THE ROTTWEILER CLUB (Founded 1960)Patron: The Hon Mrs. Jane ClarkSchedule of 28 ClassBREED CHAMPIONSHIP SHOW(Held under Kennel Club Limited Rules & Regulations)at THE KENNEL CLUB BUILDING (East Hall)Stoneleigh Park, Warwickshire CV8 2LZon SATURDAY 5th APRIL 2014JudgesDogs – Mrs. Wendy Hillier (Bergmann)Bitches – Frank Beiboer (Holland)Referee & Judge for Memorial Puppy Stakes – TBCPRIZE MONEY OFFERED FOR THE MAIN WINNERSShow Opens 8.30 a.m.Judging: BITCHES 9.30 a.m.DOGS 10.00 a.m.GUARANTORS TO THE KENNEL CLUB:Mrs. D. McCann (Chairman) 3 Tilden Cottages, Tilden Lane, Marden, Tonbridge, Kent TN12 9AYMrs. J. Summers (Treasurer) 64 The Quarries, Boughton Monchelsea, Maidstone, Kent ME17 4NJMiss E. Harrap (Secretary) Pangora, Goring Road, Crays Pond, Goring Heath, Reading, Berks. RG8 7SHMrs. K. Coates, 11 Croft Close, Chipperfield, Kings Langley, Herts WD4 9PAMrs. C. Fuller, 77 Saxon Crescent, Horsham, W. Sussex TH12 2HZMrs. J. Williams, 24 Longpoles Road, Cranleigh, Surrey GU6 7JZHon. Veterinary Surgeon (On Call): Veterinary Centre, 207 Daventry Road, Cheylesmore, Coventry CV35HH Tel: 02476 503000ENTRIES CLOSE: Monday 10th March 2014 (POSTMARK)on-line entries accepted up until midnight on 17th March & Fees to be sent to: Miss E. Harrap,Pangora, Goring Road, Crays Pond, Goring Heath, Reading RG8 7SHTel: 01491 680515 email: e.harrap@btinternet.comOnly undocked dogs and legally docked dogs may be entered for exhibition at this show.All Judges at this show agree to abide by the following statement: “In assessing dogs, judges must penalise any features orexaggerations which they consider would be detrimental to the soundness, health and well being of the dog”.Show sponsored by
M Show Information MMembership:ENTRY FEESFirst Class 17.00 per dogEach subsequent entry with the same dog 2.50First Class 19.00 per dogEach subsequent entry with the same dog 3.00 5.00 per dog 3.50 per dog 2.50 per dog. (Rottweilers only. puppies from 4 months of age.Details of the dog must be included on the entry form) 3.00 prepaid with entries (limited number available on the day at 4.00) 10.00 full page, 6.00 half page Adverts for inclusion in thecatalogue must be prepaid and sent with entries.Membership of the Club invited and renewals 12.00TemperamentAssessment 12.00 per dog. Please complete attached form and return toMrs. Summers with the appropriate fees.MembersNon-MembersVeteran ClassPuppy StakesNot for CompetitionCataloguesAdvertisementsEXHIBITORS PASSES WILL NOT BE SENTMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMROSETTES & PRIZE CARDS First to VHCROSETTESkindly sponsored by Mrs. Di McCannBest in Show * Reserve Best in Show * Best Opposite Sex in Show *Best Puppy in Show, Reserve Best Puppy in Show *Best Veteran in ShowBest Dog * Reserve Best Dog * Best Puppy DogBest Bitch * Reserve Best Bitch * Best Puppy BitchPRIZE MONEY offered for the following:BIS 30BOS 20 kindly donated by Robert TaylorBPIS 15 kindly donated by Mrs Joyce SummersBV 10Memorial Stakes - overall winner 20 kindly donated by Robert TaylorSPONSORSHIPAny offers of specials or sponsorship of Rosettes will be gratefully received andwill be acknowledged in the catalogueNB Specials are NOT confined to Members.RAFFLEPrizes for the raffle would be gratefully received from exhibitorsCAR PARKING FREEREFRESHMENTSThe Committee would like to thank our sponsors HAPPY DOG forsponsoring our show.
CUPS AND TROPHIESCups and Trophies are confined to paid-up club membersand are held from show to show. Members must be the Kennel Clubregistered owner of the winning dog. Membership can be applied for at the time ofentry or at the show. Should membership subsequently be refused by the committeeany cup or trophy must be returned without delay. Any loss or damage to a cup ortrophy must be paid for by the member.AwardTrophyPresented byBest in ShowThe Diester Memorial TrophyMrs T. GibsonReserve Best in ShowThe Juffther Memorial TrophyMrs R. HillBest Opposite Sex in Show The Gyrima Memorial TrophyMrs J. BarnesReserve Dog CCThe Schutzer Memorial TrophyMr J. & Mrs J. WarderReserve Bitch CCThe Tallyman TrophyMrs J. BanhamBest Puppy in ShowThe Minaelea TrophyRobert & Donna TaylorBest Opposite Sex Puppy The Jezeve TrophyMrs R Gibbard & L WattsBest Veteran in ShowThe Guardami Memorial TrophyMrs P LockyerPuppy StakesThe Thelma Gray Memorial Trophy The Rottweiler Club** EXHIBITORS PLEASE NOTE **The Rottweiler Club are asking for all exhibitors to include the Hip and Elbowscores of their dogs on the entry form. If your dogs have not been scoredplease leave the box blank. This is just to make the catalogue a mini referencebook and a more interesting read.When entering on-line please add HD and ED scores in the boxes providedbelow the classes entered for your dog and the boxes where you can withholdyour address and/or telephone number. Your co-operation is much appreciated.Please use appropriate abbreviations for registration details pendingwith the Kennel Club:NAF – Name Applied forTAF – Transfer Applied for
M CLASSIFICATION MKennel Club Challenge Certificate – DogKennel Club Challenge Certificate – BitchKennel Club Breeders Competition – Best Breeder in BreedJudgesDogs: Mrs. Wendy Hillier (Bergmann) Bitches: Frank Beiboer (Holland)Referee: tbc1. Veteran DOG14. Veteran BITCH2. Minor Puppy DOG15. Minor Puppy BITCH3. Puppy DOG16. Puppy BITCH4. Junior DOG17. Junior BITCH5. Yearling DOG18. Yearling BITCH6. Novice DOG19. Novice BITCH7. Undergraduate DOG20. Undergraduate BITCH8. Post Graduate DOG21. Post Graduate BITCH9. Mid Limit DOG22. Mid Limit BITCH10. Limit DOG23. Limit BITCH11. Open DOG24. Open BITCH12. Special Beginners DOG25. Special Beginners BITCH13. Special Working/Obedience26. Special Working/ObedienceKC Good Citizen Dog Scheme DOGKC Good Citizen Dog SchemeBITCH27. MRS. THELMA GRAY MEMORIAL PUPPY STAKES – DOG28. MRS. THELMA GRAY MEMORIAL PUPPY STAKES – BITCHto be judged by the referee in the lunch breakTo enter the Stakes class puppies MUST be entered in a breed class at the show. Puppiesentered in stakes classes and subsequently beaten do not count as beaten dogs.BEST BREEDER IN BREED – to be judged by Mrs Hillier and Frank BieboerPLEASE NOTE: No one under the age of 16 should handle any dog outside the ring, whenan exhibitor under the age of 16 is handling a dog in a breed class, a responsible adultfamiliar to the dog must remain at the ringside during the duration of Judging.Members of the Rottweiler Club Committee are NOT permitted to handle exhibits forcompetition at the Club Championship show.
Your JudgesFrank Beiboer [FCI] HollandRottweiler specialist judge (FCI) for show dogs. Judged more than 50 events in more than 15countries all over the world, mostly Rottweiler specialities. More than 30 years active withRottweilers.We have kept Rottweilers in our family since 1977. The first one was Kaya von Hause Schumann - adaughter of Champion Benno vom Algauer Tor and Pasja v Meltas, ‘Youth club winner’ in 1978 at theClub show in the Netherlands – she was a very nice dog with strong character. Kaya was the start ofour kennel ‘v Honcoop’. Over the years I have bred more than 25 litters.I have showed dogs from my own breeding in Belgium, Germany and, of course, The Netherlands.My champion male Milo v Honcoop was placed 2nd with Excellent in the Open class Males and myfemale Odena-Yury v Honcoop was also placed 2nd Excellent in the Open class Females. Both at theGerman Siegershow 1990 in Borken Burlo. I have visited many times the Ankorung, ZTP and theSiegershow in Germany – the Siegershow more than 25 times.I have successfully trained dogs in IPO [sports dog]. I was one of the founders of the first Rottweilertraining clubs in The Netherlands in Rotterdam in 1977.For 21 years - from 1986 to 2007 - I was a member of the main-board of the Dutch Rottweiler Club.My duty was the breed warden (Zuchtward). I am still a member of the breed commission. Also Iproduced breed books similar to those in Germany. I am writer / compiler of all the breeding booksfrom 1980 to 2006. I have helped organise Champion Club shows, and young dog shows; Ideveloped the Dutch Rottweiler website and was Webmaster for more than 10 years.The Character Test is very important to me, and I have spent a lot of energy in further developingand promoting these Tests. In 2007 the Dutch government almost banned the Rottweiler, mainlybecause of biting incidents from dogs whose owners were not members of the Club. We thereforedeveloped very strict rules for breeding. So now, all Rottweiler breeders are members of the DutchRottweiler Club and must follow the rules before breeding.Wendy Hillier [Bergmann]I have been involved with dogs all my life, from working terriers to racing greyhounds. My firstRottweiler was from the old Attila lines back in 1984. For several years I was a committee memberwith the SWRA when it was the south-west branch of the British Rottweiler Association. I have beeninvolved in training classes, ring-craft clubs, a committee member of my local KC dog club for over 18years and was the South-West rep for Rottweiler Welfare for several years.I judged my first class of Rottweilers in 1989 and awarded my first set of CC's in 2006.Made up my first Champion in 2003 [Champion Feel the Force of Bergman] and he went on to winthe Working group in Scotland that same year at The Scottish Kennel Club.
DEFINITIONS OF CLASSESIn the following definitions, a Challenge Certificate includes any Show award that counts towards the title ofChampion under the Rules of any governing body recognised by The Kennel Club. Wins at Championship Showsin breed classes where Challenge Certificates are not on offer shall be counted as wins at Open Shows. In the caseof a dog owned in partnership and entered in Members' classes or competing for Members' Specials each partnermust at the time of entry be a member of the Society. In estimating the number of awards won, all wins up toand including the seventh day before the date of closing of entries shall be counted when entering for any classi.e. 3rd March 2014. Wins in Variety classes do not count for entry in Breed classes but when entering in Varietyclasses, wins in both Breed and Variety classes must be counted. A first prize does not include a Special Prize ofwhatever value. If an exhibitor reports before the judging of a class or classes that a dog has been entered whichis ineligible, the exhibitor may choose one of the following options:- (1) Withdrawal The dog may be withdrawnfrom competition subject to the conditions of Regulations 9(j) and 20. (2) Transfer a) If a dog is ineligible for aclass or classes as regards its colour, sex, weight or height the Show Secretary shall transfer it to the equivalentclass or classes for the correct colour, sex, weight or height and, in the event of there being no equivalent class,Minor Puppy and Puppy excepted to the Open class for the correct colour, sex, weight or height. b) For an exhibitentered incorrectly in a Minor Puppy Class, Puppy Class or Junior Class, which is over age but under twelvecalendar months of age, eighteen calendar months of age or twenty-four calendar months of age respectively, theShow Secretary shall transfer the exhibit to the Puppy Class, Junior Class or Yearling Class respectively for thecorrect colour, sex, weight or height and in the event of there being no Puppy, Junior or Yearling Class to the Openclass for the correct colour, sex, weight or height. c) For any reason other than the above, the Show Secretaryshall transfer It to the Open class for the correct colour, sex, weight or height. d) If an exhibit arrives late andmisses a class, even if it is the only class in which the dog is entered, the dog may not be transferred to any otherclass.MINOR PUPPY For dogs of six and not exceeding nine calendar months of age on the first day of the Show.PUPPY For dogs of six and not exceeding twelve calendar months of age on the first day of the Show.JUNIOR For dogs of six and not exceeding eighteen calendar months of age on the first day of the Show.YEARLING for dogs of twelve and not exceeding twenty four calendar months of age on the first day of the show.NOVICE For dogs which have not won a Challenge Certificate or three or more First Prizes at Open andChampionship Shows (Minor Puppy, Special Minor Puppy, Puppy and Special Puppy classes excepted, whetherrestricted or not).UNDERGRADUATE For dogs which have not won a Challenge Certificate or three or more first prizes atChampionship shows where Challenge Certificates were offered for the breed (Minor Puppy, Special MinorPuppy, Puppy and Special Puppy classes excepted, whether restricted or not.POST GRADUATE For dogs which have not won a Challenge Certificate or five or more First Prizes atChampionship Shows in Post Graduate, Minor Limit, Mid Limit, Limit and Open classes, whether restricted or not.MID LIMIT For dogs which have not become a show Champion under Kennel Club Regulations or under the rulesof any governing body recognised by the Kennel Club or won 5 or more first prizes in all at Championship shows inMid Limit, Limit and Open classes, confined to the breed, whether restricted or not, at shows where ChallengeCertificates were offered for the breed.LIMIT For dogs which have not won three Challenge Certificates under three different judges or seven or moreFirst Prizes in all, at Championship Shows in Limit and Open classes, confined to the breed, whether restricted ornot, at Shows where Challenge Certificates were offered for the breed.OPEN For all dogs of the breed for which the class is provided and eligible for entry at the Show.VETERAN For dogs of not less than seven years of age on the first day of the Show.SPECIAL MEMORIAL PUPPY STAKES for dogs of 6 and not exceeding 12 calendar months of age on the first day ofthe show. To be judged in the lunch break. To enter in the Stakes class dogs MUST be entered in the breedclasses, Dogs entered in the Stakes class and subsequently beaten DO NOT count as beaten dogs (viz for BPIS)SPECIAL WORKING/OBEDIENCE/KC Good CITIZEN DOG SCHEME for a dog or bitch which has been placed first,second or third in Obedience competition or Working Trials or have gained a Working Trials qualification, to benoted on the entry form, or for dogs who have obtained their Kennel Club Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bronzeaward or higher (date to be given on the entry form).ADVISORY NOTICENOT FOR COMPETITION Societies may at their discretion accept Not for Competition entries. Societies mayaccept such entries from breeds of dog not included within the title of the Society and at shows held over morethan one day, such entries may be accepted on any day from any breed.
RULES & REGULATIONS1. The Show will open at 8.30 a.m.2. Dogs will be received at any time but it is the exhibitors responsibility to ensure that exhibits areavailable for judging when required.3. Judging will commence at: Bitches 9.30 a.m. Dogs 10.00 a.m.4. Exhibits may be removed from the show after their judging has been completed The Show willclose half an hour after all judging has been completed.5. The use of cooking stoves in the proximity of the tenting and benching areas is forbidden exceptas authorised by the Show Management.6. Entry Fees: Members first entry per dog 17.00, each subsequent class with the same dog 2,50.Non-Members first entry per dog 19.00 each subsequent entries 3.00 per class. NB The entryfee for Classes 1 & 14 is 5.00 per class. Puppy Stakes 3.50 per class. Not for Competition 2.50 per dog, Catalogues 3.00 prepaid (Limited number available on the day 4.00) AdvertsFull Page 10, Half Page 6.00. Adverts for inclusion in he catalogue should be prepaid and sentto the Show Manager. Membership: Membership of the Club is invited at 12.00.7. Prize Money BIS 30, BOS 20, Memorial Stakes class overall winner 20, BPIS 15, BV 108. The Committee reserves to itself the right to refuse entries.9. Puppies under six calendar months of age on the first day of the show are not eligible forexhibition.10. The mating of bitches within the precincts of the show is forbidden.11. Best Puppy in Show. Where a Best Puppy in Show competition is scheduled the Best Puppy inShow is a puppy which has competed and is unbeaten by any other puppy exhibited at the sameshow. A puppy is a dog of six and not exceeding twelve calendar months of age on the first day ofthe Show. Where the Best in Show is a puppy it will automatically be Best Puppy in Showrespectively. Similarly, if the Reserve Best in Show is a puppy which has only been beaten by anadult dog it will also automatically be Best Puppy in Show respectively. Consequently, selectionof Best Puppy in Show must follow the selection of Best in Show respectively. Best Puppy inShow must be selected from puppies which have been judged and which are unbeaten by anyother puppy.Withdrawal from Other Competition. Puppies which become eligible for Best Puppy in Show maybe withdrawn from all other competition, other than Breed Classes, prior to the competition forBest Puppy in Show in order to remain unbeaten. A puppy beaten in competition for Best Puppyin Show may subsequently be exhibited in all competition for which it was previously eligible.The dog declared Best Puppy in Show, however, must not compete in any subsequentcompetition.Proviso For the purpose of this Regulation, dogs beaten in competition for Stud Dog, Brood Bitch,Progeny, Brace and Team or a Special Award confined to one breed will not be considered to be abeaten dog.12. Best in Show The dog declared Best in Show is a dog which has competed and is unbeaten by anyother dog exhibited at the same Show. Best in Show must be selected from the exhibits declaredBest of Sex providing they are unbeaten winning dogs. Reserve Best in Show must be selectedfrom the Best Opposite Sex and the Reserve Best of Sex to the exhibit declared Best in Show. Thedogs declared Best in Show and Reserve Best in Show must not compete in any subsequentcompetition.Withdrawal from other competition. Dogs which become eligible for Best in Show may bewithdrawn from all other competition other than breed classes prior to the competition for Bestin Show as appropriate in order to remain unbeaten. A dog beaten in competition for Best inShow may subsequently be exhibited in all competition for which it was previously eligible. The
dogs declared Best in Show and Reserve Best in Show however, must not compete in anysubsequent competition.Proviso For the purposes of this Regulation, dogs beaten in competition for Stud Dog, BroodBitch, Progeny, Brace and Team or a Special Award confined to a single breed, will not beconsidered to be beaten dogs.13. Exhibits will not be admitted to Best in show competition after a period of ten minutes haselapsed since the announcement that exhibits are required for judging, unless that have beenunavoidably delayed by previous judging not being completed on time, and then only with thespecial permission of the show management.14. No modifications will be made to this schedule except by permission of the General Committeeof the Kennel Club, which will be followed by advertisement in the Canine Press whereverpossible.15. All exhibitors must be familiar with Kennel Club Regulation F (Annex B) Regulations for thePreparation of Dogs for exhibition.16. All dogs resident outside the UK must be issued with a Kennel Club Authority to Competenumber before entry to the show can be made. All overseas entries without an Authority toCompete number will be returned to the exhibitor.17. This show will be held under Kennel Club Rules and Regulations and all dogs must be registeredat the Kennel Club before the show.18. All entries must be made on 10th March 2014 (Postmark) online entries accepted up tomidnight 17th March 2014.19. The Committee will not be responsible for any claim for injury or compensation for loss ofproperty occasioned by or arising out of the holding of the Show or
M Show Information M ENTRY FEES Members First Class 17.00 per dog Each subsequent entry with the same dog 2.50 Non-Members First Class 19.00 per dog Each subsequent entry with the same dog 3.00 Veteran Class 5.00 per dog Puppy Stakes 3.50 per dog Not for Competition 2.50
May 02, 2018 · D. Program Evaluation ͟The organization has provided a description of the framework for how each program will be evaluated. The framework should include all the elements below: ͟The evaluation methods are cost-effective for the organization ͟Quantitative and qualitative data is being collected (at Basics tier, data collection must have begun)
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Medallion Rottweiler Club. Mile High Rottweiler Club of Greater Denver. Sierra Rottweiler Owners. 2018 Certificates. Bred-By Awards For members who finish dogs with ALL points awarded from the Bred-By Class. CH 2infinity Running Code 3 -David Bert
On an exceptional basis, Member States may request UNESCO to provide thé candidates with access to thé platform so they can complète thé form by themselves. Thèse requests must be addressed to esd rize unesco. or by 15 A ril 2021 UNESCO will provide thé nomineewith accessto thé platform via their émail address.
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American Rottweiler Verein and we wanted it to be more like the ADRK with shows and ZtPs. Tell me about your involvement with the Medallion Rottweiler Club (MRC). I joined back in the early days of the Medallion Rottweiler Club before the Rottweiler got popular. I
rottweiler beginner puppy 4-6 months colonial rottweiler club judge: nancy griego - tuesday, may 10 american rottweiler club judge: beverly capstick - thursday, may 12 301 301 amm astle's quiet the rowds. ws52704803. 12/4/15. brdr: suzan guynn. g h ig ea h [s rhum a man - amm astles darling greta. owners: elaine namour, calvin reyes.