Men's And Women's Basketball Rules - Nebraska

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010418University of NebraskaCampus RecreationMen’s and Women’s Basketball RulesAll games played under current National Federation (NFHS) rules with the following modifications:Note: All rules changes for this year will be in this type.RULE 1. EQUIPMENTSection 1. Jerseys. Each team must wear jerseys of the same color with permanentnumbers of contrasting color on the front and back. Numbers must be whole numbersbetween 0-99, no fractions or decimals. Jerseys may be checked out with a current UNLphoto ID at the Campus Recreation Center (Husker Reds).Section 2. Shoes. Only tennis, court, or basketball shoes with pliable synthetic or rubbersoles shall be worn. No marking black soled shoes, boots, or running shoes will be allowed.Section 3. Ball. The ball furnished by Campus Recreation shall be used for all intramuralgames. The smaller game ball will be used for all women's games (28 1/2"-29" incircumference and with a weight of 18-20 ounces).RULE 2. OFFICIALS AND THEIR DUTIESSection 1. The officials shall be a referee and an umpire (or when so assigned, a refereeand two umpires), who shall be assisted by a scorekeeper from each of the two competingteams. The officials shall wear uniforms distinct from those of either team.Section 2. The referee shall inspect and approve all equipment prior to the start of eachgame. The referee shall not permit any player to wear equipment which, in his/herjudgment, is dangerous to other players. Elbow, hand, finger, wrist or arm guards, casts orbraces made of hard and unyielding leather, plaster, pliable (soft) plastic, metal or anyother hard substance even though covered with soft padding, shall always be declaredillegal. Players may not wear jewelry. Any equipment, which is unnatural and designed toincrease a players height or reach or to gain an advantage, shall not be used.Section 3. The referee shall decide whether a goal shall count if the officials disagree. He/she shalldecide upon matters on which the scorers disagree and correct obvious timing errors. At the endof each half he/she shall check and approve the score.Section 4. The referee shall have power to make decisions on any points not specificallycovered in the rules.Section 5. The officials shall conduct the game in accordance with the rules.(a) Notifying the captains when play is about to begin at the start of the game.(b) Putting the ball in play.(c) Determining when the ball becomes dead.(d) Prohibiting practice during a dead ball, except between halves.(e) Administering penalties.(f) Ordering time-out.(g) Beckoning substitutes to enter the court.(h) Signaling a 3-point goal by raising two arms extended overhead.(i) Silently and visibly counting seconds to administer the throw-in, free throw,backcourt, and closely guarded rules.(j) Report a team warning for delay to the scorer and then inform the coach.Section 6. The officials shall penalize unsportsmanlike conduct by any player, coach,substitute, team attendant, or follower. If there is flagrant misconduct, the officials shallpenalize by removing any offending player from the game and the area. In addition, theofficials shall banish any offending coach, substitute, team attendant, or follower from thevicinity of the court if ejected. A player who commits his fifth foul shall also beremoved/disqualified from the game (but not necessarily the playing area).Section 7. Neither official shall have authority to set aside or question decisions made bythe other within the limits of his/her respective outlined duties.Section 8. The officials shall have power to make decisions for infractions or rules

committed either within or outside the boundary lines from before the scheduled startingtime of the game through the referee's approval of the final score. The jurisdiction of theofficials is terminated when the final score has been approved and the referee leaves thevisual confines of the playing area. This includes periods when the game may bemomentarily stopped for any reason.Section 9. (a) When a foul occurs, an official shall designate the offender to the scorersand indicate with the fingers the number of free throws (if applicable) to be taken.(b) When a team is entitled to a throw-in, an official shall clearly signal the act, whichcaused the ball to become dead, the throw-in spot unless it follows a successful goal or anawarded goal, and the team entitled to the throw-in. The official shall use his/her discretionwhether to hand or toss the ball in to the thrower-in, EXCEPT when the official is giving theball to the thrower-in on the endline in their own front court. In this situation the official shallhand the ball to the thrower-in.Section 10. Officials may correct an error if a rule is inadvertently set aside and results in:(a) failure to award a merited free throw;(b) awarding an unmerited free throw;(c) permitting a wrong player to attempt a free throw;(d) attempting a free throw at the wrong basket;(e) erroneously counting or canceling a score.In order to correct any of the 5 officials errors listed above, (a-e) such error must berecognized by an official during the first dead ball after the clock has properly started. If in(f) the error is made while the clock is running and the ball dead, it must be recognized byan official before the second live ball. If the error is a free throw by the wrong player, or atthe wrong basket or the awarding of an unmerited free throw, the free throw and the activityduring it, other than unsportsmanlike, flagrant, intentional, or technical fouls, shall becanceled. However, other points scored, consumed time, and additional activity, whichmay occur prior to the recognition of an error, shall not be nullified. Errors because of freethrow attempts by the wrong player or at the wrong basket shall be corrected by applyingrule 8-1 and 2. If an error is corrected, play shall be resumed from the point at which it wasinterrupted to rectify the error.Section 11. The scorers/timers must be provided by each team and shall record the fieldgoals made, shall record the free throws made and missed, and shall keep a runningsummary of the points scored. They shall record the personal and technical fouls called oneach player and shall notify the referee immediately when the fifth foul is called on anyplayer (personal or technical) and/or a team reaches its seventh or tenth foul in one half.They shall record the time-outs charged to each team. They shall keep track of the jumpballs for the alternating possession procedure and be responsible for the possession arrow.If neither team has a scorer/timer, the officials shall designate a player from each team tohandle scorer/timer responsibilities until such time as a scorer/timer can be located (SeeRule 6, Sec. 3). Note: a bookkeeping mistake may be corrected at any time until thereferee approves the final score. The scorecard is the official score of the game, and therunning score is the official overall score, rather than the individual totals of the players.RULE 3. PLAYERS AND SUBSTITUTESSection 1. Each team consists of 5 players, one of whom is the captain. A team mustbegin with at least 3 players, but, if it has no substitutes to replace disqualified players itmay continue with less than 3. A team may continue with as few as one (1) player, until they no longerhave an opportunity to win the game.Section 2. The captain is the representative of his/her team and may address an official onmatters of interpretation or to obtain essential information, if it is done in a courteousmanner. Any player may address an official to request a time-out or permission to leavethe court.Section 3. A substitute shall enter only when the ball is dead and when he/she isrecognized and beckoned on by the official. A player who has been withdrawn may not reenterbefore the next opportunity to substitute after the clock has started following his/herreplacement.A. A player who has been injured to the extent that the coach or any other bench

personnel is beckoned and/or comes onto the court shall be directed to leavethe game. Unless a time-out is requested by his/her team and the situation canbe corrected by the resumption of play.B. A player who is bleeding, has an open wound, has an excessive amount ofblood on his/her uniform, or has blood on his/her person, shall be directed toleave the game. Unless a time-out is requested by his/her team and thesituation can be corrected by the resumption of play.RULE 4. DEFINITIONSSection 1. An airborne shooter is a player who has released the ball on a try for goal orhas tapped the ball and has not returned to the floor. The airborne shooter is considered tobe in the act of shooting.Section 2. Basket Interference occurs when a player: a) touches the ball or any partof the basket while the ball is on or within the basket; b) touches the ball while any part ofthe ball is within the imaginary cylinder which has the basket ring as its lower base; and c)reaches through the basket from below and touches the ball before it enters the cylinder.Section 3. Blocking is illegal personal contact which impedes the progress of anopponent. Charging is illegal personal contact by pushing or moving into an opponent'storso.(a) A player who is moving with the ball is required to stop or change direction toavoid contact if a defensive player has obtained a legal guarding position inhis/her path.(b) If a guard has obtained a legal guarding position, the player with the ball must get his orher head and shoulders past the front of the torso of the defensive player. If contact occurson the front of the torso of the defensive player, the dribbler is responsible for the contact.(c) There must be reasonable space between two defensive players or a defensiveplayer and a boundary line to allow the dribbler to continue in his or her path. Ifthere is less than three feet of space, the dribbler has the greater responsibilityfor the contact.(d) The player with the ball may not push the torso of the guard to gain an advantage topass, shoot, or dribble.SECTION 4. A bonus free throw is a second free throw which is awarded for eachcommon foul (except a player control or team control foul) as follows:(a) Beginning with a team's 7th foul in each half and for the 8th and 9th foul, the bonus isawarded only if the first free throw is successful.(b) Beginning with a team's 10th foul in each half the bonus is awarded whether or not thefirst free throw is successful. Note: Player control fouls, team control fouls, andtechnical fouls are counted as team fouls to reach the bonus.Section 5. Boundary lines of the court consist of the end lines and sidelines. The insideedges of these lines define the inbounds and out-of-bounds areas.Section 6. Closely-guarded situation occurs when a player in control of the ball is guardedby an opponent who is within a distance of 6 feet of the player who is holding or dribblingthe ball.Section 7. Continuous motion applies to a try or tap for goal, but it has no significanceunless there is a foul by the defense during the interval which begins when the habitualthrowing movement starts a try or with the touching on a tap and ends when the ball isclearly in flight. If an opponent fouls after a player has started a try for goal, he or she ispermitted to complete the customary arm movement, and if pivoting or stepping whenfouled, the player may complete the usual foot or body movement in any activity whileholding the ball. These privileges are granted only when the usual throwing motion hasstarted before the foul occurs and before the ball is in flight. Continuous motion does notapply if a teammate fouls after a player has started a try for goal and before the ballis in flight. The ball becomes dead immediately.Section 8. A player is in control of the ball when he/she is holding or dribbling a live ballinbounds. A team is in control when a player of the team is in control, and also while a liveball is being passed between teammates. There is also team control on all throw-ins. Team controlcontinues until:

(a) The ball is in flight during a try or tap for goal;(b) An opponent secures control;(c) The ball becomes dead.Note: There is no player control during an interrupted dribble, but there is team control.An interrupted dribble occurs when the ball is loose after deflecting off the dribbler or itmomentarily gets away from the dribbler.When the ball remains alive a loose ball always remains in control of the team whoseplayer last had control, unless it is a try for goal. There is no team control during thetapping of a rebound. Neither team nor player control exists during:(a) A dead ball; or(b) When the ball is in flight during a try or tap for goal.In these situations, team control is reestablished when a player secures control.Section 9. Court Areas.(a) A team's frontcourt consists of that part of the court between its end line and thenearer edge of the division line, including its basket and the inbounds part of thebackboard.(b) A team's backcourt consists of the rest of the court, including its opponent's basket,the inbounds part of that backboard, and the entire division line.Section 10. A disqualified player is one who is barred from further participation in thegame because of committing his/her fifth foul (personal or technical), OR TWO TECHNICALFOULS, or a flagrant foul. An ejected player is one who is ejected prior to, during, or afterthe game by the game official(s) and/or staff assistant. Any ejected player has one minuteto leave the court and the game area (facility) under penalty of no less than game forfeiture.Section 11. A dribble is ball movement caused by a player in control who bats, pushes, ortaps the ball to the floor once or several times. During a dribble the ball may be batted intothe air, provided it is permitted to strike the floor before the ball is touched again with thehand(s). The dribble may be started by batting pushing, tapping or throwing the ball to thefloor.The dribble ends when:(a) the dribbler catches the ball in one or both hands; or(b) The dribbler palms/carries the ball by allowing it to come to rest in one or both hands; or(b) the dribbler simultaneously touches the ball with both hands; or(c) an opponent bats the ball; or(d) the ball becomes dead.An interrupted dribble occurs when the ball is loose after deflecting off the dribbler or after itmomentarily gets away from the dribbler.Section 12. Dunking is the driving, forcing, pushing, or attempting to force a ball throughthe basket with the hand(s). Dunking is illegal during the pre-game, and/or the halftimewarm-up period, and/or the post-game period. Grabbing the rim is also illegal (except toprevent injury) and is penalized in the same manner as dunking. Penalty: the player(s)that dunk/grab the rim will be given a technical foul. This applies regardless of when theviolation occurs. A player is ejected from the contest after two technical fouls.Section 13. Extra period is the extension of playing time necessary to break a tie score. Itis three (3) minutes in length. Extra periods are an extension of the second half. No timeoutsare allowed in extra period(s). A coin flip will determine possession to begin eachextra period.Section 14. Fighting is a flagrant act and can occur when the ball is dead or alive.Fighting includes but is not limited to:(a) An attempt to strike an opponent with fist, hands, arms, legs, or feet whether or notcontact is made.(b) An attempt to punch or kick an opponent whether or not contact is made.(c) An attempt to instigate a fight by committing an unsportsmanlike act toward anopponent that causes an opponent to retaliate by fighting.Section 15. Fouls.(a) A foul is an infraction of the rules which is charged and penalized.(b) A common foul is a personal foul, which is neither flagrant nor intentional norcommitted against a player trying or tapping for a field goal, nor is a part of a double ormultiple foul.

(c) A double foul may be personal or technical. A double personal foul is a situation inwhich two opponents commit personal fouls against each other at approximately the sametime. A double technical foul is a situation in which two opponents commit technical foulsagainst each other at approximately the same time. A false double foul is a situation inwhich there are fouls by both teams, the second of which occurs before the clock is startedor the ball becomes alive following the first, such that at least one of the attributes of adouble foul is absent. No free throws are awarded for double personal fouls or doubletechnical fouls and the ball is put in play by the team in possession of the ball at the point ofinterruption.(d) A flagrant foul may be a personal or technical foul of a violent or savage nature, or atechnical non-contact foul which displays vulgar or abusive conduct. It may or may not beintentional. If personal, it involves violent contact such as striking, kicking, kneeing, etc. Iftechnical, it involves dead ball contact or non-contact at any time which is extreme orpersistent, or vulgar or abusive conduct. FIGHTING IS A FLAGRANT ACT.Penalty: The offended will be awarded two points and possession of the ball at the throw-inspot nearest where the foul occurred. The offender shall be ejected from the contest.(e) An intentional foul is a personal or technical foul designed to stop or keep the clockfrom starting, to neutralize an opponent’s obvious advantageous position, contact awayfrom the ball or when not playing the ball. It may or may not be premeditated and is notbased on the severity of the act. A FOUL SHALL ALSO BE RULED INTENTIONAL IF WHILEPLAYING THE BALL A PLAYER CAUSES EXCESSIVE CONTACT WITH AN OPPONENT.Penalty: The offended will be awarded two points and possession of the ball at the throw-inspot nearest where the foul occurred.(f) A multiple foul is a situation in which two or more teammates commit personal foulsagainst the same opponent at approximately the same time. A false multiple foul is asituation in which there are two or more fouls by the same team such that the last foul iscommitted before the clock is started or the ball becomes alive following the first, so that atleast one of the attributes of a multiple foul is absent.(g) A personal foul is a player foul which involves illegal contact with an opponent whilethe ball is live, which hinders an opponent from performing normal defensive and offensivemovements. A personal foul also includes contact by or on an airborne shooter when theball is dead. Note: contact after the ball has become dead is ignored unless it is ruledintentional or flagrant or is committed by an airborne shooter.(h) A player control foul is a common foul committed by a player while he/she is incontrol of the ball, or by an airborne shooter.(i) A team control foul is a common foul committed by a member of the team that has theball(j) A technical foul is a foul by a non-player, or a non-contact foul by a player, or anintentional or flagrant contact foul while the ball is dead, except a foul by an airborneshooter. A simultaneous technical foul by opponents is a situation in which there is atechnical foul by both teams which occurs at approximately the same time, but are notcommitted by opponents against each other. No free throws are awarded and the ball isput in play by the team entitled to throw-in under the alternating possession procedure atthe division line opposite the table.Penalty: The offended will be awarded two points and possession of the ball at the throw-inspot nearest where the foul occurred.(k) A team foul is any personal foul or technical foul which is charged to either team. Allteam fouls are counted toward the bonus free throw.(l) An unsportsmanlike foul is a non-contact technical foul which consists of unfair,unethical, or dishonorable conduct. Acts of deceit such as accepting a teammate(s) foul orfree throw, faking being fouled, and using of profane or inappropriate language or gesturesare unsportsmanlike.Section 16. A free throw is the opportunity given a player to score one point by anunhindered try for goal from within the free throw circle and behind the free throw line. Afree throw starts when the ball is placed at the disposal of the free thrower. It ends when:the try is successful; when it is certain the try will not be successful; the try touches the flooror any player; or the ball becomes dead.Section 17. A fumble is the accidental loss of player control when the ball unintentionally

drops or slips from the player's grasp.Section 18. Goaltending occurs when a player touches the ball during a field goal try ortap while: the ball is in downward flight; the entire ball is above the level of the basket ring;the ball has the possibility of entering the basket in flight; and the ball is not touching animaginary cylinder which has the basket ring as its lower base. It is also goaltending when,during a free throw attempt, an opponent of the free thrower touches the ball while it isoutside the imaginary cylinder.Section 19. Guarding is the act of legally placing the body in the path of an offensiveopponent. There is no minimum distance required between the guard and opponent, butthe maximum is six feet when closely guarded. Every player is entitled to a spot on thefloor provided such player gets there first without illegally contacting an opponent. Toinitially establish legal guarding position, the guard must have both feet on the floorinbounds and the front of the guard's torso must be facing the opponent.Section 20. Hands and arms, legal and illegal use ofART. 1 It is legal to extend the arms vertically above the shoulders and they need not belowered to avoid contact with an opponent when the action of the opponent causes contact.This legal use of the arms and hands usually occurs when guarding the player making athrow-in, who is the player with the ball maneuvering to try for a goal by pivoting, jumpingor hooking.ART. 2 It is legal to reach to block or slap the ball controlled by a dribbler, or playerthrowing for goal or a player holding it and accidentally hitting the hand of the opponentwhen it is in contact with the ball.ART. 3 It is legal for a player to hold his or her hands and arms in front of his or her face orbody for protection and to absorb force from an imminent charge by an opponent. Thissame protective use of the arms and hands occurs when a player who has set a screenoutside the opponent’s visual field is about to be run into by the player being screened.The action however, should be a recoil action rather than a pushing action.ART. 4 It is illegal for a player to use his or her arms and hands or hips and shoulders toforce his or her way through a screen, or to hold the screener and then to push him or heraside in order to maintain a guarding position relative to his or her opponent.ART. 5 It is illegal for any player to use his hands in any way which inhibits the freedomof movement of the opponent, or acts as an aid to a player in starting or stopping.ART. 6 It is illegal to extend the arms fully or partially in a position other than vertical sothat the freedom of movement of an opponent is hindered when contact with the armsoccurs. The extension of the elbows when the hands are on the hips or when the handsare held near the chest or when the arms are held more or less horizontally are examplesof the illegal positions used. These positions are employed when rebounding, screening, orengaging in various aspects of post play.ART. 7 It is illegal for a player to use his or her forearm and/or hand to prevent anopponent from attacking the ball during a dribble, or when throwing for goal.ART. 8 When arms and elbows are swung about while using the shoulders as pivots,and when the speed of the extended arms and elbows is in excess of the rest of the bodyas it rotates on the hips or on the pivot foot, or if the speed and vigor with which the armsand elbows are swung are such that injury could result if another player were contacted,the penalty is a violation. The opponent will be awarded a throw-in at the designated outofbounds spot nearest the violation. If contact is made, the offending player will receive atechnical foul.ART. 9 It is not legal to lock arms or grasp a teammate(s) in an effort to restrict themovement of an opponent.Section 21. A held ball occurs when opponents have hands so firmly on the ball thatcontrol cannot be obtained without undue roughness, or when an opponent places his/herhand(s) on the ball and prevents an airborne player from throwing the ball or releasing it ona try.Section 22. Holding is illegal personal contact with an opponent which interferes withhis/her freedom of movement.Section 23. Incidental contact is contact which is permitted and does not constitute a foul.ART. 1 The mere fact that contact occurs does not constitute a foul. When ten players aremoving rapidly in a limited area, some contact is certain to occur.

ART. 2 Contact which occurs unintentionally in an effort by an opponent to reach a looseball, or contact which may result when opponents are in equally favorable positions toperform normal defensive or offensive movements, should not be considered illegal, eventhough the contact may be severe.ART. 3 Similarly, contact which does not hinder the opponent from participating in normaldefensive or offensive movements should be considered incidental.ART. 4 A player who is screened within his or her visual field is expected to avoid contactwith the screener by stopping or going around the screener. In cases of screens outsidethe visual field, the opponent may make inadvertent contact with the screener, and suchcontact is to be ruled incidental contact, provided the screener is not displaced if he or shehas the ball.ART. 5 If, however, a player approaches an opponent from behind or from a positionfrom which he or she has no reasonable chance to play the ball without makingcontact with the opponent, the responsibility is on the player in the unfavorable position.Section 24. Kicking the ball is intentionally striking it with any part of the leg or foot.Kicking the ball is a violation only when it is an intentional act; accidentally striking the ballwith the foot or leg is not a violation.Section 25. Player location is determined by where he/she is touching the floor as far asbeing: inbounds or out-of-bounds; in the frontcourt or backcourt; behind (outside) or insidethe 3-point field goal line. The location of an airborne player with reference to these factorsis the same as at the time such player was last in contact with the floor or an extension ofthe floor such as a bleacher. When the ball touches an official, it is the same as touchingthe floor at the official's location.Section 26. Rebounding is an attempt by a player to secure possession of the ball duringand following a try for goal. In a rebounding situation there is no player or team control.ART. 1 To obtain or maintain legal rebounding position, a player may not:(a) Displace, charge, or push an opponent.(b) Extend shoulders, hips, knees or extend the arms or elbows fully or partially in aposition other than vertical so that the freedom of movement of an opponent is hindered.(c) Bend his or her body in an abnormal position to hold or displace an opponent.(d) Violate the principle of verticality.Section 27. Resuming play procedure is used to prevent delay in putting the ball in playfollowing a time-out or intermission. The procedure results in a violation instead of atechnical foul for initial delay in specific situations.Section 28. A screen is legal action by a player who, without causing contact, delays orprevents an opponent from reaching a desired position.ART. 1 To establish a legal screening position:(a) The screener may face any direction;(b) Time and distance are relevant; and(c) The screener must be stationary, except when both are moving in the samepath and the same direction.ART. 2 When screening a stationary opponent from the front or side, the screener may beanywhere short of contact.ART. 3 When screening a stationary opponent from behind, the screener must allow theopponent one normal step backward without contact.ART. 4 When screening a moving opponent, the screener must allow the opponent timeand distance to avoid contact. The distance need not be more than two strides.ART. 5 When screening an opponent who is moving in the same path and direction as thescreener is moving, the opponent is responsible for contact if the screener slows up orstops.Section 29. A try for field goal is an attempt by a player to score 2 or 3 points by throwingthe ball into his/her basket. A player is trying for goal when the player has the ball and inthe official’s judgment is throwing or attempting to throw for goal. It is not essential that theball leave the player’s hand. A foul could prevent release of the ball. The try starts whenthe player begins the motion which habitually precedes the release of the ball. The tryends when the throw is successful or when it is certain the throw is unsuccessful or whenthe thrown ball touches the floor or when the ball becomes dead.A tap for goal is the contacting of the ball with any part of a player's hand(s) in an attempt

to direct the ball into his or her basket. A tap shall be considered the same as a try for fieldgoal. The tap starts when the player's hand(s) touch the ball. The tap ends in exactly thesame manner as a try.The act of shooting begins simultaneously with the start of the try and ends when the ballis clearly in flight, and includes the airborne shooter.Section 30. A throw-in is a method of putting the ball in play from out-of-bounds. Thethrow-in begins when the ball is at the disposal of a player of the team entitled to it. Thethrow-in ends when the passed ball touches, or is touched by an inbounds player otherthan the thrower (the player who attempts to make a throw-in). The throw-in count endswhen the ball is released by the thrower so the passed b

Section 2. Shoes. Only tennis, court, or basketball shoes with pliable synthetic or rubber soles shall be worn. No marking black soled shoes, boots, or running shoes will be allowed. Section 3. Ball. The ball furnished by Campus Recreation shall be used for all intramural games. The smaller game ball will be used for all women's games (28 1/2 .

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