U.S. EPA, Pesticide Product Label, STERILIZING GAS MIXTURE .

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---,1)for", 3C·I2-I2STERILIZING GAS MIXTUREFOR INDUSTRIAL AND MEDICAL USE ONLY INCOMMERCIAL GAS STERILIZER BY MEDICALPROFESSIONALS OR APPROPRIATELYTRAINED TECHNICIANS.ACTIVE INGREDIENT ETHYLENE OXIDE 12 ;'INERT INGREDISNT ·FREON - 12 88%WARNINGGas and liquid under pre sure. Go, reduce. axygenavailable fO( breathing. Store and . with adequateventilation. See other precaution. onbo k of ,hi.tag and .moll cylinder valve tag.,h.l'A (Sf. 12 -1.-2; CA-I; Il-I; . -1: ""'-I: ' -Inus CYLINDER ISTHE PROPERTY OFMATHESON.rHlS cYUHOU ISfOUll'l' O wmtVAlVE OUTt TeGA :IlQDO NOTREFill". -.'---. -:::-.,. .0" . .n .": .,(c. .n". RCMOVE THIS "T AG " ·.,,· . lo'il .,. " OOft.q """-"h lot I).,.,. 00' NOT,.futn of.,, 'h" Ol,nde.1'0 oY.ol .o .'JIE srfli: o U . DE UE.I DUPONT DE N MOUII:S CO --

-,Gas cnd liquid under pressure:Gos reduces o ygenoyoilable 10 br""'lhing.· Slo e and· lISe ",ilh adequatevenlilotion. See other precautions on the bock of th;,log and ,mali cylinder·yalye log;EPA Uf. 12 O--CA-I.-2; GA':-I; Ii-I; M.A.-I; HJ-I; rX-1-' !. . . .'THIS CYLINDER ISTHE PROPERTY OF" . WG. ArHESON.we. tn.,'HIS CYUNOfR ISEOUWf'ED WlTH -" " VAlVE OUTt8. f ·.3 ·DO NOTREFill'I. .ec .(,0:,!,I,rl-.\(. ."\.) . .enR . CV r H·;· . II tAr.109 "" HOQrre . " . oe'\!\I),'oe" rn j, I.,, j . ,.')''''f!''''oey{;, . \o".

'--, II. ------ . ----- .STEfdUZING GAS MIXTUREFaa INOO.;TRIAl AND MEDICAL USE ONLY INCOMMER(.jAl U.'S STERIUZER BY MEDICALPItOfESSIONALS OR APf ROPRIATEl YTRAINED TECHNICIANS.WARNING: GAS AND lIaUIDUNDER PRESSUREE. OEG. NO. 7256·2STORAGE AND DISPOSALUse and ,tore in cool. dry. well yentilated place. Keepcylinder temperature from exceeding 12soF. Cia", valvewhen not in u,e. Never refill cylinder. Handle cylinderwith care. Discharge in normal vertical po ition. Alterdischarge cio,e cylinder volve to prevent suck-back ofcontaminant'. Ethylene oxide is subject to polymerization. use within 2 months after receipt.00 NOT REUSE EMPTY CYLINDERSRETURN TO ORIGINATING SHIPPING POINT.READ MATHESONS STERIlIZING GAS MIXllRESBROCHURE BEFORE USING.fSHIP TO- -- '',.r.i. -';. . . .'. ;4. . TUR:""' O ,.L'THESON.:) ,, . -.,.;."-.,,.

ounulDUNDER PRESSUREE A.REG. NOn ·2STORAGE AND DISPOSALUse and ,tore in cool. dry, well yentilated place. Keepcylinder temperature from exceeding 125 F. Close yalyewhen not in u,e, Never refill cylinder. !-fondle cylinder.jwith core. Dischorge in normal vertical pas.ition. Afterdischarge close cylinder valve to prevent luck·back 01contaminant" Ethylene oxide is subject to polymeriza·tion. u e wllhin 2 months ofter receipt.DO NOT REUSE EMPTY CYLINDERSRETURN TO ORIGINATING SHIPPING POINT.READ MATHESONS STERILIZING GAS MIXTURES iBROCHURE BEFORE USING.ISHIP TO,,L. A: l.p, ' f'\-A.TE. ':: To W'{T ('I; .(!. fJA'.J.FiLHlf'UlTr.STO f"I'1Iie;.AL.r ,

1I"@,,ffHm No.j V·I-3:w a:r[.: ftl1 0@UiJ L '-,- ) A SEARLE COMPANYftel."''''''''''4.NJ 01013I . ,.C. '" 30160 . " m.:"vsdU O"JO I .IOI'-et I ':M 6i)C)4,h t. ItlH 1)Soll I CWCI t . C.:"b':l., 'I1 O,.,III.!0ttWT lI.'I')I.r.d 11121.,.,. Sf's., w 14 IlA.v'I"-l "' . '01J10 . 4 ;14 11.lfI1o.wc. 01'1. UG.17STERILIZINGGAS MIXTUREfOIl INDUS UlAl ANil MEDICAL USE 0"'IN COMMUC'Al CAS STE 'lIlER ay ME Ole itOFESS'ON"'lS OR APPROPRIATElY TIlA'.tECHNICIANS.or'.r12'*AIt'oiC/ b, olh;"g "OpON. A"oid con'Q(:wi,h .lin t. . ye . In (05e 01 conloc/ Ih/shIhotovglJy wil}' woltr 101' al l loll 15 ClI 101 1'J. gel medicol cllel11iott. A .,idcontod 'Will. c.it!i,;ng (1to/ tio/,.,INERT INGREDIENT 88%-FREON· 12EPA REG. NO. 7256·5Go. WI. 1.Do nol ,ev . empl, cyfind.,. R.'f.lln cY!;f\.Jel 10 OI;!};I'IQ';ng shipping po;nl.IIT.,. '1:1. 10.;I .!RfAD MATHESONS STERiliZINGGAS IIJXTURf BROCHUREBEFORE USING. 10.'x.-v 0." VlfARN NGUse and slor. in c 1. dry, . ell ventilotedplace. Kee-p cylinder lempc(Q'IJre fromexceeding 125-r. Close yol". when no' inv,c. Never refill cylinder, Handl . cylinderwith (O'4!'. Oischofg. in normol ".I1;eolpo.;lion. "'ftef d hOtgl!' do,. cyrind.t volveto prevent ,,,,(k·boc of (on'aminon's.E1hylcne O.lf.idc is IoUbi-e(1 to poIymertlolioft.IIiII' wi.hin 2 monlhsreuip""'tClt . CTlVE INGREDIENTETHYLENE OXIDEWARNINGGAS AND LIQUIDUNDER PRESSURESTORAGE AND DISPOSALfii,., . (,lAO'"" '''S60 IC. @.IREGISTERED TRAOd04ARt(' .L DUPONr DE NE"'OUAS CO.BEST. DOCUMfNf AVAI[ABLE: .-.,If.

'.'&earle lIedic.l . r Xlucts USA,2727 West GOOQ !lop" RoadI\il"Ii k&a,Subject:Wl532iJ9118 JUN 1&8312' Etbylene Oxide 88' Freon - l &P R gist,atlon No. 7256-5Jour Sub5L.aion Dated 'ebcu.CY 16, 1983Tbe a5eDd lIt referred to above, su ilted in conaeetLoo with registrationunder FlfaA, ia,.ccepteble provided tb&t you:1.,Make the l beling cbanges'listed below betore you releASe tbe productfor sclpae t bearing t e aaeDded l.beling:.,,Onder "aeaa MetbesOQA(&ad tOe. ,,.'.' '.-,tollowh 1,.' ":- . - . \ "!".· UAr. Ulc'\1'IOW. t,.-, :,,' ". .It ta Yiolatioo of ,e4e,.1 Law to use thl. pcgdqctiD MIlAe' lucoo.iatep,t vith ita 1.bel1 .I.j.z. "SUb-it five (5) copi.a of ' yOur fiDAl printed labeling before you·,eleas8 the product toe .bl Dt. Reter to the A-7' locl05ure for f tber descrlPtioQ of final printed l ling . '.' r ,;.-: - : .-.IYour rele. tor ahip.ent ct tbe product beuiDg the .uoeDded lAbelingc0D5tItute. accept.nce of these cODdltlOGs.A aUapN cOPl' of th. lAbe ;1Di 1 . :osed tor your recorda.c·."",,',:.,, :; .,-',.:', -)-.r'.';,).,".", -' ,,' , . : .i',' ., . . ' , ' '/ /,',7/-.'.-I.tob;' H. Lee". : . . Product llanaget (ll), , '-' ,' .' ;, '''" ''-' Dlainfectants Branch,", ,'. ,";', -, - . ' ' : ' ';,'RaglattaHoa DiVIsion (TS-7nC)j"-' ,-.ri :: 7: I, :.l: : ': ,' ; .: .,". . '''.''I . . '- !.: ':'. I ,. ,1'5-767C: LEE :DCk-18309:WANG-0487C:bm",:Rave'n':479-2013: 5/19/83 .:7f :i ;':,' ':' ,, ' i , ': ;: r:·'){: ':. ' .'.:. -" .''! .' . :' .'; -. ," ': ;:!. " . -:.i .,",I,iOFFICIAL FILE COpyi!,.IiI. ,;". B : : ,. ; '. :';;/:; ' / : i 15: .,:: .·;: '.,',.,; . - . :' -.-:' ., '- ,' SIDe.rely y o u r s ", ,

.,ItIfool",53C·12-.2STERILIZING GAS MIXTUREFOR INDUSTRIAL AND MEDICAL USE ONLY INCOMMERCIAL GAS STERILIZER BY MEDICALPROFESSIONALS OR APPROPRIATELYTRAINED TECHNICIANS.ACTIVE INGREDIENT ETHYLENE OXIDE 120/.INERT INGREDISNT "FREON - 12 88%WARNINGGas and liquid under pressure. Gas reduces Oxygenavailable for breathing. Store and use with adequat.ventilation. See other precautions on the bock 01 thi.tog and small cylinder valve log.E'A EST. 7256- :A-I,-2; CA-I; II-I; MI. I; HJ-I; TX-ITHIS CY\.INDER ISTHE PROPERTY OF. THESON.THIS CTUHon ISEOUIPPED WITHVAlV OUTlETCGA 350DO NOTREfill,t .". -". "S,.",n",DO NOTH MOVT THIS TA(;log m ch OOTlor .h e,.,./tn of the ql,nderr q . ltc"'enh10 ,,",0''''''''0" IilEGISHRfO TIiAOt:MAIU:f I DUPONT Of N M.OUIil:S CO.-

-I Gos and liquid under pressure. Gas reduces oxygenavailable for breathing, Store and use ,with adequa'eventilation. See other precautions on the bo k of thislog and small cylinder ,;,olve tag.tPAI Ifsr 1250- :"'-1.-7; GA-l; Il-I; MA-I; HJ-I; TX-ITHI5 C'fUNOER ISTHE PROPERTY OFMA rHESQN.THIS CYUNOH ISEQUIPPED WITHV.AlVE OUTlETCG4 JSQDO NOTREFill-,\- ',-'I,- -,,--' -I).;:.-,-t·',". I',', I''.\,"., ,',. .

,-------------.-.i,IrSTERIUZING GAS MIXTUREFOI INDUSTRIAL AND MEDICAL USE ONLY INCOMMEROAL GAS STERIUZER BY MEDICALPIOf SSIONALS OR APPROPRIATELYTRAINED TECHNICIANS.WARNING: GAS AND LIQUIDUNDER PRESSURE-EPA. REG. NO. 7256·2STORAGE AND DISPOSALUse and store in cool, dry, well ventilated place. Keepcylinder temperature from exceeding 125 F. Close valvewhen not in use. Never refill cylinder. Handle cylinderwith care. Discharge in normol vertical position. Afterdischarge dose cylinder valve to prevent suck-back ofcontaminants. Ethylene oxide is subject 10 polymerization, use within 2 months alter receipt.DO NOT REUSE EMPTY CYLINDERSRETURN TO ORIGINATING SHIPPING POINT.READ MATHESONS STERILIZING GAS MIXTtmSBROCHURE BEFORE USING.SHIP TO.!, 'I.

O"",nu. GAS AND LIQUIDUNDER PRESSUREEPA. REG. HO 7256-2STORAGE AND DISPOSALUse and store in cool, dry, well ventilated place. Keepcylinder temperature from exceeding 125 F. Clo,e valvewhen not in u,e Never refill cylinder. Kandle cylinderwith (orc. Di chorge in normal vertical position. Afterdischarge cio,e cylonder valve to prevent iuck·back ofcontaminant,. Ethylene oxide is ,ubjectto polymeriza·tion. use within 2 months ofter receipt.DO NOT REUSE EMPTY CYLINDERSRETURN TO ORIGINATING SHIPPING POINT.READ MATHESONS STERILIZING GAS MIXTURES'BROCHURE BEFORE USING . . EXCEPT WHEN IN USE KEEP THIS CAP ON THE CYUNDER. . . .'])0 NOT REMOVE THIS TAG. . . RETURN INSTRUCTIONS: Federal Law prOhibits 'Ihe Improper discarding 01·Ihls cylinder and cylinder conlenl . Obilierale Ship to Add,ess,"'.CYLINDER MUST BE RETURNED TO MATHi!SDN. . SHIP TO--------- .A:.1.Po-1S f\.ATE.' TO Ir;TC.f,.(,Ef)A'-1. IU f'L"T" ''h, fRI.vTe) Ac.t --

,r o?) .,.WfilaJG: i1 G) 8)@ Utl L""'" )A SEARLE COMPANYrut RUlhttfotd. HJ 01013CI"'Cnltf.J. UU!I'I"StftlI MOt",w Gt"Of,11 30160OBBO '·JoI"'!:1 If.l':olS 600C14h "ortt, hu\ 71S1I I CIlCIIft:l"'lC', c, ·IOI:111 911JO(,lrf(!fnr, 9lS!"o I OofJtY W.,.,I.M 21211eftod :CIO 1\,. Imt) ( lC ICo."\ulf1leuIiII1W1Q1JlD.y\Oft OfttO " 2" 1l.lfI1bu'c. OhIO UOU1\,." .STE.RllIZINGGAS MIXTUREfOR INDUSlRlAl AND MEDICAL USE OKIN COMMERCIAL GAS TERILIZER BY MED!C.f' OfESSIONAlS Oll APPROPRIAlfl Y IRA'/ .TECHNICIANS.ACTIVE INGREDIEi\1TETHYLENE OXIDE INERT INGREDIENT12*88%*FREON·12EPA REG. NO. 7256·5Gt . WI. 11 .\I;TD,.I,Net Wt. 1"'.i'V.',. II.fin;"g Oul . - - - - -\ ot@fO'lnS3V·I.e:;No.II!WARNINGGAS AND LIQUIDUNDER PRESSURE\flfARN NGSTORAGE AND DISPOSALUse and s.tore in c l. dry, well enti'a'e-dploce. Keep cylinder temperature fromewcceding 125 f. Close volve when no' illute. Never refiff cylinder, Handle cylinderwith co,:.e. Discharge in normal vertico)po .ilion. After discharge clo'e cylinder valveto preVenl hJcic·boc\c; of conlaminants.[thylen.e OJ(ide h vbjed 10 polymerizofion.use "",jthin 2 monlhs oller receipt.Avoid brrolhing .,opo:s. A.,oid conlac:will, sk;o l. eye I. 10 co e o( conlo,', ([usb,hOfOVghly wilh wol ( (Of oll ost J5tninul s.Fot y J. gel meoi(ol ellention. A.,o;dcooloel lNilh Oltidilina mo/ r;okDo nol ' use empty cylinder. R.'urn cy!;n.der 10 01;9;nolio9 shipping po;n,READ MATHESONS STERILIZINGGAS JAIXTURE eROCHUREBEFORE USINGREGISTEReo THAOEMAnl(1::.1. DUPONT DE NEMOURS CO.,.\",\" .-., \- . ':. \" '.'.'.';.1" :.'". "/!I ., .BEST DDCUMrlfi AVAILABlE. J'.

""( l r.t::u!.c.1.1'rle t'Lli.1(,f.J .JU.PU)l.iuct .U;.,i\,1 he H("3·Jit(:f,-e j;tv kJ.lwuukCt;, wI,:;UH)E:ct:12 dtnyl he U l0eHUtt.i' \ .t(e·.:Il.ct( tlun l O.Youl:;JlltJ.I.i.5OJ.lunF[ n-! LJ tt,;uFCL-L'-'ialj' .lu,.1. ;jJ illl . ndment retc[cca tv duuve, hUl)",ltt.:U 111 CQUn(:ctiuflHfAA, ." "CCo.:pt . O!C 1,[c,via .:1 U,ac you:1.1.:ilJ121i. Make lht::l(.;L.hiphlClitchaugc.-.;,lJ wring,I.',7i. u-"J'ihcuncJ [!Ithelj.ot ,jaJol n(Jt:u eh)w1.JCLv[C JOCWlth reyu;,itr . tionrclcQ \.:thl.; product.1.acclih9;Under -l{tHU I:atheobons Ster ili"ln ljao t-lill.tur U[ochu[c Lict"GCeauu til" lullo\oiHl J:Usiny·It is a violatloninitlit k" oeral Law t.o us : this pruductClanne! incvusistent wlth its laoelins.,V"2.&uo it(!»COl'leS of jour tillai pLintea labt.'ling before yourelease the prvJuct fOl shipOlent. i:eler to tho; ;'-79 EnclosurE: (or .tutther deSCllptiuh of finiAl l'rli1t d laotillily.Your release tor :il1.ipml!nt of the (Jroduct ucarint) thet:un:,.t.itutcti I1oCC\::,ptci.uc(' utAst eoco yviLh the ed!: .cr.dec.tlabe.1.inc.;CO(H,JltionB.ld ellngisJ oti Iienclo ;,.P[u.Ju ;tlor yourrecora .i.at.! "'''f.,ye[vi iJlt ctant (31)druncllkcyiGt' tlun ivl ion( -7 7 JEnciosu[f:.OFFICIAL FILE CO y

Jun 13, 1983 · U.S. EPA, Pesticide Product Label, STERILIZING GAS MIXTURE (12%), 06/13/1983 Pesticide Product Label, STERILIZING GAS MIXTURE (12%) pesticide product label,sterilizing gas mixture (12%),matheson gas products,00725600005 6/13/1983 12:00:00 AM

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vii References The following resources were used in producing this manual: EPA: Package Treatment Plants MO-12, EPA 430/9-77-005, April 1977 EPA: Summary Report: The Causes and Control of Activated Sludge Bulking and Foaming, EPA 625/8-87/012, July 1987 EPA: Manual: Nitrogen Control, EPA 625/R-93/010, September 1993 EPA: Handbook: Retrofitting POTWs, EPA 625/6-89/020, July 1989

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