Speakout Elementary Second Edition. Speakout Second Edition is a comprehensive six-level general English course for adults that has been developed in association with BBC Worldwide and BBC Learning English. The course integrates authentic video from popular BBC
Students report that Speakout with MEL helps them to increase their confidence, motivation, and enjoyment of learning English. 74% (142 / 192) of students surveyed in Poland report that Speakout with MEL significantly helps them increase their confidence in learning English. Bet
NEW INSIDE OUT PRE-INTERMEDIATE AND INTERMEDIATE, SPEAKING ACTIVITIES AND ANECDOTES New Inside Out, pre-intermediate and intermediate levels (A2-B1) Michel Andrey, michelandrey@bluewin.ch Page 2 Timing: 10-12 minutes per pair of candidates. Candidates are assessed on their performance throughout the test. There are a total of 25 marks in Paper 3,
SPEAKOUT PRE‐INTERMEDIATE WORDLIST UnitPageExWord Part of SpeechPronunciation Definition Example Greek translation 0 6 1above adv, prep əˈbʌv higher than something, or on top of it There was a light above the door. πάνω από 0 6 1 .
(c) Pearson Education Speakout Pre-Intermediate Wordlist Page 2 0 6 3adverb n ˈædvɜːb a word that describes or adds to the meaning of a verb, an adjective, another adverb, or a sentence. For example, 'quietly' is an ad
Speakout Upper Intermediate - Wordlist English / German / French / Italian Page Headword Part of speech Pronunciation German French Italian Example Sentence 8 buddy up phr v ˈbʌdi ʌp ein Zimmer teilen partager une pièce condividere una camera We can't afford to stay in separate hotel rooms, so we'll have to buddy up.
Speakout Second Edition Upper Intermediate is aligned with the Global Scale of English and Common European Framework of Reference. It takes learners from B1 to B2 level. Each lesson guides students to a ‘Can do’ goal in line with the
Wordlist Speakout 2nd Edition Intermediate Plus chronological Word Page Part of speech Pronunciation German Italian French Definition Example Sentence early bird 8 n ˈɜːli ˌbɜːd Frühaufsteher/in mattiniero/-a lève-tôt someone who always gets up very early in the morning Luke's an ear
Speakout Upper Intermediate A-Z - Wordlist English / German / French / Italian Page Headword Part of speech Pronunciation German French Italian Example Sentence benefit v ˈbenəfɪt profitieren bénéficier approfitta
Speakout Intermediate - Wordlist English / German / French / Italian Page Headword Part of speech Pronunciation German French Italian Example Sentence 14 firmly adv ˈfɜːm li fest fermement fermamente When you have a job
Speakout Pre-Intermediate Worldlist Page 2 1.2 11 1B Speaking be in charge v phr to have control over or responsibility for something or someone My dad's in charge of the TV remote in our house! υπεύθυνος 1.2 11 1B Speaking refuse v to say firmly that you will not do or accept
Speakout Second Edition is a comprehensive six-level general English course for adults that has been developed in association with BBC Worldwide and BBC Learning English.The course integrates authentic video from popular BBC