Interest in Executive Function in ChildrenInterest in Executive Function in Children 5 articles in 19855 articles in 1985 14 articles in 199514 articles in 1995 501 articles by 2005501 articles by 2005 –– Bernstein &Bernstein &a
Interest in Executive Function in ChildrenInterest in Executive Function in Children 5 articles in 19855 articles in 1985 14 articles in 199514 articles in 1995 501 articles by 2005501 articles by 2005 -- Bernstein &Bernstein & WaberWaber Executive Function inExecutive Function in Education, 2007Education, 2007 0 100 200 300 400 500 600
Except for the above-designated amendment(s), the restated articles set out without change the provisions of the articles being amended. AS 10.06.504(b)(1) The restated articles, together with the above-designated amendment(s), supersede the original articles and all amendments to the original articles. AS 10.06.504(b)(2)
STATUT ADMINISTRATIF TABLE DES MATIERES Chapitre 1 - Principes généraux Articles 1 à 8 Chapitre 2 - Du dossier administratif Articles 9 à 12 Chapitre 3 - Des droits et devoirs particuliers Articles 13 à 40 quater Chapitre 4 - Du recrutement Titre 1 - Dispositions générales Articles 41 à 46 Titre 2 - Des épreuves de recrutement Section 1 - De l’appel Articles 47 à 48 Section 2 - De .
Chapter 72 Iron and steel Chapter 73 Articles of iron or steel Chapter 74 Copper and articles thereof Chapter 75 Nickel and articles thereof Chapter 76 Aluminium and articles thereof Chapter 77 (Reserved for possible future use) Chapter 78 Lead and articles thereof Chapter 79 Zinc
IV. - Other alloy steel; hollow drill bars and rods, of alloy or non-alloy steel 73 Articles of iron or steel 74 Copper and articles thereof 75 Nickel and articles thereof 76 Aluminum and articles thereof 77 (Reserved for possible future use in the Harmonized System) 78 Lead and articles thereof 79 Zinc
Thomson Reuters in 2009, the number of submitted articles has increased considerably from 400 articles in 2009 to 1,600 articles in 2014 and 2,000 articles in 2015. In this study, two types of similarity levels, i.e., ISI and MSI, are used for pub-lished and rejected articles using CrossCheck. Based on the CrossCheck statistical analysis on the .
English as a Second Language (ESL): Use of Articles One of the most confusing parts of English grammar for many non-native speakers is the use of articles. In English, articles are used to modify nouns in certain situations; they are not used before every noun.
Publication status Articles that have been peer-reviewed Articles that have not been peer-reviewed and are not published in peer -reviewed journals, including unpublished data manuscripts, reports, abstracts, and conference proceedings Language of publication Articles published in English Articles published in languages other than English
1.1.3 "these Articles" means these Articles of Association in their present form or as from time to time amended; 1.1.4 "Auditors" means the auditors of the Company appointed pursuant to these Articles; 1.1.5 "Bankrupt" has the meaning ascribed to it in the Interpretation (Jersey) Law, 1954;
A new set of articles of association of Sun Hung Kai Properties Limited is to be adopted by the shareholders at the annual general meeting to be held on day, 12 November 2015Thurs. The existing articles of association remain in full force and ef fect until the adoption of the n ew articles of association. AMENDED MEMORANDUM AND
1. AMENDMENTS TO ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION PROPOSED THAT that the Articles of Association of the Company (Articles) be amended in the following manner: (1) By inserting a new Article 16A as follows: “Notwithstanding any other provisions in the Memorandum and the Articles, while