing: paragraphs, summaries, multi-paragraphessays, poetryGrammar and vocabularySix traits of an effective reader (reading strategies,comprehension, context, interpreting, synthesizing, evaluating)Elements of literature (setting, characters, plot, conflict, theme,point of view)Forms of literature: novels, plays, short stories, poetryMaps, charts, graphs Common Core Literacy StandardsStudy skillsCollaboration skillsResearch skillsListening skillsCurrent eventsWriting process (prewrite, rough draft, editing/revising, publishing)Six One Traits of Writing (ideas, organization, word choice,sentence fluency, conventions, presentation)Forms of writing: paragraphs, summaries, multi-paragraphessays, letters, poetryGrammar and vocabularySix traits of an effective reader (reading conventions,comprehension, context, interpreting, synthesizing, evaluating)Elements of literature (setting, characters, plot, conflict, theme,point of view)Forms of literature: novels, short stories, poetryMaps, charts, graphsEvergreen Middle School Course Catalog – 2019-2020 Page 5
Evergreen Middle SchoolENGLISH/SOCIAL STUDIES coursesMajor Assignments/Projects/Assessments EssaysNovelsTests/quizzesStudent portfoliosStudent self-reflectionState assessment: SBACOpportunities for extended learning are provided in LA/SSclasses to extend the current learning and offer additionalchallenges to interested students8th GradeEnglish 81 Year2019-20 course catalogEssential Understandings/processes and skills LWSD Power Standards in Social StudiesCommon Core Literacy StandardsStudy skillsNote takingResearch skillsWriting processWriting forms – paragraphs, multi-paragraph essays , lettersNovels and primary/secondary sourcesListening/speaking skillsGrammar, conventions, and vocabulary buildingTextbook reading skillsInterpretation of information using maps, charts, and graphUsing technologyMajor Assignments/Projects/AssessmentsCourse DescriptionEffective communication is a fundamental tool for lifelong success.Reading and writing are essential skills for all types of communication. In 8th grade Language Arts, emphasis is placed on becomingaccomplished readers with the skills required to discover meaningin both informational and literary text. Students will learn techniquesand strategies for becoming competent readers skilled at vocabulary,grammar, comprehension and critical thinking. Questions and strategies based on the 6 Traits of Reading and Bloom’s Taxonomy enablestudents to obtain the skills needed to read “between the lines” and“beyond the lines” of literary texts. Additionally, students will discovervaluable methods for presenting their thoughts effectively and efficiently in writing.Essential Understandings/Critical Content Communication enables us to gain and share information aboutself, others, and the world Common Core Literacy Standards A variety of strategies, tools, and technologies enhance effectivecommunication Audience and purpose influence choices in form, style, andpresentation Effective communication requires the use of conventions Common Core State Standards in Reading and WritingMajor Assignments/Projects/Assessments A minimum of three multi-paragraph writing assignmentsSocratic SeminarsCollaborative workHigh School and Beyond Career Unit6 Trait Reading Comprehension and Bloom’s TaxonomyIn depth self-reflection on academic growth and achievementthroughout the school year Opportunities for extended learning State assessment: Smarter Balanced Assessment in Readingand Writing Persuasive format assignmentIndividual and group projectsExams: short and extended answersOpportunities for extended learning are provided in LA/SSclasses to extend the current learning and offer additionalchallenges to interested students6th, 7th and 8th GradesExtended Literacy 6Grade 6, 1 YearExtended Literacy 7Grade 7, 1 YearExtended Literacy 8Grade 8, 1 YearCourse DescriptionELA Prep classes in literacy are available for identified students whoneed assistance in the areas of reading and/or writing. Studentsare identified using criteria including standardized state test scores,classroom grades and teacher input. These students will be identifiedthrough the transition process with elementary and middle schoolteachers. Writing assignments are designed to strengthen multiparagraph essay structure, focusing on detailed use of evidenceto construct strong, logical compositions. Writing assignments willinclude literary analysis, persuasive, compare/contrast, and timedexpository essays. Students will continue to develop their mastery ofconventions such as grammar, punctuation, vocabulary and structure. Curriculum is similar to other language arts classes with somemodifications of reading levels and learning styles based on individual students. Study skills are integrated throughout the curriculum.Essential Understandings/Critical ContentU.S. History 2/Washington State History1 YearThe essential understandings and critical content are established by thedistrict reading and writing Power Standards for 6th through 8th, whichare available on the Lake Washington School District website, in addition to the Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts.Course DescriptionMajor Assignments/Projects/AssessmentsEighth grade U.S. History is the study of the United States from thelate 1800s to the present. Emphasis is placed on the complex development of the country. Units on immigration, social and economicchange, becoming a world power, wars, and modern society arecombined with Washington State History to develop an understandingof how the United States of America has been shaped and moldedduring the last century and a half. This is a continuation of the USHistory taught in seventh grade. Writing projects each quarterIndependent readingAssessments in reading and writingConferences each quarter to look at progress in reading andwriting and set individual goals using weekly assessment data Novel studies throughout the year Lexile Reading Inventory (BRI) Fall/SpringEvergreen Middle School Course Catalog – 2019-2020 Page 6
Evergreen Middle SchoolMATH courses2019-20 course catalog6th, 7th, and 8th Grades6th Grade MathDistrict-adopted curriculum: Glencoe Math Course 1Course DescriptionIn this course students focus on four critical areas: (1) connectingratio and rate to whole number multiplication and division and usingconcepts of ratio and rate to solve problems; (2) completing understanding of division of fractions and extending the notion of numberto the system of rational numbers, which includes negative numbers;(3) writing, interpreting, and using expressions and equations; and(4) developing understanding of statistical thinking by describing andsummarizing numerical data sets. Students also build on their workwith area by reasoning about relationships among shapes to determine area, surface area and volume.sions, and solve equations, inequalities and systems of equationsinvolving quadratic expressions; and (5) compare quadratic, linear,and exponential functions to model phenomenon. They also identifythe real solutions of quadratic equations as the zeroes of a relatedquadratic function and expand their experience to more specializedfunctions – absolute value, step, and those that are piecewisedefined. The Mathematical Practice Standards apply throughout thecourse, and together with the content standards allow students to experience math as a coherent, useful, and logical subject that makesuse of their ability to make sense of problem situations.GeometryPrerequisitesAlgebra 1District-adopted curriculum: Big Ideas GeometryCourse Description7th Grade MathDistrict-adopted curriculum: Glencoe Math Course 2Course DescriptionIn this course students build on their understanding from 6th gradeby focusing on four critical areas: (1) develop understanding of andapplying proportional relationships; (2) developing understandingof operations with rational numbers (explain the rules for adding,subtracting, multiplying, and dividing with negative numbers) andworking with expressions and linear equations; (3) solving problemsinvolving scale drawings and informal geometric constructions, andworking with two- and three-dimensional shapes to solve problemsinvolving area, surface area, and volume; and (4) drawing inferencesabout populations based on samples.8th Grade MathDistrict-adopted curriculum: Glencoe Math Course 3Course DescriptionIn this course instructional time focuses on three critical areas: (1)formulating and reasoning about expressions and equations, including modeling an association in bivariate data with a linear equationand solving linear equations and systems of equations; (2) graspingthe concept of a function and using functions to describe quantitativerelationships; (3) analyzing two- and three-dimensional space andfigures using distance, angle, similarity, and congruence, and understanding and applying the Pythagorean Theorem.Algebra 1PrerequisitesAlgebra aptitude test, math grades, state assessmentDistrict-adopted curriculum: Big Ideas Algebra 1In Geometry, students explore more complex geometric situationsand deepen their explanations of geometric relationships, movingtowards formal mathematical arguments. The course focuses onsix critical areas: (1) using previous experience with rigid motions,students develop notions about what it means for two objects tobe congruent, establish triangle congruence based on these rigidmotions along with formal constructions, and use this as a familiarfoundation for the development of formal proof, solving problems andproving theorems about triangles, quadrilaterals, and other polygons;(2) build a formal understanding of similarity, using earlier experience with dilations and proportional reasoning, and apply similarityto right triangle trigonometry and the Pythagorean Theorem, and usethe Laws of Sines and Cosines to find missing measures; (3) workwith the geometry of two- and three-dimensional objects, as well asshapes of cross-sections and the result of rotating a two-dimensionalobject about a line; (4) build on the previous work with the Pythagorean Theorem to find distances and use a rectangular coordinate system to verify geometric relationships, including properties of specialright triangles and quadrilaterals, slopes of parallel and perpendicularlines, and the connection of geometric and algebraic definitions ofthe parabola; (5) prove basic theorems about circles, and use coordinate geometry to find equations of circles and determine intersections between lines and circles or parabolas, or between two circles;and (6) compute and interpret theoretical and experimental probabilities of compound events to make informed decisions, and make useof geometric probability models whenever possible. The Mathematical Practice
2019-2020. Evergreen Middle School 2019-20 course catalog Evergreen Middle School Course Catalog – 2019-2020 Page 2 . engage all students in positive school experiences and celebrate their . The focus of 6th Grade Social Studies is the study of ancient civiliza-tions. As the
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The following workshop participants contributed to the creation of the 2018-2019 Middle School Athletics Handbook: Mr. Ryan Bingaman, Silver Creek Middle School Mr. Jeffrey Brink, Julius West Middle School Ms. Melanie Brouillard, Rocky Hill Middle School Mr. Michael Endler, Sligo Middle School Mr. Alex Evangelista, Briggs Chaney Middle School
At Your Name Name above All Names Your Name Namesake Blessed Be the Name I Will Change Your Name Hymns Something about That Name His Name Is Wonderful Precious Name He Knows My Name I Have Called You by Name Blessed Be the Name Glorify Thy Name All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name Jesus Is the Sweetest Name I Know Take the Name of Jesus
Central Valley Middle School Beaver County 527 45.15 11.67:1 Cambria Heights Middle School Cambria County 348 25.59 13.60:1 Titusville Middle School Crawford County 472 34.55 13.66:1 Wilson West Middle School Berks County 720 51.00 14.12:1 Pleasant Hills Middle School Allegheny County 668 45.90 14.55:1
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2 Evergreen Brand Standards and Guidelines 1.0 INTRODUCTION 3 2.0 BRAND PLATFORM 5 2.1 Evergreen Values 6 2.2 Evergreen's Brand Story 7 2.3 Messaging Guidance 8 3.0 ELEMENTS OF THE VISUAL IDENTITY SYSTEM 10 3.1 Logo Description 11 3.2 Logo Suite Overview 12 3.3 Logo Reproduction 13 3.4 Improper Use of the Logo 16
Access to Accounting Software – SAMS – Assessment book . 2 . Notes for students . This sample assessment is designed to demonstrate as many of the possible question types you may find in a live assessment. It is not designed to be used on its own to determine whether you are ready for a live assessment. In a live assessment, you will be required to upload documents as part of your evidence .