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» VOL XJX. No. 4.',"" -"MANASSAS. YA., FRIDAY/JUNE 20, 1913ONE DOU,ARn \ YEAR/MANASSAS HIGH FiNALSjtOlHER'S JUNE BULLETIN CHILDRENS' DAY AT GRACE VERY ENJOYABLE OCCASTON DEDICATION 0. F, A. HALI. A PRETTY JUNE WEDDINGG r e e t e d By a Large and Appre-iContalfitf M u c k -Taluable Infor- C h u r c h Edifice Crowded to Ut- Scheduled For Bradley O n Ind A t Independent HiU Saturday Historic S t Paul's Church, H « y j Night, Marked B y M a n y la m o s t C a p a d t y M a h y FaUpaodence Day—Excellentmarket. S c e n e of t h a Haiqyyciative A w i i e n c e — D r . ' ' mation AVhicb F a n n e r * CanH e c k Fine A d d r t i rfPut to U s e W Pra .toGamProgram Arranged.ItereatingAifiicttKaL.- - E y e a t W g d m d a y . » n i n g .One- of the fflost largely atSt, P a u l ' s ' h i s t o r i c Protestant Tbe-fnltowinig program wiH b e - L a s t Saturday a n d tbe- veningJuly i. com- -followiny. was a gala occasiontended- :within the history of Grace M.E. mencirtg at 10 a. m., "by the Can- for Independent Hill w h e n the once t h e temple of justice o fchurch was (observed last Sunday non Branch and Bradley Sunday 0 . F. A. hall, at t h a t place, was Prince William county andraarkedw h e n thfe church edifice w a s Schools. Everybody and espec- dedicated with appropriate and by its interesting ancient traditigns w a s t}ie scene Wednesday .crowded to i t s . u t m o s t* *v y QynTi/*tf vtfrtrlf ftrfl artf* M r* interesting exercises.The invocation w a s delivered e v e n i n g at 8 o'clock of one o f the" "most enthusiastic audiences Keire- ttion they can put to practical use. and many could - not gain admit- dially invited.\ t o f o r e n o t e d u p o f t any similar oc- E v e w farmer i n the State sbcHild tance to the heaotiful exiercises. Oeyetioiwl ExercisesA. Conner by Rev. E . A. Roads, pastor of m wt brilliant e v e n t s of the seaThechancelwastastefullydecoSongBradley Sunday School Grace M. E. 'Church, of Manas- son, w h e n Miss Bess B e n n e t tcasion. Every seat was occupied receiVetheseBulletins. They areRectta hni'- **TwwGtnepeB"" ratedwithJunerosesandothersas, who i s a member of .Aden & « w e r , - e l d e B t - d a u g h t e r of Dr.and t h e side aisles p o n g e a t e d h y - j e n t - 0 u t free on application toScenaRamey Council.flowers with a plentiful displayand Mrs. Charles Ford Brower,CommissionerKoiper.t h e immense throng,R it.tion-"A B o y . Miwiori'J j , j welcome WW of Gainesville, became the brideof palms and ferns.Thisissueisespeciallyint estT h e stage was neatly arranged"The opening chorus, "Onward, Address- 'Abhor Evil,'' 25 minutes" 4elivered by Dr. R. E. V ine, and of Mr. Russell Holman Willis, o fa n d fragrant roses a n d lilies ing and timely. The importanceDr. H. L, Quaries t h e dedicatory address by Hon. Koanoke.t h e farmers oorrggaamzzmgg and Christian Soldiers," w h i c h was6fmmadorned each side of its procenSongCannonBranchSunday School C. X Meetze. Other addressesT h e b r i d - e - w a s exquisitelyco-operating is emphasized in a 'sweetly rendered was" followedium. Recitation-"TheGoofession"iwere made by Mr, C. A. Sinclair, g o w n e d in w h i t e charmeuse,stQpng, l e a d i n g article. The by a n invocation by Rev-- - A .Promptly at eight'o'clock the,.„Liz i" Aimei.t out "Immigration,'' in which he trimrned in rhinos toniwrranS"many otherr important sutojeclssubjects Roads, pastor of t h e church. The „* . .Btudfent bcidy filed up t h e centerdiscussttd Mfei'How to oii o htty} oongo and recitatiuiis a l i o w tfd Rec.Ut.on- Save he y s . r Uyllbld thy CalifOf lUtt l»Uld blllmi c a j n e d a shower bouquetot s w e e tc i o l e t o a maiehrendeiftd by Mfa.Patrick IJenry principles; by Rev. peas and.lilies-of-the-valley, h e rcareful training and were ren- Declamation- "Finish the Job" .B. T. Hodge, director o f music Grow crops that are rich in proRaymond Green Roads, on "Bible and Flag i a tulle veil tM' 'ny fijiifihH "''* dered with pleasing effect. / Folteinandsavebuyingbigh'pricedand expression of the school andrnnrnrt F v i i a ii irifUtui Duju jyn Pubhc tjchools"; by l)r. RT coronet of the same delicate flowlairing mag the f PBgwuntRecitation—"TheSaloonKeeper's , g —ers.S h e w a s a t t e n d e d by M i s schorus class acquitted itself so as a f e e d i n g crop. Results froni OpeniOK Chorus- "Onward ChristCash Drawer Beir'.N.omi Cooper - W i , " ' f" ' I X V ianSoldier"'it84 f np-1 fertilizer experimeitta w i t h bearRecitation . : .Norma Youn« Order." and onDaughters of Tillie DeBell. a n intimatefriend,rrtev. Sowteing apple treesLThe h c is one o { rrayer.Redtatton.Ada Wo ard America" by D. f. Bell, and a of Centeryille, "Fairfax county,ontheatage. ;heras—"Otw Owa XSM Dpy'V .SchoolASariBBB- "'Te pSKiBe8« JHwMing - very fiho t a l k - O f t n » t « n i i t y " a s maid of honQr,-earryi ig.piiikRev. T. B . D. Clark,with Virfi nia'8in(»t promising cropsj BeeiUtkm—"Smile Weionne" Ioa-a&»rse".'.Brotheril«meyby J. A. Doubles, .ghort talks roses, . and by Misses t)orothyHardy Saayemotional voice and w i t h words Farmers' Clubs; O u r farmersS mg. . .-BradleySchoolongood of t h e »der wexe ,in« ana MiMPgsigrite Gailbert.eouffln8. Egcii ComiwrOTprntwiuw itf Lbe deep i n t e r e must g e t t o g a t h w ; H e l p your frwitotion. .Collection'' ' ':in.Saperintendfe&t'a talk" The themeof" Philadelbhia.- a s : faridemaids,'delb:Adjwrumwit—0iie4iaH hour" fath e felt, delivered t h e invooatawi, p a s t u r e a r P o u l t r y h.in-ta, ThoThe program Was delightfully c a j t y i n g rbo&ofourChildren'sDaythisyearbouquets of s w e e t peaarfather'sinfluenceevepthecoiinbasketliunA.— —which w a s foHowed by t h e bwtuIs Bible B6ys and Girla; whointerspersed with music, includT b e best m a n w a s Mr. MarumATTBRWOON SRSaiON tiful a n t h e m : " F a t h « p - 4 » T h y trsJMg jJortigp cmpa for gragingjrUA What- they M- r-4 iyGnHaUus P m w a a e f QwjR. .Caumm Diaiich Buiidajr Otbwl the vioKn,aridegroom, of. FredericksbarfcyF teat gHrt-Mwi ft Ifc tawft and t h e ushoTB w e r e M sarfc-JS t h i r - t w o f e m a l e vQices - Cpniwr THTthe guitai'.Winston Lagy, Henry- C. TaylorT h e salutatory, which w a s delAgfat Utile iivrk RechMSon-'*! andCarj r E . Talmon, of RjcbrJohn Woodyardl i v e r e d by Miss D o r o t h z g f i y d o n ,RecitatloiS-"The Child Jeans"aad JAnUak W . B r o w e r fitmrj-BnrfrrV'm tiWtufg fcTHiriiBTnr7:«TOTiili'.tjr showed"Tmtieh—careful taaiigtrti.HarveyBr edenbrothero f t h e H ride, of Tampa.theLittleFSrtf'Sxeidfle—"Samuel,a n d m a n i f e s t e d - t h e e e p intereflt.Fedr Deya AJd Mi "What haa Temperance' " Halpoi'"ii .FS:Svbecrq tioiis to Fair AMOciatianahc f e l t in i h c inatitttibion and inDattt ffxt Priace WiQiain Coninb fteqneat of C q t t . W . If. R i d h Caiaroa—"H«aaitna'' . - . . . . . . . S * o o k" L J-uJlfina. Pmrhaaa 1 8 6 8 Dorothy Saiiders a n dt h o s e w i t h Whom 8h h a beenj 7"»qpint««IRtduiiism — "The Lsd and tke:J TT 'T*iT r3**iwJaaephinePetos -prewSded the'"7'WiMHawtoioaHartMSOji;.Marrmfitce Bo pl Bsantly and p r d f t t a b a a' Loa* eR"i. * iaMvBAMtSidum! rBradliyScbo d.SarahLc«tiuaanwed igptutyab ribb -leittted w h i l e a studant thereof.r. Seven LitUe irlaRedtatConoatand Were latowed bf ie d e lJ j Upjunng t h e "Soldiers'Chwr Mise Stvwart IfQ diman andRadtaiioa—' 'A Earable'' .Ahrinp g D g C n p v l O D p P vQg gtOCn mtfaer. Mig» MiiTwrw Randolphi t f * ' ' a very intereatifig and inA U S T I N , T E X A S . J a n e 12.T h e S t a t e Dsportmeirt of A ricnttoreTS TnalHng o n f t h i r w e e kits June Bulletin. The farmersH i g h School, in Conner's operaof thee j J 9receave this"tiouse last Friday night, w a s valuable publication, will find itg r e e t e d by one of the tersest and contains much helpful infprrMtIFAIRFJB ( M i mIpT « R mTY ffiCcutii. k iu. "''yate lS Ird "'"''' "'uebvw-of the Fair Asaodafaoaj;; PH»BrowerWSMT V I S ' SKatherine. .,. .i i -«iar; «v;i 4L' ii5'' ' '" * """ n1f: w y . t h e niirehflsenf k n d and t h e comRedtation - "ftrfck, a tom e n c e m e n t o f work o n buiklings.startinafewdaysforMarylandTemple".C*,. .ArdettTiranaC o u r s e . " M i s s S n o w ' s cleM f l e a T e i v a D o o r t o H r i i . T h e gfte selefcled Ues betwgen thePrtoarySong—'.'Godisliove"e m m a a t i o D , , rhetefie jand ;evi - and incidenti ly' take i n Gettys : Exerqae-' Tteladaertrf l i f e " ilteciution-"D »'t Drink WMaLittle Ri er bike and t h ma4 o « t onrnoRfnpAa at onfiP fiUtW hiirgl h o t on'a'tnwbiftflli T .ChtiaUBaJfaavefs" H iebt Little BaiMeis df jr«wii "—kay".Redte'tion.".!'. Annie Wobdjwd Cadamized rMtd tO ed the attention of her auditors kee horse lik t h e last trip, but, g j Reading-Gea, 28: lO-iStAddiyss l e m y n i n n e from aaabout tW» hundredand beldit with unabatedjnter t after: fifty y e w ; would l i k e to g o CoUectJoh fdr needy schawlsEcon »nicandSeientinePomt.j,, , „,ifi—t.-riAllBailtheI warotiritm'nNjge till Ihi «i9se of her addmw.— back and "tates it JH," * - weutyytnn' so iBftiutea— from t h e trolley h n e r i i g t w H T OBene(tieti MiMis8 Snow's object, she said, failed to hold i t before. WooM * " -E. E. Btowgh l ngfff nmi1t w'lji: P" *P''* " y o n t f t e n e c e s s a r y twuidiiMta. andwas lu HJvw abiief "uulli/iHttf lliK II ilrtotiy-iC4m auaiu. aiid wantt h e catak rue committee win ento meet you there, s o w e CMifetNew Training Course in the MB"i: i!Px»iiinasaas Agiiealtural High School togetheir a few kindred spiritsandTo empSaai; its Importance. and fight over the daya w h e n life G a t i i e r tan" i.f.M ii sirh i g h school work through the who h d d the other side and showUiird and fourth* years, at may tiie w M i d th»t w e wee i o e n w h obe embraced in one separate year fought a good fight for t h e righta f t e r t h e « k » e of t h e four-year as we k n e w it.n o t g n i n g there to. )u:course, thus making t h e normalrinciple or do-battle totraining a post-graduate courfM?. renderthefeelingBof a unee enefuy, butVirgiaia-emeirged from a fourwithtiwrichmberitance ofyears'war with ctestitutioa abroadin tim tend and w i t h a depleted patriotism born of adversity andmerous tapera which c a s t a pleaa-TertioK y W Hooo * W y ' : ' - ! July 15. The Fair pro aMv Will i n g s o f t Jjghfc o r e r t h e weddjiurDufiag thaSMMKmot 19t2 , b e i i e l d O c t o b e r ! a n d 2 . Thesescene.1 3 X o nf ooni A w v R t o ;!VIiijiimilll iii w r r r(iii- tiHT fnrrhnnfrinir t H i "tributed a t t h e Commencementexercises f h e Manassasrailtural H i g h tjchool J;'ndaymgfit. by H r r W h e » t l e y JohnsMi,by authority of the faculty, tothe foltewipg membara tb*-HipiScaeefumJi'BAHKiiTHALL TtSH" K ! ( » a m i t t e e haVtUU Uie m;riatpw,u r i s g i n g aU public Franz PetecB, jofe ot tne m a ma p m i a i ciUzeutujJibhBlp MUtktt tit i O B eitfaferw h e e l s o f i m « « 8 S revohre in r- aisle a ' at t h e pmnt whidkiet to a d v e r t S iittF « vmiSi niarked the section o f the c h u r c hI h z o u i t h e exhitata a i i a f l . a a t a p t e t forrclatLvea and jinme"; -aome of t h e thinga that are S i eti 9e frii.'nda-uf tiifc f a m i l j r w g r y iug iiwuipUBhwl Iii.Fairfax pillars of Wild flowers and June-gi ee Wilham ceo r rMea. Irnmechitoly inV&fmt of.heu» ! roiwonV Hmw to extntiBB m ytitankaandr i n d RoyliOQg. tbo boat poaaible in t h e w a y of gajrinr world Still right atfll in arvance of five venr simple raleeap geeiatiea *a o n e and all wheTRACK TEAMeducation for her c h i l d r o i w a s our manhood to greet t h e Blue in t h e conduct of t h e e g g iiufaiah a y e o w n toe kindness andMtetiyi—tathamforthaaffMa iti /JEeTSXJimdepeirieri. u p o n and e a r n e d out,jyiapatfay aiuue my uukwked forGive t h e hena clean nests. } i T 'but since prosperity h a s again me at Maryland oir Virgiiiia head * " , * L T « » unexpected accident of Aprqnartcraowthefirstday.—May Gatherthe e g g s at l *a«r (mrf a iiiff Wilkams, Leroy BlackweU, y a m e for it assmiled uponuuon the "Mother ofKoon th» flgflra in «KVW1 aiwi i Rurr Riittfln and C*ttttr Graeni think.«"H of QtntA m n " h r the Grfe&t-Ruler bf all bless andlHavThe prizes * e r e awarded for' ' " K S i; a miademeaoQiy. aenred hisGbwch d.ecoratk n wasdoe to the artistic- taste' and handiworfcr of- -Mrgs May i will be t h e d a t w - unleas g o o d ; Thereaaons are given by thect mmit- mainlyt h e U a m e o n t h e f a i m e n andpoultry raia ra. tain; Miaa Dorothy Haydon, Man- ««"»«"a loiiow ftSrgrgiXrt part of t h e l e » '''worHknowvfftai is d u e m a i t i t o t h e igiK»w ce m Olive H e m b a k e r ,' MisaMaty B O T liaaac u t diaand ta dorag.indiffargiiiw mi Jibe put o f .tile. t id L u e y Haydoa:f a i m e r and producer, * s a y s theBOYS BASKETBALL TEAM.wpoft,' "and only a lauall uart'i GiitttiAdamson, u i p c a i n ; 'caused by carelesaneaa e n - t h *P c y Hayd m, M m a g a r ; Habert X9 M NASSAaJffllBWAL: Pleasepurt rf t h e buyer u d shipper. ' i n ii miT" ' " iri"«*-»' if o o a t a n aa a o hatchingseason ia over. *and is—Roberta " B I u e . t h e coloredT h e leauU u t h e iuwtwtigallonLjdtal f a c t o p o n t h e taxpay- T-—r—-————r—, . W B S «grand a n d y g * " " * * m tte has bees- embodleil la a s p w i a lXimia:tSmmonweaith.f ' J * pamphlet o r d t e i Tfe-SljaimttL * . I m o a t h a a g o , to s w v e a e v e n t y - f i r e J J' jtut ijy the- dtfpatt-pink rd!se.s and in t h e c h a n c d a n ddeav( (b haV6 ca&takigues printad in feach o f t h e w i n d o w s were i » -QJST.SmrSD mX: i ,imgt yonr. she said. t h e State yii& afl fiwaalae to us.uf A g i k u l t i U e ,N o w . a t t h e s t i n g o f t h e sunTBoard of EducationKiO t h e R o o a t e t s .t h e plan of H i g h S e h o d Nwrnal w e can cbeliBh tBe friendshipsTraining C l a s s e s , r e q m n n g a foiuied and .proudly rooall thftCon.vincsd.tbat meaBFcdnid beh i g h e r standard and a m o r e well-fought iields of--fifty yearsir iyn rt/ "nvflrcnme t h e kwa ofs t r i n g e n t enfiance reqiirremenET a j . " T h e God o f b a t t l e s;offhJa leipCBs.thebannersareseveralminionof doHaft a y e a tlfy;U fe U ufecfMias Snow, demantb. lUiee fulldenthe 'blood"stairisofweff tesDepartmentofAgncuPy e a r s of high school w o r k extensiveo n e y e a r o f n o r r a s U training. They e a r o f normal taraining. saidahe, the f a c e o f t h e trodden I d - a a d Tngniry ip*** tbo. fieHaea-irf hadmay b e g i n iii the third yBaran 'why s h o u l d n o t w « t tMr, ii» vaA addltid eggKr I n a stirtemeat-dainty haaketa o f fragrant pinkroses. Liti e J o s e p h i n e"KOBX,'of Washington, dmntily dressedin y W t o , hnre t h e wfrfdihy r nya wfate oatin cjuohion, wrtfi ricrf Muiiehalanee for e n c - such tender years.T h e c h u r c h w a s t a s t e f u l l y flee- of vari-coioredrioweriw h i c h the marriage ceremony?*i n d h the r m g feature, w a »i m p r s i v e l y pfeffiHrmed by R e » .T. N; Lawrence, rector of S t .M d t i n ' s parish in Hanover coun ty, a s s i s t e d b y Rev. A. G. Grin-iaii: M & i a iigctDi uf 3 t f T ichurch, of Haymarket.Promptly at ibei4 p(Snled b o a r the.bride, leaning ugon the a r m '; jvof her father, w h o g a v e her i nmarriage, entered, the c h u r c l aa4-pr«c«d«d-by-h«F-M(eA H)t»L M the g r o o a s c a e m r o c e e d e d t o 'the s w e e t strains of Lohengrin's,gT0un i8 or u p o n w n e r s n a s m y j j j y y i t h e lad march, where s h e w a scontest g a m l i u r i u g the wsaaa i , w K. «, »« i,;»wi « . « weddingoiAjya A*.J BMthof.—Wa h a v e enjoyed tha y . « best man.muchapd-Jtell.xuescwy , j n n e XT.lilwrtiy"berewi t h e ' w c d d m j FiBrtit: a e e t i a g in St. fHjiye-tfl soon b e o a t and meet p i t j eaterod the churth MiasPA». r'a r h i i r c h at Purcellyitte. t h e people again.'Emily WaTton. of Woodstock Loudoun county, the occasion be- , Respectfully,sweetly readers —QhwfgrfficttimeTTIg memoratioDbfTarish ' T. W. MxwawBLP.lAunt—Pennie* ' HamT-by Mr would do flgf a l a u T o w a r d T h e 'thr'wh n iral iVHi 1i'* Pr««.iY.;«.jnav"ipw cht hee ccongregnuonaongregatwns" r ""."V.7-. "-rington,Tuesday, back to thrTrhfiTra'' ' ' "** *«M'«HI'H V mwycn m—The* baseball team of our m e n t od* f he organ by Miss Carriesupply of f!"'" P' f t i i g h t o f l a a t w e e k , j o f t h e Epiacopal c h u r b h w - r t fders. During the nuptialamensurafe witnmensuratewith tnethe g r o w ti n g udi c - ; j. . - - . w»w;-i.hkh'Hw r. . ' A. i r i n- g - j\AI died W4*», „th o u t r nii«i i «goe.o. Dma «c «i onouaa. I RoundRound HiU.HiU. HamiltonHimiUon andand PurvPurv ijpS?fax team tfie h Kwhich t h e subduemand of aa eTer-increasing pop- n o b t « » hJm-sereral y e a r » - p e 8 s i h e r h w n e u e a i Maaaaaaa, S»HviHe-held a n W u a l uaion it gxr eoted in a hotly contested CenlimMd «n Seventh Pag*Saturday .- Contonaod on seventh Page. " a g e ; .' ''" IfoWa raofllirip. ,B**vfce.)j* v - t -

THE MAXASSAS JOURNAT,. FEIHAX.— fl rsiadditfon to the menace of the tubercu- lengthening our present high school. p i g i r o n t h e p o l i t i c i a nlosis germ borne into every house by coursas to ftve years oi; lowering Its f v o r t h e i r p r o t e c t i o n .tKe"'Su«t TtriraiP rirfn the streets all standard of "worlrWhat ifl the oniy thing in thethrough the summer and fall, is theC«rtauil} if Hanassas is to be a MK worldtTiat, tnW mal B a. faf-hfirS o m e T h i n k N « t a J U F M O W constafti fUii\ t t t tyyuoid tramfrtiiii Un! gptmitlve tuwii Uilg HliiU! of tlUngi shwU TheschooltaxthathaafP«W»W8 tintte.Public Sk irited CiSieiuIf you support the saloon withdtM to the abs«ac« of any syBtcm of been Ukeo off shouki be restored. TheIS MANASSAS PRdQ(ESSIY To Wake Up. Real Value' '?.t ' .".fi .fy *P .-. '"jyotHT ballot, tg.'b. Qoniigtsnt ou the ev«r-piiesent bouse fly breeding in slight a tbing To" the individual tax ought to support it with your boyMost of these instruments are almost n e w . They\ the waste and garbage !eftJiround and payer as- hardly to b» noticed and yet,Th 4 tioxiag e8sa yiad%r thecarrying the disease germs to the food tlie future of" the' schools nTa' Iarge - f r V licensed tow *ihiBw t n t» 5hipFwd? « " caption "Is Manassas Progres- we eat. Plainly--one cause of ottr ar- measure depends upon it.chant gets what is left Mter the.We bear the entire expense of shipping if instrumentgjve." was read by Mr. E rle D. rast«d growth is the public iodjflference Another progressive thing our town saloonkeeper gets ajl h e n .is not satisfactory in every respect.Meirell at tfSe commencement that leaves such conditions unimproved. should do is to prwide a new high Of course, prohibition does notWe p a y the round-trip railrt?ad faree- of milesexercises of (he Manassas Ag i- Thirdly, we need an efficient aifA eco- school bu Iding, or at least an addi- prohibit, but do they really jelTchaserswho comfi. IroJn a n y w h e r e within 100building with snme rlass-roomscultorai High School Friday night nomical lighting system. We seldom ttionalas much liquor ma town on Sunof Washington,- — —'"have Kghton the streets at night except o relieve the present over" rowdcoand was weH reeeivad; . . ,, When we have a ftre to demonstrate t i e conditio!! of the high school, and slso a d a y a s t h e y d o Jiatjirrlav ?Fischer Upright .It do«s not take s very obMr

Mis8 Snow's object, she said, was lu HJvw abiief "uulli/iHtt lliK f New Training Cours in the e MB" nasaas Agiiealtural High School andTo empSaai; its Importance. imgt yonr. she said. the State Board of Education the plan of High Sehod Nwrnal Training Classes, reqmnng a higher

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From.ka-humble rural beginning in 1853, Manassas now is attractkfgiahiilias from all over the National Capital area. The Toiwn of the Manassas came to life without fanfare. Nestled at the junction of the Manassas Gap and the Alexandria Railroads, the town was situated on the only diraet rail connection between Washirigton and RichnrnmcL Virginia.

floor of the Judicial Center at 9311 Lee Avenue, Manassas, Virginia 20110, directly behind . Please refer to www.courts.state.va.us for a complete list of fill out . may be filed at the Manassas Court Service Unit Intake Office at 9540 Center Street, Manassas, Virgini

The Manassas Journal Reports of Death, 1911 - 1915 Compiled and Transcribed by Morgan Breeden, RELIC Volunteer, Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA - 2 - Lunsford, John S. Mr. John S. Lunsford, sr., died at his home near Bellefair Mills, in this county, on Sunday [January 8, 1911]. Mr. Lunsford was a gallant Confederate soldier and was in

November 1859); was living in Manassas District in 1900.2 He died 20 August 1932 in Manassas and is buried in the Manassas City Cemetery. He was a partner in the Brown and Hooff lumber company and was Mayor of Manassas in 1911. 1 Map of Prince William County, Virginia: compiled from U.S. Geological Survey and other data and corrected with the

3 (16) “List of Graduates” from 1898 through 1912, published as an appendix to Manassas Industrial School Catalogue 1912-13. (17) Hampton Institute Alumni Newsletter: “The Southern Workman”, various years,

Oct 10, 2016 · Brown's Manassas Hyundai Brown's Manassas Hyundai is a proud sponsor of the 16th Annual "Colonel P." Memorial Golf Tournament. As a Proud Sponsor of the Hole-in-One Competition, Brown’s Manassas Hyundai is providing a 2017 Hyundai Santa Fe SE SUV Vehicle for this year’s tournament. Click here to learn more about the event.

34 Duncan McDougald Campbell, 2nd Lieutenant Co. I, 24th NYSV Infantry (USAHMI)65 (Stephen J. Scriber replaced him as 2nd Lt., Co. I at 2nd Manassas after Lt. Campbell was wounded and captured by the Rebels) During the 2nd battle of Bull Run (Manassas, Virginia) the 24th NYS infantry was a part of the 1st Brigade (under Hatch and Sullivan) of the 1st Division (under King,

Health in Care Homes Version 2 March 2020 . page 1 The framework for Enhanced Health in Care Homes 2020/21 - Version 2 Publishing approval number: 001681 Version number: 2 First published: 31 March 2020 Prepared by: Community Services and Ageing Well Team This information can be made available in alternative formats, such as easy read or large print, and may be available in alternative .