GoPhone - A Software Product Line in the Mobile Phone Domain Authors: Dirk Muthig Isabel John Michalis Anastasopoulos Thomas Forster Jörg Dörr Klaus Schmid IESE-Report No. 025.04/E Version 1.0 March 5, 2004 Fraunhofer Institut Experimentelles IESE Software Engineering. GoPhone - A Software Product Line in
GoPhone Wireless Home Phone User Guide ATA &T WF721TWF721 Openfirst Sta rtheerer Quick StartGuide Wireless Home Phone 081704100371 GOP CLT 0715 1176 D-S. 2 Getting Started LED Indicators The table below describes possible states for each of the LED indicators. Key Icon Name Status Condition Green Solid Power On
free of charge. Account Passcode PAYMST06110780Dab_wp.indd 6 6/10/11 11:37 AM. Refilling Your . GoPhone Pay As You Go cards may be returned to the place of purchase within 30 days if the scratch-off strip has . family and business associates around the world. DI
gophone for more details. Phone features subject to change without prior notice. All phone screens are simulated. Product color may vary. See user guide for Spanish instructions. Phone and Feature Guide Touch Screen and Navigation 3.2 MP Camera/Camcorder PC-like Web Browsing Android Market Wi-Fi and Bluetooth Connectivity
5.4 Excerpt of the software case for the product "GoPhone Elegance". . . . . . . . 26 5.5 Partial software case on the basis of the Requirement "SetSMSRecipient" . . . 29 IST-2006-033596 ReDSeeDS: Requirements Driven Software Development System page IX. Software Case Marking Language Definition - D4.3
GoPhone, Fraunhofer IESE Evaluated concepts Feature Unweaving vs. Feature Modeling and UML (pure::variants and Enterprise Architect) Case 25 variable features (68 overall), 3 products Results Requirements and variability modeling is much more efficient About 60% less model elements required in ADORA
gophone 6210 mit einer Tastensperre ausgerüstet. Die Tastensperre wird mit dem Schalter an der lin-ken Seite des Telefons ein- und ausgeschaltet. In der Werkseinstellung wird die Tastensperre auto-matisch eingeschaltet, wenn Sie 5 Minuten lang keine Taste am Telefon drücken. Dieses kann unter Einstellungen Sicherheitseinstellungen Auto.
gophone 6160 mit einer Tastensperre ausgerüstet. Die Tastensperre kann durch Drücken der rechten Displaytaste (Anzeige „Freigabe") und an-schließendem Drücken der Taste innerhalb von 3 Sekunden ausgeschaltet werden. In der Werks-einstellung wird die Tastensperre automatisch ein-geschaltet, wenn Sie 5 Minuten lang keine Taste am
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AngularJS is an extensible and exciting new JavaScript MVC framework developed by Google for building well-designed, structured and interactive single-page applications (SPA). It lays strong emphasis on Testing and Development best practices such as templating and declarative bi-directional data binding. This cheat sheet co-authored by Ravi Kiran and Suprotim Agarwal, aims at providing a quick .
The handbook Architectural Graphic Standards was first published in 1932, the same year and in the same city that the exhibition The International Style opened at The Museum of Modern Art in New York. The coincidence of these two events underscores the bifur cation in modern architectural practice between appearance and function. While the show emphasized formal composi tional principles to .
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