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SJIF Impact Factor 4.161ejpmr, 2017,4(9), 261-268Review ArticleEUROPEAN JOURNAL OFPHARMACEUTICALEuropeanJournal of Pharmaceutical and Medical ResearchISSN2394-3211AND MEDICAL RESEARCHSushen et al.www.ejpmr.comEJPMRMEDICINAL PROPERTIES OF CENTELLA ASIATICA (L.): A REVIEWDr. Undrala Sushen*1, Awanija Chouhan1, Khushnuma Ali2 and Veena Ranjesh21Department of Organic Chemistry, Dr. Sushen Research Lab, Gokul Group of Institutes, Hyderabad, India.Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Bhojjam Narasimhulu Pharmacy College for Women, saidabad, Hyderabad.2*Corresponding Author: Dr. Undrala SushenDepartment of Organic Chemistry, Dr. Sushen Research Lab, Gokul Group of Institutes, Hyderabad, India.Article Received on 15/07/2017Article Revised on 04/08/2017Article Accepted on 25/08/2017ABSTRACTCentella asiatica (L.) is a perennial, creeper, faintly aromatic and a valuable medicinal herb. It is widely distributedthroughout tropical and subtropical regions of World. The use of Centella in food and beverages has increased overthe years basically due to its beneficial functional properties. Its potential antioxidant, antimicrobial, cytotoxic,neuroprotective and other activities have been widely claimed in many reports and basically is very much related toits properties and mechanism of action of the plant’s bioactive constituents namely the triterpenic acid (asiatic acidmadecassic acid), triterpenic saponin (madecassoside and asiaticoside), flavanoids and other phenolic compounds.The present review is an up-to-date and comprehensive literature analysis of the chemistry and various heathbeneficial functional properties of the Centella plant.KEYWORDS: faintly aromatic and a valuable medicinal herb.INTRODUCTIONMedicinal plants with therapeutic properties are used forthe treatment of many infectious diseases of humans asthey contain many bioactive phytochemical constituentswhich are of curative effects. The medicinal properties ofthe plants are mainly due to the presence of secondarymetabolites like alkaloids, cardiac glycosides, tannins,flavonoids, saponins, reducing compounds, minerals andvitamins, Amino acids, asiatic, asiaticoside, centic,centellic, centoic and pectic acids, carotene, centellose,Protein, 3-glucosylquercetin, 3-glucosyl and 7-glucosylkaempferols, polyacetylenes.[1] Reactive oxygen specieswhich create oxidative stress cause human diseases anddisorders such as heart disease, inflammation,atherosclerosis, stroke, cancer, diabetes mellitus, malaria,HIV/ AIDS, etc.[2] Antioxidants derived from plantscontain the phenolics have many biological activitiessuch as antiinflammatory, anti-cancer and antimicrobial,It promotes memory, used mainly in the bowelcomplaints in children, applied both externally andinternally as poultice and powder respectively in thetreatment of leprosy and syphilitic ulcers[3,4]. Plants alsohave the capability to safeguard the body from oxidativedamage by scavenging the free radicals and inhibitingperoxidation and other radical mediated process.[5] Dueto the profitable efficiency of medicinal plants onbiological activities, there is a need for isolation of newerbiological compounds from plants which can serve asnovel drugs. Centella asiatica (L.) is a tropical medicinalplant from Apiaceae family native to Southeast Asiancountries such as India, Sri Lanka, China, Indonesia, andMalaysia as well as South Africa and Madagascar.[6] C.asiatica, commonly known as “Gotu kola, Asiaticwww.ejpmr.compennywort, Indian pennywort, Indian water navelwort,wild violet, and tiger herb” in English, is a tropical plant,cultivated successfully due to its medical importance insome countries including Turkey, and it has a utilizationin ayurvedic and Chinese traditional medicines sincecenturies.[7] The leaves, which are edible, are inyellowish-green color, thin, alternate with long petioles,and quite characteristic reniform, orbicular, or oblongelliptic shapes with seven veins.[8] The plant growshorizontally through its green to red stolones whichcombine to each other and roots in underground. C.asiatica, wide range of biological activities desired forhuman health such as wound healing.[9-11] antiinflammatory, antipsoriatic, antiulcer, hepatoprotective,anticonvulsant.[18] sedative.[19] [23]cytotoxicand[26]antitumor, antiviral.antibacterial.[27] insecticidal.[28]antifungal.[29] antioxidant.[30–32] and for lepra[33] andvenous deficiency treatments.[34,35] Centella asiatica isone of the chief herbs for treating skin problems, to healwounds, for revitalizing the nerves and brain cells, henceprimarily known as a "Brain food" in India.261

Sushen et al.European Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical ResearchPhytochemical Content of Centella AsiaticaTriterpenoidsInclude asiatcoside, centelloside, madecossoside,thankuniside, isothankunic acid, centellose, asiatic,centellic and madecassic acids[6,7] and brahmoside,brahminoside, brahmic acid, the structure of their genin,brahmic acid (m.p. 293 ) has been established as 2,6hydroxy, 23-hydroxymethyl ursolic acid. Asiaticosideand madecossoside predominated in the leaves with lessin roots.[8]ClafficationKingdim: PlantaeSubkingdom: TracheobiontaDivision: MagnoliphytaClass: MagnoliopsidaSubclass: RosidaeOrder: ApialesFamily: ApiaceaeGenus: CentellaSpecies: asiaticaMORPHOLOGYCentella asiatica (L.) is a prostrate, faintly aromatic,stoloniferous, perennial, creeper herb, attains height upto 15cm (6 inches). Stem is glabrous, striated, rooting atthe nodes. Centella asiatica flourishes extensively inshady, marshy, damp and wet places such as paddyfields, river banks forming a dense green carpet andrather than clayey soil, the sandy loam (60% sand) isfound to be the most fertile soil for its regeneration.[7]The leaves, 1-3 from each node of stems, long petioles,2- 6cm long and 1.5-5cm wide, orbicular-renniform,sheathing leaf base, crenate margins, glabrous on bothsides Flowers are in fascicled umbels, each umbelconsisting of 3-4 white to purple or pink flowers,flowering occurs in the month of April- June. Fruits areborne throughout the growing season in approx 2 incheslong, oblong, globular in shape and strongly thickenedpericarp. Seeds have pedulous embryo which arelaterally compressed1. Centella asiatica foundthroughout tropical and sub-tropical regions of India upto an altitude of 600m. The plant is indigenous to SouthEast Asia, India, and Sri Lanka, parts of China, theWestern South Sea Islands, Madagascar, South Africa,South East USA, Mexico, Venezuela, Columbia andEastern South America.[8] Medical importance in somecountries including Turkey, and it has a utilization inayurvedic and Chinese traditional medicines sincecenturies.[7] The leaves, which are edible, are inyellowish-green color, thin, alternate with long petioles,and quite characteristic reniform, orbicular, or oblongelliptic shapes with seven veins.[8] The plant growshorizontally through its green to red stolones whichcombine to each other and roots in underground.www.ejpmr.comVolatile and Fatty AcidsThe fatty oil consists of glycerides of palmitic, stearic,lignoceric, oleic, linoleic and linolenic acids.[9]AlkaloidsAn alkaloid, hydrocotylin (C22 H33 NO8) has beenisolated from the dried plants.[9]GlycosidesAsiaticoside, madecossoside and centelloside have beenisolated from the plant parts. On hydrolysis, theseglycosides yield the triterpene acids, asiatic acid,madegascaric acid.[10- 12] and centellic acid.FlavanoidFlavanoids, 3-glucosylquercetin, 3- glucosylkaemferoland 7-glucosylkaemferol have been isolated from theleaves.[11] The plant is reported to contain tannins,sugars, inorganic acids[13] and resin[13] amino-acids, viz.aspartic acid, glycine, glutamic acid, α-alanine andphenylalanine.[14] The total ash contains chloride,sulphate, phosphate, iron, calcium, magnesium, sodiumand potassium. The leaves are rich in vitamins such asvit.A, vit.C and vit.E.[16]Pharmacological Uses of Centella AsiaticaAntioxidant CapacityAntioxidant is used by aerobic organism to protect thecells from oxidative damage by oxidants during oxygenmetabolism. The main antioxidant agents such assuperoxidase dismutase (SOD), catalase, glutathioneperoxidase (GSH-Px), glutathione, ascorbic acid andtocopherol are important to protect the cells due to theirability in eliminating free radicals such as reactiveoxygen species (ROS).[17] The consumption of Centella isuseful for the antioxidant effect as it offer an effectiveand safe way of increasing body immune system againstfree radicals.[18]Neuroprotection EffectCentella extract has been used in Ayurvedic medicine asa nerve tonic. The micronutrients in the extract isreported to be responsible in retarding brain aging andassist in renewal of neural tissue, hence it is effective inenhance memory and revitalize the brain as well asincrease attention span and concentration.[19] InAyurvedic medicine and traditional Chinese medicine,Centella has been used for centuries to control anxiety,helps in relaxation and mental calmness.[20] Studies in262

Sushen et al.European Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Researchhuman and animal models have reported that Centellapossesses anxiolytic activity potential.SafetyCentella has been widely used in pharmaceuticalindustries and has shown good efficacy, performance andsafety.[20] With a very low toxicity, the fresh Centellaplants have been used in salads, vegetable and drink asjuice. It has been use for traditional Indian Ayurvedicand Chinese medicines for decades. In Chinese medicine,Centella asiatica is used for treatment of vomiting,epistaxis, urinary calculi, scabies and jaundice. Inhomeopathic medicine, it is used for treating ascariasis,elephantiasis and in granular cervicites.[21] Clinical testshave formulated several benefits of C. asiatica extractsin terms of wound healing, burns and in skin diseases ingastrointestinal disorders and in treatment of leprosy,lupus, scleroderma, eczema, veins diseases and fortreatment of psoriasis. It gives protection against diseasesby enhancing immunity of the body.[22]Wound HealingMadecassol, an extract of this plant containingmadecassic acid, asiatic acid and Asiaticoside acceleratescicatrisation and grafting of wounds.[23] Asiaticosidepromotes fibroblasts proliferation and extracellularmatrix synthesis in wound healing.[24]Cytotoxic and AntitumourOral administration of the crude extract of C. asiaticaand its partially purified fractions induced apoptosis insolid and Ehrlich Ascites tumour and increased the lifespan of these tumours bearing mice. Asiatic acid wasfound to have anticancer effect on skin cancer.[25]Memory EnhancingAqueous extract of the herb showed significant effectson learning and memory and decreased the levels ofnorepinephrine, dopamine and 5-HT and theirmetabolites in the brain.[25] Centella asiatica containsbrahmicacid, isobrahmic acid, brahminoside andbrahmoside. It has psychotropic, sedative andanticonvulsant properties. It is also useful in dementia,mental disorders and anxiety.Antibacterial ActivityVarious microorganisms are known to cause foodspoilage and food borne diseases in human beings. About200 diseases are caused by contaminated water, milk andother foods. The most frequently identified causalorganisms are Cornebacterium diptheriae, Escherichiacoli, Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonasaeroginosa.[26]Centella asiatica is one of the important plant showsantibacterial activity against wide variety of bacteria 51.Diarrhea is a major public health problem in eropathogens in various geographic regions presents amajor threat in the control of diarrhea. Mamtha et al,[27]www.ejpmr.comwas observed broad spectrum activity of Centellaasiatica against a wide range of enteric pathogens. Incase of Vibrio cholerae, Shigella species andStaphylococcus aureus, the alcoholic extract of plantshowed bactericidal action within 2 hours. Ullah et al,[28]was observed the n-hexane, carbon tetrachloride,chloroform soluble fractions of methanol extract fromthe plant Centella asiatica showed antibacterial activityagainst 5 gram positive bacteria (Bacillus cereus,Bacillus megaterium, Bacillus subtilis, Staphylococcusaureus and Sarcina lutea) and 8 gram negative bacteria(Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Salmonellaparatyphi, Salmonella typhi, Shigella boydii, lyticus). Wei et al,[29] was observed thatmethanol extract of Centella asiatica whole plantshowed inhibition zone against V. alginolyticus, V.vulnificus and Streptococcus sp while inhibition zonewas found in Centella freundii and all Vibrio sp. exceptV. vulnificus against aqueous extracted Centella asiaticawhole plant. Taemchuay et al,[30] was find out that crudeextract of Centella asiatica, particularly extracted withwater, had a promising antibacterial effect againstStaphylococcus aureus. Water extracts of Centella leavescultivated in Similipal biosphere reserve in Orissa, Indiashowed antibacterial activity against Staphylococcusaureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli,Bacillus subtilis, Shigella flexneri and Candida kruesi.[30]Methanolic extract of Centella was showed antibacterialactivity against 3 Vibrio species named V. harveyi, V.alginolyticus and V. parahaemolyticus.CardioprotectiveThe alcoholic extract of the whole plant showed strongcardioprotective activity in limiting ischemia-reperfusioninduced myocardial infarction in rats.[31]RadioprotectiveCentella asiatica could be useful in preventing iotherapy.[32]AntidepressantThe total triterpenes had antidepressant activity andcaused significant reduction of the corticosterone level inserum.[33]ImmunomodulatingPectin isolated from Centella asiatica showedimmunostimulating activities and triterpenoid modulatory effect.[34]AntiprotozoalAlcoholic extract of the entire plant showedantiprotozoal activity against Entamoeba histolytica.263

Sushen et al.European Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical ResearchMental-RetardationCentella asiatica tablets administered orally to mentallyretarded children showed significant increase in generalability and behaviour patterns.[35]Antitubercular and AntileproticAsiaticosid is useful in the treatmen.t of leprosy andcertain types of tuberculosis. Clinical trials conducted onnormal adults showed that the drug increased the level ofRBC, blood sugar, serum cholesterol and total protein. Ithas a calming effect on the body and supports the centralnervous system.[36]ImmunomodulatoryC. asiatica, contains triterpenoid, saponins in it possessesimmunomodualtory activity.[37]AnticancerPreclinical studies have shown that methanolic extract ofCentella asiatica causes inhibition in breast cancer cellsby inducing apoptosis in different cancer cell lines HeLa,HepG2 and SW48 and MCF-7.AntidiabeticClinical studies have revealed that the two glycosidespresent in Centella asiatica (L.) viz. bhramoside andbrahminoside exert sedative and hypoglyacemiceffect.[42]Antiviral ActivityCrude water extracts of combinations each of Centellaand Mangifera indica showed anti-herpes simplex virusactivities.[42]Venous InsufficiencyThe triterpenoid saponins present in C. asiaticastrenghthen weakened veins by improving wallalterations in chronic venous hypertension and therebyprotecting venous endothelium. It also plays importantrole in stabilizing connective tissue growth bystimulating the production of hylauronidase andchondriotin sulfate and also imparts balancing effect onconnective tissue.[38]Antiprotozoal ActivityAlcoholic extract of entire plant showed antiprotozoalactivity against Entamoeba histolytica.[42]Antifungal ActivityEthanolic and petroleum ether extracts of Centellaasiatica plant shows significantly higher rate ofantifungal activity against various fungal strains likeAspergillus niger, Aspergillus flavus and Candidaalbicans when compare to water extracts.[39] Hexane,carbon tetrachloride, chloroform and aqueous solublefractions of methanolic extract showed antimicrobialactivity against various yeast and mold strains likeAspergillus niger, Saccharomyces cerevisiae andCandida albicans[40] Methanolic extract of Centellaasiatica showed significant inhibitory effect on sporegermination against various fungal strains likeAlternaria, Cercospora, Curvularia, Drechslera andFusarium. The inhibitory effect on spore germination ofthe above fungus strains was increased proportionatelywith the increase in the concentration of methanolicextracts of the leaves.[40] Methanol, chloroform andacetone extracts of Centella asiatica showed significantinhibitory effect on growth and sporulation ofColletotrichum gloeosporioides. [41] Alcoholic extracts ofCentella asiatica did not showed antimicrobial activityagainst yeasts like Pichia anomala and Saccharomycescerevisiae and molds like Aspergillus niger andPenicillium pinophilum.Antiulcer ActivityAsiaticoside prevented development of cold inducedgastric ulcers in rats. Asiaticoside administered orally torats, significantly reduced the formation of stress inducedulcers. Extract of the plant inhibited significantly gastriculceration induced by cold and restraint stress in CharlesFoster rats. The dose dependent reduction of gastriculceration was associated with a dose dependent increaseof the GABA level in the brain.[44] Fresh juice of theplant showed significant protection against theexperimental ulcer models and the ulcer protective effectmay be due to strengthening of the mucosal defensivefactors. Results of the studies conducted by Abdulla etal, also revealed protection of gastric mucosa andinhibition of leucocytes infiltration of gastric wall in ratspretreated with Centella asiatica extract.[45]AutoimmuneMadecassol, component isolated from Centella asiaticafound to be efficacious in the treatment of chronic orsubchronic systemic scleroderma and advanced focalscleroderma.[42]www.ejpmr.comAntifilarial ActivityA mixture of ethonolic extracts of Centella asiatica andAcacia auriculiformis resulted in a considerable decreasein filarial counts in dogs naturally infected withDirofilaria immitis.[43]Antidiabetic activityEthanolic and methanolic extracts of Centella asiaticahad shown significant protection and lowered the bloodglucose levels to normal in glucose tolerance test carriedout in the alloxan induced diabetic rats. Nganlasom et al,were treated the wounds of the diabetic induced MaleSpraque-Dawley rats with Centella plant extract.[44] Theyfound the wounds of the plant extract treated woundsepithilialised faster when compared to control.[45]Anti-inflammatory activityExtract of Centella exerted anti-inflammatory effects byreduction of acute radiation reaction in rats. Centellaasiatica water extract and its active constituentasiaticoside have an anti-inflammatory property that isbrought about by inhibition of NO synthesis and thus264

Sushen et al.European Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Researchfacilitate ulcer healing.[45] Crude extract of Centellaasiatica showed anti-inflammatory activity in rats byprostaglandin E2-induced paw edema. Bioactive terpeneacids such as Asiatic acid and madecassic acid may bepresent in the crude extract that may account for the antiinflammatory activities.[46]Cytotoxic and antitumour ActivityA partially purified fraction of methanol extract ofCentella asiatica inhibited the growth of tumour cellswith no toxic effects on lymphocytes. Water extract has achemo preventive effect on colon tumourigenesis.Asiatic acid was found to have anticancer effect on skincancer. Asiaticosides possesses good wound healingactivities because of its stimulative effect on collagensynthesis.[46] It might be useful in cancer chemotherapyas it induces apoptosis and enhances antitumour activityof vincristine in cancer cells. The n-hexane, carbontetrachloride, chloroform and aqueous soluble fractionsof methanol extract of Centella asiatica showedsignificant cytotoxic activities in the brine shrimplethality bioassay.[47]Neuroprotective ActivityThe consumption of Centella was useful to protect thecells from oxidative damage, to destroy excess freeradicals and keep the oxidative stress state in balance. Asa potent antioxidant Centella exerted significantneuroprotective effect and proved efficacious inprotecting rat brain against age related oxidative damage.Asiatic acid exerted significant neuroprotective effect oncultured cortical cells by potentiation of the cellularoxidative defense mechanism.[44] Therefore it may proveefficacious in protecting neurons from the oxidativedamage caused by exposure to excessive glutamate.[42]The plant accelerates nerve regeneration upon oraladministration and contains multiple active fractionsincreasing neurite elongation in vitro suggesting thatcomponents in Centella may be useful for acceleratingrepair of damaged neurons. Central administration ofcolchicine produces marked destruction of hippocampalgranule cells and septohippocampal pathways resultingin loss of cholinergic neurons and decreased activities ofacetylcholinesterase and choline acetyltransferaseCentella was able to ameliorate the colchicine induceddecrease in AChE activity in rats.[45] Thereby preventscolchicines induced cognitive impairment and associatedoxidative stress. Oxidative stress appears to be an earlyevent involved in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’sdisease.[44] It has been reported that Centella asiatica hasneuroprotective effect on cognition and hippocampalneurons. During early postnatal development andpreventing cognitive deficits, the dendritic arborizationof hippocampal neurons is promoted. Prenatal stress isknown to adversely affect the learning and memoryabilities. Postnatal treatment of Centella asiatica freshleaves extracts will protect the hippocampal neuronsagainst prenatal stress and also enhanced learning andmemory abilities in rats.[43]www.ejpmr.comCardioprotective ActivityCentella asiatica showed cardioprotective effect onantioxidant tissue defense system during Adriamycininduced cardiac damage in rats.[43] The alcoholic extractof Centella asiatica whole plant was evaluated byPragada et al., for cardioprotective activity againstischemia-reperfusion induced myocardial infarction inrats and their results strongly suggests thecardioprotective activity of the plant in limitingischemia-reperfusion induced myocardial injury.[45]Skin Protective ActivitySkin aging appears to be principally related to a decreasein the levels of type I collagen, the primary component ofthe skin dermis.[46] Asiaticoside, a saponin componentisolated from Centella asiatica, has been shown to inducetype I collagen synthesis in human dermal fibroblastcells.Radioprotective activityCentella asiatica could be useful in preventing diotherapy. [45] Theplant extractshowedradioprotective properties and pretreatment with it priorto gamma ray irradiation was found to be effectiveagainst radiation induced damage in the mouse liver.[45]Immunomodulatory dulatory effect. Pectin isolated from Centellaasiatica showed immunostimulating activities ry activities.[46] Ethanol extract ofCentella asiatica stimulates cell-mediated immunesystem by increasing neutrophil phagocytic function.[44]Memory Enhancing ActivityAqueous extract of Centella asiatica showed significanteffect on learning and memory enhancing andsignificantly decreased the levels of norepineprine,dopamine and 5-HT and their metabolites in the brain.[45]Aqueous extract of the plant showed cognitive enhancingand antioxidant properties in Stereptozotocin inducedcognitive impairment and oxidative stress in rats.[45]Treatment during postnatal developmental stage withCentella asiatica aqueous extract influenced the neuronalmorphology and promoted the higher brain function ofjuvenile and young adult mice.Wound Healing EffectTotal triterpenoid fraction extracted from Centellaasiatica increased the percentage of collagen in cell layerfibrnectin and thus may help in promoting woundhealing. Asiatic acid and medacassic acid from Centellaasistica have demonstrated an increase in peptidichydroxyproline showing an increased remodeling ofcollagen synthesis in wounds.[45] Oral and topicaladministration of an alcoholic extract increased cellularproliferation and collagen synthesis at the wound site, asevidenced by increase in DNA, protein and collagen265

Sushen et al.European Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Researchcontent of granulation tissues of rat dermal wounds.Quicker and better maturation and cross linking ofcollagen was observed in the extract treated rats, asindicated by the high stability of the acid solublecollagen and increase in aldehyde content and tensilestrength.[49] The extract treated wounds were found toepithelialise faster and the rate of wound contraction washigher, as compared to control wounds. Asiaticosidesenhanced induction of antioxidant levels at an initialstage of healing which may be an important contributoryfactor in its healing properties. Asiaticoside exhibitssignificant wound healing activity in normal as well asdelayed healing models and is the main activeconstituent of Centella asiatica. Asiatic acid andasiaticoside were more active than madacassic acid. Thusthe plant appears to be effective in the treatment ofwound healing disturbances.[50]CONCLUSIONIn recent years, ethno-botanical and traditional uses ofnatural compounds, especially of plant origin receivedmuch attention as they are well tested for their efficacyand generally believed to be safe for human use. Thetherapeutic potential of these plants in terms of itsefficacy and versatility is such that further detailedresearch appears crucial. The elaboration of a logical activity, and the large scale harvestingfor other utilities render the plant of potentialimportance. Centella asiatica has been in use since timeimmemorial to treat wide range of indications. It hasbeen subjected to quite extensive phytochemical,experimental and clinical investigations. The dynamicnature of indigenous knowledge has led to its survivalthrough centuries. The use of this knowledge isnecessary as it is not only socially desirable but iseconomically affordable, sustainable and involvesminimum risks and procedures. Many research studieshave demonstrated its different functional properties likeantioxidant activity, antibacterial, antifungal and antiviralactivities, antiulcer activity, antidiabetic activity, antiinflammatory activity, cytotoxic activity, cardio, neuroand skin protective activities, radioprotective activity,immunomodulatory effect, memory enhancing activityand wound healing effect. With a very low toxicity theplant is popularly used as a natural product, Centellaasiatica can be a potential herbal plant in manyhealthcare applications.ACKNOWLEDGEMENTThe Authors and the research group are very muchthankful for financial support from HimanshuEducational Society, I.S.Sadan, and Hyderabad. Theauthors are specially thankfull to Mr. Swamy RajanGaru, Mrs. Kowsalya (Ayurvedic medicine specialists)and Mrs. S. Subbalakshmi Garu (Principal PadmavathiDegree and P.G College) for spending their valuabletime and advising the group with suggestions andpreparative methods.www.ejpmr.comREFERENCES1. Vinoth S, Rajesh KP, Gurusaravanan P, JayabalanN. Evaluation of phytochemical, antimicrobial andGC-MS analysis of extracts of Indigofera trita L.F.spp. Subulata (Vahl ex poir). Int. J. Agric. Res.,2011; 6(4): 358-367.2. Rackova L, Oblozinsky D, Kostalova V, KettmannV, Bezakova L. Free radical scavenging activity andlipoxygenase inhibition of Mahonia aquifoliumextract and isoquinoline alkaloids. J. Inflamm, 2007;4: 15-22.3. Gambhire MN, Wankhede SS, Juvekar AR.Antiinflammatory activity of aqueous extract ofBarleriacristata leaves. Pharmacogn, 2009; 1:222-224.4. Mirzaei A, Toori MA, Mirzaei N, Shirazi R.Antioxidant, antimicrobial and antimutogenicpotential of 4 Iranian medicinal plants. Life Sci. J.,2013; 10(7): 1085- 1091.5. 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Centella asiatica is used for treatment of vomiting, epistaxis, urinary calculi, scabies and jaundice. In homeopathic medicine, it is used for treating ascariasis, elephantiasis and in granular cervicites.[21] Clinical tests have formulated several benefits of C. asiatica extracts

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