Search organizational culture leadership style and effectiveness

culture, organizational commitment, and employee performance can satisfy customers. Leadership is associated with organizational outcomes such as team effectiveness and organizational performance (Chen, Kirkman, Kanfer, Allen and Rosen, 2007; Lin, 2009). Servant leadership in organizational culture and organizational commitment

organizational culture has examined many times by management and organizational scholars over the last decades. According to this interest, there have been many academic studies about organizational culture from various perspectives. Organizational culture denotes a wide range of social phenomena which help to define an

The instrument used in this research was Denison (2006) organizational culture questionnaire and Dimitris Buratas and Maria Vacula (2007) organizational culture. Cornbrash's alpha method was used to calculate the reliability. . organizational culture, one can manage the phenomenon of organizational silence (8). Many researchers have

The Role of Organizational Culture Developing organizational culture is a basic managerial tool for improving the work envi ronment by emphasizing core values necessary for individual and organizational effectiveness. Organizational culture is closely related to but should not be confused as equivalent to the con-cept of organizational climate.

Organizational culture mainly depends on the type of culture that prevails in the Organizational [4,14]. Strong Organizational culture: According to Madu [6], a strong Organizational culture refers to the set of values and beliefs that are strongly adhered to and shar

employees' performance, and Geert Hofstede's cultural approach to organizational culture from past researchers will be reviewed. 2.1 Organizational Culture Organizational culture did not go through investigations or studies among management level within corporations until late 1970. Looking into the background of organizational culture, it once

organizational culture can influence employee behavior in a company. Efforts to improve employee performance in addition to internal control, leadership style also needs to be considered. An ideal leader must have a good leadership style so that it can improve employee performance. A leader really needs to pay attention to the leadership style .

Effective leadership style creates a good organizational climate, which in turn generates high performance (leadership is an explanatory factor for around 70% of organizational climate; organizational climate is an explanatory factor for around 30% of corporate LEADERSHIP STYLES AND ORGANIZATIONAL CLIMATE performance).

Dominant organizational culture in PHC centers PHC center A Dominant organizational culture in PHC center A was the hierarchy culture (32.63 points), followed by the clan culture (31.89 points), the market culture (21.51 points), and finally the ad hoc cul-ture (Figure 1). In addition to the assessment of the actual culture,

Organizational culture generates its impact on organizational structure both through its design and its implementation. Organizational culture realizes its impact on shaping organizational structure through forming the interpretative schemes of the top management, which selects the organizational structure model (James, James, Ashe, 1990).

molded by the organizational culture (OC). Ahmady . et al. (2016) argue that organizational culture is the identity of the organization and highlights the views and perception of the staff which influences their behaviour. Levering (2016) sees organizational culture as essential ingredient for the successful achievement of organizational goal.

Eliyana et al. (2019) found that while leadership style does not directly improve employee performance, it does have an impact when job satisfaction and organizational commitment are included. 2. Literature Review and Hypothesis 2.1. Leadership Style According to Rivai (2017), leadership style is a set of