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HY D-6-4.,. ,.oFFI ccfll[ COPYBUREAU OF RECLAMATION**** ***** ** * ** *** ** *******UNITED STATESDEPARTivIENT OF' 'fiiE HTTERIORBUREAU OF RECL/1 ;,if.'-TION******* '***************HYDRAULIC i\.1ODEL STUDIES OF TBEGRAND COULEE PUMP ING PLA.NT INTAKE**HYDRAULIC NU:cCF.tINERY LABORATORYREPORT l'W. HM-3*******Denver, CoJ.orado,August 21, J. 939********-* ** ::--*,:,-**s·****HYDRAULIC LABORATORYDZ½&lRSid I Mik-,

Bureau of ReclamationHydraulic Machinery LaboratoryDenver, ColoradoAugust 21, 1939Subject:Laboratory Report No. IL -3Grand Coulee Pumping PlantColumbia Basin ProjectF. TessitorCompiled by:Checked by:D. J. HebertSubmitted by: G. J. HornsbyHydraulic model studies of the Grand Coulee pu.'llping-plantintake1. Introduction, The normal reservoir elevation at GrandCoulee Dam is 1288.0 and the minimum elevation is 1208.0, making amaximu 'll draw-down of 80 feet. The maximum receiving canal elevationis 1585.0. Thus, thG maximu head on the pu ping plant will be 377fe0t. The normal lift, however, will be from elevation 1288 to ele vation 1585, or 297 feet. The pumps will be rated at 295 fe0t headwith a delivery of 1,600 c.f,s, per pump. There will be twelve pumpsin tho plant, each constituting a separate unj. t with its ovm inletand outlet conduits 14 foot and 12 feot in diameter, respectively,,.The tests doscribod in this report have to do only withtho inlet conduit from the reservoir to tho pump inlet flange, Thisincludes thG trashracks, tho entrru1co through the gates, the conduit,and tho elbow under tho pump. Wnile it is understood that tho hGadlassos in tho various components of tho inlet structure aro import ant, it is believed that tho velocity nnd the pressure distributionat the inlet flange of the pump a.ro also important to the efficientperformance of tho unit as a wholo, For this reason considerableattention s given to this point in the tests,2, Summary. Hydraulic model studies on a scale of 1:17,3wcro made of three typos of elbows and two typos of entrances in con nection with the d0sign of the intakes for Grand Coulee pumping, plant.It was found that from tho sta.ndpoi:::.t of energy loss th.oreis very little differenco, for most practical purposes, among thethree elbows and between the tvv0 entrances.The toto.l loss in tho intake obtc,incd by extrapolatingmodel values to tho prototype Reynolds 1 number is ostimn. tod to be0.20 v 2 whe:rc V is tho mean velocity in the 14-foot dirunotor pipo.--,,---2go. 10 v 2 inThis total loss is mado up approximn.tdy n.s follows:2g0.04 v 2 in the straight pipe, and ?6 V2 in thsthe ontranco, ----2g2gelbow with its attached reducer.

From the standpoint of velocity distribution in the con duit, the circular entrance was slightly superior to the rectangularone. From the standpoint of distribution at the inlet flange of thepump, the vaned elbow was definitely superior to the two convergingelbows.3. Purpose of model studies. These studies were under taken for the purpose of investigating the behavior of various elbowsin the pumping plant intake line as proposed. By intake is m0ant theentire conduit from the forebay to the pump suction eye, includingtrashrack structure, entrance, straight conduit, and 0lbow. Howover,as tho work progressed it was thought desirable to include studies ofother types of entrances for comparative purposes.Information w as desired as to the hydraulic losses to beencountered with the several different installations, as well as thovelocity distribution at several points in the intake system, par ticularly at the inlet flange of tho pump.4. Set-up and test procedure. In the test set-up, wateris drawn from a forebay through the model of the intake by moans ofa vertical, single-suction, centrifugal pump. The pump dischargesback into the forcbay behind suitable baffles through a 6-inch dia meter pipe fitted with an end cap orifice which is used to measurethe discharge. For tho different runs, tho amount of flow was deter mined by adj usting the valvo so that the hoi ght of a mercury columnattached to the discharge orifice was set to a definite point. Thissetting of the mercury column was done visua.lly, and, with reasonablecare, could be sot so that differc:mt runs at thG so.rue flow· might vary 0.025 inch in setting. Tho pun1p is not to be considered part of thomod8l studies. A general view of tho sot-up is shown on pln.to A.Upon considorn.tion of tho various factors involved, a modelscale of 1 to 17.3 was chosen. The intake opening was mn.dG of woodand installed in such fn.shion that changes could be made easily. Therost of the into.kc from th0 entrance to tho pun1p was made of pyralinto permit visual obscrvn.tion. Provision wc.s mo.de at suitn.ble s0c tions in this part of tho intake for making:, the n6cessary physicalm0asuroments . Tho test procedure consisted of moasuring hydraulic lossesand mo.king volocity tro.vorsos. Tho losses v.:crc measured in tho r,,m vontionn.l manner, by installing piozomote:r rin···s and connectini:\ theseto open manometers. The velocity traverses 1:rorG fi rst obtained throughtho W3C of a sphoricEcl pitot tubo lmoirn o.s thCJ "StaukugGl." This tubehas fivo oponings on tho portion of tho sphoro f::,cing tho stro::u:n flow.Tho five opo::iings arc so pln.cod that their n.c,ding:s p0rmit computa tion of the volocity vector both as to direction ,!nd magpitudc. How2

From the standpoint of velocity distribution in the con duit, the circular entrance wa.s slightly superior to the rectangularone. From the standpoint of distribution at the inlet flange of thepump, the vaned elbow was definitely superior to the two convergingelbows.3. Purpose of model studies. These studies were under taken for the purpose of investigating the behavior of various elbowsin the pumping plant intake line as proposed, By intake is meant theentire conduit from the forebay to the pump suction eye, includingtrashrack structure, entrance, straight conduit, and 6lbow, However,as tho work progressed it was thought desirable to include studies ofother typos of entrances for comparative purposes.Information was desired as to the hydraulic losses to beencountered with the several different installations, as well as thevelocity distribution at several points in tho intake system, par ticularly at tho inlet flange of the pump,4. Set-up and test procedure. In the test set-up, wateris drawn from a forebay through the modol of the intake by moans ofa vertical, single-suction, centrifugal pump. The pump dischargesback into the forcbay behind suitable baffles through a 6-inch dia meter pipe fitted with an end cap orific8 which is used to measurethe discharge. For tho different runs, tho amoun.t of flow was deter mined by adjusting the valve so that the height of a mercury columnattached to the discharge orifice was set to a definite point. 'I'hissotting of the mercury column was donG visually, and, with reasonablecare, could be set so that differcmt runs at thG sarne flmv might vary. 0,025 inch in setting. Tho pu.'11p is not to bo considered part of themodel studies, A general view of the set-up is shown on plate A,Upon consideration of thG various factors involved, a modelscale of 1 to 17 ,3 was chosen, The intake ope:;ning was ma.de of woodand installed in such fo.shion that changes could be made easily. Therest of the into.kc from thG entrance to the pun1p was made of pyralinto permit visual observation, Provision was mo.de at suitable sec tions in this part of tho intake for making the necessary physicalmeasurements.,The test procedure consisted of moasuring hydraulic lossesand mo.king vclocity traverses. The lossc,s v,crc measured in the r:on vontiona.l mari.nor, by installing piozo.motc:r rin:-s and connecting theseto open manometers. Tho velocity travorses ,·rorG fi rst obtainod throughtho u.3e of a sphoric1:1.l pitot tubo lmm'.'n n.s the nstaukugcl, 11 This tubehas five openings on tho portion of the sphere fu.cing: the stream flow.The five opo ings arc so plo.cod. tho.t thuir n.c,dings pcrmi t computa tion of the volocity vector both as to direction ,md m::i.g,ni tudc. How2

ever, upon investigation and an attempted calibration of this in strumcmt, it was found to have objcctioi1ablo characteristics for theuse to which it was put. It was therefore., decided to use a cylin drical pitot tube which calibration showed to be free from the un desirable characteristics of tho pitot sphere. This tube was builton tho basis of the studies made by F'cchhcimc.:r. It has only throeopenings lying in a plane porpendiculo.r to the axis of tho cylindor.Those throe openings allow a dotormino.tion of tho direction and mac: ni tude of tho velocity in that plan0 only. However, it is possil:Jlv,by tho proper location of any number of traverses, to g:o, t ths acti.1,,ldirection and mo.gni tudo of tho velocity vector o.t cmy point. It -,recsobserved that tho flow at tho sections r hosc.n did not deviate from o.direction perpendicular to the plane of th,::, section sufficiently towarrc.nt the to.king of more tho.n the hvo tro.vcrsc,s in any giv0n sec tion. This gave only tho umtcr point (\ .·here; the hvo travorsos in tersect) as the, place where tho direction of the velocity could bedotcrmirn,d in thrGG dimensions.In lieu of actuc,l moo.sur0mcnts of direction (oxr.Gpt i:-.1one plmw) visual obse;rvations wore relied upo:,1 to study o.ny n.bnormalconditions of flov, v.rithin the conduit o.nd elbows. Tho use of uir 1-,nddye in th,:; fluid fJ.01,vinf thruugh the modol showod up th(; objection able r,hr ; rr.cctcristics r.u1d the desirable fco.turc of thG various set- upstostcd. Thcso observations h[,vc b,;u1 r0licd upon to temper thu vo. rious deductions dravm from t ho dc ta.5. Entrances tested. Two -i ;- ,pos of entraJ10es were studied.One, v.:hich will hereafter be called the rectangular entrance, is theoriginal design. This entrance is rectanp:ular at the face of the damand has a transition section to the circular portion of the intakeconduit. The intake up to the elbow is on a slope of 10 degrees.Tho second entrance studied was a cirr;ular bellmouth entra.--ice desionedaccording to information obtaim,d previously in tho laboratory. Thisentra:'.1ce is horizont al for a short distance and there turns by me:ansof a 10-degree bend to meet the normal slope of the, intake pipe.Other comparative features of those ontranc0s may b0 obtained fromtho sketch on figures 1 and 2. Tho 10-dogree slope of the conduit re quires that the elbow turn the water 100 dogro' s instead of 90 degrees.This should be borne in mind when studying: the; rcsults pros en tcd ho re in.6. Elbows tested. Three types of 0lbows were t,.,stod.The first one, submitted by the:: dcsig:n section, had a circular en trance which chang;cd progressively to an elliptical section at theoutflow 0nd, th 1i1inor axis, which lh,s in the plane of th(, bend,boc oming shorb:,r and the major o.xis rumainL1g constant. Tho sectionalar0a a; 1d th ; radiu.s of curvature change L1 such a manner tha. t thoproduct of thG volor:ity times the radius n.mains cons i ant. A transi3

tion se c t ion , changing from the elliptical to a c ircular se ction,was necessary bo'51,\ree n the elbow outflow and the pump i nle t flange.Thi s elbow will hereafter be referred to as the elli ptical Glb ow.Tho second elbow tested was a miter bend with a se ctioncont ai n i ng vanes inserted at the i nterse ction of tho two segments.A rather sharp c onvergenc e was required betwe e n tho elbow and thepump inlet flange to reduc e the full intake d i ame ter to that re quired at the pump. This elbow, which was d esi gned in tho labora tory, will here after be referred to as the vane elb ow.The third typo tGsted was a c onstant rad ius elbow witha gradual convergen ce from the intake pipe up to the pump inletflange. This elb ow, which was submitted by tho desi gn section andmodifie d sli ghtly in tho lab oratory, will be ro ferrod to here afteras tho convor .?;ing elbow. Photo graphs of the:, various e lb ows areshown on plate B.An o xplc,nation of tho choice of mc asuremont sc cti onswould b e o. ppro priatc hGre . Tho sections woro located in such amanner that the hydraulic 0ff e c ts of tho vari ous parts of tho intakecould b e observed. Se ction 11 D 11 W8.S loc ated immodiL,t0 ly dovvnstre a.rnfrom tho entrance and socti(m 11 C " i1mno dio.toly upstro run from tho be ginni ng of tho elb ow. The so two sections are common to ·all tests.The loc ati on of section "B" vo.ricd o.c cord ing to tho elb ow b e ingtested , but , in general terms, it was located at tho outflow end oftho elbow prope r. S e ct ion 11 A" was lc co.tod as close to the pump im peller oyc as physic al limitations permitted.During the progress of the test it was d e c ided , on theb asis of tho promisin g r osults ob tained from tho vane elb ow, to studythe possib ilities of decreasing tho sizo of tho whole pump intake.As this c ould b e d one vory easily by use o f the v ane type of elb ow , a6-1/2 -inch diruneter intake was built of pyro.lin with a c orresponding:woode n bellmouth entrance. The same serie s of tests was conductedon this set-up o.s for the others.An interesting d0viation from tho mo.in program of testsc onsi sted in inv6stigating the effo ct on entranc e l oss o f tho variouscomponents of the trashr ack struc ture. Pic. z omo tcr readings weretaken o.t sec tion 1 1 D 11 i' or various d ischarge s , with tho complete in stalln.tion in place . The nex t st0p cons i sted in remo ng porti onsof the trashrack o.nd mG asuring, tho loss0 s thrc'ugh tho same range offl ow. Next, thu trashrack piG rs and bars were romcv od crnd the lossesme asured . This w-c. s carried through systemc.tic ally until the re ctcm gular ontra.".l ce WE\ S clean ·w ith the face of the dam, as shown in plateC . Those results aro g iven in tnb l 0 1.4

Attention is c a lle d to tho fact that o. 1 1 results g;ivonare for a cond ition of minimum rc:;scrvc,ir clevo.ti()n. This was usedas the worst pussible operatin g. c ond ition lil cly to ,'.:' ccur. A c he ckwo.s made to se e; if the test results wore inf luenc e d by sucti on head,but it 1-\ as f0und no t tc have any mo asurable effe ct on th0 mod ol ro sults through a variati on of ab out 18 inches (26 fe et prototyp e ) .All subse quent tests wore mado with tho minimum reservoir olcvati on .7 . Results. S inc e it vms den i dod before c o mpletion cftho mode l tests that tho si z e of tho intake c onduit in tho prototypewould be 14 feet in diameter, tho tests for tho vari ous elbows andentran c es are compared on tho bas is of a c onvergo.neo from 14 fo ct to9. 5 feet at the pump inlet flange.A c omparison of tho veloc ity d istributions for both typosof entrances is shown in figure 3 in the d i mGnsionlcss plot. It isapparent that the velocity d istri bution is more ne arly syr.1metr i alin the bollmouth entrance than in the ro ctangulo.r 0no . It must beremembered tho.t by bellmouth ontra.r ice is meant the bo llmouth prl.' p erplus the 10-degree bend , bec::rnsc the measuring se ction is just do wn strea m from tho bend. Tho d ifferenc e be tween tho distribution offlow in tho tvrn entro.ncos is qui to smC\ 1 1 o.nd evun this small dif fer ence practic o.lly disappears before tho elbow is roache d.In order bettor to predi ct the veloc ity d istribution inthe prototype, the mod e l d ischo.rge was d oubled . The d istri buti onof veloc ity rei,w.ine d th6 s umo at the. se ctic n tested (S 8 G dimen s i on less plot, su e . D, figure 3) . For this in0roascd d ischargo theveloc ity in the mcdel was fivo fe et per soc cnd . 'l'ho veloc ity in theprototype will b e 10 foc.t per sc cwnd. S inr:; o the sea.10 rati o is 1 7 . 3,the Reynolds I nuinb or in the protutype w i ll be ctb out 3 5 times that inthe mcd ol. The ref ere , tho effe cts of fricticn wi ll be rola.ti velysmaller in tho -prototype , with the result that the prototype willtond tov,:0.rd o. more uniform distributi on pr ovidud the d istributLm issy-ri.metric al in tho mod el . If, hc·1Hcvcr, thG distribution is n :)t sym motri ca.l , as in the case of the re ctungulclr entrance, cond itions arclikely to bo a.ggravatcd o.t higher Reynolds I m.m1bcrs . The me o.sure monts were taken without the trus hrn.ck strur:turc . It is belie vedtha.t tho tra.shracl:::s and piers will be o. stabili z in g influence with out affecting tho flow pattern .The losses in the UNO types of entranc es arc shown intable 2 . The rolo. ti vo ;:;writs c1 f tho d i fferent sot-ups tostod maybest be determined by keep in g in mind the experimental error in he rent in tho ind ividu:.,l values g iven. In obtaining tho losses c.tthe vo.rious se ctions, water mru1omotcrs ,voro used to roo.d thu pres sures. Those monorn.o tors wore roo.d v;-ith ru1 o.c curucy of . 0 . 00 1 foot.Tho loss in ho o.d from tho hoadwn.tor to c.ny se cti cn is obto.ine d bv5

sub tracting the velocity head at that secti on fr o:n the differencein pressure as determined from t.11.e water manometer r eadings. Dueto the p ossible variation in setting the flow, the veloc ity headmay vary , 0. 001 foot and the pressure readings from each manometermay also vary . 0. 001 foot. The determination of loss would havean accuracy of , 0. 003 foot ( since two se parate ;nanometer readingsare use d in the determination ) . Expressed in percent o f velocityhead, the maximum variation would be of the order of magnitude o f. 2 , 5 perc ent a t the lowest model discha r ge. In gene:, ral, the lossin the b ellmo uth entrance is l ow-er than in the rectan gular onewhen the gates are not in place. A comparison b e tween the two en trances, with their respective gate s in place, is given in table 1.In this case the bellrnouth e ntrance is superior by from two to fivepercent of the ve locity head. The loss, e xp ressed in terms of VG ··lo c i ty head, will be less in the prototype than in the mode l so thatthe valu0s obtaiac d in the odel arc on th :: safe s ido.11Tho loss in tha trashr ack structure was just barely pe r ceptible in the, r.i.odGl, beine; of the order of 0. 005 foot at a veloc ity o f 5 feet per socond in the conduit , S ince the veloc ity in thoprototype i s 10 foot per second, the loss will bo of the order of0. 005 fo ot at a veloc ity of 5 fo ot per second in the conduit. S inc ethe velocity in tho prototype is 10 foot pe r second, the loss wil lb e o f tho order of 0 . 03 fo ot, which is negligib l e , By flar the mosts ignifica:nt factor in tho entrance l os sos was shoV'm by tho effectof tho gate slots. A comparison of columns 4 and 5 in table 1 showsthe effect of filling in the gate slots. As those tests we re madewith tho rectangular e:ntro.ncc , the losse s, of cour s e, arc applicableto that entrance only.The values of K, in tho forr:iulo. for loss i11 the ent rance,, may safely be taken as 0. 10 for tho bcllmouth and 0. 1 22gfor the rocto.ngular entrance.h KV28 . Elbows. A comparison of the thre e olbo·ws, using theb ellmouth entrance, is sho-vm in figure 1 . As pdinted out previ ously,it was found tho.t tho typo of entrnnco hctd a vory mino r e ffe c t onthe flow in tho elb ows. Theref oru a com.p.s.r i s on on th0 basis ofe ither entrance is val id.F'r o:m tho sta::idpoint of ve:loci ty distributi on in tho crosssect i on irn;no dic.tely proc6ding: the pump, the 0lb ows in tho order ofthe ir pe r formo., ico n.rG vane c lb ov,, converging o lb ow, and ollipticn.lelb ow , The convorgini,; and tho o l liptic c.l e lb ows shCJ1i1.c their influ ence on voloci t:y distribution L1 a c c c rde.nco w i th previ ous experimen tal N(1rk: . Thero is an inc rease, of veloc ity c.lon. · the in::10 r radiusu11til the exit so ction is reached (se ction B ) , At this point there6

i s s e par ation w i th c orre s pondingly l owe r ve l o c i ty .The d imen s i on l e s s p l ot of d i s tribution on f i gure 4 b r inrs out the s eve r i ty o fthe s e pa ration i n the e l l i p tical e lb ow c ompa red

original design. This entrance is rectanp:ular at the face of the dam and has a transition section to the circular portion of the intake conduit. The intake up to the elbow is on a slope of 10 degrees. Tho second entrance studied was a cirr;ular bellmouth entra.--ice desioned

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