Parts Cover&TOC (ALT) 052114 Layout 1 5/23/14 11:54 AM Page 1ªºParts, Consumablesand Accessories800.837.9711
Parts Cover&TOC (ALT) 052114 Layout 1 5/23/14 11:55 AM Page 3PARTS, CONSUMABLES & ACCESSORIESAluminum Weld End . 29Ball Valves . 23Boom Cannon. 31Boom Elbow. 37Butterfly Valves. 24Camlock Fittings . 30Circular Operators Handle . 37Clamps . 28Cleanout Ports . 33Compression Couplings . 43Connectors (“Y” & “Tri”) . 33Couplers. 29Crevice Tool . 38Crown Nozzle. 38Dig Tubes . 37Drain Hose . 35Elbows. 31F.E. Myers Rebuild Kits. 19 - 21Filter Bags . 39 - 42Float Switch. 23Floor Nozzle. 37Fluidizing Tube. 37Galvanized Elbows. 31Gaskets. 27Gate Valves. 24Gauges. 26Handguns & Accessories . 16Handlight. 18Heavy-Duty Hose . 35Heavy-Duty Port Hose. 35High Temperature Hose . 34Hose Plugs . 32Hose Reel (Retractable). 17Hose, Sewer . 12Hose, Vacuum. 34Hydrant Fill Hose & Wrench . 18Hydraulic Control Valves. 24Kanaflex Hose . 34Lateral Cleaning Kit (Portable). 17Leader Hose . 14Lights & Accessories. 25Lock Rings . 27Lubrication Recommendations . 3 - 4Male Hose End & Mender. 13Manhole Hook . 18Manhole Safety Screen . 15Micro Switch. 23Nozzles. 5 - 9Polyethylene Drain Hose. 29Port Adaptor. 32Port Hose Clamp & Chain. 22Pressure Regulator . 19Reducers (Aluminum & Steel). 32Regulator Rebuild Kit. 19Retainers . 42Roller Guide & Shoe. 14Root Cutter Blades . 11Rubber Elbow Assembly (Light & Heavy). 34Serial Number Identification . 4Sewer Camera. 10Sewer Hole Ring . 15Sewer Hose . 12Sewer Hose Guide & Wiper. 14Special “T” . 34Steel Conncting “Y” Pipes . 42Steel Couplers. 29Steel Elbows. 43Steel Tubes for Permanent Vacuum. 42Suction Outlet, Permanent Cone Fitting. . 43Super Dig Tube . 15Super Tubes (Steel & Aluminum). 36Swage Dies, Pusher & Tool Kits. 13Swivel Joints . 17Vacuum Breaker . 38Water Pumps & Repair Kits. 20 - 22Wet Ring . 38800.837.9711
Lubrication Recommendations:ComponentLubricantBody Pressurization Blower SAE 10W40 Engine Oil Super Products Spec 3060-00010Boom Power Pack Automatic Transmission Fluid Super Products Spec 3060-00005 Type A Dexron 3Diesel Engine Crankcase Oil SAE 15W40 Diesel Engine Oil Super Products Spec 3060-00007Grease General Purpose NGLI Gr 2EP White Lithium Super Products Spec 3060-00022 Super Products Spec 3060-00023Hydraulic SystemAmbient Temperatures:-60 F to 40 F0 F to 100 F60 F to 120 F ISO 10 Hydraulic Oil ISO 46 Hydraulic Oil ISO 68 Hydraulic Oil Super Products Spec 3060-00004 Super Products Spec 3000-00950 Super Products Spec 3000-01573Splitshaft (Camel/Cameljet Only)Ambient Temperatures:-65 F to 0 0 and above SAE 75W90 Arctic Gear Oil SAE 80W90 Gear Oil Super Products Spec 3060-00031 Super Products Spec 3000-00490Transfer Case (SuperSucker Only)Webster/Span/Durst CasesAmbient Temperatures:-65 F to 0 F SAE 75W90 Artic Gear Oil-20 F to 60 F ISO 150 R&O Gear Oil50 F and above SAE 80W90 Gear Oil Super Products Spec 3060-00031 Super Products Spec 3060-00012Dana/Cotta CasesAmbient Temperatures:-65 F to 0 F-20 F to 60 F 50 F and above SAE 75W90 Artic Gear Oil ISO 220 EP Gear Oil SAE 80W90 Gear OilTrash Pump Refer to Hydraulic System SpecWashdown Pump ISO 68 Hydraulic OilWater Pump Use ISO 220 EP Gear Oil with Super Products Spec 3060-00032Molybdenum Disulfide Additive Super Products Spec 3000-00826 Or use Mobile SCH 630 (ISO 220) Super Products Spec 3060-00041 Super Products Spec 3060-00031 Super Products Spec 3060-00032 Super Products Spec 3060-00490 Super Products Spec 3000-01573800.837.9711 s superproductsllc.com3
Roots/Dresser Rotary Lubrication Recommendations:Rotary blowers require a premium grade, non-detergent oil with rust, oxidation and foam inhibitors.Splash Lubricated BlowersAmbient Temperature F90 to 120 32 to 90 0 to 32 ISO Viscosity320220100Pressure Lubricated BlowersAmbient Temperature F32 to 120 Below 32 *ISO Viscosity220100Note: *Depending upon operating temperature may require lube oil heater in sump or possibly lower viscosity oil.RGS-HVB High Vacuum Booster require an oil with a vapor pressure of 0.1 micron Hg. or less @ 180 F and 1.8 micronHg. or less @ 250 F. Both Sunoco Sunvis and Roots Synthetic Lubricant meets this requirement.Suggested brands of lubricationsISO – 320Sunoco Sunvis 9320Mobil DTE AAExxon NUTO 320CITGO Pacemaker 320Texaco Regal R & O 320Roots Synthetic Lubricant 320ISO – 220Sunoco Sunvis 9220Mobil DTE BBExxon Teresstic 220CITGO Pacemaker 220Texaco Regal R & O 220Roots Synthetic Lubricant 220Grease for URAI/URAI-J unitsShell Darina Grease NLGI grade 2Grease for XA sealsDow Corning Silicon Grease #44ISO – 100Sunoco Sunvis 9100Mobil DTE 18MShell Turbo-T 100Exxon NUTO 100CITGO Pacemaker 100Texas Regal R & O 100Roots Synthetic Lubricant 100When ordering parts. Always have the unit serial number of your truck available.This is where you can find your SuperProducts serial number on your truck:Supersucker – 1992 - Current: Bottomfront of forward most LH clean-out doorframe. Pre-1992: Below main controlpanel on support tubing. Camel – 1983 - Current: LH side ofthe power frame on horizontal tubetowards front. Pre-1983: LH side ofpower frame on front face of verticalangle. 4Mud Dog – All Years: Forward LH edgeof water tank tray. All serial numbers are either eight or ninedigits long, depending on the unit type.The serial number denotes severalcharacteristics as indicated in this example:S/N:0201Year ofModelProduction Produced1537UnitNumber800.837.9711 s superproductsllc.comS/N 02011537 - is a Model 5227Supersucker , Built in 2002 and is unit1537. The third and fourth (and sometimes thefifth) digits of the unit serial numberindicate which model is produced andwhich vacuum pump is used.
NOZZLESGrenade NozzleChisel NozzleHighly efficient all aroundcleaner made of extremelywear resistant, temperedstainless steel, utilizing“Optimized 3D HydroMechanics”Excellent at difficult cleaningprocesses, especially whenpipe deformations caused byouter pressure or totalblockage are present. 4 - 12º Forward Jets 6 - 30º Rear Jets Stainless Steel Inserts, Stnd. Optional Ceramic Inserts 1 Year Warranty 4 - 15º Rear Jets 4 - 25º Rear Jets Ceramic Nozzle Inserts, Stnd. 3 Year WarrantyPart No. gpm/psiHoseConnectionWeightPipeDiameterPart No. 50306000-02065-65206000-02065-80201"1"1"5 lbs.5 lbs.5 000-02011-80201"1"1"2 lbs.2 lbs.2 lbs.8-12"8-12"8-12"Superior Penetrator NozzleUltimate Chisel NozzleExtremely tight propulsioncharacteristics, very efficientdirt and debris extractions.One forward-jet, 6 rear jets at12º. “Optimized 3D HydroMechanics”, temperedstainless steel.Recommended for largesewer/storm water lines, thisnozzle has many advantages:changeable drill point,penetrates solid root anddebris masses. 6 - 12º Forward Jets 6 - 30º Rear Jets Stainless Steel Inserts, Stnd. Optional Ceramic Inserts 1 Year Warranty 1 - Forward Jet 6 - 12º Rear Jets Ceramic Nozzle Inserts, Stnd. 3 Year WarrantyPart No. 12-65206000-02012-80201"1"1"10 lbs. 6-15"10 lbs. 6-15"10 lbs. 6-15"SPipeDiameterPart No. 14-80201"1"5.5 lbs. 8-15"5.5 lbs. 12" and up800.837.9711 s superproductsllc.comPipeDiameter5
Grand Slam NozzleReduced water consumption/increased productivity, reducing operating costs. Savestime through unequaled cleaning efficiency, longer service life due to ceramic nozzleinserts, extreme cleaning power through “Optimized 3D Hydro Mechanics.”Grand Slam 4 - 12º Rear Jets 4 - 18º Rear Jets Ceramic Insert, Stnd. 3 Year WarrantySuper Grand Slam (not shown) For Large Sewer and StormWater Lines 6 - 15º Rear Jets 6 - 30º Rear Jets Ceramic Insert, Stnd. 3 Year WarrantyRadial Cleaning NozzleGrand SlamPart No. 50306000-02017-65206000-02017-80201"1"1"13 lbs. 8-15"13 lbs. 8-15"13 lbs. 8-15"Super Grand SlamPart No. 13-80201"1"13 lbs. 12-36"13 lbs. 12-36"PipeDiameterRotor NozzleHigh performance nozzlemanufactured for streak-freeradial cleaning of sewer lines,6 fan jets guarantee thoroughoverlapping cleaning with“Optimized 3D Hydro Mechanics.” 6 - 45º Fan Jets 6 - 15º Rear Jets Stainless Steel Inserts, Stnd. 1 Year WarrantyPart No. 65206000-02072-80201"1"12 lbs. 8-20"12 lbs. 8-20"Large Flying NozzleAssures perfect sewercleaning. Uniformmotion of the rotatingbody allows constantand thorough cleaningof the interior wall ofthe pipe. The rotornozzle is successfullyused for removing grease, crusts and scale of allkinds. Does not need lubrication. 4 - 90º/75º/60º/25º Rotation Jets Stainless Steel Inserts, Stnd. 1 Year WarrantyPart No. 50306000-02023-65206000-02023-80201"1"1"3 lbs.3 lbs.3 lbs.8-12"8-12"8-12"Part No. 50306000-02075-65206000-02075-80201"1"1"12 lbs. 6-15"12 lbs. 6-15"12 lbs. 6-15"Extremely high efficiency unequaledpropulsion, the narrow jet incidence of 7ºguarantees tremendous hauling of depositsfrom sewer lines in mountainous terrainusing “Optimized 3D Hydro Mechanics.” Ceramic Insert, Stnd. 8 - 7º Rear Jets 3 Year Warranty6800.837.9711 s
Small Flying NozzlePipe Wolf IISame as Large FlyingNozzle, except for smallerpipes.Unique turbine driven cuttercan reach 6,000 rpm.Extremely efficient on totalobstructions caused by roots,silt, grease, etc. Succeedswhere hydrodynamic toolfails. No lubricationneeded. 8 - 7º Rear Jets Ceramic Insert, Stnd. 3 Year Warranty Stainless Steel Inserts, Stnd. 1 Year WarrantyPart No. gpm/psiHoseConnectionWeightPipeDiameterPart No. 76-65206000-02076-80201"1"1"5 lbs.5 lbs.5 000-02074-80201"1"1"5 lbs.5 lbs.5 lbs.Standard Nozzle Wear-resistant Material Light and Maneuverable Inexpensive, Yet Highly Efficient 4-15º Spray Pattern 4-25º Spray PatternForward JetPart No. 50306000-02015-65206000-02015-80201"1"1"1 lbs.1 lbs.1 lbs.6-10"6-10"6-10"Nozzle Starter KitKIT INCLUDES 1 EACH OF: Grenade Nozzle Chisel Nozzle Rotor Nozzle Ultimate Chisel Nozzle Small Flying Nozzle Pipe Wolf Nozzle Nozzle CasePart No. zzle Kit - 65 GPMNozzle Kit - 80 GPM800.837.9711 s superproductsllc.com7
Dredger Nozzle6 JETSPart No. 65206000-02047-80201"1"25 lbs. 8-20"25 lbs. 8-20"8 JETSPart No. 48-80201"1"29 lbs. 10-24"29 lbs. 10-24"10 JETSPart No. 18-80201"1"53 lbs. 12-40"53 lbs. 12-40"14 JETSPart No. gpm/psiHoseConnectionWeight6000-02049-80201"62 lbs. 20" and upPart No. DiameterPipeDiameterPipeDiameterFor removal of heavy solids, silt, sand andsludge at the bottom of a pipe. For use in pipe8" and up, with the jets at 5º to 20º angles.Comes with “Optimized 3D HydroMechanics.” Ceramic Inserts, Stnd. 3 Year WarrantyTurbo IIACCESSORIES FOR TURBO CHAIN CUTTERSPart No.The chain retainer is driven by a highperformance turbine; thus achieving maximumresults in the removal of roots, grease andmineral deposits from sewer lines. The chainsare not rigid and do not damage the pipes.6000-020866" Guide Skid for Turbo I6000-020878" Guide Skid for Turbo II6000-020886" Chain Retainer for Turbo II6000-020898" Chain Retainer for Turbo II6000-020906 ft Replacement Chain Replacement Chain Turbo I & II sold in 6' only.(Part #6000-02022) 1 Year Warranty8Description800.837.9711 s
Turbo II w/ Flexible SkidBlack BlasterYou canswitchfromsmallersize tolargersizes inless than 5 minutes. It uses the same high RPMturbine and chain as the fixed skid turbo retainers.Low maintenance, no lubrication required. 1 Year WarrantyThe inexpensive, yethighly efficient allaround sewercleaning nozzlecomes with orwithout guide skids6"/8" and 10"/15" sewer lines. The optimized hydromechanics in the nozzle chamber in conjunctionwith 18 angle of jet incidence offer an impressivetraction and cleaning efficiency. Stainless Steel Inserts, Stnd. 1 Year WarrantyPart No. gpm/psiHoseConnectionPipeDiameterPart zzleGuide SkidGuide Skid6"-15"8" - 20"6" & 8"10" & 12"Turbo III w/Flexible SkidBlack StarThe Black Star nozzle is anexcellent choice at affordablepricing for general sewercleaning. The optimizedhydro mechanics in the nozzlechamber and the nozzleinserts with 5 each 15 /25 angle of jet incidenceprovides tremendous tractionand cleaning efficiency. Stainless Steel Inserts, Stnd. 1 Year WarrantyYou can switch fromsmaller size to largersizes in less than 5minutes. It uses thesame high RPMturbine and chain asthe fixed skid turboretainers. Lowmaintenance, nolubrication required. 1 Year WarrantyPart No.PipeDiameterPart 07-65206000-02207-8020NozzleNozzle6" - 15"8" - 20"PrimusThe Primus is operated by water coming from a pressurized hose. No lubricationneeded for low maintenance and operator ease of use. For potable or reclaimedwater with flow rates of 18 gpm – 80 gpm, for 6" to 20" pipes, and operatingpressures of 2000 – 3600 PSI Max. 1 Year WarrantyPart No. 06000-02270-65206000-02270-80201/2"3/4"1"1"(60 GPM)(80 GPM)800.837.9711 s superproductsllc.com9
Milling CuttersCapable of removing the toughest deposits such as: hard grease, concrete,and scale of all kinds, even tuberculation in cast iron pipes. Protrudingtabs will be cut gently without damaging the line. Milling cutter head canbe removed and replaced with a chain retainer or twister head for theremoval of roots and hardened grease. No lubrication required; Sizes 4"20" sewer lines available! 6" Milling cutter conversion kit available (Part #6000-02020) 1 Year WarrantyPart No. 50306000-02019-65206000-02019-80201"1"1"34 lbs. 4-20"34 lbs. 4-20"34 lbs. 4-20"All our Turbo Chain Cutters, Milling Cutters, Rotor Nozzles, including Pipe Wolf, etc. donot require lubrication, which is an important advantage over other brands.Furthermore, only our nozzles are offered with “Optimized 3D Hydro Mechanics” in ourGrand Slam, Super Slam, Superior Penetrator, Cleaning, Flying, and Dredger nozzles.Sewer CameraThe 1100’s ergonomic design reflects the need fora small, lightweight and rugged unit that will meeta variety of inspection requirements and features: 10.4" LCD screen for easy viewing. Extra brightscreen features a protective screen overlay withanti-reflective coating. Color camera for 2.5-6" pipes 150ft pushrod standard Built in powerful 512Hz Sonde. Optional locatorprovides depth measurements up to 12 feet. On-screen distance counter NiMH rechargeable battery provides up to 4 hoursof operation Integrated VCR with protective door forvideo/audio recording and playback Portable: Handle extends for easy transport Keypad provides complete control of the unit. Integrated microphone and speakersIndluded Accessories: Accessory Bag 3-4" Skid 110v AC Power Cord10 12 Volt Car Adapter VCR RemoteSPECIFICATIONS:System:Dimensions . . . . . 18" x 20" x 15"Weight . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 lbs (100ft). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 lbs (150ft). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 lbs (200ft). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 lbs (300ft)Control Unit:Dimensions . . . . . . 12" x 16" x 7"Monitor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.4" LCDPower . . . . . . . . . . . . AC/DC/BatteryCamera:Size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.5" Dia.Sensitivity . . . . . . . . . . 1 lux @ F1.2Lens . . . . . Sapphier with/auto irisLight . . . . . . . . . . LED (replaceable)Construction . . . . . Stainless SteelConnector . . Gold Plated SlipringSonde:Frequency. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 512HzIntelligent Battery System:Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NiMHRunning Time . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 hours800.837.9711 s superproductsllc.comOptional Accessories: Locator for 512 Hz Sonde 4-6" Skid 100, 200, 300 ft. interchangeable reel Sunshade Debris bag for reel Command module extension cable forremote reel operation.
Root Cutter KitHeavy-dutyPart No.Root Cutterwith sled-type 3000-00445skids andItems Included in Kitstorage box.DescriptionWeightRoot Cutter Kit80 lbs.QuantityRoot Cutter Motor1Saws3Skids3Instructions and metal toolbox included.Part No.DescriptionWeight6000-01595Root Cutter Motor Only 18 lbs.Root Cutter Blades & Chuck AssemblyReplacement bladespackaged in sets of three.Chuck is purchasedseparately.CHUCK ASSEMBLYPart No.Weight3000-010772.5 lbs.SPRING STEEL BLADESPart 8"0.75 lbs.1.0 lbs.1.30 lbs.1.40 lbs.1.65 lbs.1.95 lbs.2.10 lbs.Part 4533000-004543000-004554"6"8"10"12"15"1.8 lbs2.0 lbs.3.0 lbs.3.6 lbs.4.5 lbs.6.5 lbs.Root Cutter Saw BladeComes with chuck attachedto saw blade.800.837.9711 s superproductsllc.com11
CAUTIONSEWER HOSE AND HOSE REPAIR FITTINGS:Sewer hose, repair fittings and tools are manufactured toNational Solid Wastes Management Association (NSWMA)and/or Waste Equipment Technology Association(WASTEC – formerly WEMI) standards and specifications.To protect against PERSONAL INJURY or DEATH,inspect and repair the sewer hose only per these industryrecognized standards.Complete information regarding these standards is availableeither in your operator’s manual or by contacting SuperProducts, your Super Products Distributor or findWASTEC’s ANSI Z245 standards at HoseManufactured to strict standards for sewer cleaning, with male endsincluded. Only use approved menders, fittings and tools as published byNSWMA. Sewer hose is color coded by the manufacturer to identifyoperating pressures. The inner tube color identified the manufacturer andthe outer jacket color the working pressure. Available in 400', 500', 600'and 800'. When ordering, please supply hose length in the digits shownwith an “X”. Specify length in FEET ONLY. Maximum 1000 ft. per roll.Example: 400 feet Part No. 3675-40000. If a 1000 foot roll is desired,use 99999 for the last five digits. Yellow Inner Tube Piranha * Blue Inner Tube Aeroquip ** Grey Inner Tube Parker/Dayco *Piranha is a registered trademark of DSMEngineering Plastic Products Corp. **Aeroquip isa registered trademark of Trinova Corp. Weight Per Foot: 1/2" - 0.19 lbs 3/4" - .028 lbs 1" - 0.38 lbs 1-1/4" - 0.40 lbsPressure Rating: 2500 PSI 17240 KPa / 173 Bars Working6250 PSI 43100 KPa / 431 Bars BurstPressure Rating: 4000 PSI 27584 KPa / 276 Bars Working9000 PSI 82752 KPa / 828 Bars BurstPart No.DiameterInner TubePart No.DiameterInner eyGreyOrangeOuterJacketARMOR BELT HOSEPart No.DiameterInner erJacketPressure Rating: 3000 PSI 20688 KPa / 207 Bars Working7500 PSI 51720 KPa / 518 Bars Burst12Part No.DiameterInner 11 s
Swage Tool KitsHydraulic(pictured)Comes with two sets of dies,end pusher, fitting lube, jackhandle, one male end, andone mender fitting. All partscomply with NSWMAStandards.Mechanical Horizontal (not pictured)Comes with two sets of dies,end pusher, fitting lube, onemale end, and one menderfitting. All parts complywith NSWMA Standards.Specify diameter and hose manufacturer when ordering. Forhose diameter: 5/8" 15.8mm 3/4" 19.0mm 1.0" 25.4mmHydraulicPart No.Weight3000-0233965 lbs.Specify diameter and hose manufacturer when ordering.Impact wrench or other power source required.Mechanical-HorizontalPart No.KitWeight3000-0233645 lbs.Without WrenchesSame as the above except two long handled wrenches areincluded. Wrenches can be purchased separately. Specifydiameter and hose manufacturer when ordering.Mechanical-HorizontalPart No.KitWeight3000-023373000-0233847 lbs.2 lbs.With WrenchesWrenches OnlySwage Dies & PushersAll parts comply withNSWMA Standards.You must followNSWMA Standardswhen ordering orinstalling any parts torepair your sewer hose.Piranha *Part No.Aeroquip **Part 3123000-023133000-02314Piranha *Part No.Aeroquip **Part 3153000-023163000-02317SWAGE DIES (2 Pieces)Parker-Dayco Part No.3000-023243000-023253000-02326PUSHER (1 Piece)Parker-Dayco Part No.3000-023273000-023283000-02329DiameterFor Hose0.50"0.75"1.0"1.25"DiameterFor Hose0.50"0.75"1.0"1.25"Weight2.5 lbs.2.0 lbs.1.8 lbs.Weight2.5 lbs.2.2 lbs.2.0 lbs.Male Hose End & MenderAll partscomply withNSWMAStandards.You mustfollowNSWMAStandardswhen orderingor installingany parts torepair yoursewer hose.MALE HOSE ENDSParker-Dayco Part No.Piranha *Part No.Aeroquip **Part 332Piranha *Part No.Aeroquip **Part No.MENDERParker-Dayco Part 335800.837.9711 s superproductsllc.comDiameterFor Hose0.50"0.75"1.0"1.25"DiameterFor Hose0.50"0.75"1.0"1.25"Weight0.3 lbs.0.5 lbs.0.7 lbs.Weight0.3 lbs.0.5 lbs.0.7 lbs.13
Leader HoseProvides an easilyreplaceable andflexible section atthe end of yoursewer hose wheremaximum wearoccurs. Hose has arubber outer coverwith wirereinforcement, afemale swivel joint on one end and male pipe threadson the other. Meets NSWMA standards.Sewer Hose Guide (Tiger Tail)Part No.Hose 0'10'20'25'10'20'10'20'12 lbs.24 lbs.10 lbs.20 lbs.25 lbs.7.5 lbs.15 lbs.6 lbs.12 lbs.Sewer Hose WiperFor protectingsewer hose intopipes, laterals,or aroundcorners.Smooth borehose with cuffsand polyethylenerope. Measurement shown is for inside diameter ofhose.Part No.DiameterRopeLengthWeight3000-026013.0"25'6 lbs.Wipes excesswater andgrease fromsewer hose, sothat it does notdrip onto you orthe truck.Part Diameter Weight1.0"1.25"2.6 lbs.3.0 lbs.Rubber Scraper InsertsUpper Roller ShoeLower Roller GuideSteel frame withnylon rollers forguiding sewerPHOTO NOThose down aAVAILABLEmanhole withoutkinking ordamaging hose.Works withhoses from 5/8" diameter to 1-1/4" diameter.Steel frame with nylon rollersfor guiding sewer hose intopipes. Protects the hose frombeing cut or kinked whenmaking the bend up the sewerline. Handgrips and extensionsincluded. Three piece pipeextensions, overall length is 16'(4.8m). Works with hosesfrom 5/8" diameter to 1-1/4" diameter.Part No.WeightPart No.Weight9410-0000112 lbs.3000-0222645 lbs.800.837.9711 s
Manhole Safety ScreenAdvantages and Features: Effectively seals the manhole against contaminated sewer mistand odors. Weighs less than 20 lbs. making it easy to carry and use. 1/2" thick polycarbonate window allows technicians to seeinside manhole. Adds a measure of protection from falling accidents (can holdup to 300 lbs) Sized to fit most manholes / 23.5 OD Creates a safer, cleaner and happier work environment. Prevents objects from falling into sewer.Designed to protect technicians fromcontaminants. Effectively seals the manholeagainst contaminated sewer mist and odors.Sized to fit most manholes.Part No.Description6000-02059Manhole Safety ScreenSuper Dig TubePothole, trench and hydroexcavate with your Camel orother combination machine.Special Features: Easy one man operationhandle Up to 28" Hg Up to 80 GPM water flow800.837.9711 s superproductsllc.comPart 4399410-014404"6"8" (M)8" (M)8" (F)60.8 lbs.78.6 lbs.78.6 lbs.78.6 lbs.15
Handgun with Extension & NozzlePart No.Description9000-00654-00019010-00424without hose8 lbs.with quick disconnect, 18 lbs.35' x 0.5" hose,adjustable tip.with 35' x 0.5" hose 18 lbs.and adjustable tip9000-00654-0002Attaches to water source.Used for wash-downapplications. Rated at2000 psi (13792KPa /138Bars) with adeadman’s trigger.Handgun HoseWeightPart No.Description6000-011656000-01166Female Quick Disconnect 1/2"Male Quick Disconnect 1/2"Part No.Description6000-006846000-00685Female Coupler Quick Disconnect 1/2"Male Coupler Quick Disconnect 1/2"Part No.Description6000-01875Adjustable Nozzle (new)Part No.Description3000-00338Straight NozzleHydro-X HandgunHeavy-duty hosewith a rubber outercover and wire braidreinforcement. With0.50" Male N.P.T.ends included. Ratedat 2300 psi. 3,000psi Rating16Part 0120125'35'100'150'8 lbs.10 lbs.28 lbs.40 lbs.Part 02306000-019143100-011719010-00797Hydro Excavation Hand Gun (Mud Dog)Hydro Excavation Hand Gun (Camel)Nozzle, GreenOrifice 10.6 GPM @ 3000 PSI (Mud Dog)Orifice 20 GPM @ 2000 PSI (Camel)Extension - 5'800.837.9711 s
Retractable Hose ReelLateral Cleaning Kit - PortableSpring loaded hosereel with a live watercenter. Holds up to50' of 0.50" hose.Includes: Dolly, 150' of0.50" hose and 0.50"nozzle. Reel has a livewater center and shut offvalve. 2,000psiPart No.DescriptionWeight6000-013157310-01991Hose ReelRotary Elbow45 lbs.Part No.HoseLengthWeight9450-00208150'75 lbs.Breakdown of Kit:Part se OnlyRotary Elbow (al
Mobil DTE AA Mobil DTE BB Mobil DTE 18M Exxon NUTO 320 Exxon Teresstic 220 Shell Turbo-T 100 CITGO Pacemaker 320 CITGO Pacemaker 220 Exxon NUTO 100 Texaco Regal R & O 320 Texaco Regal R & O 220 CITGO Pacemaker 100 Roots Synthetic Lubricant 320 Roots Synthetic Lubricant 22
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Both SAS SUPER 100 and SAS SUPER 180 are identified by the “SAS SUPER” logo on the right side of the instrument. The SAS SUPER 180 air sampler is recognizable by the SAS SUPER 180 logo that appears on the display when the operator turns on the unit. Rev. 9 Pg. 7File Size: 1MBPage Count: 40Explore furtherOperating Instructions for the SAS Super 180www.usmslab.comOPERATING INSTRUCTIONS AND MAINTENANCE MANUALassetcloud.roccommerce.netAir samplers, SAS Super DUO 360 VWRuk.vwr.comMAS-100 NT Manual PDF Calibration Microsoft“SAS SUPER 100/180”, “DUO SAS SUPER 360”, “SAS .archive-resources.coleparmer Recommended to you b
A-61403 January 2017 3 General Consumables for ALL Kodak Scanners The consumables listed below are for use with all Kodak Scanners except as noted. Please see individual scanners for consumables and accessories specific to your model.
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Both SAS SUPER 100 and SAS SUPER 180 are identified by the “SAS SUPER 100” logo on the right side of the instrument. International pbi S.p.AIn « Sas Super 100/180, Duo Sas 360, Sas Isolator » September 2006 Rev. 5 8 The SAS SUPER 180 air sampler is recognisable by the SAS SUPER 180 logo that appears on the display when the .File Size: 1019KB
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