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impact their growth, development, and love of nature. Instead, we need to bring nature play back into our families' yards, local green spaces, and school playgrounds — places they can reach on foot or by bicycle, day after day, to play and re-play. "Nearby nature" is the key to restoring frequent nature play!

Nature is orderly, acting according to natural "laws," and works like a clock. ! We can understand natural laws through science and reason. ! Our scientific knowledge enables us to have power over nature and manipulate it for our benefit - the rational use of nature. ! "Mechanism": treating nature as if it were a machine,

living nature, such as mountains, canyons, caves, and geysers. In our view, biophilia should include the human affiliation with nonliving nature, and this opens up an interesting line of future research. A third question is whether biophilia includes only positive ''loving'' relations to nature (the ''philia'' part of biophilia).

nature, from the intrinsic belief that nature is beautiful and has a right to exist, through to a recognition of the services nature provides. Known as ecosystem services, these include food, drinking water, fibre, building and manufacturing materials, and other less direct services like carbon storage, air and water filtration, pollination,

NATURE POSITIVE 2030 / EVIDENCE REPORT 2 Nature Positive 2030 is a report by the Joint Nature Conservation Committee, Natural England, Natural Resources Wales, NatureScot and the Northern Ireland Environment Agency. This Evidence Report is accompanied by a companion document, Nature Positive 2030 - Summary Report, which provides an easily accessible overview of the main findings and .

nature daily, or multiple times a week, and 87% said it was likely or very likely that they would continue using their Nature Prescription. Over half of patients (56%) noted an ongoing increase in their awareness of nature, as a result of the prescription. Prescribers also reported an increased awareness of nature post-pilot, with many noticing

Connecting with nature should be part of every child's life as it has the potential to aid nature's revival while benefiting the child. To embed nature connection within our social norms, there is a need to be able to understand the benefits and set targets for levels of nature connection.

The State of Nature 2019. The State of Nature partnership. STATE OF NATURE 2019 presents an overview of how the country's wildlife is faring, looking back over nearly 50 years of monitoring to see how nature has changed in the UK, its Crown Dependencies and Overseas Territories. As well as this long-term view, we focus on what

Common definitions of nature-based solutions include: TNC defines nature-based solutions as, "project solutions that are motivated and supported by nature and . that may also offer environmental, economic, and social benefits, while increasing resilience. Nature-based solutions include both green and natural infrastructure." FEMA

However, it may be transferred to other THPRD programs until June 1, 2021. 3 Summer Camps at a Glance Ages 5-6 yrs . 6-9 yrs : 6-9 yrs : 7-10 yrs : 9-12 yrs : Location Jenkins Estate ; Cooper Mountain Nature Park ; Cooper Mountain Nature Park : Tualatin Hills Nature Park ; Lowami Hart Woods : Camp Camp Wild Things ; Mini Nature Camp ;

the beneits of outdoor environments and nature experiences are remarkable and extensive. these include: inner peace, stress reduction, itness, healing, mental health, and creativity; physical, emotional and intellectual development; bonding with nature, appreciation for nature, and heightened sense of beauty. Unstructured experiences in nature are

Japanese people identify themselves as being very sensitive to nature yet Japan is is notable for its environmental problems both within the country and outside it (Kalland, 1995; Martinez, 2008). Kalland (1995) claims that the widespread view of Japanese society as nature-loving is a misconception derived from Japanese admiration for nature .