e-learning and reference solutions for the global finance professionalFinancial AccountingA comprehensive and practical online guide for thebasics of financial accountingAfter completing this course you will be conversant with:Accounting ConceptsAccounting EquationRules of AccountingRecording the transactionsAdjusting & Rectifying the booksPreparation of Financial StatementsAnalyzing Financial StatementsReconciling the booksPO Box 910207, San Diego, CA 92191, U.S.A. Ph.: 1-858-558-8118,Fax: 1-858-558-8448, email: information@kesdee.com
Financial AccountingCourse Level & Number of CoursesBasic & Intermediate LevelLibrary of 15 CoursesInstructional MethodDynamic, Interactive e-learningRecommended BackgroundFamiliarity with basic financial conceptswww.kesdee.comTarget AudienceEvery professional involved in the global financialservices industry (as a provider, user, regulator oradvisor of product/services, marketplace/exchange)would benefit from KESDEE’s innovative solutions.Supervisory AgenciesCentral BanksFinancial InstitutionsOverviewCommercial BanksAny organization that deals with money or money'sInvestment Banksworth needs to record every transaction that it entersHousing Societies/Thriftsinto. The courses in this product give a completeMutual Fundsunderstanding, right from scratch to preparation andBrokerage Housesanalysis of financial statements. The product isStock Exchangessupplemented with a number of interactiveDerivatives Exchangesexercises, in accordance with the 'learn by doing'Insurance Companiesapproach.Multinational CorporationsAccountancy FirmsConsultancy FirmsLaw FirmsRating AgenciesMulti-lateral Financial InstitutionsOthersThe themes of this product are:Understand the Accounting FrameworkUnderstand the Accounting ProcessUnderstand the process of FinalizationUnderstand the Financial Statement AnalysisUnderstand Depreciation AccountingUnderstand Merchandise AccountingReconciling Cash & Bank balancesGet overall knowledge of Bookkeeping & AccountancyFor more information, please visit: www.kesdee.com
Financial AccountingLibrary of 15 Courseswww.kesdee.comTime taken to complete each Course: Two - Three hours1. Introduction to AccountingMeaning, Functions and Sub fields of AccountingAccounting CycleAccounting Principles- Concepts & ConventionsAccounting EquationTypes of AccountsRules of Debit & Credit8. Inventory AccountingThe basics of inventoryInventory accounting systemsInventory valuation methodsAccounting for inventoryInventory and its impact on financialstatements.2. Accounting ProcessAnalyzing transactionsRecording transactionsPosting to ledgerBalancing the accountsPreparing Trial Balance9. Depreciation AccountingThe basic concepts of depreciationThe methods of depreciationAccounting for depreciationDepreciation and its impact on cash flowand income tax3. Finalization of AccountsRectifying the erroneous entriesJournalizing adjustment entriesPreparing Adjusted Trial BalancePassing the closing or transfer entriesPreparing financial statements10. Long-Lived Assets - TheCapitalization DecisionThe course explains the firm’s decision toexpense or capitalize the costs of acquiringAssets.4. Financial Statement Analysis-ICategorization of ratiosVarious types of ratios including Liquidity Ratios,Solvency Ratios, Structure Ratios, Leverage Ratios,and Coverage Ratios.Significance of these ratios5. Financial Statement Analysis-IIVarious other types of ratios including ProfitabilityRatios, Expense Ratios, Turnover Ratios, andMarket Sensitivity Ratios.Decomposition of ROA and ROE with Dupont AnalysisLimitations of ratio analysis6. Reconciliation of BooksWhat actually is Bank Reconciliation?Reasons for reconciling the books.Procedure or steps for reconciliation.7. Petty Cash AccountingPetty cash and its purposeWriting petty cash bookTypes of petty cash bookControl over petty cashFurther this course discusses the impact ofexpensing or capitalizing decision on thefirm’s financial statements and ratios.The course also explains the treatment forintangible assets regarding capitalizing orexpensing the costs and describes thecircumstances when intangible assets arecapitalized.11. Analysis of Financing LiabilitiesThe course provides a distinction betweenoperating and trade debt related to operatingand financing activities.It explains debt issuance (in particular zerocoupon bond)/amortization effects onfinancial statements and financial ratios.Further, the course analyses the effect ofissuance of a debt with equity features onfinancial statements and ratios.The course gives an insight into variousdisclosures related to financing liabilities.The course also elaborates the effect ofchanging interest rates on the market valueof debt as well as on financial statements andratios.Lastly, the course describes the concept ofretiring debt and debt covenants fromvarious perspectives.For more information, please visit: www.kesdee.com
Financial AccountingLibrary of 15 CoursesTime taken to complete each Course: Two - Three hours12. Leases and Off-Balance-Sheet DebtThe course explains the fundamentals of leasefinancing and focuses on various forms of offbalance-sheet financing.Further, it differentiates between operating andfinancial leases.www.kesdee.comIt makes the user understand the impact of leasefinancing on accounting system of a concern andits ratios.The course also expounds the lease accountingcalculations.Also, it describes various other forms of offbalance-sheet financing like sales receivables andtake-or-pay contracts.13. Analysis of Income TaxesAccounting policies adopted by a company (suchas method of depreciation, valuation of inventoriesetc.) influences the financial statements andthereby the pre-tax income and the income taxpayable. When the tax reporting and financialreporting differs, it leads to differences in incomeand deferred tax liabilities.15. International Standards ConvergenceThe course first explains the majorinternational accounting standards for eachasset and liability category on the balancesheet and the key differences from U.S.generally accepted accounting principles(GAAP).Then the course focuses on comparison ofthe major international accountingstandards with U.S. GAAP with respect tomajor revenue and expense categories onthe income statement.The course also discusses the majordifferences between international and U.S.GAAP accounting standards concerning thetreatment of interest and dividends on thecash flow statement.Finally, the course explains the effect ofdifferences between international and U.S.GAAP accounting standards on somecommonly used financial ratios.The effect on income, deferred tax liability/assets,and various related issues are discussed in thiscourse.14. Financial Reporting StandardsThe course discusses the objective of financialreporting and the importance of financialstandards in security analysis and valuation.The course explores the role of financialreporting standard-setting bodies worldwideand the International Financial ReportingStandards (IFRS) framework promulgated byone key body, the International AccountingStandards Board.The movement towards worldwideconvergence of financial reporting standardsis also introduced.JOB AIDSDisclosuresMeasurement ToolsCase StudyCalculators in Financial Accounting1. Cash Flow Calculator2. Corporate Performance – Dashboard3. Ratio Calculator4. Petty Cash Calculator5. Bank Reconciliation CalculatorFurther, IFRS is compared with otheralternative reporting systems.Finally, the course discusses the importanceof monitoring developments in financialreporting standardsFor more information, please visit: www.kesdee.com
Available Productswww.kesdee.comKESDEE’s Off-the-Shelf e-Learning Course LibrariesProduct NameNo. of set Liability ManagementLiquidity Management and Contingency Funding PlanFinancial Institution Analysis - CAMELS ApproachFinancial MathematicsGlobal Banking SupervisionCapital Adequacy Planning (Basel I)Basel-II-UniversityOperational Risk Management – Basel IIFutures and ForwardsSwapsOptionsMarket Risk - BasicMarket Risk - IntermediateMarket Risk - AdvancedValue at RiskCredit AnalysisCredit RatingsCounter party Credit RiskCredit Risk ModelingCredit DerivativesOperational Risk ManagementAsset SecuritizationAsset Liability Management for Insurance CompaniesAnti-Money LaunderingFinancial PrivacyCorporate GovernanceSarbanes-Oxley ActGovernance, Risk and ComplianceMoney MarketsFixed Income MarketsEquity MarketsForeign Exchange MarketsCommodity and Energy MarketsCTM - Foreign Exchange ManagementCTM - Treasury AnalyticsCTM - Interest Rate Risk ManagementCTM - Funding and InvestmentsCTM - ImplementationCTM - Case StudiesCTM - Trading Operation ControlsUnderstanding Financial StatementsBudgetingManagement AccountingFinancial AccountingMutual FundsFinancial PlanningUCP600International Trade ServicesBBM - DepositsBBM - AdvancesFor more information, please visit: CoursesCourses
Available Productswww.kesdee.comKESDEE’s Off-the-Shelf e-Learning Course LibrariesProduct NameNo. of esCoursesCoursesCoursesBBM - MarketingBBM - Payment and Settlement SystemBBM - Foreign Exchange OperationsBBM - Trade FinanceBBM - Book Keeping and accountingBBM - Ancillary ServicesBBM - Risk ManagementBBM - Technology and SecurityBBM - HRM and CSRBBM - Retail BankingIntroduction to Bank Lending EnvironmentBasics of BankingFlotationProject Valuation* CTM: Corporate Treasury Management* BBM: Bank Branch ManagementCertification Tutorials1.2.3.4.ePRM CoachAssociate ePRM CoacheFRM CoacheCoach for the CFA ProgramUpcoming ProductsKESDEE has the required technology platform to respondto clients training requirements in the banking andfinancial services industry. We offer several solutions,each developed with the guidance of creditable experts.Given below are few of the forthcoming products:Agricultural FinanceGFTTGlobal Financial Training and TechnologyP.O. Box 910207, San Diego, CA 92191-0207, USA.( 1 858-558-8118 information@kesdee.com,information@gftt.com7 1 858-558-8448" www.kesdee.com,www.gftt.comFor more information, please visit: www.kesdee.com
55. BBM - Book Keeping and accounting Library of 03 Courses 56. BBM - Ancillary Services Library of 02 Courses 57. BBM - Risk Management Library of 03 Courses 58. BBM - Technology and Security Library of 04 Courses 59. BBM - HRM and CSR Library of 02 C
FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING : MEANING, NATURE AND ROLE OF ACCOUNTING STRUCTURE 1.0 Objective 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Origin and Growth of Accounting 1.3 Meaning of Accounting 1.4 Distinction between Book-Keeping and Accounting 1.5 Distinction between Accounting and Accountancy 1.6 Nature of Accounting 1.7 Objectives of Accounting 1.8 Users of Accounting Information 1.9 Branches of Accounting 1.10 Role .
Basics of Banking w w w. k e s d e e. c o m For more information, please visit:www.kesdee.com Library of 13 Courses 6. Deposit Accounts The importance of deposits for the bank, its customers and the economy
Accounting Principles Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) are the standard framework of guidelines for financial accounting/preparation of financial statements which has strong tight with the common accounting practices along with the accounting standards. Accounting principles are same as accounting concepts which discussed earlier.
1. What does cost accounting involve? A. Drawing up balance sheet B. Writing off of costs C. Ascertainment of cost D. Preparation of statement of value added E. Annual audit of financial statement 2. Cost accounting is an integral part of A. Financial accounting B. Forensic accounting C. Treasury accounting D. Historical accounting
1. Financial accounting -Management accounting is mainly concerned with the rearrangement of the information provided by financial accounting. Thus for an effective and successful management accounting there should be a proper and well designed financial accounting system. 2. Cost accounting -Many of the techniques of cost control like standard
WSU Accounting Overview "Basis of Accounting" Wayne State University's financial statements are prepared in accordance with Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) principles. The day -to day accounting is prepared using fund accounting. Fund accounting is an accounting and reporting system commonly used by public colleges and universities to keep track of resources whose use is
“Learning Free Online Accounting Concepts & Principles” Accounting Test Paper Questions with Answers On Accounting For Depreciation Of Fixed Assets _ (Page 1) [If you need more questions and answers E-books on subjects like bookkeeping, financial accounting, costing/managerial accounting and financial .
accountant, accounting associate, accounting assistant, accounting technician, financial analyst, budget officer, audit assistant, and tax preparer. Learning Outcomes . 2 . Application of contemporary accounting software is central in the management of modern organizations. Using accounting software, students apply accounting principles by .