Carbohydrates-Page 3

E -D-glucose. Carbohydrates Carbohydrates include not only sugar, but also the starches that we find in foods, such as bread, . D-ribose D-arabinose D-xylose D-lyxose Ald op en t oses 23 8. 30 The Family of D-aldoses (L-forms not shown) C H O H OH H O H H OH C H 2 OH H OH C H O H

Carbohydrates Monosaccharides It turns out that the L form of glyceraldehyde is called L because it is "levorotary," meaning it will rotate plane-polarized light to the left, or counter-clockwise. D rotates "dextrorotary." Carbohydrates Nearly all sugars in biology are "D" (sort of like most amino acids are "L"). As you go to

Carbohydrates can vary from simpler three- to seven-carbon single-unit molecules to very complex branching polymers. Although hundreds of diff erent carbohydrates exist in nature, this text takes the simplest approach and groups them into just a few broad categories, namely,

Carbohydrates are the largest component in the dairy ration and contribute 60 to 70% of the net energy used for milk production. Carbohydrates may be divided into fiber and non-fiber components. The fiber or structural portion, commonly called neutral detergent fiber (NDF), includes cellulose, lignin, and hemicellulose ( Table 1 ). The NDF fraction

C. Extensive digestion of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins occurs in the duodenum. D. Fermentation of fibrous carbohydrates occurs in the rumen of ruminants and the cecum for those species with functional ceca. E. Absorption of degradation products of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins occurs in the duodenum and ileum.

Carbohydrates Provide cells with energy by converting to glucose Excess glucose stored in liver and muscle as glycogen Residual unstored glycogen is turned into fat Carbohydrates comprise carbon, oxygen and hydrogen and include sugars, starch and cellulose Chemically they are ketones or aldehydes They are classified as follows:

Reduced carbohydrates (also called sugar alcohols) have traditionally been a difficult class of carbohydrates to separate by liquid chromatography. They are weaker acids than their nonreduced counterparts (compare the pKas of glucose and sorbitol or galactose and dulcitol in Table 1), and are therefore poorly retained on the Dionex CarboPac

Complex carbohydrates, their chemistry, biosynthesis, and functions. An updated and expanded version of lecture notes prepared for students at the Feinberg Graduate School of the Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovoth, Israel. 1. Carbohydrates. I. Title. QP701.S477 574.1'9248 75-31746 ISBN -201-07324-2 ISBN -201-07323-4 pbk.

the molecules might be carbohydrates seemed farfetched. That large class of compounds consists of monosaccha-rides (simple sugars such as glucose and fructose) and of oligosaccharides and polysaccharides, which are composed of linked monosaccharides. Until the late 1960s, carbohydrates were thought to serve only as energy sources (in the

carbohydrates, called glycocalyx, in this space the carbohydrates are linked to glycoproteins and glycolipids secreted by the membrane or still linked to it (Alberts et al. 2002, Mitchell et al. 2014) (Fig. 1A). Mucin and glycosaminoglycans are also in extracellular medium (Cohen 2015); this space has the physical and chemical

2003). Knowledge of the capacity to utilise carbohydrates in the diet is an essential pre-requisite for appropriate formulation of fish feed (Wilson, 1994). This thesis focuses on digestion and metabolism of carbohydrates from cereals, in the form of wheat starch, and from micro fungi, in the form of chitin.

The study regards the problem of the influence of the consumption of carbohydrates and fats on sports performance. It is shown that with regard to an issue debated for decades, there is not only the problem of what percentagethese nutrients should have in the energy balance, but above all the preferable type of fats or carbohydrates.